cover of episode 06/28 TOP OF THE DAY 我国新冠疫苗注射剂次超11亿/高铁进藏/犹太国际友人特展

06/28 TOP OF THE DAY 我国新冠疫苗注射剂次超11亿/高铁进藏/犹太国际友人特展

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NEWS ON 6/25 1.     Over 1.1 billion doses of vaccines administrated in China 全国新冠疫苗接种剂次超11亿 2. Bullet train debuts on new railway in Tibet 呀啦嗦高铁进藏!复兴号开上青藏高原 3.      Museum hornors Jewish friends of the CPC. “中共百年党史中的著名犹太裔国际友人”特展开幕  **--------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------ Over 1.1 billion doses of vaccines administrated in China 全国新冠疫苗接种剂次超11亿 The National Health Commission said today that over 1.1 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered in China as of yesterday. Calling on the public not to hesitate in getting vaccinated, health officials said joint efforts should be made to build the "Great Wall of Immunization." 国家卫健委昨日(6/24)通报,全国新冠疫苗接种已超11亿剂次。中国疾控中心专家呼吁广大群众对于注射疫苗不要犹豫,齐心协力,共同构建"免疫长城"。 In some provinces, people can’t access vaccination information for other parts of the country. The National Health Commission says it’s collecting related data, and plans to publish a service system which enables people to check cross-provincial vaccination information. Experts are reminding everyone to get fully vaccinated in order to ensure they have the best protection. 针对部分省份无法查询跨省新冠疫苗接种信息问题,国家卫健委近日表示正在汇总全国新冠疫苗接种数据,拟发布相关数据查询服务接口,便利疫苗异地接种。专家还提示,针次的确定基于科学的数据,一定要完成全程接种,不能半途而废,否则达不到最佳保护效果。 Bullet train debuts on new railway in Tibet 呀啦嗦**高铁进藏!复兴号开上青藏高原 The first electrified railway in Tibet Autonomous Region opened today, linking the regional capital Lhasa with Nyingchi, as Fuxing model bullet trains began operating on the Tibetan plateau. 今天(25日),西藏第一条电气化铁路,连接拉萨和林芝的拉林铁路,正式开通运营。 At 10:30am, the first Fuxing train pulled out of Lhasa Railway Station in southeastern Tibet, marking the opening of the route. Power substations along the route are monitored 24 hours a day by about 500 surveillance cameras. 上午10点30分,首发列车复兴号动车组缓缓驶出拉萨火车站,向林芝进发,标志着拉林铁路正式开通运营。拉林铁路全线牵引变电所采用无人值守系统,近500个摄像头,24小时自动巡检。 Ma Lin, China Railway Electrification Engineering Group All the data is sent to a control center in Xi’ning, about 2,300 kilometers away. Once a problem is found, the center can take direct control of all power substations along the route. 这些数据参数全部在远程,在青藏公司的西宁调度台能显示到。一旦有什么问题,第一时间就可以远程从2300公里以外的西宁调度所,直接能控制到拉林的每一个牵引变电所。 The route stretches 435 kilometers and has a designed speed of 160 kilometers per hour. The route includes 47 tunnels and 121 bridges, accounting for about 75% of its total length. It’s the first railway in southeastern Tibet. It will take 3.5 hours to go between Lhasa and Nyingchi, compared to 5 hours by car. It will cut the travel time from Shannan to Nyingchi from 6 hours to around 2 hours. 拉林铁路全长435.48公里,设计时速160公里,全线有隧道47座,桥梁121座,桥隧总长占全线的75%,结束了藏东南地区不通火车的历史。拉萨至林芝的出行时间由原来公路的5小时缩短至3.5小时, 山南至林芝的出行时间由原来的6小时缩短至2小时。 Museum hornors Jewish friends of the CPC. **“中共百年党史中的著名犹太裔国际友人特展开幕 Jacob Rosenfeld, an Austrian doctor, came to Shanghai in 1939 after he was released from a concentration camp and forced to leave his country. In 1941, he was the first foreigner to join the New Fourth Army and became a special member of the CPC a year later. He had treated soldiers for about a decade. 1939年,奥地利医生雅克布·罗生特来到上海。彼时,他已经在集中营被关押了一年,又被迫踏上流亡之路。1941年,罗生特是第一个加入新四军的国际友人,而一年之后,他又加入了中国共产党,成为一名特殊的党员。在中国数十年,罗生特一直致力于部队的医疗工作。 Intervewee: Student学生** In history class, this was not covered in much detail. Today’s visit offered me a chance to understand why some Jews came to Shanghai and what they’ve contributed to China.学历史的话也没有很多地讲这些事。这次活动给我们一个机会更多地去了解犹太人他们为什么来上海,做了些什么。 Sidney Shapiro was known by his Chinese name Sha Boli沙博理. He came to Shanghai from the United States in 1947. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he translated a large number of literary works. He translated Chinese novels like "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Crescent Moon" and "Spring Silkworms". Sidney Shapiro 更为人所熟知的是他的中文名字:沙博理。1947年,沙博理离开美国,来到上海。在新中国成立之后,他翻译了大量的文学著作,例如《水浒传》、《月芽》、《春蚕》等等。 Interviewee: The most impressive is to see another puzzle of this international history of Shanghai. But we still wait for more and more stories because there still are some documents and there still are people that remember something in the history of the city. This is fascinating about the history, isn’t it? 一点一点拼凑出这段历史,非常了不起。我们期待着看到更多的故事浮出水面。因为还有很多史料等着我们去探索,还有许多历史的见证者等待我们去探访。这是一段很有魅力的历史,不是吗? The stories of each person are presented in chronological order. 每一位人物的故事都按照年代顺序展出 Interviewee: China’s liberation was supported by some foreign friends. At the centenary of the CPC, while we celebrate China’s achievements, we also want to commemorate these foreign friends who offered a helping hand to the party and our country. The exhibition is a tribute to them.中国人民的解放事业得到了世界各国各民族人民的同情、理解、支持和帮助,在我们中国共产党成立100周年之际,在我们祖国发生巨大变化,取得今天伟大的成就的时候,我们也非常缅怀为我们党的建立、国家发展做出贡献的各国各民族人民,包括一部分犹太人。为了庆祝建党一百周年,为了牢记在我们革命和建设事业中帮助过我们的人,所以我们举行了这样一个特展。 The exhibition will last for three months. Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum reopened in December last year after renovations. It details the story of 20,000 Jewish refugees who fled Nazi-occupied areas of Europe in the 1930s and 1940s and settled in Shanghai. 该展览将持续三个月的时间。上海犹太难民纪念馆经过修缮后,于去年12月重新开放。这里承载着20世纪三四十年代,两万名犹太难民逃离纳粹占领的欧洲地区,来到上海定居的故事。