*NEWS ON 06/241.WAIGAOQIAO GROUP WAIVES 6 MONTHS OF RENT FOR TENANTS国企物业免租金 小微企业获生机*2.SHANGHAI RESIDENTS BEAT HEAT WITH ICE CREAM, BEER, & AC UNITS 高温梅雨季催热夏日经济3.U.S. SENATE PASSES LANDMARK GUN SAFETY LEGISLATION*美国参议院近30年来首次通过重大控枪法案***-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.WAIGAOQIAO GROUP WAIVES 6 MONTHS OF RENT FOR TENANTS国企物业免租金 小微企业获生机**Waigaoqiao Bonded Area is waiving 6 months of rent for its tenants this year to help the businesses get back on their feet after the city’s two-month lockdown. Two firms in the area share how this makes a big difference to their bottom line. Sun Siqi has the story.外高桥保税区今年为其租户免除了6个月的租金,以帮助经历了两个月疫情封锁的企业纾困。该地区的两家公司分享了这对他们的经营活动带来的巨大影响。记者孙思奇为我们带来详细报道。More than two-and-a-half months after the onset of the lockdown, wine bottles were once again clinking as they were being shipped out of a warehouse【仓库】 operated by Better Solution. The food importer within Waigaoqiao Bonded Area had serious cash flow and logistics issues during the April and May lockdown. 在封锁两个半月后,酒瓶再次叮叮当当地从泓速实业公司经营的仓库中运出。这家位于外高桥保税区的食品进口公司在四、五月份一度因为业务阻滞而承受现金流以及物流的重压。陆嘉成 上海泓速实业(上海)有限公司总经理There’re payroll costs, rent, advance payments for goods. The cash flow is enormous. We needed between 3 and 5 million yuan to keep the company running. 企业现金流的支出是非常巨大的,包括员工工资成本、租金、垫付的资金。我们日常周转的现金流基本上要确保在300万到500万之间。During the lockdown, Better Solution had received approval to sell some of its goods to the government as pandemic relief supplies. That reduced some of its losses. The waived rent is also a huge help. 疫情期间,泓速实业曾申请将运输的食品作为保供物资,给企业带来一线生机。此次租金的减免,则给了企业另一针强心剂。陆嘉成 上海泓速实业(上海)有限公司总经理It’s equivalent to having extra income, which I can use to pay my employees, give discounts to my clients or help with our future operations. 租金减免变相来说就是有了额外收入,有了这些收入我就可以去补贴员工,包括补贴客户或者帮助促进我们未来的经营活动。Medical equipment maker Logan started renting a workshop in Waigaoqiao Bonded Area last October. They, too, had 6 months of rent waived. 这家名为禄亘的医药器械公司,去年十月签下了外高桥保税区内的一间厂房,也享受到了6个月的租金减免。Anray Wei LOGAN(禄亘)亚太区CEOThis makes us feel safer. I’m glad the government is willing to do this. 这让我们感觉到更加淡定。在这件事情上政府真能帮我们企业做这个事情,就感觉特别有温度。State-owned enterprise Waigaoqiao Group, which owns the bonded area, announced the waived rents during the lockdown. Company managers have also been contacting the owners of small and micro-sized business tenants within the area about the policy.国有企业外高桥集团在疫情期间就发布了免除租金的相关公告。为了帮助区域内的小微企业能够用好租金减免政策,企业负责人也积极与小微企业接洽沟通。**2.SHANGHAI RESIDENTS BEAT HEAT WITH ICE CREAM, BEER, & AC UNITS *高温梅雨季催热夏日经济Local shopping malls are launching sales promotions for popular summer products like ice cream and beverages【饮料】, products that the public often turn to in order to beat the summer heat. Zhang Hong tells us more.连日高温,市民防暑降温需求旺盛,商家抓住机会,对冰激凌、饮料等夏令商品推出花样繁多的促销,催热夏令商品销售。记者张泓为我们带来详细报道。At a Bailian supermarket in a shopping mall in Putuo this afternoon, customers’ trolleys【手推车】 were filled with beer, c*rayfish【小龙虾】**, ice cream and bayberries, all best sellers during the hot days of summer.下午,在普陀区一家购物中心的百联超市,顾客络绎不绝,手推车里塞满了啤酒,小龙虾,杨梅,冰淇淋,这些夏日流量商品占据着卖场C位。顾客It’s the right season for crayfish. We have also bought a new refrigerator to store more food at home.到季节了,小龙虾总归买一点,我们还买了一个新的冰箱,在家里储存更多的食物。顾客We don’t go shopping much during this time, only once every three or four days. So we buy more at a time.这段时间我们不怎么去购物,每三四天才去一次,所以一次要多买一点。The supermarket handles more than 3,600 customers a day, almost the same level as that before the lockdown. Both online and in-store businesses have seen a rebound【复兴】 in sales.目前,大卖场一天接待顾客3600多人,已经恢复到疫情前的水平,线下线下的销售都有明显起色。世纪联华中环店店长 章纯明We sold around 30 percent more beverages compared to last week, and 50 percent more for beer. Sales of ice cream tripled. We receive 500 to 600 online orders a day, it’s a slight increase from that of last year.环比上周的话,饮料类增长30%左右,啤酒类增长50%左右。冷饮分类我们环比增长三倍左右。顾客在线上购单也是很厉害的,我们最近的话每天在五六百单左右,同比去年略有增长。Sales of household appliances like air conditioners, **dehumidifiers【除湿机】 **and dryers have also surged.此外,空调、除湿机、烘干机等家用电器的销量也大幅增加。上海国美长宁店店长 盛建峰Sales of air conditioners have tripled or quadrupled on a yearly basis as of June 20. Over 200 sets of one type of air conditioner are sold a day at this GOME store last weekend.空调的销量从这个月的20号到现在为止,同比往年增长三到四倍。光一个型号周末单店单天可以销售200台以上。In addition to the warm weather, AC sales have increased now that 24-hour delivery and installation services have resumed. Anyone in the market for a new air conditioner can trade in their old one at just about any store, and receive up to 800 yuan off the purchase of a new unit.除了高温因素之外,由于商家恢复了24小时送货安装服务,这也促进了空调销量的增加。据介绍,空调可以在任意商店以旧换新,并且可以享受最高800元的以旧换新补贴。3.US SENATE PASSES LANDMARK GUN SAFETY LEGISLATION****美国:参议院近30年来首次通过重大控枪法案A bipartisan package of modest gun safety measures passed the U.S. Senate late on Thursday even as the Supreme Court broadly expanded gun rights by ruling Americans have a constitutional right to carry handguns in public for self-defense. Stephen Rancourt has more. 周四晚(6月23日),美国国会参议院通过了一项两党合作的枪支安全法案。然而美国最高法院步调不一,规定美国公民拥有在公共场合携带手枪自卫的权利,从而进一步扩大了枪支权利。记者Stephen Rancourt为我们带来详细报道。The Senate bill, approved in a 65-33 vote, is the first significant gun control legislation【法规】 to pass in three decades, the United States has more guns per capita than any other country in the world, as well as the highest number of mass shootings per year among wealthy nations. The 13 billion US-dollar measure would toughen background checks for the youngest gun buyers, keep firearms from more domestic violence offenders and help states put red flag laws in place, making it easier for authorities to seize weapons from people judged to be dangerous. 这项参议院以65票同意、33票反对通过的法案是近30年来美国首次通过的重大控枪法案。美国的人均持枪数量超过世界上任何一个国家,同时美国也是发达国家中每年发生大规模枪击事件最多的国家。 这项耗资130亿美元的措施将加强对21岁以下购枪者的背景调查力度,使更多的家庭暴力犯罪者无法获得枪支,并帮助各州落实红旗法,使当局更容易从被判定为危险的人手中夺取武器。舒默 美国参议院多数党领This is not a cure-all for all the ways gun violence affects our nation, but it is a long overdue step in the right direction.该法案并不能解决枪支暴力对我们国家的所有影响,但这是朝着正确方向早该迈出的一步。However, the Supreme Court said Thursday that Americans have a right to carry guns in public, a major expansion of gun rights. The 6-3 ruling, with the conservative justices in the majority and liberal justices in dissent, struck down New York state’s limits on carrying concealed handguns outside the home. The court found that the law, enacted in 1913, violated a person’s right to "keep and bear arms" under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment.然而,国会在控枪法案上的重大突破,却被美国联邦最高法院“拖了后腿”。最高法院于周四(6月23日)裁定美国人有权在公共场合携带枪支进行“自卫”,这是枪支权利的一个重大扩展。保守派大法官占多数,自由派大法官持反对意见,6-3的投票比推翻了纽约州户外携带隐蔽手枪的限制。法院认为,1913年颁布的法律违反了美国宪法第二修正案规定的个人"持有和携带武器"的权利。**汤姆·金 原告、纽约州步枪和手枪协会主席 **My reaction is relief and happiness that the lawful and legal gun owner of New York State is no longer going to be persecuted【迫害】 by laws that have nothing to do with the safety of the people and will do nothing to make the people safer. We are not the problem. The problem is the criminals and the wrongdoers in the state. 我非常欣慰和高兴。因为纽约州合法的枪支拥有者将不再受到与人民安全无关的法律的迫害,与人民的安全毫无关系,也不会让人民更安全。我们不是问题所在,这个州的罪犯和不法之徒才是。New York Governor Kathy Hochul called the Supreme Cour’s ruling "absolutely shocking."纽约州州长凯西·霍楚尔称这一裁决“绝对令人震惊”。霍楚尔 纽约州州长We’re already dealing with a major gun violence crisis. We don’t need to add more fuel to this fire.我们已经在处理一场重大的枪支暴力危机,我们不需要火上浇油。US President Joe Biden, who has called gun violence a national embarrassment, also condemned the decision. The ruling could affect the ability of state and local governments to impose a wide variety of firearms regulations. All states allow carrying concealed guns in public, although many require state-issued permits.美国总统拜登曾称美国的枪支暴力在国际上令人尴尬,他此次也表示对最高法院的裁决深感失望。分析称,这项裁决可能会影响州和地方政府实施各种枪支法规的能力。所有州都允许在公共场合携带隐蔽枪支,尽管许多州需要州府颁发的许可证。#热词加油站 warehouse /ˈweəhaʊs/【仓库】beverage/ˈbevərɪdʒ/【饮料】trolley/ˈtrɒli/【手推车】crayfish/ˈkreɪfɪʃ/【小龙虾】rebound/rɪˈbaʊnd/【复兴】dehumidifier/ˌdiːhjuːˈmɪdɪfaɪə(r)/【除湿机】 legislation/ˌledʒɪsˈleɪʃn/【法规】persecute/ˈpɜːsɪkjuːt/【迫害】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~