cover of episode 07/05 TOP OF THE DAY 七一勋章吕其明/中国对外新冠疫苗供应 全球第一/福岛污水处置

07/05 TOP OF THE DAY 七一勋章吕其明/中国对外新冠疫苗供应 全球第一/福岛污水处置

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NEWSON 07/05 1.COMPOSER DEDICATES HIS MUSIC TO EVERYONE 七一勋章获得者吕其明:将音乐献给每一个人 2.CHINA HAS PROVIDED 480 MLN VACCINES TO 100 COUNTRIES TOP1!中国已向国际社会供应4.8亿余剂新冠疫苗 3. IAEA INVITES CHINA TO JOIN FUKUSHIMA TECHNICAL TEAM 不得擅自排污!中国专家获邀参加福岛污水处置工作组 **-----------------**记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- **1.    **COMPOSER DEDICATES HIS MUSIC TO EVERYONE 七一勋章获得者吕其明:将音乐献给每一个人 Local composer Lv Qiming was awarded the July 1 Medal, the highest honor within the CPC. The 91-year-old has composed many classic symphonic pieces including "Ode【颂歌】to the Red Flag". He says his music is for everyone and that life is what has inspired him over the decades. Zhang Yue tells us more about Lv’s life.  上海作曲家吕其明为中国共产党党内最高荣誉"七一勋章"的获得者。这位91岁的作曲家创作了《红旗颂》等诸多经典交响乐曲。他表示,他的音乐作品是献给每个人的,而他所经历的一切也成为了他过去几十年的灵感来源。更多有关吕其明的生平介绍,请听张乐分享。 Born in 1930, Lv joined the New Fourth Army at the age of 10 with his father. When he was 15, he became a CPC member. In 1949, Lv joined the Shanghai Film Studio to work on film soundtracks. 1930年出生的吕其明,10岁那年跟随父亲参加新四军,15岁加入中国共产党。1949年,有着艺术特长的他,随解放军进上海,转业至上海电影制片厂,干起了为电影作曲的工作。 INTERVIEW: Lv Qiming, Composer, July 1 Medal Recipient 吕其明,作曲家、“七一勋章”获得者 I used to play violin, er’hu and the bamboo flute. It was so hard to write music for such a big symphony orchestra after joining the film studio. I couldn’t sleep at that time as I was always thinking about how to compose【作曲】. 作为一个文工团员,我过去拉过小提琴,拉过二胡,吹过笛子。这些叫什么?叫"小米加步枪" 。但是进了电影厂,面对的是一个大的交响乐队。你怎么写?确实是难呐!非常难呐!真是日夜不能睡啊! Before turning 30, Lv had already created popular film songs like "Playing My Beloved Pipa" and "Who doesn’t Say My Hometome is Good". But he still spent seven years studying at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music while working on the side. In 1965, he was commissioned to create a symphony for the 6th Shanghai Spring Music Festival less than 3 months before it opened. Within 7 days he submitted his first version of "Ode to the Red Flag". 在30岁不到之时,吕其明已经写出了《弹起我心爱的土琵琶》《谁不说俺家乡好》等脍炙人口的电影插曲,但是工作之余他仍在上海音乐学院攻读了七年。1965年2月,第六届“上海之春”组委会指定“少壮派”吕其明赶写一个主旋律交响乐,主题就是红旗颂。此时,距离5月开幕只剩不到三个月。吕其明日夜奋战,用七天时间完成了第一版《红旗颂》,在第六届“上海之春”上首演。 INTERVIEW: Lv Qiming, Composer, July 1 Medal Recipient 吕其明,作曲家、“七一勋章”获得者 I used elements from the national anthem to create the lead for the symphony. As for the rest, I drew on my personal experiences and emotions, such as how I felt when I passed Tian’anmen Square in Beijing with the crowds, and the feeling of how China was becoming stronger and stronger. These are the inspirations that have come from my life. 我选取了国歌作为主导动机的素材——红旗飘飘。这是作为一个主导动机全部贯穿于这个作品。而中间部分写什么?那就是我自己的体会啊:经过天安门的时候人山人海、大家拉着手,感觉是什么?感觉就是中国就像一个巨人在不可阻挡地向前进。我把这种感情写进去了,这是生活给了我的感受。 Lv has spent 54 years modifying it. In 2019, the final version of "Ode to the Red Flag" was completed. He has composed for 200 TV dramas and created more than 10 symphonies and 300 songs, winning dozens of awards. Lv said he will keep writing music as long as he can. 之后,在长达54年的时间里,他对作品不断打磨,直到2019年才交出了《红旗颂》的定稿。至今,吕其明先后创作了200多部影视剧作曲、10余部交响乐作品以及300多首歌曲,并因此获得多项殊荣。他表示,只要身体好,脑子不糊涂,他就会一直写下去。 **2.**CHINA HAS PROVIDED 480 MLN VACCINES TO 100 COUNTRIES TOP1!中国已向国际社会供应4.8亿余剂新冠疫苗 Starting last year, China has been working with over 10 countries including Russia, Turkey and Brazil to conduct phase 3 clinical trials for coronavirus vaccines. China has also been co-producing vaccines with some developing countries including Egypt, UAE, and Indonesia to help increase their vaccine supply. Many countries said they are satisfied with effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine. Government leaders including Indonesian President Joko Widodo, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, and Serbian President Alekandar Vucic. 从去年起,中国就与俄罗斯、土耳其、巴西等10多个国家,合作展开了疫苗三期临床试验。中国还与埃及、阿联酋、印尼等10多个发展中国家开展了联合研发和合作生产,帮助这些国家实现疫苗的自给自足。 INTERVIEW: Alekandar Vucic, Serbian President 亚历山大·武契奇,塞尔维亚总统 I feel good. No discomfort or anything. It’s as if nothing happened. 我感觉很棒,没有任何不适,就好像什么也没有发生过。 Last month, the country received all 4 million Sinopharm vaccines ordered from China. Also in Europe, Hungary became the first country in the European Union to receive vaccines from China. Currently, more than 40% of its population has completed the 2nd dose of the vaccine. The Puskas Arena in Budapest is the only Euro 2020 football venue that has allowed near-capacity crowds. Hungary announced last month, that its national vaccine center will begin producing China’s Sinopharm vaccine. The European Union’s drug regulator says it has started a rolling review of China’s Sinovac vaccine to assess its effectiveness. 塞尔维亚向中国订购的400万剂国药疫苗已在6月全部交付。塞尔维亚的邻国匈牙利是首个批准使用中国疫苗的欧盟国家。目前,匈牙利已有四成以上的人口完成了两剂疫苗接种。在高接种率的加持下,匈牙利布达佩斯球场成为本届欧洲杯11座球场中唯一允许满座的球场。匈牙利6月还宣布,将在国内灌装生产中国国药疫苗,尽早实现“疫苗自给”。眼下,欧洲药管局已启动对科兴疫苗的审核程序。 INTERVIEW: Spanish Citizen 西班牙民众 China has done a very good job in the administration of vaccines. It is obvious that China has been fighting the pandemic better and faster than many other countries. I totally trust the safety and effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine. 中国在新冠疫苗接种上先行一步。可以看到,他们比我们更快地解除了“防疫封锁”,而且我认为疫苗越多越好。我完全相信中国的疫苗。 China has also decided to provide 10 million vaccine doses to COVAX, an initiative co-led by the World Health Organization, to meet the urgent needs of developing countries. The first batch of the vaccines supplied to COVAX rolled off the production line last month. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said various embassies and consulates abroad have assisted more than 1.7 million overseas Chinese citizens in getting vaccinated in more than 160 countries. 此外,中国还积极加入世卫组织主导的“新冠疫苗实施计划”,承诺首批提供1000万剂疫苗,为发展中国家“解燃眉之急”;上月,由国药集团提供的首批疫苗已正式下线。截至目前,外交部和驻外使领馆已协助超170万海外中国公民在160多个国家接种国产或外国新冠疫苗。 **3.**IAEA INVITES CHINA TO JOIN FUKUSHIMA TECHNICAL TEAM 不得擅自排污!中国专家获邀参加福岛污水处置工作组 The International Atomic Energy Agency has invited Chinese experts to join a technical team carrying out Japan's plan for the disposal【处理】of contaminated【受污染的】water from the Fukushima nuclear plant.国际原子能机构已邀请中国专家加入日本福岛核事故污染水处置问题技术工作组。 At a regular news briefing today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin urged Japan to coordinate with the IAEA in conducting technical evaluations and surveillance【监督】. Wang also called on Japan not to discharge treated water before the stakeholders【利益相关者】, including neighboring countries and international organizations reach a consensus【共识】. 中国外交部发言人汪文斌在例行记者会上敦促日本在福岛核污染水处置的技术评估和监督上与国际原子能机构展开协商。他表示,在同包括周边邻国在内的各利益攸关方及有关国际机构协商并达成共识前,日方不得擅自启动核污染水排海。 #热词加油站 ode【颂歌】 compose【作曲】 disposal【处理】 contaminated【受污染的】 surveillance【监督】 stakeholders【利益相关者】 consensus【共识】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~