cover of episode 06/28 TOP NEWS | 上海堂食准备/宛平南路600号上新/七国集团峰会

06/28 TOP NEWS | 上海堂食准备/宛平南路600号上新/七国集团峰会

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NEWS ON 06/27 1. YUMMY!RESTAURANTS GIVEN GREEN LIGHT FOR DINE-IN SERVICE 上海堂食准备 2.MENTAL HEALTH CENTER CREATES STICKERSTO RAISE MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS 宛平南路600号上新 “艺术药丸”表情包呼吁关注心理健康 3.BIDEN COMMITS 200 BILLION US DOLLARSTO GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 七国集团峰会:五年内投入6000亿美元 拜登提出"新版"全球基建倡议 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. YUMMY!RESTAURANTS GIVEN GREEN LIGHT FOR DINE-IN SERVICE 上海堂食准备 Restaurants in Shanghai will be allowed toopen for dine-in services【堂食】 startingWednesday, if their sub-district or town has no medium-risk area and nocommunity infections have been reported for the past seven days. Zhang Yuetakes a look. 本周三(29日),辖区内无中风险地区且近一周内无社会面疫情的街镇将有序放开堂食。记者张乐带来详细报道。 At lunchtime today, many people werewaiting for their take-away meal【外卖】 outside restaurants at a shopping mall. Some said they have been longing to eatin a restaurant. 午餐时间,商场里大大小小的餐厅门口,顾客在等着取外卖,不少人说他们想吃堂食很久了。 Resident 居民 I don’t want to eat take-out food forever.Restaurants need to open someday. Shopping malls are more lively with morepeople dining in the restaurants.总不能全靠外卖吧,开还是要开的,因为商场嘛,还是人多热闹一点。 One restaurant owner said he’s excited. 一位餐饮店店主说他很激动。 Restaurant owner 餐饮店店主 Our revenue is only 30% of what it wasbefore the city lockdown. But I am still thrilled to hear that dine-in serviceis back.现在的营业额比以前的话可能就只有30%左右,昨天这个消息还是比较振奋人心的。 The Shanghai Commerce Commission also saidrestaurant seating capacity will be limited to 70% in restaurants with morethan 150 square meters of space and 50% in eateries below that threshold.Restaurant managers are taking measures to guard against the virus. At onebranch of Shanghai Classic Hotel, a restaurant dating back more than 140 years,the gap between each table is wider than before, and half of the chairs havebeen removed. 上海市商务委员会还表示,面积超过150平方米的餐厅座位数不应超过原来的70%,面积低于150平方米的餐厅座位数不应超过原来的50%。餐厅经理需严格采取防疫措施。这家140多年的老字号饭店,开放堂食后,圆桌将隔桌并减少一半座椅,方桌也拉开了距离。 Wang Yi, Shanghai Classic Hotel 上海老饭店活力城店店长 王毅 Tables must be at least 1 meter apart. Onlytwo people are allowed to sit together at a small table like this, while thebig round tables can sit five people, compared to 10 in the past. 0426 每个餐桌是隔一米以上的间距,就像这样,一米以上的间距,餐桌我们是放两副餐具,是斜对放的一个圆桌,我们大厅放的是(坐)5人,本来可以坐10人。 Other rules include having a valid 72-hournegative PCR test report, scanning the venue code and passing a temperaturecheck in order to enter a restaurant. At Ningbo Dumplings Restaurant in YuyuanGarden, a QR code to order is on each table, which reduces interaction withstaff. Customers are also asked to stay 1 meter apart when checking out【结账】. 此外,顾客还需出示72小时内阴性核酸证明,扫码测温后才能进入餐厅。豫园商城内的宁波汤团店,餐桌贴上了点餐二维码,结账区域也划设了"一米线"。 Xu Zhengliu, Store Manager/ NingboDumplings Restaurant 宁波汤团店经理 徐正留 Our tables are available for just one ortwo customers, compared to four in the past. This is much safer. We will alsolimit the number of people inside to half of our capacity.以前1个座位是4个人,现在我们就正常要求,以1人和2人就坐1个台子,也比较安全,如果是达到一定的50%的数量,我们会限流。 Time-honored restaurant Lvbolang has placedface masks and hand sanitizer at its entrance. The restaurant said it willregularly dinsinfect major areas like the back of the kitchen and main diningplaces. The commission also encouraged diners to use serving spoons andchopsticks. 另一家老字号绿波廊酒楼,门口放好消毒用品和口罩,供顾客取用。工作人员正在对后厨、堂食区域进行消毒。餐厅还鼓励顾客使用公勺公筷。 2.MENTAL HEALTH CENTER CREATES STICKERSTO RAISE MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS 宛平南路600号上新 “艺术药丸”表情包呼吁关注心理健康 After opening an art gallery and makingmoon-cakes, Shanghai Mental Health Center has created a series of GIFs withXuhui Art Museum to raise awareness of** mental health****【心理健康】. Yuan Chenyue has more. 继"600号月饼"、"600号画廊"等文创系列出圈,徐汇艺术馆和上海市精神卫生中心共同推出:600号艺术药丸系列表情包,期待唤起民众对心理健康的持续关注。记者袁辰玥带来更多详细报道。 The stickers【表情包】** feature self-portraits of artists Vincent van Gogh and Frida Kahlo,with their clothing sporting the No. 600, which is Shanghai Mental HealthCenter’s street number. The stickers are available on social media for free. 这套表情包以梵高和弗里达的卡通形象为主角,身体设计成胖胖的药丸形状,领口还标有600号字样。目前社交平台上已经可免费下载这套作品。 Zhao Weina, Designer/ Xuhui Art Museum 赵玮娜 徐汇艺术馆设计师 As the coronavirus outbreak continues inthe city, we made a sticker called "keeping a green code" as we hopeeveryone stays healthy.正好是疫情期间,所以我们做了这个"套住绿马”,也是希望大家能够保住健康,保住绿码。 Qiao Ying, Doctor/ Shanghai MentalHealth Center 乔颖 上海市精神卫生中心精神科副主任医师 We hope everyone sees the brilliance ofmental health from the two artists, and learn from their pursuit of art. Also,we hope people stop discriminating toward people with mental illness, andbetter accept and care for them while using those stickers. As art can bebrought to the medical field, we hope it reminds people of their inner voiceand helps them feel the warmth.希望大家能够在两位大师的身上看到心理健康的光辉,能够学习他们身上的一些闪光点,同时对于精神疾病的患者能够消除歧视,能够多一份接纳和关爱。希望能够把这些文化性的艺术性的色彩,能够带到我们的医学领域,唤起人民群众心灵内部的一些声音,能够让大家能够真正的感受到温暖。 The hospital started developing souvenirswith Xuhui Art Museum earlier this year. The Shanghai Mental Health Center alsoopened 600 Gallery and made special mooncakes to raise mental health awareness,which proved popular enough with locals for them to post and share photos ofboth on social media. 今年年初,徐汇艺术馆和市精神卫生中心开始合作文创开发。此前,为呼吁外界持续关注大众心理健康,包括"600号月饼"、"600号画廊"等在内的文创系列早已出圈,广受好评。 3.BIDEN COMMITS 200 BILLION US DOLLARSTO GLOBAL INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN 七国集团峰会:五年内投入6000亿美元 拜登提出"新版"全球基建倡议 US President Joe Biden on Sunday announcedthe launch of a global** infrastructure****【基础建设】 partnership at the G7 summit. The initiative aims to leverage 600billion US dollars with fellow G7 countries, to spend on global infrastructureprojects by 2027. Lei Shuran has more. 26日,美国总统拜登出席七国集团峰会期间宣布了一项七国集团(G7)基建计划, 目的是在2027年前动员整个七国集团筹集6000亿美元。更多讯息详见记者雷舒然报道。 Biden said the United States would commit200 billion US dollars to the effort in public and private financing to boostprojects in developing and middle-income countries【中等收入国家】. The initiative focuses on four pillars: addressing climate changeand investments in clean energy; building a secure and open internet; advancinggender equity and equality; and upgrading health infrastructure. The plan,called the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment, is considereda rebranding of the "Build Back Better" initiative that Bidenunveiled at last year’s G7 summit. The partnership was initially named afterBiden’s sweeping domestic policy agenda, which has since stalled in Congress. 拜登表示,美国将提供2000亿美元的公共和私有资本,为发展中国家提供发展基础设施的资金,帮中低收入国家应对“气候变化”并发展“性别平等”、“卫生健康”和“数字基建”。该项目名叫“全球基建投资伙伴关系”计划,实际上只是去年拜登在G7峰会上提出的“重建更美好世界”计划的翻版。该计划最初是以拜登的国内政策命名的,自提出后就一直毫无进展。 Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor 朔尔茨 德国总理 ** Given the progress we have achieved, timeis ripe to showcase our offer to the world under a common roof. 鉴于我们已在这一计划中取得的进展,是时候让欧美在"共同的屋檐"下向世界展示我们的基建倡议了. The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, andfurther sanctions against Russia, will definitely be a topic of discussion atthe summit of the world’s major industrialized countries【工业化国家】, a ban on imports of Russian gold already announced on Sundaymorning. 此外,七国集团(G7)将讨论当前的俄乌冲突以及对俄罗斯实施更多的经济制裁,周日上午(26日)宣布禁止进口俄罗斯黄金。 #热词加油站 dine-in service【堂食】 take-away meal【外卖】 check out【结账】 mental health【心理健康】 sticker [ˈstɪkə(r)]【表情包】 infrastructure [ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)]【基础建设】 middle-income countries【中等收入国家】 industrialized countries【工业化国家】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~