NEWS ON 06/301. XI IN HONG KONG FOR 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF ITS RETURN TO CHINA习近平抵达香港出席庆祝香港回归祖国25周年大会2. SHANGHAI DISNEYLAND REOPENS AFTER THREE-MONTH CLOSURE上海迪士尼乐园恢复运营3. NATO CALLS RUSSIA ITS MOST SIGNIFICANT AND DIRECT THREAT北约峰会:视俄罗斯为最大威胁**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. XI IN HONG KONG FOR 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF ITS RETURN TO CHINA习近平抵达香港出席庆祝香港回归祖国25周年大会President Xi Jinping arrived in Hong Kong by train this afternoon. He will attend a meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland and the inaugural【就职的】 ceremony of the sixth-term government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region tomorrow. Song Wenjing has more.中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平今天(6/30)下午乘专列抵达香港,出席将于7月1日举行的庆祝香港回归祖国25周年大会暨香港特别行政区第六届政府就职典礼,并视察香港。记者宋雯婧带来详细报道。Speaking upon arrival at West Kowloon High-speed Rail Station this afternoon, President Xi said he was very pleased to visit Hong Kong once again. He said in a short period of time, Hong Kong has withstood a series of grave tests and overcome a series of challenges. He added Hong Kong has emerged stronger and shown great vigor【活力】. 30日下午,习近平乘坐的专列徐徐驶入高铁香港西九龙站。习近平表示很高兴再次来到香港。习近平指出,过去一个时期,香港经受一次次严峻考验,战胜一个个风险挑战,历经风雨后,香港浴火重生,展现出蓬勃的生机。President Xi Jinping****习近平主席Facts have proven the great strength of “one country, two systems”, which guarantees Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability and ensures the well-being of Hong Kong compatriots. A brighter future will beckon【招手示意】, if we forge ahead with perseverance. As long as “one country, two systems” is upheld unswervingly, Hong Kong will surely have an even brighter future and make new, greater contributions to the great rejuvenation【复兴】 of the Chinese nation. 事实证明,“一国两制”具有强大的生命力,它能确保香港长期繁荣稳定,维护香港同胞的福祉。正可谓“行而不辍,未来可期”。只要我们毫不动摇地坚持“一国两制”,香港的未来一定会更美好,香港一定会为中华民族伟大复兴作出新的更大的贡献。In North Point, a giant replica boat themed “setting sail for a new chapter” has attracted many locals take photos. As part of the celebration, a fleet of 25 large fishing boats sailed through Victoria Harbor on Tuesday morning flying Chinese national flags and HKSAR flags. A parade of 250 taxis bedecked with Chinese national flags also participated. Songs like "Ode to the Red Flag", "Defending the Yellow River" were performed at a concert. A variety of other activities, including a light and drone show has also been staged near Victoria Harbor.在香港北角,寓意着“扬帆启航 同开新篇”的“红帆船”打卡点,吸引了不少香港市民拍照留念。周二上午的庆祝活动中, 25艘铁壳大渔船悬挂国旗区旗在维港巡游,250辆装饰有中国国旗的出租车也参与的了巡游活动。在庆祝香港回归25周年音乐晚会上,《红旗颂》《保卫黄河》等曲目点燃了香港观众的赤子之心。此外,无人机表演等多种活动在维多利亚港附近上演。2. SHANGHAI DISNEYLAND REOPENS AFTER THREE-MONTH CLOSURE****上海迪士尼乐园今起恢复运营Shanghai Disneyland reopened its gates today after being closed for three months. A valid 72-hour PCR test result and a green health code is required for anyone looking to enter the theme park. Zhang Yue has the story.上海迪士尼闭园3个月后,从今天(6/30)起重新恢复运营。目前入园的所有游客都须持有绿色随申码,以及从采样时间算起、72小时内的核酸检测阴性证明。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。Visitors began filing into the park at 9:30 this morning, with staff members welcoming them on Mickey Avenue. Some fans were wearing Disney-themed hats and outfits, and some brought plush toys【毛绒玩具】** of their favorite Disney characters with them. 上午9:30开园后,上海迪士尼的工作人员代表在米奇花坛及米奇大街两侧一字排开,热烈地欢迎每一位游客的到来。为了纪念这个特别的日子,许多游客在重返上海迪士尼乐园时穿上了精心搭配的服装,或者带上了自己喜爱的迪士尼朋友配饰,为重新开放的乐园又增加了几分欢乐。Visitor****游客July 3rd is CookieAnn’s birthday, and we will be here to celebrate. Today is Gelatoni’s birthday, so we also brought him here. 7月3号是饼饼的生日,我们特地来给她过生日的,然后今天也是托尼的生日,所以把托尼也带着了。During the initial reopening phase, the majority of attractions, rides, shows, shopping and dining are only allowing a limited number of people. All guests must wear a mask and practice social distancing at all times while inside park, whether they are shopping, dining or watching a performance. 今天重新开放后,尚处于恢复运营初期,乐园内大部分景点、游乐项目、娱乐演出、商店及餐厅都将采取限流措施。游客在游玩期间,无论室内外,购物、用餐或是观看演出时都须佩戴口罩并保持社交距离。Gu Shuli, Deputy Director/Pandemic Control Office, Shanghai Int’l Tourism Resort****顾术理 上海国际旅游度假区管理委员会疫情防控办副主任This requirement applies to all visitors, no matter how old they are. Visitors also must provide a negative PCR test result taken within 72 hours before entering.这个要求是对每一个游客都适用的 不分游客的年龄大小,一定要72小时的核酸阴性证明结果出来之后才能入园。Some interactive activities remain closed, including the selfie spot with Mickey and the Explorer Canoes. 一些体验项目包括奇想花园自拍点——与米奇见面和探险家独木舟等,将继续保持暂时关闭。3. NATO CALLS RUSSIA ITS MOST SIGNIFICANT AND DIRECT THREAT****北约峰会:视俄罗斯为最大威胁The 30 NATO leaders yesterday approved the military bloc’s new strategic【战略性的】 concept at the 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid. The concept outlines its priorities and core tasks during the next decade and has labeled Russia the "most significant and direct threat" to NATO’s security. Lei Shuran has more. 昨日(6/29)北约成员国领导人在西班牙马德里峰会上批准《北约2022战略概念》,提出了北约下一个十年的重要工作和核心任务,称俄罗斯是北约“最大且直接的威胁”。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg yesterday said the leaders had decided to transform and strengthen the alliance at this pivotal【关键的】 time for their security. The decisions include strengthening NATO’s forward defenses, enhancing the bloc’s battlegroups on its eastern flank and increasing the number of high readiness forces to over 300,000. At yesterday’s meeting, NATO invited Sweden and Finland to join the alliance. Russian President Vladimir Putin responded yesterday that the country would respond in kind if NATO deployed troops and infrastructure in Finland and Sweden after they join the U.S.-led military alliance.北约秘书长斯托尔滕贝格当天宣布,各成员国领导人决定在目前这一关键时期转换巩固成员关系,各成员国已批准加强东部战斗力量,将快速反应部队扩充到30万人以上,并正式同意邀请芬兰和瑞典加入北约。俄总统普京当天也就芬兰和瑞典"入约"事宜作出回应,称如果两国加入这一以美国为首的军事组织后,北约在两国境内部署相关军事力量,俄罗斯也将做出同等回应。Vladimir Putin, Russian President****普京 俄罗斯总统There’s nothing that might concern us in terms of Finland and Sweden becoming NATO members. Now, if NATO troops and infrastructure are deployed【部署】, we will be compelled to respond in kind, and create the same threats for the territories that they have created for us.瑞典和芬兰加入北约没有什么可担忧的,但如果北约在两国部署军队和军事基础设施,我们必然会作出同等回应。那些对俄罗斯产生威胁的国家,俄方将对其领土制造同样的威胁。Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand are not members of NATO but were invited to join the summit. The leaders of the U.S., Japan and South Korea held their first trilateral talks in five years while they attended the meeting in Madrid. The meeting only lasted about 25 minutes, and it discussed strengthening cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly with regard to the DPRK.韩国、日本、澳大利亚、新西兰等非北约国家领导人,也受邀出席。美日韩首脑还在峰会期间,举行了5年来的首次三边会谈。会晤仅持续了约25分钟,讨论了在印太地区加强三方合作,特别是应对朝鲜核试验和弹道导弹计划所不断发展出的威胁。#热词加油站inaugural /ɪˈnɔːɡjərəl/ 【就职的】vigor /ˈvɪɡə(r)/ 【活力】beckon /ˈbekən/ 【招手示意】rejuvenation /rɪˌdʒuːvəˈneɪʃn/ 【复兴】plush toys 【毛绒玩具】strategic /strəˈtiːdʒɪk/ 【战略性的】pivotal /ˈpɪvətl/ 【关键的】deploy /dɪˈplɔɪ/ 【部署】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~