cover of episode 06/26 TOP NEWS | 端午出游人次预计达1亿/银川市长致歉/泰坦号潜水器5名乘客全部遇难

06/26 TOP NEWS | 端午出游人次预计达1亿/银川市长致歉/泰坦号潜水器5名乘客全部遇难

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NEWS ON 0**6/2**3 **1.**100 MLN PEOPLE EXPECTED TO TRAVEL DURING HOLIDAY 端午假期出游激增,预计达1亿人次 2.*CITY OFFICIALS APOLOGIZE FOR DEADLY RESTAURANT BLAST 银川市长就致烧烤店31死爆炸事故道歉 3.ALL 5 PEOPLE ON BOARD MISSING SUBMERSIBLE DEAD “泰坦”号潜水器5名乘客全部遇难 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.100 MLN PEOPLE EXPECTED TO TRAVEL DURING HOLIDAY 端午假期出游激增,预计达1亿人次 Tourist attractions around Shanghai were busy once again today as attendance soared at museums and visitors along the Bund increased 30% compared to the same period in 2019. Around the country, various events and activities helped entertain folks during the holiday. Zhang Hong tells us more. 今天(06/23),上海各旅游景点再次热闹起来,博物馆的参观人数飙升,外滩沿线的游客人数与2019年同期相比增加了30%。端午假期期间,人们在全国各地通过各种各样的活动进行娱乐。记者张泓带来更多报道。 At Yuyuan Garden, 60,000 people had visited by 1 pm today. Large crowds were strolling around the Bund today. About 47,000 people were there last night. About 410,000 people have visited the Bund so far duing the holiday, about 35% more than the same period in 2019. Police were on patrol to ensure safety. 截至今天下午1点,豫园参观人数已达6万。今天大量人群在外滩漫步,昨晚约47000人。到目前为止,约有41万人在端午假期参观了外滩,比2019年同期增长了约35%。警察在附近巡逻以确保安全。 Tourist from Suzhou 苏州游客 “我们刚从南京路走过来,然后外滩转一下,待会儿我们再去感受一下时光隧道。”    “We just got here from Nanjing Road. After wandering around on the promenade散步, we're planning to go to the sightseeing tunnel.” Jiang Yi Huangpu Police 蒋毅 黄埔公安分局外滩治安派出所综合指挥室警长 “在南京路上采取南进北出慢进快出以及波次放行的措施,在江堤整个坡面我们采取了南北均衡单向通行等等一系列的大客流管控措施。” “To access the Bund from Nanjing Pedestrian Road, we ask people to use the south side to reach the promenade and then use the opposite side when leaving the waterfront. We ask people not to linger too long so everyone has a chance to enjoy their day. At the riverside, we ask people to move in the same direction to cope with the large number of people.” In Beijing, a dragon boat race was held at Yuanmingyuan Park, also known as the Old Summer Palace. Each boat was named after scenic sites. People could also see "bamboo-drifting" races, during which people in Hanfu clothing navigate waterways standing on a bamboo raft. 在北京圆明园遗址公园,随着号令响起,一场激烈的“九州竞渡”龙舟展演开始了,参演龙舟以圆明园九州各岛命名。人们还可以看到“竹筏漂流”比赛,参赛选手们穿着汉服站在竹筏上航行。 Elsewhere, in Qianyang County of Shaanxi, some tourists were attracted to see craftspeople*【手艺人 make embroidered handicrafts, a local intangible cultural heritage. Compared to embroidery in Suzhou and Hangzhou, the Qianyang style is more rustic with contrasting colors. 在其他地方,如陕西千阳,一些游客被手艺人制作刺绣工艺品的过程所吸引,这是当地的一项非物质文化遗产。与苏州和杭州的刺绣相比,千阳的刺绣风格更加质朴,色彩对比鲜明。 Tourist 游客 “咱们这边整体来看比较特色,送人也罢自己留都特别有纪念意义。” “It's very characteristic. It's meaningful either to buy one for myself or give it to friends as a gift.” In Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, people tried games like fishing for zongzi and archery. The China Tourism Academy predicted that 100 million people would travel nationwide during the holiday, exceeding the number during the Dragon Boat Festival in 2019.         在江苏泰州,钓粽子和射箭小游戏让不少市民跃跃欲试。中国旅游研究院预测,假期期间全国将有1亿人出游,超过2019年端午节期间的出行人数。 2.CITY OFFICIALS APOLOGIZE FOR DEADLY RESTAURANT BLAST 银川市长就致烧烤店31死爆炸事故道歉 Local officials bowed last night during a press conference to express deep condolences哀悼to the victims of a deadly restaurant explosion in Yinchuan, the capital of Ningxia Hui Autono-mous Region. The blast killed 31 people and injured 7 others on Wednesday. Zhang Hong has more. 在昨晚(06/22)召开的新闻发布会上,银川市市长代表当地政府向爆炸事故遇难者表示哀悼和歉意。截至目前,周三于宁夏回族自治区首府银川发生的烧烤店燃气爆炸事故已造成31人死亡,7人受伤。记者张泓带来更多报道。 Everyone at the press conference paid tribute in silence to the victims. 发布会一开始,与会人员全体起立,为此次事故中的遇难者默哀。 Tao Shaohua Yinchuan Mayor 陶少华 银川市市长 “这是宁夏多年来最为严重的安全事故,我们深表痛心和内疚。在此我代表银川市委市人民政府,向遇难者表示沉重哀悼,向遇难的家属、受伤人员及亲属表示诚挚慰问,向全市人民表示深深的歉意。” “The explosion was the most serious accident in Ningxia in years. We are deeply sorry, and we feel terribly guilty for the large number of lost lives and damaged property. We want to express sympathy to the families of the victims and the injured, and extend our deep apologies to the people of Yinchuan.” More details about the blast were provided during the press conference. 发布会上还透露了现场的救援细节。 Chen Jianmin Yinchuan Fire Brigade 陈建民 银川市消防救援支队支队长 “爆炸导致一部分隔墙倒塌,一至二层楼梯被倒塌的建筑构筑物封堵。三个搜救小组对一楼被困人员快速搜救的同时,通过破拆窗户对二层进行全面搜救。” “Several walls collapsed due to the force of the explosion, which blocked the stairs between the ground and first floor. Three rescue teams had to break windows to find people upstairs, while working to save people trapped on the ground floor.” The cause of the explosion is under investigation. Yinchuan has launched a one-month workplace safety campaign. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism also released an emergency notice, demanding businesses and entertainment venues take responsibility for work safety. 爆炸原因正在调查中。同时,银川市开展了为期一个月的安全生产大排查大整治行动。文旅部也发布紧急通知,要求企业和娱乐场切实做好安全生产工作和责任落实。 3.ALL 5 PEOPLE ON BOARD MISSING SUBMERSIBLE DEAD “泰坦”号潜水器5名乘客全部遇难 The U.S. Coast Guard announced today that all five crew members of the Titan submersible are dead. Stephen Rancourt has more. 美国海岸警卫队今天(06/23)宣布,泰坦号潜水器搭载的五名乘员全部遇难。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。 The U.S. Coast Guard announcedtodaythat a debris field found near the Titanic earlier in the day is wreckage from the missing Titan submersible. They added a remotely operated vehicle discovered the tail cone of the Titan submersible about half a kilometer from the bow of the Titanic on the sea floor. 美国海岸警卫队今天宣布,当天早些时候在“泰坦尼克”号附近发现的一片残骸是失踪的泰坦潜水器的残骸。一辆遥控车在“泰坦尼克”号船头残骸约500米处的海底,发现了潜水器的尾椎等破碎部件。 Rear Admiral John Mauger U.S. Coast Guard 约翰·莫格 美国海岸警卫队海军少将 “In consultation with experts from within the unified command, the debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber.“ “在与统一指挥部的专家商议后,我们认为这些碎片与压力舱发生灾难性内爆的特征相符。” In the case of a submarine, diving beyond the depth it is rated for can result in catastrophic灾难性的 hull failure and implosion. Coast Guard officials said that the previously detected underwater noises may not be related to the "Titan". They added they immediately notified the families of the victims and offered their condolences. 对潜艇来说,潜水深度超过其额定深度可能导致灾难性的船体损坏和“内爆”。,海岸警卫队官员表示,此前探测到的水下噪声可能与“泰坦”号无关。此外,海岸警卫队官员表示立即通知了遇难者家属,并向他们表示哀悼。 Movie director and submersible designer and pilot James Cameron also expressed his shock at the tragedy of the Titan submersible. 《泰坦尼克号》电影导演兼飞行员、潜水器设计师詹姆斯·卡梅隆也对“泰坦”号的悲剧表达了震惊。 James Cameron Film Director 卡梅隆《泰坦尼克号》电影导演 “The captain was warned. There were icebergs ahead. It was a moonless night and he plowed ahead. And here we are again. And at the same place, you know, now there's one wreck lying next to the other wreck, for the same reason.” “泰坦尼克号的船长当时收到了警告,称前面有冰山,但他仍然选择在黑夜中前进。现在我们又遇到了同样的情况,潜水器的残骸躺在了沉船的残骸旁,在同样的地点,因为同样的原因(无视警告)。” In 2018, OceanGate Expeditions' former director of marine operations David Lochridge alleged in a lawsuit that he had been fired after raising concerns about the company's "experimental and untested design" of the craft. 2018年,海洋之门公司的前海洋业务主管戴维·洛奇里奇被该公司起诉后称,他曾向公司递交报告,指出“泰坦”号的设计是实验性的且缺乏测试,但遭到解雇。 #热词加油站 promenade/ˌprɑːməˈneɪd/【散步】  craftspeople/ˈkræftsˌpipl/【手艺人】  condolences/kənˈdoʊləns/【哀悼】 catastrophic/ˌkætəˈstrɑːfɪk/【灾难性的】  订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~