NEWS ON 07/04 1.PCR TESTING SITES SET UP FOR COLLEGEENTRANCE EXAM 高考核酸检测 2.INCREASE IN FLIGHTS ONSHANGHAI-BEIJING ROUTE 京沪航班持续复苏 3.VIDEO OF AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN KILLEDBY POLICE IN OHIO, U.S. 美国:一非洲裔男子遭警方射杀 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.PCR TESTING SITES SET UP FOR COLLEGEENTRANCE EXAM 高考核酸检测 As college entrance exams are to start inShanghai on Thursday, students taking the exam are required to do two PCR testswithin three days before the exam, and the last one must be done on Wednesday.434 PCR test sites designated for students were set-up across the city, andthey’ll be available from 8 to 11am every day from today through Wednesday.Zhang Hong tells us more. 这个星期四(7月7日),上海就要举行高考了。按照规定,考试前3天,所有考生需要完成2次核酸检测,其中考前一天的6日必须有一次。因此,从今天到6日,各区共设置434个定点专用核酸采样点,每天上午8点到11点,面向考生提供单人单管采样服务。记者张泓带来更多报道。 In Huangpu, a student surnamed Zhao went tothe PCR testing site at i-kids Kindergarten with his ID and exam admissionslip【准考证】. Zhao lives nearby and he came tothe site 15 minutes before it opened. 在黄浦区丽园路上的爱童幼儿园采样点,家住附近的考生赵同学,佩戴着N95口罩,手持相关证件,提前15分钟就来到了现场。 Mr. Zhao, Test taker 赵同学 I thought there would be a long queue if Iarrived at 8.因为如果八点来的话,可能人多的,可能要排队的。 But no long queue was formed. Afterscanning the venue code and having his temperature taken, the entire processtook him less than three minutes. In Minhang, a designated testing site was setup at Qibao Mingqiang No.2 Primary School. Students were allowed in afterhaving their ID checked by the digital sentry. The school put up a WeChat groupQR code at the gate so that they can get assistance if they have a problemreceiving their PCR test results. If you do a test now, you’ll get the resultsat 2 or 3pm. If you haven’t received your result, you can contact the teacher,surnamed Wu, in the WeChat group. 不过,这个采样点并没有出现排队情况。赵同学扫场所码、量体温,大约二、三分钟就完成了采样。而在闵行区的七宝明强第二小学专用采样点,高考考生经数字哨兵及相关证件验证后,走专用通道有序入场。校方还在现场张贴入群二维码,后续如有核酸检测问题,考生可在群里及时获得帮助。因为现在做,到下午两三点钟(核酸报告)就可以出来的,你假如未收到信息,就艾特一下里面的吴老师。 It took each student only around twominutes to do a PCR test. 每位考生进校后,几乎都能在一两分钟内能完成采样流程。 Student 考生 It’s really heartwarming to see the effortsmade by medical staff【医护人员】 and teachersto ensure that we can attend the college entrance exam smoothly.为了我们的高考,医护人员、老师都在努力,就感觉很暖心。 Students are reminded to have a** hardcopy****【纸质复印件】** of their PCR test code with themon Thursday and Friday as they will also be required to take another PCR testat the exam site. They will then do another PCR test at their neighborhoodafter finishing the** English oral exam****【英语听说测试】** on Sunday. They are required do an antigen test each day beforegoing to the examination site and wear a N95 or KN95 mask on their way to andfrom the exam. 除了考前需要检测外,7日和8日考试当天,考生还需要提前打印好纸质核酸码,在考点进行核酸检测,7月9日外语听说测试结束后,考生再回社区完成当天的核酸检测。此外,考生在出发前往考点前,每天都须完成一次抗原检测,在往返考点途中应佩戴N95/KN95口罩。 2.INCREASE IN FLIGHTS ONSHANGHAI-BEIJING ROUTE 京沪航班持续复苏 Domestic air travel has been recoveringgradually as daily flights increase in line with demand. The country’s aviationauthority said a total of 63,000 domestic flights【国内航班】 were completed last week, a 12% increase compared to last year.Zhang Yue tells us more. 随着每日航班需求增加,航空市场持续复苏。刚刚过去的一周,全国民航执行航班6.3万班次,环比上升12%。记者张乐带来更多报道。 At Hongqiao Airport Terminal 2, many peoplewere checking in for their flight to Beijing after the route reopened over theweekend. During the past three months only one flight between Shanghai andBeijing was available per day. 京沪航班批量恢复后的第一个工作日,虹桥机场2号航站楼,京沪快线的办票柜台又热闹起来。过去的三个月里,京沪航班每天只有一班。 Passenger 旅客 I immediately bought a ticket to Beijingafter hearing the flight had resumed. My company’s headquarters【总部】 is in Beijing, and I need to go there to report my work. 一听到恢复,赶紧去北京。总部都在北京嘛,去汇报工作。 However, flights aren’t completely back tonormal yet. One passenger said his flight was changed at the last minute. 航班虽然在陆续起飞,但客流的恢复还需要时日。 Passenger 旅客 I bought a ticket for an Airbus 330, but Iwas told yesterday that it will now be a 320, which is a smaller plane.本来订的时候是大飞机,但昨天通知变成小飞机了。订的时候是330,现在变成320了。 Wang Ying, China Eastern Airlines 东航 虹桥旅客服务中心离港二分部区域经理 王鹰 It takes time to resume all our flightsbetween Shanghai and Beijing. Eight flights to Beijing were scheduled today. Atotal of 500 passengers were booked on those planes. Seat occupancy rates areranging between 20% and 70%.今天其实在虹桥我们东航出港前往北京总共有8架次,旅客的订座大概是近500人左右,最高的一架航班的上座率大概到70%左右,最低是20%到30%左右。航班的恢复其实还是需要一个过程。 China Eastern Airlines operated about 20flights a day to Beijing out of Hongqiao Airport before the citywide lockdown.Juneyao said it will resume 11 flights per day to Beijing starting tomorrow,around 60% of its pre-lockdown level. In the past week, the number ofpassengers departing from Shanghai’s two airports have increased 100% comparedto the same period last year. More than 10,000 domestic flights were operatedyesterday, almost the same as in February. 正常情况下,东上航在虹桥机场每天有20个左右的航班飞往北京,本周开始航班将逐日增加。本周上海虹桥浦东出港到北京大兴目前是恢复到预计11班,基本上恢复到疫情前的大概六成左右。刚刚过去的一周,上海虹桥和浦东两大机场,旅客量环比增幅均超过100%。昨天(7月3日),国内客运航班量突破1万班次,已恢复到今年2月的水平。 3.VIDEO OF AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN KILLEDBY POLICE IN OHIO, U.S. 美国:一非洲裔男子遭警方射杀 In the United States, the Ak-ron policedepartment in Ohio released body-camera footage【执法视频】 yesterday of the fatal shooting of Jay-land Walker, a 25-year-oldAfrican American killed by multiple officers last week. Sun Siqi has the story. 美国俄亥俄州阿克伦市,一名名叫沃克的25岁非洲裔男子在一次交通检查中,被警察开枪打死。7月3日,警方公布了案发当天的执法视频。记者孙思奇带来更多报道。 According to the Akron Police Department,the shooting happened shortly after midnight last Monday as officers attemptedto pull Walker over for an unspecified traffic violation. The footage shows allthe officers opening fire on Walker, shooting multiple him times in rapidsuccession. Walker was pronounced dead at the scene. The officers were said tohave chased Walker’s vehicle on the expressway for several minutes. Walker thenallegedly jumped out of his car while the footage showed officers pursuing himon foot before opening fire. Police said Walker suffered more than 60 gunshotwounds and the actual number of shots fired has not been determined. 视频显示,当晚(3日),警方就其违反交规对沃克展开追逐。视频显示警方向沃克开枪射击。密集的枪声持续长达数秒。沃克因抢救无效当场死亡。警方表示,多辆警车对沃克驾驶的银色小轿车展开追逐。轿车随后减速停下,沃克跳车逃跑。多名警察在其身后举枪追捕,随后开枪射击。阿克伦市警察局长当天表示,法医确定沃克身上有大约60处枪伤,实际开枪次数尚未确定。 Steve Mylett, Akron Police Chief 迈利特 阿克伦市警察局长 However, based on the video, I anticipatethat number to be high. A lot of rounds were fired and I will not be surprisedif the number at the end of the investigation is consistent with the numberthat has been circulating in the media.根据视频,我估计这个数字会很高,开了很多枪。如果调查结束时这一数字和媒体报道的一致,我也不会觉得意外。 The police department said officers"reported a firearm being discharged from the suspect vehicle" duringthe encounter. However, an attorney for the family responded that he has notseen any evidence yet regarding allegations that Walker had shot at officersand that the man was unarmed and fleeing when he was killed. 就开枪的原因,警方解释称,沃克当时有把手伸向腰部和举起手臂的动作,追捕的警察表示以为他要拔枪。但沃克家人的代理律师随后回应称,警方的话已证实,在遭射杀时,沃克身上并没有携带武器。 Bobby Dicello, Attorney for Walker’sfamily 怀特·沃克家人的代理律师 Jayland was shot more times than I cancount and that is beyond troubling. We are done dying like this.沃克中枪的数量我都数不过来,我们受够了非洲裔要这样死去。 Protesters have taken to the streets ofAkron for several days to demand justice for Walker and to oppose policebrutality【暴力执法】 and racism. According to data from thewebsite ’Mapping Police’, African Americans are nearly three timesmore likely to be killed by police than white people in the United States. 过去的这个周末,阿克伦市爆发大规模抗议,示威者走上街头,抗议警方暴力执法和种族歧视。白天的和平抗议活动一度导致交通堵塞,分析指出,近年来,非洲裔美国人遭警方暴力执法的可能性比白人高出近三倍。 #热词加油站 exam admission slip【准考证】 medical staff【医护人员】 hard copy【纸质复印件】 English oral exam【英语听说测试】 domestic flight【国内航班】 headquarters [ˌhedˈkwɔːtəz]【总部】 body-camera footage【执法视频】 police brutality【暴力执法】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~