cover of episode 06/30 TOP NEWS |新西兰总理上海行/中国天眼“看见”纳赫兹引力波/签证预约大排长龙

06/30 TOP NEWS |新西兰总理上海行/中国天眼“看见”纳赫兹引力波/签证预约大排长龙

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NEWS ON 06/2****9 *1.*PM HIPKINS SAYS NEW ZEALAND IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS 新西兰总理访华持续扩大深化同中国经贸合作 2.CHINESE SCIENTISTS DETECT EVIDENCEOF NANOHERTZ*GRAVITATIONAL WAVES* 世界级发现!中国天眼**“看见纳赫兹引力波踪影 3.VISA APPOINTMENTS BACKLOGGEDAS DEMAND SOARS FOR TRIPS ABROAD** 一签难求**?出境旅行需求激增,签证预约积压严重 **----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------*1.*PM HIPKINS SAYS NEW ZEALAND IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS 新西兰总理访华持续扩大深化同中国经贸合作 New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins is calling the visit to China “all about reconnection”, sending a clear message that New Zealand is open for business and pleasure. Hipkins made the remarks in Shanghai today on the last stop of his official visit to China. Reporter Zhang Hong followed his delegation and brings us more. 6月29日,新西兰总理克里斯·希普金斯在访华行程最后一站上海发表讲话称,本次访华的目的是与中国“重新建立联系”,明确表示新西兰欢迎双方的商贸和旅游往来。记者张泓跟随代表团带来了详细报道。 Hipkins was welcomed by a lion dance as he visited Shanghai Baoshan International Folk Arts *Exposition【展览会】after landing early in the morning. The museum features “Te Waharoa”, a large statue carved from 3,500-year-old kauri wood. It was gifted by New Zealand to China in 2010 at the time of the World Expo and symbolizes the ongoing cultural and business connections between the two countries. 希普金斯于早上抵达上海,前往上海宝山国际民间艺术博览馆进行参观,受到了舞狮表演的热烈欢迎。博览馆特地展示了“Te Waharoa”,这是一座用3500年历史的贝壳杉雕刻的巨型木雕。新西兰在2010年世博会期间将这座木雕赠予中国,以此象征两国持续的文化和商务联结。 Chris Hipkins, New Zealand Prime Minister 克里斯·希普金斯新西兰总理* “New Zealand is home to a large number of Chinese migrants. Some have called Aotearoa New Zealand home since the 19th century. If the Chinese Kiwis now make up 5% of New Zealand’s population, connections of family and friends spread across the Pacific, just as they do for the 1,000 or so Kiwis who are living here in Shanghai. New Zealand is also pleased to again be able to welcome Chinese students and tourists to Aotearoa. This week has been all about reconnection here in China.” “新西兰是许多中国移民的家园。自19世纪以来,许多华人已将‘长白云之乡’新西兰称作自己的家。如今,华裔新西兰人占据了新西兰总人口的5%,他们与家人和朋友的联系跨越太平洋,就像居住在上海的1000多名新西兰人一样。新西兰也很高兴再次能够欢迎中国学生和游客的到来。在中国的这一周,一切都是关于中新两国重建连接。” Charlie Rahiri, Director Maori Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade 查理·拉希里新西兰外交与贸易部毛利事务部*主任* “Maori already have an established relationship from China. Some tribes in New Zealand believe that this is where we came from before we started our great migration around the Pacific and then eventually to Aotearoa New Zealand. So I think if we revert back to those deep links through culture, through connection, then commerce will come.”“毛利人早就与中国建立了牢固的关系。新西兰的一些部落认为其从中国起源,沿着太平洋进行伟大迁徙并最终到达新西兰。因此,我认为如果我们通过文化和交流恢复这些深刻的纽带连结,商业往来也会随之而来。” The Prime Minister and his trade mission went on to New Zealand Central at Xintiandi, where a ceremony was held for the launch of a partnership between Tourism New Zealand and Xiaohongshu, an app often compared to Instagram or Pinterest. 希普金斯和其贸易代表团前往了位于新天地的新西兰中心,举行了启动新西兰旅游局和小红书合作伙伴关系的仪式。小红书是一个经常被比作Instagram或Pinterest的应用程序。 He took a selfie with participants at the event and sent a post on Tourism New Zealand’s Xiaohongshu account, inviting people to travel to New Zealand.希普金斯与活动参与者自拍,并在新西兰旅游局的官方小红书账号上发帖,邀请人们前往新西兰旅行。 Chris Hipkins, New Zealand Prime Minister** 克里斯·希普金斯新西兰总理** “Since our borders reopened, we worked to drive New Zealand economic recovery by reconnecting with the world, and sharing one simple message: New Zealand is open for business.”“自从我们的边境重新开放以来,我们一直致力于通过与世界重新建立联系来推动新西兰经济复苏。我们要向世界传达的信息简单明确:新西兰开放商业贸易之门。” Hipkins added New Zealand received 890,000 visitors during its summer time roughly from last December to this February. That was two-thirds of the number of visitors that they would have received before the pandemic. An average of 400,000 Chinese tourists traveled to New Zealand each year in the past. 希普金斯补充说,新西兰在去年12月至今年2月的夏季期间接待了89万名游客,这相当于疫情前新西兰接待游客数量的三分之二。过去,每年平均有40万名中国游客前往新西兰旅游。 Hipkins is on an official visit to China that wraps up tomorrow. He attended the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the Summer Davos Forum, in Tianjin. It is his first visit to China since becoming prime minister and the first visit by a New Zealand prime minister to China since 2019.希普金斯的访华之旅将于6月30日结束。之前他参加了在天津举行的第14届新领军者年会,即夏季达沃斯论坛。这是希普金斯担任新西兰总理后的首次访华,也是自2019年以来新西兰总理对中国的首次访问。 2.CHINESE SCIENTISTS DETECT EVIDENCEOF NANOHERTZGRAVITATIONAL WAVES 世界级发现!中国天眼看见纳赫兹引力波踪影 Chinese scientists say they have found key evidence of the existence of nanohertz gravitational waves with the 500-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, which is also known as FAST. This opens an important window into studying supermassive black holes and the evolution of galaxies. 中国科学家表示,他们利用直径500米的球面口径望远镜(FAST)探测到纳赫兹引力波的关键证据。这项发现为研究超大质量黑洞和星系演化提供了重要窗口。 Gravitational waves are generated when massive space objects accelerate and disturb surrounding space-time. At extremely low frequency, they give off very weak signals and have wavelengths of up to several light years, and observing them has been challenging. Scientists have been using *pulsars【脉冲星】*to detect the waves, because their rotation is extremely stable. They use their signal to study how space is affected by gravitational waves. With the FAST telescope, researchers observed 57 millisecond pulsars for 41 months. Detecting gravitational waves will help understand the origins of the structure of the universe and the growth of supermassive black holes.当庞大的天体加速运动并扰动周围时空时,会产生引力波。在极低频率下,引力波发出的信号非常微弱,波长可长达数光年,因此探测引力波十分具有挑战性。科学家一直在利用脉冲星来探测引力波,因为脉冲星的自转非常稳定。他们利用脉冲星的信号来研究引力波对空间的影响。借助FAST望远镜,研究人员观测了57颗毫秒脉冲星长达41个月。探测引力波将有助于理解宇宙结构的起源和超大质量黑洞的增长。 3.VISA APPOINTMENTS BACKLOGGED*AS DEMAND SOARS FOR TRIPS ABROAD*一签难求****?出境旅行需求激增,签证预约积压严重 As multiple countries loosened or scrapped【放弃 COVID-19 travel restrictions since the start of this year, hordes of Chinese travelers are looking to go abroad again. And the lines for travel visas are long. Sun Siqi reports. 自今年年初以来,多个国家放宽或取消了新冠旅行限制,大批中国游客希望出境旅行,而签证办理处大排长龙。记者孙思齐带来详细报道。 A long line formed outside VFS Global’s office well before it opened this morning.It’sa third-party firm that signs contracts with multiple governments to provide visa processing services. Some traveling to Germany had made their appointment months ago. 6月29日早上,VFS Global还没开始营业,但办公室外面已排起了长队,这家第三方公司与多个国家合作,提供签证办理服务。一些计划前往德国的旅客数月前就进行了签证预约。 Citizen 市民“我是四月份就预约的。非常难约,蹲在网站上去抢。”“I booked an appointment in April. It was very hard. You have to wait on the website for an opening.” And now, the next earliest appointment is September 20th for Germany. Italy has no more available spots. The wait time for a B1/B2 visa to the United States is more than 4 months. 现在,德国签证的最早预约时间已排到9月20日。意大利已没有可预约名额。前往美国的B1/B2签证等待时间超过4个月。 The situation is similar at travel agencies. On, the earliest departure date for Germany if one requires their visa service is December 20th. The earliest for Italy is December 8th. Though some agencies offer priority service, most can’t guarantee a departure until the end of August. 提供签证服务的旅行社的情况也类似。在携程上,如果需要携程提供签证服务,前往德国的最早出发日期是12月20日,前往意大利的最早出发日期是12月8日。虽然有些旅行社提供加急服务,但大多数旅行社无法保证在8月底之前出发。 Voice of Travel Agency Representative****某旅行社工作人员“现在申根最起码也要到10月11月,没有办法加急,我们申根全都下了。” “For Schengen states, you’d have to wait until October or November at the earliest. We can't prioritize that.” says because of visa unavailability, most of their clients are now traveling to closer destinations like Japan, Thailand, and Singapore. This summer, the agency has handled more visa applications than the same period in 2019. 携程称,由于没有签证,大多数客户现在选择前往日本、泰国和新加坡等距离更近的目的地旅行。今年夏季,该旅行社处理的签证申请数量超过了2019年同期。 Wang Yiming, PR Director of Group 携程公关总监汪怡明“长短线的出境需求订单量也是比2019年增长了近一倍左右。” “The number of orders for both long and short trips has almost doubled that of 2019.” But some of the spots seemed to have been purchased by scalpers【黄牛, who are charging multiple times the original fee. Some are willing to pay. 但是一些名额被黄牛买走了,他们的收费为原始费用的数倍。但仍有一些人为此掏腰包。 *Citizen***市民 “意大利是去找黄牛帮我们约了北京的号。7月底大概两三千吧,原来好像一千多,他只是帮你抢个号。有的甚至要去云南,这太远了。” “I found a scalper for Italy, they told us to go to Beijing to apply. I paid 2,000, 3,000-something to travel at the end of July. The real fee should be just over 1,000. For some countries, you'd have to go to Yunnan to get a spot.”VFS Global issued a reminder today, asking people to plan ahead of time. VFS Global今天(06/29)发布了一项提醒,建议人们提前计划行程。 #热词加油站 exposition/ˌekspəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/【展览会】 pulsar/ˈpʌlsɑː(r)/**【脉冲星 scrapped/skræp/【放弃】 scalper/ˈskælpə(r)/【黄牛】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~