cover of episode 06/29 TOP NEWS |探馆杭州亚运会/国际癫痫关爱日:关注癫痫/加拿大山火烟雾持续飘散

06/29 TOP NEWS |探馆杭州亚运会/国际癫痫关爱日:关注癫痫/加拿大山火烟雾持续飘散

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NEWS ON 06/2****8 1.A SNEAK PEEK AT THE VENUES FOR****19TH ASIAN GAMES IN HANGZHOU 探馆亚运!杭州亚运场馆一览 2.DOCTORS CALL FOR PUBLIC AWARENESS OF EPILEPSY 国际癫痫关爱日:关注癫痫与爱同行 3.SMOKE FROM CANADIAN WILDFIRES CROSSES THE ATLANTIC OCEAN 加拿大山火:烟雾漂洋过海抵达欧洲西部 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.A SNEAK PEEK AT THE VENUES FOR19TH ASIAN GAMES IN HANGZHOU** 探馆亚运!杭州亚运场馆一览 The much-anticipated 19th Asian Games are set to begin on September 23rd in Hanghzou. Our reporter Zhang Yue took a trip across the bay as part of a media tour, to see the completed venues【场地and amenities【设施 that have been built in Hangzhou for the games. 备受期待的第19届亚洲运动会将于9月23日在杭州开幕。本台记者张乐跟随媒体采访团一行抵达杭州,参观了本次赛事的场馆和设施。 Hey guys. I am in Hangzhou for the 2nd World Press Briefing for the 19th Asian Games. The purpose of this conference is to brief the media on the progress of preparations for the Hangzhou Asian Games this September, so that reporters from home and abroad can have a better understanding of the services provided by the organizing committee. Today we are going to tour several major stadiums, let's go get a sneak peek of what they look inside. 大家好,我现在正在杭州参加第十九届亚运会第二次世界媒体大会。这次大会的目的是向媒体介绍本届亚运会筹备工作的进展情况,以便国内外记者更好地了解组委会提供的服务。今天,我们将走进几大主场馆内部,先睹为快。 The center’s most eye-catching venue is a butterfly-shaped building that combines an aquatic center and this gymnasium complex I’m in right now. The design is inspired by the Chinese folktale “The Butterfly Lovers”. This gymnasiumcomplex will be used for the basketball matches in September. 杭州奥体中心最引人瞩目的场馆当属“化蝶”双馆——游泳馆和我目前所在的体育馆。该馆设计灵感来自中国民间传说《梁祝》。九月份的亚运会篮球比赛将在该馆进行。 The venue can accommodate 18,000 spectators【观众, and one of the basketball courts can transform into an hockey rink within 6 to 8 hours, so that the venue can host hockey, curling, figure skating, and other ice sports in the future. 该馆可容纳18,000名观众,其中一个篮球场6-8小时即可被转换成冰球场,因此,亚运会后这里还可用于举办冰球、冰壶、花样滑冰等冰上运动。 The aquatic arena is the second largest aquatic center in China, after the Water Cube in Beijing. The facility will host 53 swimming, synchronized swimming, and diving events. 奥体中心游泳馆是仅次于水立方的全国第二大水上运动中心。这里将会举行游泳、花样游泳和跳水三个项目的比赛,预计产生53枚金牌。 The facility consists of 24 petal-shaped steel structures, and 8 larger petals for the roof. Each of the roof petals weight about 160 tons. They can be rotated to open and close depending on the weather. It takes just under 20 minutes to completely open or close the roof of the "Little Lotus". “小莲花”场馆由24片“小花瓣”和8片会旋转的“大花瓣”构成,上半部分的“大花瓣”每片重达160吨,并能根据天气情况旋转开合,每次开合时间不到20分钟。 Nowwe have arrived at our last stop of the day, the Hangzhou Asian Games Museum. 打卡今日最后一站:杭州亚运会博物馆! The Olympic Council of Asia donated these six sculptures this month, there's one for track,tennis archery, equestrian,basketball and fencing. There is even an experience zone here at the museum, so people can try some of the sports for themselves. 亚奥理事会于本月向杭州亚运会博物馆捐赠6座雕塑,主题分别为射箭、跑步、篮球、击剑、网球和马术项目。市民们还可以在体验区沉浸式体验一些体育项目。 During this trip, I’ll also be visiting the Media Village, where 5,000 reporters from around the world will stay during the games. See you then! 这次媒体大会我还会去探访媒体村,亚运会期间来自世界各地5千多媒体人员将会在那里住宿休息。大家记得点赞关注哦! 2.DOCTORS CALL FOR PUBLIC AWARENESS OF EPILEPSY 国际癫痫关爱日:关注癫痫与爱同行 Today is International Epilepsy【癫痫Caring Day, which was proposed by China Association Against Epilepsy in 2007. This year’s keyword is “standardization” as experts discuss uniform standards in hospitals and communities. Doctors are also calling for eliminating misunderstandings and discriminatory treatment of epilepsy patients. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look.   六月二十八日是国际癫痫关爱日,该日由中国抗癫痫协会于2007年提议设立。今年的主题是“癫痫的规范化诊疗”,专家们将讨论从院内到社区癫痫的规范化诊疗,并呼吁消除对癫痫患者的误解和歧视。记者张泓带来详细报道。 Epilepsy is a chronic【慢性的 noncommunicable disease of the brain that affects people of all ages. It is characterized by recurrent【复发的 seizures. According to the World Health Organization, an estimated 70% of people living with epilepsy could live seizure-free if properly diagnosed and treated. 癫痫是一种脑部慢性非传染性疾病,可发于各个年龄段。该病的特点是反复发作。根据世界卫生组织的数据,如果能够得到准确诊断和妥善治疗,高达70%的癫痫患者可实现零发作。 At least 9 million people in China have epilepsy. About two-thirds of them haven't been properly treated, and 60 percent reportedly have had the disease since childhood. Doctor Wang Yi, who specializes in pediatric epilepsy, says children may be able to grow up and live just like others if treated early enough. 目前我国约有900多万癫痫患者,其中约三分之二的患者没有接受到正规的抗癫痫治疗。据报道,60%的患者在儿童时期起病。专攻小儿癫痫的王艺医生表示,如果尽早接受治疗,患儿有可能像其他孩子一样健康成长并过上正常的生活。 Wang Yi, President of Children's Hospital of Fudan University 王艺复旦大学附属儿科医院院长 “一旦我们早期的干预,早诊早治最终他们可能根本不影响他们的学习、生活、成长,所以其实这个关键的是窗口期还是非常重要的。儿童的发作的表现会非常非常的丰富和复杂,所以其实家长是搞不清楚,就是说他到底是癫痫发作还是非癫痫的发作。我们可以用互联网可以进行一些在线的咨询、视频,包括它的一些临床检验的报告的解读,其实是可以在网上做到的。所以这样的话它的就可以在很快的时间里面可以给病人家长一个比较比较明确的这样的一个诊断和鉴别。小孩子他在用药在治疗的时候,他的自我的体验其实有的时候他是很难表达的,啊他到底有什么不舒服,然后他用了这个药以后,他是不是吃到这个量了,其实应该有一些相关的办法来去进行管理。” “Seizures can vary from child to child. It's difficult for parents to tell whether a seizure signifies epilepsy. Now we can help the parents, especially those from remote areas, to diagnose epilepsy through online consultations. We can also access their hospital test results. Another thing is that, some very young children are not able to tell us how they feel after taking medicines, so we're now working on ways to monitor whether the dosage【剂量 is correct.” Dr. Wang said community health service centers should play a larger role in treating those with epilepsy. 王医生表示,社区卫生服务中心应该在癫痫患者的治疗中发挥更大的作用。 Wang Yi, President of Children's Hospital of Fudan University** 王艺复旦大学附属儿科医院院长 “其实他每一次跑到三级医院,这样是不利于他的一个疾病的整体的一个管理的。他开这些药,它是一个长期的一个处方,长期的一个方案,所以这些方案能够让社区医生跟我们的专科医生进行联动,来进行系统化的管理,它会更直接更便捷,而且更贴近这个我们的百姓的这样的一个服务模式,所以我觉得这个可能是我们接下来去推动的一个重点。” “It's troublesome for a patient to travel a long distance to top-level hospitals and it’s not helpful for health management. Since they have long-term prescriptions【药方, we can keep in touch with doctors at community hospitals and it will be more convenient for patients to get medicines there. Cooperation with doctors at community clinics is an important task for us.” Professor Luo Li, a specialist in hospital management, says it’s also important to raise public awareness about the disease. 医院管理专家罗力教授表示,提高公众对癫痫的认识也非常重要。 Luo Li, Vice President of Hospital Mgt. Institute, Fudan University 复旦大学医院管理研究所副所长罗力 “我们首先要做的一个工作是对社会公众和老百姓进行这样一个科普的一个教育。另外一方面让他掌握基本的一些救治知识,比方说用影像的方式。我们还要创造出一种氛围,啊这个在一些特殊的情况下面旁边老百姓伸出援手,我们要采取一些公益性的一些活动,一些基金会的奖励,一些社会当中的一种赞扬,还有就是我们一些公共政策的支持来鼓励这样一种救助的一个行为。” “We need to educate the public about the disease so that they won’t feel frightened or discriminate against these patients. And we need to show videos to people on how to do basic first-aid treatment. Moreover, we should create an atmosphere that encourages people to offer a helping hand. For example, we can organize volunteer events, offer praise and awards with money from foundations. We also need policies to encourage such deeds.” Shanghai Theater Academy worked with Huashan Hospital Epilepsy Center and put together a stage show dedicated to eliminating fear, misunderstanding and discrimination that have surrounded epilepsy. The show premiered earlier this month at the academy. Selected short clips are available online. 上海戏剧学院与华山医院癫痫中心合作,共同推出了一场致力于消除对癫痫的恐惧、误解和歧视的舞台剧。该剧于本月初在戏剧学院首次上演,部分精选片段可以在网络上观看。 3.SMOKE FROM CANADIAN WILDFIRES CROSSES THE ATLANTIC OCEAN 加拿大山火:烟雾漂洋过海抵达欧洲西部 Drifting smoke from the ongoing wildfires across Canada is creating curtains of haze and raising air quality concerns throughout the parts of the central and eastern United States. Smoke from the wildfires in Canada has also made its way to Western Europe. Stephen Rancourt has more. 加拿大持续不断的山火产生的烟雾正在蔓延,形成了雾霾层,引发美国中东部部分地区对空气质量的担忧。山火产生的烟雾不断扩散,已漂洋过海蔓延到了西欧地区。本台记者Stephen Rancourt带来详细报道。 A NASA satellite image taken on Monday shows smoke from Canada’s wildfires approaching Spain and Portugal. According to climate agencies, the higher altitude smoke doesn’t pose the same health risks in Europe as it does closer to the source of the fires. The lower-lying smoke in North America has been triggering hazardous air quality alerts in the U.S. and Canada since the beginning of June. 根据美国国家航空航天局(NASA)周一拍摄的卫星图像显示,加拿大山火的烟雾正朝西班牙和葡萄牙方向蔓延。相关气候监测机构表示,相较于离火灾源较近的地区,欧洲地区的高空烟雾对人类健康的威胁相对较小。而自六月初以来,北美的低空烟雾一直在触发美国和加拿大的危险空气质量警报。 The area enveloped by the smoke has expanded from the East Coast to the Midwest of the United States. In Chicago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency categorized the air as “unhealthy” and urged young people, older adults and residents with health issues to consider spending more time indoors. 受烟雾影响的地区已经从美国东海岸扩散到中西部。在芝加哥,美国环境保护署将空气质量列为“不健康”等级,并呼吁年轻人、老年人和有健康问题的居民尽量在室内活动。 Chicago Resident 芝加哥市民 “This is bad. I mean, I run a hundred miles a week, so this is going to be dangerous today.” “空气非常差,我每周会跑大约160公里,但今天这样的空气质量,跑步很危险。” According to the Canadian Inter-agency Forest Fire Center, this year’s wildfire season is the worst on record, 76,000 square kilometers of brush and forest are burning in 450 active fires across the country, over half of them are now spiraling out of control. 根据加拿大跨部门森林防火中心(The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center)的数据,今年的山火季已成为有史以来最严重的一次。在全国范围内,有450起正在燃烧的山火,76,000平方公里的灌木和森林被烧毁,其中超过一半的火灾处于失控状态。 #热词加油站 venue/ˈvenjuː/【场地】 amenity/əˈmiːnəti/【设施】 spectator/spekˈteɪtə(r)/【观众】 epilepsy/ˈepɪlepsi/【癫痫】 chronic/ˈkrɒnɪk/【慢性的】 recurrent/rɪˈkʌrənt/【复发的】 dosage/ˈdəʊsɪdʒ/【剂量】 prescription/prɪˈskrɪpʃn/【药方】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~