NEWS ON 7/1 1、TAIKONAUTS SEND BEST WISHES TO CPC 来自天宫的祝福!三名宇航员为党庆生 2.HEADS-OF-STATE CONGRATULATES ON CPC’S 100TH ANNIVERSARY 建党百年,多国来贺 3. SHANGHAI POLICE HELICOPTER FLIES PARTY FLAG 致敬!上海警用直升机悬挂党旗巡展 1、TAIKONAUTS SEND BEST WISHES TO CPC 来自天宫的祝福!三名宇航员为党庆生 The three astronauts on China’s space station gave their best wishes to the Communist Party of China on its 100th anniversary. 中国共产党百岁诞辰之际,三名宇航员从“天宫”空间站发回祝福! Nie Haisheng / Liu Boming / Tang Hongbo 聂海胜/刘伯明/汤洪波 We wish the great Communist Party of China a happy birthday. Salute! 伟大的中国共产党生日快乐!敬礼! The wishes were sent by Nie Haisheng, commander of the crew, together with the other two astronauts Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo. Nationwide, engineers and others in the space industry reviewed the Party’s admission oath and visited old work sites to mark the centenary. 聂海胜,神舟十二号航天员乘组指令长,对着镜头表达了祝愿,与他并肩而立的是另外两位队员——刘伯明与汤洪波。在地面,正在执行神舟十二号飞行任务的载人航天工程全线各单位,则通过开展重温入党誓词,重访航天遗迹等活动,来庆祝这一百年盛事。 Liu Jin, Deputy Chief Designer,China’s Manned Space Flight Project 刘晋,中国载人航天工程副总设计师 We will carry forward the spirit and tradition of the older generation, be careful and strive for innovation, and complete the construction of the space station and put it into service as soon as possible. 我们一定要继承老一辈的精神和传统,认真细致,努力创新,把我们国家的空间站早日建成、建好,发挥作用。 Since April 29th, three space missions have been launched. The astronauts, who will conduct spacewalks during the mission, will remain in space for three months. 自从4月29日以来,我国在50天内连续成功实施三次发射任务。航天员目前正在进行出舱活动相关准备工作,并将在太空驻留3个月的时间。 2.HEADS-OF-STATE CONGRATULATES ON CPC’S 100THANNIVERSARY 建党百年,多国来贺 Heads-of-state around the world sent congratulatory messages on the CPC’s centenary as foreign media outlets covered this morning’s ceremony. 在中国共产党百年华诞来临之际,多国政府领导人表达热烈祝贺。7月1日当天的庆典举世瞩目,各国媒体争相报道。 In talks on Monday via video link with Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin extended congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the CPC’s founding, and expressed his hope that China, under the leadership of the CPC, becomes even more prosperous and plays a more important role in global leadership. 在周一举行的中俄元首举行视频会晤中,俄罗斯总统普京热烈祝贺中国共产党成立100周年。他表示,俄罗斯祝愿在中国共产党领导下,中国经济社会发展不断取得新成就,并在国际事务中发挥更重要作用。 Vladimir Putin, Russian President 普京 俄罗斯总统 “Russia wishes China to continuously make new achievements in its economic and social development and in international affairs.” The Venezuelan government held a ceremony celebrating the CPC’s centenary. President Nicolas Maduro said China’s achievements are worthy of admiration. 委内瑞拉政府今日也举行了中国共产党成立100周年暨中委建交47周年庆祝大会。委内瑞拉总统马杜罗表示,百年来,中国共产党引领拥有悠久历史和深厚底蕴的中国,取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,令人敬佩。 Nicolas Maduro, Venezuelan President 马杜罗 委内瑞拉总统 “Friends support each for better or for worse. In times of suffering and uncertainty caused by the pandemic, China has proved to be a true friend of Venezuela. We’d like to express our thanks. ”朋友应该同甘苦共患难,在新冠肺炎疫情造成的困难和不确定形势下,中国证明了是委内瑞拉真正的朋友。我们必须要表示感谢,谢谢! Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan said the country will never downgrade its long-standing relationship with China no matter what global or political challenges may arise. With this year marking the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, Khan said the Pakistani people will always have a special fondness for the people of China. 巴基斯坦总理伊姆兰·汗也表示,建交70年来,两国携手历经国际风云变幻,双边关系深厚稳固。伊姆兰·汗表示,中国人民在巴基斯坦人民心中有着特殊的地位。 Imran Khan, Pakistani Prime Minister 伊姆兰·汗 巴基斯坦总理 “China, whenever Pakistan was in trouble, China always stood with us. So, the people of China have a special place in the hearts of people of Pakistan because everyone here remembers.” Leaders of countries including Egypt, Mongolia and Armenia and organizations including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and League of Arab States also sent congratulatory messages. 此外,埃及、蒙古国、亚美尼亚等多国政府首脑,以及上合组织、阿拉伯国家联盟等国际组织领导人,也纷纷发来贺电或贺函,送上诚挚祝福。 3. SHANGHAI POLICE HELICOPTER FLIES PARTY FLAG 致敬!上海警用直升机悬挂党旗巡展 Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, three police helicopters flew the Party flag over the Huangpu River this morning, attracting many to photograph the moment. Zhang Yue has more. 为了庆祝建党百年,三架警用直升机组成编队,悬挂党旗在黄浦江上空巡展飞行,引来两岸市民游客驻足凝望。 A 6.1-meter-wide and 4.3-meter-tall Party flag was flying under the pilot EC155 police helicopter. Two helicopters were used as escorts, flying in formation behind the lead plane. They flew over the Huangpu River in the shape of the Chinese character "pin". 编队由一架EC155型警用直升机领航,直升机下方悬挂一面6.1米乘4.3米的党旗,另两架警用直升机护航,在后方编队飞行。整个机队呈"品"字形,掠过黄浦江上空。 Last night, thousands of locals watched a light show along the Huangpu River celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. It featured laser lights and music. The light show covered important incidents in the PRC’s history. 昨晚,"永远跟党走"黄浦江主题光影秀正式亮相。市民游客纷纷驻足外滩,重温百年光辉历程。 **Citizen/**市民 “As a CPC member for decades, July 1st is really a special day for me. I wish my motherland more prosperity. ” (他是)几十年党龄的共产党员!所以对这个节日,我们两个真的是非常非常期待着能够看到祖国真的是蒸蒸日上。 The 6-minute light show will be staged 7 times daily between 7:30pm and 10:30pm at 30 minute intervals until July 4th. The best vantage points are the Bund, North Bund and Lujiazui. 时长6分钟的灯光秀,每晚从7点半到10点半,每隔30分钟上演一次,将一直持续到7月4日。最佳观景点为外滩、北外滩和陆家嘴。