cover of episode 07/04 TOP NEWS | WAIC 2023开幕在即/科创企业深耕细分赛道/屈冬玉连任粮农组织总干事

07/04 TOP NEWS | WAIC 2023开幕在即/科创企业深耕细分赛道/屈冬玉连任粮农组织总干事

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NEWS ON 0**7/03 *1.SNEAK PEEK AT WORLD ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE CONFERENCE 2023* 2023世界人工智能大会将在7月6日开幕 *2.DATA TECH FIRMS DEVELOP QUICKLYIN NEW SPECIALTY FIELDS* 科创企业深耕数据要素细分赛道 3.QU DONGYU RE-ELECTED ASDIRECTOR-GENERAL OF U.N.F.A.O.** 屈冬玉高票连任联合国粮农组织总干事 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SNEAK PEEK AT WORLD ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE CONFERENCE 2023** 2023世界人工智能大会将在7月6日开幕 This year's World Artificial Intelligence Conference will begin on Thursday in Shanghai and companies are making advances with avatars. Sun Siqi takes a peek. 今年的世界人工智能大会将于本周四在上海开幕,各家公司将借此机会展现正在推进的虚拟人物技术。本台记者孙思奇带大家先睹为快。 An avatar generator turned heads last year, as a spherical scanner with 27 cameras captures details of a person and creates an AI actor. An avatar in the metaverse is a user's identity. Over the year, its creator collected information for thousands of AI avatars. This year, engineers are taking it to a new level. Type in descriptions like age, gender and facial or physical features, and an artificial image of a person is generated in an instant. 去年,一项虚拟人物生成装置引起了轰动,该球形扫描器配备了27个摄像头,可以捕捉人各种的细节,并生成一个人工智能角色。在元宇宙中,虚拟人物是用户的身份代表。在过去的一年里,该装置创造者为成千上万个人工智能虚拟人物收集了海量信息。今年,工程师们实现了技术衍进,用户只需要输入年龄、性别、面部或身体特征的描述,就可以立即生成对应的“数字人”形象。 Zhang Qixuan, CTO** of  Deemos 张启煊 影眸科技首席技术官CTO “这套系统主要接洽的是游戏玩家或游戏的制作团队,比如你有个方阵,方阵里有100个 不同的士兵,在此之前,可能每个都需要艺术家去精细化手调,有这样的系统后,你只要给100个随机种子,就能生成100个长相不同,但都符合士兵人设背景的形象。” "This is mainly for game makers. Let's say there are 100 soldiers in a battle formation. You'd need artists to draw and fine tune every one of them. But with our system, just give us 100 randomized descriptions, and you'll have 100 soldiers that look completely different.” These images won't look as good as ones captured through scanning, but they're extremely cost-efficient. 这些图像的精细度可能不如通过扫描获得的图像,但它们非常具有成本效益。 And check out this avatar. It translates what it hears into sign language. This could work as an interpreter for people with hearing disabilities. 请看这个虚拟人物。它可以将听到的内容翻译成手语。对于听障人来士说相当于配备了一个贴身手语翻译。 Zhang Zhaohua, CEO of DGene 张朝华 叠境数字科技(上海)有限公司首席执行官CEO “帮他们解决正常的跟社会沟通的问题,那这仅仅是第一步,第二步可以让他们在这上面学习各种各样的知识,能够让他们真正去融入社会。” "Helping them communicate is just step one. We hope eventually, they'll be able to access all types of information, which helps them really become part of this world.” Last year, the firm created a holographic model of Zhangjiang Science City to give an immersive experience of visiting the tech district. 去年,这家公司构建了一个张江科学城的全息线上孪生城市,为人们提供了参观该科技区的沉浸式体验。 The World AI Conference 2023 will convene from July 6th to 8th at venues in Pudong, Xuhui, and Minhang. Pudong is now home to Asia's largest computational power center, which provides the infrastructure for future metaverse and autonomous vehicle developments. 2023世界人工智能大会将于7月6日至7月8日在浦东、徐汇和闵行等地举行。浦东目前拥有亚洲最大的算力中心,为未来元宇宙和自动驾驶车辆的发展提供了基础设施。 *2.DATA TECH FIRMS DEVELOP QUICKLYIN NEW SPECIALTY FIELDS* 科创企业深耕数据要素细分赛道 China has been putting a lot of efforts into building basic data systems to put data resources to better use. That includes establishing data exchanges and guidelines of twenty key measures to regulate and support them. Local firms in the industry see increasing business opportunities in the developments as Lei Shuran reports. 为更好利用数据资源,中国大力建设基础数据系统,包括成立数据交易所并出台“数据二十条”以监管、支持数据交易市场。业内公司的发展商机与日俱增。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 Clinical trials are an important part of the drug development process that affects cost, speed, and quality. As one of the first firms in China to bring specialty data management to the process, ClinPlus has introduced Site Management Organization for hospitals and developers.  The idea is to coordinate协调procedures among sponsors, testing sites, and researchers. 临床试验是药物研发过程中重要的成本环节、限速环节和质量环节。作为中国首批将专业数据管理引入这一过程的公司之一,普蕊斯(ClinPlus)为医院和开发商提供临床试验现场管理组织服务和产品,主要目的是为了协调赞助商、测试地点和研究人员之间的程序。 Yang Hongwei, Founder&CEO ofSMO ClinPlus Co., Ltd. 杨宏伟 普蕊斯****股份有限公司创始人兼首席执行官 “它是整个产业链里头,最终就是能够接触到患者、接触到医生、接触到申办者的这么一个多方体,所以的话它可能就是真正的去解决了临床实验是做出来的,不是这种监察出来的这么一个概念。比如说这个病人来一次随访,他会做很多很多的这种检查项,会做很多很多工作,那么SMO的CRC在这个医院里头,他也会把这个项目进行解构,进行一个项目管理,尽可能的去把这个法规容许的这种工作的这种东西,把它定义下来,然后让医生回归做医生最擅长的医学判断工作。” “SMO is a multi-party system in the industry chain that deals with patients, physicians, and sponsors, and its significance is to address how clinical trials are done rather than just monitored. For example, if a patient comes for a follow-up visit, many tests will be done and there will be a lot of follow-up work. Our Clinical Research Coordinator at the hospital will deconstruct the items and project manage them, taking charge of the work as much as the regulations allow, allowing physicians to focus on the area of medical judgment in which they excel.” Based on its standardized project management system, ClinPlus has implemented实施over 2,500 international and domestic SMO projects as of March 31st, helping some 110 new drugs gain market approval. In addition to data application, data storage, copying and safety have also been areas of key interest in the sector in recent years. Founded in 2011, Information2 Software specializes in data replication products and technologies, and has overcome a number of technical difficulties with the help of the local government. It went public on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's STAR Market in January.   基于标准化的项目管理体系,截至3月31日,普蕊斯已经实施了2500多个国内外SMO项目,帮助110多个新药获得市场批准。除了数据应用之外,数据存储、复制和安全也是近年来该行业关注的重点领域。普蕊斯成立于2011年,专门从事数据复制产品和技术,并在当地政府的帮助下克服了一些技术难题。该公司于今年1月在上海证券交易所科创板上市。 Hu Junqing, Chairman & CEO of****Shanghai Information2 Software Inc. 胡俊卿 上海信息软件有限公司董事长兼首席执行官 “数据不仅仅是一个结果,它已经变成了一个源头。数据元素已经成为一种生产资料,一种生产要素。我们这企业并不大,但区政府能够非常准确的理解它的重要性,这就是很大的支持。比如说我们这所处的黄浦区,纳税规模到几十亿的企业比比皆是,我们的企业相对来说很小,但区政府已经看到了我们,针对性的对我们这样的企业提出一系列的帮助和政策,这就是对企业高质量发展的一个一个最大的一个支持。” “Data is not just a result, it has really become a source. Data elements have become a means of production, a factor of production. We are not a big enterprise here, but the district government was able to understand the importance of our business, and that was a great support. For example, in Huangpu District, where we are located, there are many big companies with an annual tax scale of several billion yuan. We're relatively small, but the district government noticed us and provided a series of assistance and policies to firms like ours, which were of great support for high-quality development.” A White Paper on Big Data published by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology points out that in China, suppliers and demanders of data have been expanding from the financial and Internet industries to other sectors, including transportation, medical treatment, government, and meteorology气象学.         中国信息通信研究院发布的《大数据白皮书》指出,在中国,数据的供应者和需求者已经从金融和互联网行业扩展到交通、医疗、政府、气象等其他领域。 3.QU DONGYU RE-ELECTED ASDIRECTOR-GENERAL OF U.N.F.A.O.** 屈冬玉高票连任联合国粮农组织总干事 Qu Dongyu was re-elected as director-general of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization on Sunday, at the ongoing 43rd session of the FAO Conference in Rome. His new term will run from Aug 1st, 2023 to July 31st, 2027. 周日,在罗马举行的联合国粮食及农业组织大会第43届会议上,屈冬玉高票胜选成功连任总干事,新任期将于今年8月1号正式开始,为期4年。 Founded in 1945 and headquartered in Rome, Italy, the FAO is a specialized UN agency that coordinates cooperation in food and agriculture projects around the world. Qu was first elected to head the organization in June of 2019, and is the first Chinese national to serve in the position. His efforts have been extensively**【广泛地 recognized by FAO member nations. Since assuming office, Qu has actively led the FAO to address the challenges concerning global food security and contribute to the food and agricultural security of all countries, especially developing countries. 联合国粮食及农业组织成立于1945年,总部设在意大利罗马,是协调世界各地粮食和农业项目合作的联合国专门机构。2019年6月,屈冬玉当选联合国粮农组织总干事,成为这一组织历史上首位中国籍总干事。自上任以来,他积极带领粮农组织应对全球粮食安全挑战,助力各国特别是发展中国家粮食和农业发展,得到粮农组织广大成员国的认可。 #热词加油站 coordinate/koʊˈɔːrdɪneɪt/【协调】  implement/ˈɪmplɪment/【实施】  meteorology/ˌmiːtiəˈrɑːlədʒi/【气象学】 extensively/ɪkˈstensɪvli/【广泛地】  订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~