NEWS ON 07/05 1.MORE LONG-DISTANCE BUS ROUTES NOWAVAILABLE 客运站恢复运营 2.SHANGHAI ECONOMIC DIRECTOR SPEAKS ONEVs AND METAVERSE PROJECTS 多项市民购车补贴出台 3.6 KILLED IN MASS SHOOTING AT JULY 4thPARADE NEAR CHICAGO "独立日"枪声四起伊利诺伊州6人死亡 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.MORE LONG-DISTANCE BUS ROUTES NOWAVAILABLE 客运站恢复运营 Long-distance bus stations are reopened. A72-hour valid PCR test result is required to enter and take a bus. Zhang Yuehas more. 上海长途客运站陆续恢复运营。为落实好疫情防控,车站方面要求旅客持72小时核酸阴性证明进站乘车。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 At East Long-Distance Bus Station inPudong, passengers were waiting for a bus heading to Zhoushan City, ZhejiangProvince. In addition to virus protocols at other public venues, everyone isrequired to scan their ticket or ID to enter. The station was closed for twomonths due to the city lockdown. 上海长途客运东站内,乘客们正在等待首班前往浙江舟山的班车发车。为落实好疫情防控,车站方面要求旅客信息齐全,凭票证扫码进场。停运了近两个月的上海长途客运东站恢复运营。 Sun Weixin, Assistant Director/EastLong-Distance Bus Station 上海长途客运东站站长助理 孙伟鑫 Passengers are required to scan the venuecode of both the bus terminal and the one on the bus after they board. Tworoutes are available starting today, one heading to Zhoushan City, and theother to Yingshan County in Hubei Province. We will gradually resume otherroutes depending on the pandemic.进站的时候是扫我们东站的场所码,最后检票的时候上车要扫车上的一个场所码。我们今天7月5号东站是开了两班,一班是湖北英山,一班是浙江的普陀。后续我们会根据当地的一些疫情情况,逐步先恢复一些热门外线 Jiading Long-Distance Bus Station now hasone bus per day departing to Fugou County in Henan Province. 此外,嘉定长途客运站也从今天(7/5)起逐步恢复运营。目前,仅开通嘉定至河南扶沟的一条班线,每日一班。 Passenger 李女士 乘客 I haven’t had a chance to go back home inthe past few months. Today I am finally able to return home to see my family.前段时间因为疫情回不去,今天长途汽车开了,很长时间没回家了,想回家看看。 Jiading Long-Distance Bus Station saidbuses to Chongqing will be available starting this weekend. Shanghai trafficauthorities said passengers are required to wear a mask at all times during thetrip. Bus station workers will check the disinfection log【消杀记录】 of each bus to ensure pandemic regulations are being followed. 嘉定长途客运站表示,预计到本月的9号,还将开通一条至重庆彭水的班线。为落实常态化疫情防控要求,乘客候车和乘车全程需正确佩戴口罩。车站方面也会检查长途班车的日常消杀记录,并督促班车司机落实好乘客扫车辆场所码上车的防疫规定。 2.SHANGHAI ECONOMIC DIRECTOR SPEAKS ONEVs AND METAVERSE PROJECTS 多项市民购车补贴出台 This year’s radio interview seriesfeaturing city officials started yesterday. The Director of the ShanghaiCommission of Economy was on today, and spoke about promotions on car purchaseand the city’s plans to develop the** metaverse****【元宇宙】 sector. Here’s Sun Siqi with more "2022民生访谈"系列节目于昨日(7/4)拉开帷幕。今天,市经信委主任吴金城做客"2022民生访谈"直播间,就新能源汽车购置优惠、元宇宙新赛道培育等话题,与市民进行充分交流。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。 Following June’s national vehicle tax****【汽车购置税】** cut, city and district governments as well as individual automakershave launched their own promotions. Director Wu Jincheng said it’s a greatopportunity for families interested in buying a new car, as they can savebetween 20,000 and 40,000 yuan on a 200,000-yuan vehicle. He said in the nearfuture, people will be able to apply for a new** license plate****【车牌】** through a fast track in the Suishenban app, and can get theirplates in as little as 7 days. In terms of the new energy vehicle industry, Wusaid Shanghai produced 420,000 EVs in the first half of this year, rankingfirst among Chinese cities and up 30 percent year-on-year. To date more than750,000 EVs were sold in Shanghai. Director Wu added that the city is planningto write a new law in Pudong on intelligent vehicle RD. Full open road tests inJiading and Lingang could be authorized as early as the end of this year. 六月国家出台汽车购置税减政策后,从国家到市到区,再到企业,都推出了一系列汽车促消费举措。访谈中,吴金城透露,接下来几个月,正是买车的好时机,比如,买一辆20万元的新车,有2到4万元的补贴大礼包。市经信委还会通过"一网通办"加速办理牌照申领,最快7个工作日可以上牌。今年上半年,上海新能源汽车产量达42万辆,同比增长30%左右,年产量在全国城市中排名第一;新能源汽车累计推广量75.6万辆。而为了推进智能网联汽车发展,上海计划在今年年底实现嘉定、临港全域道路开放测试。 Wu Jincheng, Director/ShanghaiCommission of Economy 吴金城 市经信委主任 Intelligent and new-energy vehicles is anew sector in the city’s plan for an intelligent economy. Our goal is forannual production volume to exceed 1.2 million EVs and for industry value toreach 350 billion yuan by 2025.智能网联汽车新能源汽车是我们布局智能终端的新赛道。我们目标到2025年新能源汽车的产量120万辆以上,产值可以达到3500亿元。 The city also plans to speed up developmentfor other sectors, including carbon reduction【绿色低碳】, the digital economy and the metaverse, -where the city will notonly be focusing on gaming and entertainment. 吴金城还表示,上海在"3+6"新型产业体系基础上,将加快布局元宇宙、绿色低碳、智能终端、数字经济四个"新赛道"。 Wu Jincheng, Director/ShanghaiCommission of Economy 吴金城 市经信委主任 We have a specific action plan that willpush forth the metaverse concept in 15 different sectors including cultureentertainment, manufacturing, education and healthcare.我们制定了元宇宙的行动方案,主要是在文旅、制造、教育、医疗等15个方面,也推出了2大特色产业园区,我们也希望很多创业者年轻人能够加入我们,加入元宇宙的新赛道。 Metaverse-related industrial parks havealready opened, thanks to support policies have been launched forsmall-to-medium enterprises specializing in emerging technologies. 此外,由于专精新兴技术的中小企业的支持政策的启动,元宇宙特色产业园区也已经开放。 3.6 KILLED IN MASS SHOOTING AT JULY 4thPARADE NEAR CHICAGO "独立日"枪声四起伊利诺伊州6人死亡 Independence Day celebrations in the UnitedStates were marred by a shooting at a parade【游行】 in the Mid-western city of Highland Park in the state of Illinoisyesterday. It left at least six people dead and 31 injured. A gunman suspectedof causing the carnage【屠杀】 was arrested. Sun Siqi hasthe story. 7月4日,在美国伊利诺伊州,庆祝"独立日"的游行队伍正行经至海兰帕克市的中央大街时,枪声突然响起。枪击事件造成6人死亡,31人受伤。警方随后逮捕嫌疑人。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。 Gunfire broke out in the city of HighlandPark, Illinois just 10 minutes after the parade began at around 10am yesterday,and people ran for cover. 4日上午10 点左右,游行开始仅 10 分钟后,伊利诺伊州高地公园市突然有枪声响起,人们惊叫着四散奔逃,寻找掩护。 Witness of the Shooting 目击者 I remember hearing shootings and goinglike...and then reloading and then again, and people screaming and running. Itwas just really traumatizing and scary.我听到了枪声突突突的声音,然后枪手装子弹,枪声再起。大家都在尖叫奔跑,真的非常吓人,给我带来很大的精神创伤。 Five adults were killed at the scene, aswell as a sixth victim who died in a nearby hospital. Police said 22-year-oldRobert Crimo III was taken into custody last night after an hourslong manhunt.The suspect is believed to have shot into a crowd of people watching the paradefrom the rooftop of a nearby shop. The police gave no indication of what themotive for the shootings might have been, and no formal charges had been filedso far. 枪击事件造成5人当场死亡,1人不治身亡。经过数小时的搜捕,警方随后逮捕嫌疑人22岁的白人男子罗伯特·克里莫。据信,嫌疑人在附近一家商店的屋顶上向观看游行的人群开枪。警方没有说明作案动机,也没有提出正式指控。 Witness 克里莫被捕目击者 He said nothing. He had a very smug look.He was... seemed to be very calm, cool and collective and which is just bizarre【奇怪的】. 他什么都没有说,看起来一点也不怕。他看起来很镇定,这很奇怪。 Multiple northern Chicago suburbs canceledtheir Fourth of July events following the mass shooting. U.S. President JoeBiden called for a moment of silence amid indigence day celebrations. He alsohighlighted gun safety and unity over division. 事发后,海兰帕克市及周边地区原定于当天举行的"独立日"庆祝活动均被取消。当天下午,美国总统拜登在白宫出席"独立日"活动时,为枪击案受难者默哀,并再次呼吁美国民众团结起来,共同应对美国枪支暴力问题。 Joe Biden, US President 拜登 美国总统 Before I left for Europe, I signed a law.The first real gun safety law in 30 years. And things will get better still,but not without more hard work together.我在出发去欧洲前签署了30年来的第一部真正的枪支安全法案。情况会好转,但还有许多工作要做。 In Pennsylvania, as thousands of peoplecelebrated a concert and fireworks show in Philadelphia, two police officerswere shot near the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Both officers were released fromhospital after suffering non-life threatening injuries. 宾夕法尼亚州费城的庆祝音乐会和烟花表演上也发生了一起枪击事件。现场有两名警察中枪受伤,其中一人头部擦伤,一人手臂受伤,目前两人均已出院。 #热词加油站 the disinfection log【消杀记录】 metaverse [metæ'vɜːs]【元宇宙】 vehicle tax【汽车购置税】 license plate【车牌】 carbon reduction【绿色低碳】 parade [pəˈreɪd]【游行】 carnage [ˈkɑːnɪdʒ]【屠杀】 bizarre [bɪˈzɑː(r)]【奇怪的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~