cover of episode 07/05 TOP NEWS | 工业机器人布局加速/首例亲体肝移植完成/福岛核污水评估报告发布

07/05 TOP NEWS | 工业机器人布局加速/首例亲体肝移植完成/福岛核污水评估报告发布

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NEWS ON 0**7/04 *1.ROBOTS ARE COMING-FROM WHERE AND TO WHERE? 3年内上海工业机器人使用密度将增加100台/万人 *2.2-YEAR-OLD BOY DISCHARGEDAFTER LIVER TRANSPLANT* 首例亲体肝移植手术完成2岁幼童重获新生* 3.IAEA CHIEF VISITS JAPAN TO DELIVER RESULTS OF SAFETY REVIEW IAEA总干事就核污水排海访日并发布评估报告 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.ROBOTS ARE COMING -FROM WHERE AND TO WHERE? 3年内上海工业机器人使用密度将增加100台/万人 According to the World Robotics 2022 Report, released by the International Federation of Robotics, China's massive investment in industrial robots has now moved the country up in the global rankings of robot density, surpassing the United States for the first time and marking a significant improvement in the country's industrial automation level. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan checks out what they're all doing here. 根据国际机器人联合会发布的《2022年世界机器人报告》,中国在工业机器人方面的大规模投资已使中国在全球机器人密度排名中名列前茅,并首次超过美国,这标志着中国工业自动化水平显著提高。记者张诗旋带来现场报道。 Construction sites in the past have always been full of workers, busy in all kinds of weather and sometimes exposed to safety risks. But on some construction sites in China now, you can find these machines helping out.  This plastering robot is applying a thin layer of mortar over the wall surface all by itself.  In 8 hours it can complete work on 460 square meters, a job that previously would have been assigned to ten workers.  Robots like this are changing the entire industry.   过去,建筑工地上都是忙碌的建筑工人,无论什么天气都要进行作业,有时还面临着安全隐患。但如今,有些建筑工地已经开始使用机器人协助作业。这台抹灰机器人正独自为墙面涂抹薄灰浆,8小时便可以完成460平方米作业,相当于10个工人的效率。这样的机器人正在改变整个建筑行业。 Lin Wenbiao, Manager Science & Quality Dept., China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Shanghai 林文彪 中建八局上海公司科技质量部经理 “从2019年开始一直到去年为止,我们整个行业的从业人员实际上每年都以70万到100万的这么一个数量在下降,但是施工企业的数量在增加,从11万到去年年底已经超过14万了。” “From 2019 to last year, the number of employees in our industry has dropped by from 700,000 to 1 million every year. But the number of construction companies has been rising, from 110,000 to 140,000 at the end of last year.” These robots have now finished work on 500,000 square meters of walls on Shanghai construction sites.  They were all developed by the construction group itself, at its in-house engineeringinstitute.   这些抹灰机器人已在上海各大工地累计完成50万平方米的抹灰作业。它们都是由建筑集团内部的工程部门自主研发的。 Yin Guanghua, Principal Intelligent Construction, Engineering Research Institute, China Construction Eighth Engineering 尹光华 中国建筑第八工程局有限公司工程研究所智能建筑部 “建造机器人,它在自己作业的同时,也在创造环境。这意味着它们必须不断更新以适应新环境,对算法及其适应性提出了更高的要求。我们需要实现人与机器之间的顺畅协作。” “Robots that work on construction sites are creating a new environment while they work, which means they have to be continuously updated to the new environment. That puts more requirements on algorithms算法 and their adaptation.  We need to work out smooth cooperation between humans and machines.” Zhang Shixuan, Reporter *张诗旋 记者 Shanghai's current robot density, a key gauge measuring the adoption of automation in manufacturing, is now already more than twice the global average. Not satisfied with that, the city aims to raise the density by another 100 robots per 10,000 persons in the following years, an increase of almost 40% from now. Where will all the new robots come from? And where will they go? 作为衡量制造业自动化程度的关键指标,上海目前的工业机器人使用密度是世界机器人密度平均水平的两倍之多。未来几年,上海计划将工业机器人使用密度将提升100台/万人,相较于当前水平提高40%。新机器人将由哪些机构研发制造?又将被用于哪些行业? Tim Deng, Head of General Industry ABB Robotics China 邓奇 ABB机器人中国区通用工业业务单元负责人 “第一个是太阳能。三年前,我们在这方面几乎没有任何参考,近几年来,我们的增长率都是两倍、三倍甚至更多。这个市场是非常巨大的。虽然目前看起来有点产能过剩,但我们相信从长远来看,将持续扩大海外市场。它在太阳能和电动汽车电池方面都有很多应用,如装配螺丝驱动和材料处理。” “The first is solar. Three years ago, we had almost no reference in this field, and in recent years, our growth rates have all doubled and tripled or even more. This market is very huge, and although there seems to be a bit of overcapacity at present, we believe it will continue to grow in the long term, including expanding overseas market. There are lots of applications both in solar and EV batteries, such as assembly screw螺丝】*driving and material handling.” The Swiss robotics giant opened a mega factory in Shanghai last December with an investment of 150 million US dollars. As one of the company's largest robotics factory worldwide, the new facility will further energize robotics growth. 去年12月,瑞士机器人头部企业ABB机器人斥资1.5亿美元在上海开办了一座大型工厂。作为该公司全球最大的机器人工厂之一,新工厂将进一步推动机器人技术的发展。 Tim Deng, Head of General Industry ABB Robotics China 邓奇 ABB机器人中国区通用工业业务单元负责人 “我们的生产速度提升了200%。我们将在新的和现有的行业中开启灵活自动化的新可能性,比如电子、物流、医疗保健、新能源汽车、电子商务、制药、餐饮和服务机器人。” “We have faster production, with speed improved by 200%.  We will unlock new possibilities for flexible automation in new and existing sectors; electronics, logistics, healthcare, New Energy Vehicles, e-commerce, pharmaceuticals, restaurants and service robotics.” Last year, the annual output of industrial robots in Shanghai accounted for one-fifth of China's total. By 2025, Shanghai is shooting to build 10 industry-leading robot brands and 100 demonstration application scenarios, with the scale of its robot-related industry reaching 100 billion yuan. 去年,上海的工业机器人年产量占全国总产量的五分之一。到2025年,上海力争打造出10个行业领先的机器人品牌和100个示范应用场景,机器人关联产业规模将达1000亿元。 *2.2-YEAR-OLD BOY DISCHARGEDAFTER LIVER TRANSPLANT* 首例亲体肝移植手术完成*,2岁幼童重获新生* A 2-year-old boy was discharged from the hospital this morning after a liver transplant at Children's Hospital of Fudan University. It was the hospital's first living donor liver transplant after obtaining approval last year. Reporter Zhang Hong has the story. 今天上午,一名2岁男孩在复旦大学附属儿科医院接受肝移植手术后出院。这是该院自去年获得“儿科移植医学”资质后开展的首例亲体肝移植手术。记者张泓带来详细报道。 2-year-old Jiajia from Yunnan suffers from biliary atresia and had an operation at Children's Hospital of Fudan University a few months after he was born. This year, he showed signs of liver failure and his parents brought him back to Shanghai. On June 14th, the boy was given a liver transplant. His mother donated a portion of her liver. The process took 6 and a half hours with the two surgeries taking place simultaneously同时地. 2岁的佳佳来自云南,患有胆道闭锁,出生几个月后在复旦大学附属儿科医院接受了手术。今年,佳佳出现了严重的肝衰竭症状,父母带他带再次来到上海。6月14日,孩子接受了肝移植手术,佳佳母亲是本次手术的供体。两台手术同时进行,整个过程耗时约6.5小时。 Jiajia's Mother 佳佳母亲* “当时我们两个人都去匹配了,但是他爸爸的脂肪肝比较严重。医生讲我的肝比较健康,从我的肝脏中取走了260多克,大概就是1/5左右。” “My husband and I were checked for a match, but he has a fatty liver, so I became the donor. The doctors harvested 260 grams of my liver, which is about one-fifth of the total.” Dong Kuiran, Vice Party Secretary Children's Hospital of Fudan University 董岿然 复旦大学附属儿科医院党委副书记 “由于腹部粘连,手术相当困难,我们需要保持肝脏的结构,并将血管与捐赠者的肝脏相连。我们和华山医院的团队一起合作,手术很成功。” “The surgery was quite difficult due to abdominal adhesions and we needed to maintain the liver's structure and connect the blood vessels with that of the donor's liver. We worked with doctors from Huashan Hospital and the surgery turned out successful.” The hospital obtained approval for pediatric transplants last August, which enables better care of children. 去年8月,复旦大学附属儿科医院获得了“儿科移植医学”资质,从而可以为患儿提供更好的治疗。 Wang Yi, President Children's Hospital of Fudan University 王艺 复旦大学附属儿科医院院长 “如果你没有独立资质的话,那就是要先在成人的医院里做父母或亲体器官的取出,然后再转到我们医院将供体器官移植到儿童体内。但现在可以直接在我们医院进行移植手术,这样质量更高,安全性更能保障。” “Without the qualification, we needed to harvest the organ and transplant it to the young patient in a general hospital for adults. After the surgery, the child would be transferred to our hospital for care. Now we can carry out transplants in our hospital, where children can be given better care by multiple departments.” Children's Hospital of Fudan University is the only pediatric****【儿科hospital in Shanghai that has obtained approval for heart, liver and kidney transplants, according to Dr. Wang. So far, more than 20 kidney transplants have been done at the hospital. The hospital said each year, they have around 60 patients who need a kidney transplant and over 200 who need a liver transplant. 据王医生介绍,复旦大学附属儿科医院是上海首个且唯一具备心、肝、肾移植资质的儿童专科医院,截至目前该院已完成20多例肾脏移植手术。该院表示,每年约有60名患儿需要进行肾脏移植,200多名患儿需要肝脏移植。 3.IAEA CHIEF VISITS JAPAN TO DELIVER RESULTS OF SAFETY REVIEW IAEA总干事就核污水排海访日并发布评估报告 IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi started a four-day visit to Japan today. He met Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and delivered the IAEA's final assessment report of the government's discharge plan. The China Embassy in Japan today said the International Atomic Energy Agency's report does not constitute an approval of the plan. Lei Shuran has the story. 国际原子能机构总干事拉斐尔·格罗西今天(07/04)开始对日本进行为期四天的访问。他会见了日本首相岸田文雄,并发布了国际原子能机构关于福岛第一核电站核污染水排海计划的最终评估报告。中国驻日本大使馆今天强调,国际原子能机构相关评估报告不能成为日本核污水排海“通行证”。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 IAEA chief Rafael Grossi met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo this afternoon to deliver the results of the agency's safety review of Japan's ocean discharge plan. Grossi said the report sums up the IAEA's work over the past two years. All of the IAEA's interim evaluations have been positive and the final report is expected to say that the water sampling, testing and monitoring plans involved in the release are adequate and conform to international requirements. 国际原子能机构总干事拉斐尔·格罗西今天(07/04)下午在东京会见了日本首相岸田文雄,并发布了该机构关于福岛第一核电站核污水排海计划的安全审查结果。格罗西表示,这份报告总结了国际原子能机构过去两年的工作。目前所有中期评估结果都是正面的。预计最终报告将称,“与排放配套的水采样、测试和监测计划是完善的,符合国际安全标准”。 Rafael Grossi, Director General International Atomic Energy Agency 拉斐尔·格罗西国际原子能机构总干事** “The decision about the option, of course, again, I should repeat, is one that is to be made by Japan. We made an evaluation, we compare with other options and we were able to confirm that this (water dispersion) is one that exists that has proven track record and it's being used, as we speak.” “当然,我要再重复一遍,最终是否会实行排海计划的决定将由日本作出。我们也进行了评估,并将该方案同其他方案进行了比较,我们能够确认这是一种实际存在且有相关记录的方案,而且此时此刻,该方案就正在被使用。” Grossi will visit the Fukushima plant tomorrow. Members of the local fishing industry in the area remain opposed to the release of the contaminated water from the region's tsunami-crippled nuclear power plant. 格罗西明天(07/05)将访问福岛核电站。该地区周边渔民仍反对福岛第一核电站核污染水排海计划。 Kazuo Hasegawa Local Fishermen 福岛县周边渔民 “I'm completely against it. They're definitely going to do it. I'm really angry about it, but I have to obey the country's decision.” “我强烈反对核污染水排海,但政府执意这么做。我很气愤,但无力改变政府的决定。” At a press conference in Tokyo today, the Chinese Ambassador in Japan said that the IAEA report cannot prove the legitimacy, and legality of Japan's ocean discharge plan, nor can it absolve Japan of its moral responsibility and obligations under international law. 今天,中国驻日本大使在东京举行的新闻发布会上表示,国际原子能机构的报告证明不了日方排海的正当性与合法性,免除不了日方应承担的道义责任和国际法义务。 Wu Jianghao Chinese Ambassador to Japan **吴江浩 **中国驻日本大使 “从职能授权来说,IAEA是促进安全可靠、和平利用核能的国际机构,它不是评估核污染水对海洋环境和生物健康长远影响的合适机构,并且从一开始,日方就限制了IAEA工作组的授权,不接受评估其他处置方案。” “The IAEA is an international organization that promotes the safe, reliable, and peaceful use of nuclear technology. It is not an appropriate organization to assess the long-term impact of nuclear contaminated water on the marine environment and biological health. It should be noted that Japan has limited the authorization of the IAEA working group, and refused to accept the assessment of alternative disposal methods.” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said today that China urges Japan to stop the ocean discharge plan and study other options, deal with wastewater disposal in a science-based, safe and transparent way, and subject itself to rigorous international oversight. 中国外交部发言人毛宁今天(07/04)表示,中方敦促日方停止强行推动排海计划,切实以科学、安全、透明的方式处置核污染水,并接受严格的国际监督。 #热词加油站 algorithm/ˈælɡərɪðəm/【算法】  screw/skruː/【螺丝】  simultaneously/ˌsaɪm(ə)lˈteɪniəsli/【同时地】 pediatric/ˌpiːdiˈætrɪk/【儿科】  订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~