cover of episode 06/30 TOP NEWS 丨 上海恢复堂食 / 浦东海关减免税快审模式/冷战不能在亚太重演

06/30 TOP NEWS 丨 上海恢复堂食 / 浦东海关减免税快审模式/冷战不能在亚太重演

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NEWS ON 06/29 1.CUSTOMERS POUNCE ON CHANCE TO EAT IN RESTAURANTS AGAIN 上海市餐饮恢复堂食 2.FAST-TRACK SERVICE SPEEDS UP CLEARANCE PROCESS 浦东海关减免税快审模式帮助企业减负** 3.U.N. ENVOY: NO COLD WAR SCRIPT FOR ASIA-PACIFIC 中国常驻联合国代表张军:冷战不能在亚太重演 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CUSTOMERS POUNCE ON CHANCE TO EAT IN RESTAURANTS AGAIN 上海市餐饮恢复堂食 Dine-in services have been re-stored today in sub-districts and towns in Shanghai with no medium-risk areas and no New community infections within the past seven days. Zhang Hong tells us more about how things went at food and beverage outlets. 6月29日起,上海对辖区内无中风险地区且近一周内无社会面疫情的街镇,有序放开餐饮堂食。记者张泓为您带来更多报道。 Customers were waiting for a table at a Cantonese diner at Cloudnine Shopping Mall in Changning District.  长宁区龙之梦购物中心的 “东发道”里,顾客们正在等待堂食座位。 上海市民 I’ ve been waiting to dine out for such a long time. I’ ll also dine out with friends tonight. And I’ ve made reservations at different restaurants for gatherings this weekend. 我已经等待堂食很久了,而且晚上还有局呢。今天会在外面吃两顿,双休日也约好了。 Customers were separated by an empty table.  顾客在就餐时需要隔一桌坐一桌。 凌晓庆 东发道茶冰厅店长 We left empty tables between customers as required. Within 20 minutes of opening, all available tables were full. Customers obviously ordered a lot and some tables are almost too small for all the dishes.  按照要求我们是隔一桌坐一桌。刚开始营业20分钟,店内能坐满的都坐满了。明显的就是顾客点餐量比较多。像我们的小桌都快摆不开了。 80 percent of the mall’s food and beverage outlets resumed dine-in services today, increasing its traffic flow almost 50% this morning compared to yesterday. Others eateries**【餐馆 said they would reopen tomorrow.  今天有80 %的商场餐饮店恢复堂食,今天早上的客流量比昨天增加了近50 %。其他餐馆表示,明日(6/30)会重新营业。 王丽芬 泰妃殿长宁龙之梦店店长 We called our employees back after getting the notice that we’re allowed to resume重新开始dine-in services. We need to hire about 15 people and we’ve recruited招募 about half so far.  政府通知了我们恢复堂食,所以我们立马就叫员工回来。目前新招大概要招到15个人左右,现在已经招了有一半了,但还缺点人。 At Yuyuan Mall in Huangpu District, Nanxiang Steamed Bun Restaurant customers waiting in line while keeping one-meter apart. They were required to scan the venue code and pass a temperature check before entering. Employees are required to do daily PCR and antigen tests, and wear a N95 mask when serving customers.  在南翔馒头店豫园店,顾客们正排队等候,同时保持着一米的距离。顾客需在进门前扫场所码并测量体温。辖区要求餐饮业员工每天进行核酸检测和抗原检测,并在为顾客服务时戴上N95口罩。 消费者 The food tastes better when I eat it here. If I order take-out, I need to heat it again and it’s definitely not as good. 堂吃好呀,感觉很好,吃到现成的味道了。如果外卖的话回家还要蒸,肯定不好吃了。 At Gemdale Plaza in Songjiang District, more than 90 percent of food and beverage饮料 outlets were open for to dine-in customers. Restaurants are required to keep capacity within 50% or 70%, depending on space. 在松江区的金地广场,90 %以上的餐饮店已开放堂食。但是商户必须依照餐厅空间面积,将客容量控制在50 %或70 %之内。 杨先生 餐饮店店长 Our restaurant has more 150 square meters, so we can have up to 70% of our normal capacity. We’ve removed seats that were too close to each other and those in less-ventilated areas.  我们是属于大于150平米的中型餐饮,然后需要载客限流70%。我们选择把一些比较拥挤的座位、还有后面空气不流通的座位都撤掉。 One subdistrict official in Sonjiang said teams comprising public security, city management and market regulation officers have been set up to patrol restaurants every day to check that virus control measures are being followed. Aside from restaurants, 800 Starbucks cafes also resumed dine-in services today. 松江区的一位政府工作人员说,已经成立了由公安、城市管理和市场监管官员组成的巡查小组,并会每日对餐馆进行巡查,以检查餐馆是否遵守防疫规定。除餐厅外,上海市近800家星巴克咖啡也在今天(6.29)恢复了堂食服务。 2.FAST-TRACK SERVICE SPEEDS UP CLEARANCE PROCESS 浦东海关减免税快审模式帮助企业减负** Pudong Customs is testing fast-track service for integrated**【集成的 circuit makers to ensure they have the parts they need to keep up with demand for chips. Zhang Yue has more. 浦东海关正在为华力集成电路制造有限公司测试减免税快审模式,以确保该公司急需的进口原物料和设备得以快速投产。记者张乐为您带来更多报道。 By scanning this QR code, the manufacturing date, expiration date, and quantity of products will appear, which speeds up the declaration process since it no longer needs to be filled in manually by customs officers. But it’s only available for imported materials need to make computer chips.  通过扫描二维码,产品的生产日期、有效期、数量等信息就会显示出来,不再需要海关人员手工填写,从而加快了申报流程。但此服务目前只适用于制造电脑芯片的进口材料。 何瑞卿 上海华力物流负责人 Logistics物流 was a massive issue during the city lockdown over the past few months. With this digital registration process, the declaration process can be done even before a shipment has arrived in port. This speeds up customs clearance considerably. 疫情期间物流非常紧张,但通过减免税快审模式,审批可在到港前就完成,这加快了企业的通关效率。 Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Corporation, a subsidiary of state-owned Huahong Group, is building a 12-inch wafer manufacturing plant with a capacity of 10,000 units per month.The export value of integrated circuits made in Pudong was 50.8 billion yuan from January to May this year, a 1.61% increase compared to the previous year.  上海华力是华虹集团旗下的集成电路芯片制造企业,拥有12英寸集成电路先进生产线,月产能为1万台。今年1-5月,浦东新区集成电路出口达508亿元,同比增长1.61%。 盛甫斌 上海海关党委委员,浦东海关关长、党委书记 Pudong Customs is going to further improve the stability of the supply chain, so that chip makers will have what they need when they need it. 下一步,浦东海关将立足浦东引领区建设,促进我们的产业链供应链的稳定畅通,促进这些产业的高质量发展。 The central government issued notices clarifying tariff and tax incentives for the integrated circuit and software industries in March 2021. 2021年3月,中央发布通知,明确了集成电路和软件产业的关税和税收优惠政策。 3.U.N. ENVOY: NO COLD WAR SCRIPT FOR ASIA-PACIFIC 中国常驻联合国代表张军:冷战不能在亚太重演 China’s permanent representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun yesterday urged NATO not to fan bloc confrontations or a new Cold War by using the Ukraine crisis as an excuse.  中国常驻联合国代表张军昨日(6/28)敦促北约不要以乌克兰危机为借口,挑动集团对抗,挑起“新冷战”。 张军 中国常驻联合国代表 We urge NATO to learn its lessons, and not to use the Ukraine crisis as an excuse to stoke worldwide bloc confrontations or a new Cold War, and not to look for imaginary假想的 enemies in the Asia Pacific or artificially create contradictions and divisions. We firmly oppose certain elements clamoring for NATO’s involvement in the Asia Pacific Region, or an Asia Pacific version of NATO built on the back of military alliances.  我们敦促北约吸取教训,不要以乌克兰危机为借口,在世界范围内挑动集团对抗,挑起“新冷战”。不要在亚太地区寻找假想敌,不要人为制造矛盾与分裂。我们坚决反对一些势力,鼓动北约把触角进一步伸向亚太,或者依托军事同盟拼凑“亚太版北约”。 #热词加油站  eateries /ˈiːtəriz/【餐馆】 resume/rɪˈzjuːm/【重新开始】 recruited/rɪˈkruːtɪd/【招募】 beverage/ˈbevərɪdʒ/【饮料】 integrated/ˈɪntɪɡreɪtɪd/【集成的】 logistics /ləˈdʒɪstɪks/【物流】 imaginary/ɪˈmædʒɪnəri/【假想的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~