NEWS ON 0**6/26 *1.FORMER DRUG ADDICT NOWA REHAB THERAPIST* **“模拟家庭”助戒毒人员重回阳光之下 *2.NINE SENTENCED TO PRISON SALEOF PIRATED LARP GAME SCRIPTS* 首例盗版“剧本杀”侵犯著作权案公开宣判 3.LUKASHENKO BROKERS COMPROMISEBETWEEN MOSCOW AND WAGNER GROUP** 瓦格纳雇佣兵集团人员从南部两州撤离 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.FORMER DRUG ADDICT NOWA REHAB THERAPIST* “模拟家庭”助戒毒人员重回阳光之下 A former drug addict turned substance abuse therapist shares her rehabilitation story. She now works at a rehab【康复中心】 center where people are treated in a home-like environment. Sun Siqi finds-out how. 昔日的吸毒者变成了戒毒指导师,并分享自己的康复故事。目前,顾瑛在一个康复驿站工作,那里的患者在家庭般的环境中接受治疗。记者孙思琪报道。 “Everybody out of bed, fold your clothes, and come help with the food.” “大家起床了,赶紧叠你们的衣服,来帮忙弄菜。” 20 years ago, Gu Ying was in a similar situation to the people she now helps. She was addicted to heroin and spent the money her mother gave her on the drug. 20年前,顾瑛的处境与她现在帮助的人类似。她吸食海洛因成瘾,把母亲给她的钱都花在了毒品上。 Gu Ying Rehabilitation Therapist 顾瑛 上海阳光戒毒中心戒毒指导师 “那个时候(2000年)认识了我的第一个男朋友,然后他跟我说这个(海洛因)是香烟,是可以止痛的,可以帮助睡眠的。我那个时候就觉得好玩就吸了几口,没想到我是一口成瘾,把以前给妈妈的积蓄全部掏空。” “I met my first boyfriend in 2000, he told me heroin is like a cigarette, it kills pain and helps you sleep. I tried it, and got addicted.” Her family sent her to a rehab center, where she met therapist Qin Hongming, who changed her life. 她的家人把她送到康复中心,在那里她遇到了改变了她一生的的治疗师秦鸿明。 Gu Ying Rehabilitation Therapist 顾瑛 上海阳光戒毒中心戒毒指导师 “(秦老师带来的)那个人是戒了一年。我说我想问你,你觉得你一年戒掉了吗?然后那个男的回答我说,我只要稳定一年,就会有第二年,有第二年就有第三年,然后这句话一直在鞭策我。” “At the time, Qin was treating another guy for drug addiction. He'd been there for a year. I asked that guy, do you think just one year is enough for you? He said, if I can stay out of addiction for one year, I can do it for 2 years, 3 years. That encouraged me a lot.” After leaving his job as a police academy teacher, therapist Qin started Sunshine Drug Relapse Prevention Center. He wanted to explore ways to treat addiction in a family-like environment. 在辞去警校教师的工作后,治疗师秦鸿明创办了上海阳光戒毒中心。他希望探索一套家庭戒毒指导模式。 Qin Hongming, Founder Sunshine Drug Relapse Prevention Center 秦鸿明 上海阳光戒毒中心创始人 “围绕他的生理心理存在的所有的问题制定一整套的指导方案,这里面有中西药物的干预,有心理上的干预,有家庭的指导,家庭成员怎么来一步步去做。” “The patient has psychological problems, and we need to help with that. Along with medications, we help through counseling, we engage their family members, we teach them how to help them.” Qin's treatment methods proved more effective than other methodologies【方法】 at the time. As a patient improves, Qin guides them to establish a new circle of friends. This is how Gu recovered. She chose to become a therapist and work at the rehab center. She found telling her own rehab story extremely helpful in treatment. 事实证明,秦鸿明的治疗方法比当时的其他方法更有效。随着病人病情的好转,秦鸿明引导他们建立新的朋友圈。顾瑛就是这样康复的。之后,她选择成为一名治疗师,在康复中心工作。她发现讲述自己的康复故事对治疗非常有帮助。 In 2021, she branched out on her own, renting a house in the suburbs and turning it into a new facility. Two young adults are here now. 19-year-old Mr. Wang has had trouble managing anxiety while cutting back on drug use. 2021年,顾瑛在之前经验的基础上在上海郊区租了一栋房子作为康复驿站。现在驿站有两个年轻人。19岁的小王在戒毒的过程中还是难以控制焦虑情绪。 Wang****Drug addict 小王(化名) 戒毒人员 “脾气暴躁,抑郁焦虑,有时候抑郁到一定的程度会想自杀。顾老师当时跟我说的是不单只是戒毒,还是要改变你认知的,所以我就过来。” “I felt angry, depressed and suicidal. Ms. Gu told me that what I'm doing isn't just cutting, it's changing how I see myself.” Gu Ying Rehabilitation Therapist 顾瑛 上海阳光戒毒中心戒毒指导师 “因为他们是新型毒品(受害者),比如说一般都是他们认知问题很严重,大家住在一起就会自己照见自己,然后他会想到原来碰这个东西会变成这样,我不能再碰了。” “Some of them have self-awareness problems. When we live together, they start to see themselves through the eyes of others, and they realize they've become what they've become because of drugs. They see they must sever the links to the drug.” Some patients left their hometown and old friends to be here, which is essential to ending their addiction. Gu helps them with skills so they can rebuild their life. 一些病人离开家乡、告别朋友来到这里,这对他们戒掉毒瘾至关重要。顾瑛帮助他们掌握技能,以便他们能够重建自己的生活。 Gu Ying Rehabilitation Therapist 顾瑛 上海阳光戒毒中心戒毒指导师 “每个人都不会动手,说句难听话最好躺着,有人最好帮他什么都送到他面前来,但是个个回去以后变了,父母都说变了一个人,从来没想到他会变成这样的人。” “When they arrived, none of them seemed to want to do any work. They'd rather have everything brought to them. By the time they leave though, even their family members notice how they've changed.” Gu's facility has helped dozens of addicts over 2 years. Some have attended drug-prevention info sessions in universities. In the future, her center may be linked up with job centers so former patients can find employment. Gu's biggest wish is to help those who have seen their lives overturned by drugs recover and rebound. 两年来,顾瑛的驿站已经成功帮助了几十名吸毒者戒毒。一些人还参加了大学的毒品预防信息会。在未来,她的中心可能会与就业中心合作,以便患者在戒毒后能找到工作。顾瑛最大的愿望是看到那些深受毒品困扰的人生活回到正轨。 2.NINE SENTENCED TO PRISON SALEOF PIRATED LARP GAME SCRIPTS** 首例盗版**“剧本杀”侵犯著作权案公开宣判 A group of nine were sentenced to prison yesterday for producing and selling pirated copies of live action role-playing game scripts. It is the first case of intellectual property infringement【侵权】 of LARP scripts in Shanghai. Zhang Hong has more. 昨日,一个由9人组成的团伙因制作和销售盗版“剧本杀”被判入狱。这是上海首例侵犯LARP著作权案。记者张宏带来更多报道。 Two chief culprits, Su and Lin, were sentenced to four years and four and a half years in prison yesterday at Shanghai Third Intermediate People's Court. They were each fined 1.85 million yuan. The remaining 7 people were sentenced to one to two years in prison, but were given probation【缓刑】. 昨天在上海市第三中级人民法院,被告人苏某被依法判处有期徒刑四年零六个月,林某四年。并各自被处罚金人民币185万元。其余7名被告被判处有期徒刑一年至两年不等,但均适用缓刑。 Xiao Wanxiang, Head of Criminal Tirbunal Shanghai Third Intermediate People's Court 肖晚祥 上海市第三中级人民法院刑事审判庭庭长 “我们经过审理认为盒装剧本是相关创作者通过一定的智力劳动所创作的一个智力成果,是一个作品它是有著作权的。” “During the trial, we determined that live action role-playing game scripts are creations resulting from intellectual activity and have copyrights.” After setting up a packaging company, Su and Lin bought the LARP scripts online and hired people to scan, typeset, print and sell pirated versions. They used multiple rented spaces to reproduce and store the pirated scripts. From May 2021 to September 2022 when they were caught, they produced over 130 pirated scripts and raked in more than 4.7 million yuan through WeChat and online stores. 在成立了一家包装公司后,苏某和林某在网上购买了LARP剧本,并雇人扫描、排版、印刷和销售盗版。他们租用了多个空间来复制和存储盗版剧本。从前年5月到去年9月案发,被告共制作130多种盗版“剧本杀”盒装剧本,通过微信及网店对外销售,涉案金额逾470万元。 Sun Xiuli, 3rd Branch Shanghai People's Procuratorate 孙秀丽 上海市人民检察院第三分院第六检察部主任 “一般来讲,根据剧本杀的剧情或者热销的程度,可能(售价)也不等,正版要500多元一本,他卖的时候是30到100(多元)不等。” “Generally speaking, an LARP script is sold at different prices depending on its plot and popularity. For a script that usually sells at over 500 yuan, they'll sell a pirated version for 30 to more than 100 yuan.” The police seized more than 46,000 copies of pirated scripts, which have an estimated value of more than 3.2 million yuan. 公安机关查获尚未销售的各类盒装剧本共计4万6千多盒,预计售价超320万元。 3.LUKASHENKO BROKERS COMPROMISEBETWEEN MOSCOW AND WAGNER GROUP** 瓦格纳雇佣兵集团人员从南部两州撤离 Moscow enacted counter-terrorist measures on Saturday in response to the situation surrounding the Wagner Private Military Group, the measures were lifted today following a compromise between Wagner and the Kremlin. Stephen Rancourt has more. 周六,莫斯科针对瓦格纳私人军事集团的局势制定了反恐措施,在瓦格纳和克里姆林宫达成妥协后,这些措施于今天解除。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。 According to Russian media reports, the counter-terrorist operation regime which was also introduced in the Moscow region and the Voronezh region has been canceled. 据俄罗斯媒体昨天报道,俄罗斯首都莫斯科和沃罗涅日地区已宣布解除反恐制度状态。 According to a TASS report, the Wagner private military group was accused of attempting to launch an armed rebellion, but late on Saturday, Moscow and Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin, reached a compromise following mediation efforts by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. 据塔斯社报道,瓦格纳私人军事集团被指控试图发动武装叛乱。周六晚些时候,在白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科的调解努力下,莫斯科和瓦格纳领导人叶夫根尼·普里戈津达成妥协。 On Sunday, Vasily Golubev, governor of Rostov Oblast in Russia, posted on social media that Wagner troops had withdrawn from Rostov-on-Don, and returned to their field camps. Approximately 10,000 square meters of road sections were damaged and are being repaired by the city. 周日,罗斯托夫州州长瓦西里·戈卢别夫在社交媒体发文说,瓦格纳部队已经撤出顿河畔罗斯托夫并前往其野战营地。此次叛乱导致该市1万多平方米道路受损。目前,相关修复工作正在进行。 Local Resident 当地居民 “After I found out about it, I went out, I live nearby, I went over there looked around, talked to people. It was clear that the attitude was friendly.” “(瓦格纳)撤了以后,我就出门了。我就住在这附近,我过来瞧瞧,和人聊聊天,感觉气氛很友好。” Local Resident 当地居民 “Now today we are recovering from the stress.” “今天(06/25)我们不再那么紧张了。” Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Mao Ning said today that China supports Russia's ability to maintain national stability, in response to questions over the situation around the Wagner group incident. Mao added that the incident is part of Russia's internal affairs. 中国外交部发言人毛宁今天表示,中方支持俄罗斯维护国家稳定。对于瓦格纳集团事件,毛宁表示这是俄罗斯的内政。 Mao Ning, Spokesperson Chinese Foreign Ministry 毛宁 中国外交部发言人 “作为友好邻邦和新时代全面战略协作伙伴,中方支持也相信俄罗斯能够维护国家稳定,实现发展繁荣。中俄各层级保持着密切良好的沟通。” “As Russia is friendly neighbor and comprehensive strategic cooperative partner for the new era, China supports and believes in Russia's ability to maintain national stability and achieve development and prosperity. China and Russia maintain close and good communication at all levels.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said all charges against Prigozhin will be dropped. Peskov added the incident with the Wagner group will not affect the course of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, which will continue. 克里姆林宫发言人佩斯科夫表示,将撤销针对普里戈任的刑事指控。瓦格纳集团事件不会影响俄罗斯在乌克兰的特别军事行动进程,该行动将继续进行。 #热词加油站 rehab/ˈriːhæb/【康复中心】 methodology/ˌmeθəˈdɑːlədʒi/【方法】 infringement/ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt/【侵权】 probation/proʊˈbeɪʃ(ə)n/【缓刑】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~