cover of episode 07/06 TOP NEWS | 在沪外企助力上海发展/探营世界人工智能大会/地球史上“最热一天”

07/06 TOP NEWS | 在沪外企助力上海发展/探营世界人工智能大会/地球史上“最热一天”

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NEWS ON 0**7/05** *1.FOREIGN COMPANIES CONTRIBUTE 25% TO SHANGHAIS GDP 外资企业在沪**“加仓”  助力上海高质量发展 2.WORLD AI CONFERENCE BEGINS TOMORROW 探营世界人工智能大会多项人工智能新成果首发 3.JULY 3RD WAS THE HOTTEST DAY IN RECORDED HISTORY 7月**3日成为全球有记录以来“最热一天” ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.FOREIGN COMPANIES CONTRIBUTE 25% TO SHANGHAIS GDP 外资企业在沪*“加仓”  助力上海高质量发展 The number of foreign-invested companies in Shanghai has reached 70,000 and they contribute nearly 25 percent of the city’s gross domestic product. Some plan to invest more in the city. Lei Shuran has more. 在沪的外资企业已达到7万家,贡献了上海市近25%的国内生产总值。一些企业计划进一步增加在沪投资。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 The third phase of BASF’s innovation park opened recently, making it the German chemical giant’s biggest R&D base in the Asia-Pacific region. Researchers have developed *polymer【聚合物recycling technology in its process engineering laboratory.And in its special material laboratory, researchers develop new materials for new energy vehicles. 最近,德国化学巨头巴斯夫上海创新园三期落成启用,该园区是巴斯夫在亚太地区最大的研发基地。巴斯夫研发人员在工艺工程实验室里开发了聚合物回收技术,而在特性材料实验室里,研发人员将开发新能源汽车的创新材料。 Lou Jianfeng, Chairman & President of BASF China 楼剑锋 巴斯夫中国董事长兼总裁 “中国市场已经是(占我们)全球(市场)的半壁江山了。坚定不移地在中国加强投资不仅仅是产能建设,还有创新,把研究成果产业化,这也是我们不断投资中国、投资创新的初衷。” “The Chinese market plays an important role in our company’s global market. We will improve the investment in China consistently, not only our production capacity, but also in realizing research results. This was our original intention for investing in China.” German optics manufacturer Zeiss has rented a building that is still under construction across from its Chinaheadquarters in Waigaoqiao. The company said it rented the land in advance, and will use it for research and development, as well as service management. The industry park where the company is located is now home to 160 companies including those from the United States and Japan. 德国光学制造商蔡司在其中国总部外高桥租赁了一栋尚未竣工的建筑物。该公司表示,他们提前租赁了这块土地,计划将其用于研发和服务管理。该公司所在的工业园区现已有来自美国、日本等国的160家企业。 In the first five months of this year, another 2,000 foreign-invested companies set up in Shanghai. The actual utilized foreign investment volume exceeded 11.1 billion US dollars in the period, up 17 percent compared to the same period last year. Foreign companies in Shanghai contribute one third of tax revenue and two thirds of total foreign trade. 今年前五个月,上海又新设2000家外资企业。前五个月实际使用外资金额超过111亿美元,比去年同期增长了17%。在沪外资企业贡献了上海市三分之一的税收收入和三分之二的外贸总额。 2.WORLD AI CONFERENCE BEGINS TOMORROW 探营世界人工智能大会多项人工智能新成果首发 The World Artificial Intelligence Conferen ceconvenestomorrow, this year’s event will bring together more than 30 domestic and overseas developers. Sun Siqi takes a look. 2023世界人工智能大会将于7月6日开幕,今年的会展将汇集30多个国内外开发团队。本台记者孙思奇带来详细报道。 This AI model analyzes a basketball player’s moves in real time: The cameras capture the players’ performance, and the algorithms work out the stats. 这台人工智能模型可以实时分析篮球运动员的动作:摄像头捕捉球员的表现,算法计算出统计数据。 Wang Zhaohui, Intelligent Sports Director of SenseTime 王照辉 商汤科技智慧体育项目总监 “包括每个人的技术统计,比如投篮命中率、跑动速度、跑动距离,都可以做展示。现在用的解析其实是靠大模型的算力,远程来支持这套系统的。” “At the end of the game, it generates a montage for your performance. On the side, there's their stats like scoring Percentage, distance covered, and speed. The analysis is remotely connected to our computational power center backstage.” At the booths, you’d find scores of AI models that generate text or graphic designs, and behind all of these models are the firms that develop the algorithms for the systems. 在展台上,你会发现大量能够生成文本或图形设计的人工智能模型,而这些模型背后是开发系统算法的公司。 Ming Qingyong, Senior Engineer of Enflame 明庆勇燧原科技产品高级主管工程师 “比如说,我们针对上万张、或者几千万张、几亿张图片,我们通过软件站以及硬件基础可以训练出这些图片的规律,可以得到它的一些特征出来,这个特征就被提炼成为模型。” “Our AI trainer studies up to hundreds of millions of photos. It studies their commonalities【共性, and that becomes the basis of a model.” And the drones are getting stronger and smarter- this logistics drone plans its route with AI, and can fly safely in minus 20 to 50 degrees, at night or in moderate rain or snow. A real example of a possible future for urban logistics. 无人机正变得更加强大和智能——这种物流无人机使用人工智能规划路线,可以在零下20到50摄氏度的恶劣环境中安全飞行,无论是夜间还是在中等雨雪天气。这是未来城市物流可能性的一大实例。 Chen Tianjian, Drone System Engineer** of Meituan 陈天健 美团无人机系统架构师 “‘肌肉’方面,它的配送半径从3.7公升级到了5公里。在‘大脑’方面,它首次具备了全像的感知能力,可以让无人机分辨周围的障碍物,进行非常智能的避障操作。” “Its operational radius has grown from 3.7 to 5 kilometers. In terms of its brain, the drone has obtained full vision for the first time. It's much more intelligent and is better at avoiding obstacles.” Getting lost in the metaverse? Experience its link to the physical world at this AR enabled coffee stand. 迷失在元宇宙了?一起在这个支持AR技术的咖啡摊位上体验元宇宙与现实世界的联系吧。 Li Yang, Business Director of Sight Plus 李阳视辰信息科技(上海)有限公司商务总监 “通过佩戴AR眼镜做一个手势,或手柄的“元宇宙”点咖啡,点好以后会有一杯咖啡通过机器人自动送到用户的手中。” “Put on the AR goggles, place an order with the console【控制台, and a real cup of coffee will be delivered right to you by our robot.” This is the 5th time the World AI Conference has convened. More than 200 deals worth a combined 70 billion yuan were signed at past years' events. Between 2018 and 2022, the number of large AI enterprises in Shanghai has grown from 183 to over 340. Their output value grew from 134 billion to more than 380 billion yuan. 这已是第五届世界人工智能大会。在过去几届的活动中,签署交易超200项,总价值达700亿人民币。在2018年至2022年期间,上海的大型人工智能企业数量从183家增长到超过340家,产值从1340亿元增长到超过3800亿元。 3**.JULY 3RD WAS THE HOTTEST DAY IN RECORDED HISTORY 73*日成为全球有记录以来“最热一天”* According to data from the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Monday, July 3rd, was the hottest day ever recorded. 根据美国国家环境预报中心的数据,7月3日星期一成为有记录以来最炎热的一天。 The average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius, surpassing the August 2016 record of 16.92 degrees as intense heat-waves are being felt around the world. The south-western U.S. has been suffering from intense heat the last couple of weeks. Temperatures reached 46.7 degrees in Phoenix, Arizona on Monday, the city's hottest day so far this year. Areas in North Africa are also experiencing powerful heat-waves with temperatures of just under 50 degrees. The World Meteorological Organization said on Tuesday that temperatures are expected to soar【猛涨 across large parts of the world due to the return of the EL Nino weather in the tropical regions of the Pacific ocean. 7月3日全球平均气温达到了17.01摄氏度,刷新了2016年8月的16.92摄氏度的纪录,全球范围内都感受到了异常炎热的热浪。美国西南部在过去几周持续受高温炙烤。周一,亚利桑那州凤凰城的气温达到了46.7摄氏度,是该城市今年截至目前最热的一天。北非地区也正在经历持续高温,气温接近50摄氏度。世界气象组织周二表示,由于太平洋热带地区今年再度出现厄尔尼诺现象,预计全球大部分地区的温度将会飙升。 #热词加油站 polymer/ˈpɑːlɪmər/【聚合物 commonality/ˌkɑːmənˈæləti/【共性 console/kənˈsoʊl/【控制台 soar/sɔː(r)/****【猛涨 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~