NEWS ON 06/231. REST STATIONS OPEN FOR OUTDOOR WORKERS流动驿站为配送人员提供物资与休憩点**2. HUANGPU CLASSIFIES RENOVATION PROJECTS TO SPEED UP PROCESS“对症开方”加速历史建筑修缮3. DEATH TOLL FROM QUAKE IN AFGHANISTAN SURPASSES 1,000阿富汗地震遇难人数超过1000****-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1. REST STATIONS OPEN FOR OUTDOOR WORKERS流动驿站为户外职工提供物资与休憩点The temperature exceeded【超过】 37 degrees Celsius today, prompting some labor unions and charity foundations to set up stations to hand out food and drinks to people who work outdoors. Sun Siqi has the story.今日(6/23)气温超过37摄氏度,工会和慈善基金会设立了流动驿站,给配送人员分发饮食物资。记者孙思奇带来更多详细报道。It’s noon, the most hectic【忙碌的】 time of the day for delivery workers. A van stopped in front of a mall in Malu Town, Jiading. People jumped out of it give bottles of water and face masks to those in need. 中午是一天中外卖骑手最忙碌的时刻。一辆面包车停在了嘉定区马陆镇上,给有需要的骑手分发饮用水和口罩。Liu Wenfu, Food Delivery Worker****刘文富 外卖员We’re out there in the rain and heat. Most of us bring our own water bottle, but it’s barely enough. If you just grab some here, that should be enough for the day, so we don’t need to buy one. 这个挺好的,真的,这也是对我们骑手的一个关心和帮助吧。因为我们风里雨里,(不论)天热大雨都在外面跑,都是从家里面带一壶水出来,但是一壶水根本就不够喝,有时候我们就买一点矿泉水 。像这种情况下,发了这个水的话,我们自己带一壶,再喝点这个,一天就够了。Jiading set up 3 teams back in 2020 to travel around the district offering help to delivery workers. 嘉定在2020年就设立了三支队伍在区内给外卖员提供帮助。Shi Wenyan, Jiading Office/Shanghai Charity Foundation****施雯雁 上海市慈善基金会嘉定区代表处宣传部工作人员They can’t drop their deliveries to buy water and supplies when they are busy. And we’d like to help with that, which is how the idea started. 包括你看他们疫情的时候,也不可能放下手中的东西,去店里购买他们需要的一些防疫物资,包括水之类的,我们就想,把爱心扩大,又能帮助他们,所以我们的初衷是这样子的。At an industrial park in Hongkou, an air-conditioned rest station reopened two days ago. Deliveryman Mr. Zhang popped over【短暂到访】 to cool down at lunchtime. 虹口的工业园区内,一个设有空调的休息站也在两天前重新开放了。外卖员小张中午的时候就来这里乘凉休息。Mr.Zhang, Deliveryman *小张,外卖员This place is great. It prevents* heat stroke【中暑】, and you can get a good rest. 确实是挺好的,对我们来说天气热,大家为了避免中暑有个休息的地方。The rest station is equipped with a fridge, microwave, water dispenser, books and even a massage chair. Outdoor workers in the vicinity consider it a lounge. 这个休息站内还配备了冰箱、微波炉、饮水机、书本甚至按摩椅。附近的配送人员可以把这个地方作为休息室。Outdoor Workers****配送人员We could stop over when it’s raining or too hot. We can eat our lunch here. 避避暑、或者是下雨天,下雨能避避雨,中午能有个地方休息吃饭挺好的。The rest station is disinfected every 2 to 3 hours during the day.白天的时候休息站每隔2~3个小时就会消毒一次。2. HUANGPU CLASSIFIES RENOVATION PROJECTS TO SPEED UP PROCESS“对症开方”加速历史建筑修缮*Huangpu District housing management authorities are fast-tracking renovations【翻新】 of historic buildings. Zhang Hong tells us more.黄浦区房管总局正在对历史建筑的修缮紧密跟进。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。The YWCA Building on Yuanmingyuan Road in Huangpu District was built in 1931 and last repaired a decade ago. One external wall and some of its pipes are damaged and need to be repaired. 圆明园路上的这座女青年会大楼建于1931年,上一次整体修缮还是在十年前。如今,外立面和管道出现了不同程度的损坏,需要再次修缮。Zou Song, Presideng/Rockbund邹松 洛克外滩源总裁*If a renovation project is suspended a long time, tenants may think it will interfere with their business since scaffolding【脚手架】 is set up around the building.(修缮停滞以后)租户可能会觉得这么长时间,你的脚手架会影响我运营。The YWCA is one of seven historic buildings on a renovation approval list compiled this month by Huangpu’s housing management authorities. The authorities said the number of requests they received in the first two weeks of this month equaled a full month’s worth of requests. But one architect said renovation projects cannot be rushed.自6月以来,黄浦区房管局优秀历史建筑保护科已接到需求件7件,这座女青年会大楼就是其中之一。本月前两周受理的需求件已经达到以往一个月的需求量。但建筑师表示,修缮工作不能仓促进行。Du Xin, Architect/Dongya Architecture Design杜鑫 东亚建筑设计有限公司建筑师*We need professionals to measure the building and draw up a blueprint. It’s going to take a long time.这些后续都是需要一些匠人来手工测绘,来打磨,来设计的,时间确实是会耗时比较长。Huangpu authorities figured out a way to classify projects, which should in turn speed up the process. For example, if a building only needs interior changes, the project will be easier as fewer experts and field trips will be needed. 在申报初期,通过为老建筑“对症开方”,可以提升修缮速度。比如一些建筑仅需要内部装修,涉及专家和勘验次数较少,这样就适用简单方案。Xiangmin/Huangpu Housing Security & Mgnt. Bureau*项旻 黄浦区住房保障和房屋管理局优秀历史建筑保护科科长**The "diagnosis【诊断】" of historic buildings is like pre-surgery evaluation by doctors. We want to streamline the process so as to create a better business environment for tenants.我们对这一类的项目是采取一种专家会诊制,我们会请好多医生来给你做手术前的综合评判。这些房子如果用这么多的流程来管控的话,其实不利于营商环境,因此我们开了一个简易门诊。Construction companies will be given a detailed plan for each renovation project from the start. Huangpu has 289 historical buildings, about 25% of the city’s total.一份详细的方案会在每个修缮项目开始的时候就交给建筑公司。黄浦区共有289处优秀历史建筑,占到全市总数的25%。3. DEATH TOLL FROM QUAKE IN AFGHANISTAN SURPASSES 1,000****阿富汗地震遇难人数超过1000The death toll from the earthquake that struck eastern Afghanistan early yesterday has surpassed 1,000, while more than 1,500 people have been injured.昨日(6/22),阿富汗东部遭遇20年来最致命地震。目前已造成超1000人遇难,1500多人受伤。Local officials say the number of casualties【伤亡人员】 could continue to climb as the quake destroyed scores of houses in mountainous regions. The Afghan Red Crescent Society dispatched more than 300 ambulances to disaster areas, along with rescue workers, medical teams and volunteers to help those in need. The Prime Minister’s office in Pakistan has announced it will be sending humanitarian aid to Afghan earthquake victims, including blankets, tents and medicine. Wang Yu, the Chinese ambassador to Afghanistan said no injuries among Chinese citizens have been reported yet, and that China always stands by Afghanistan and will provide assistance to its people.当地官员表示,震区一些村庄位置偏僻,遇难者人数可能还会上升。阿富汗红新月已派出300多辆救护车、救援人员、医疗队伍和志愿者赶赴震区。巴基斯坦总理办公室宣布将向阿富汗地震灾民提供人道主义援助,包括毯子、帐篷和药品。中国驻阿富汗大使王愚表示,目前(6/22)暂未收到中国公民的伤亡报告。中国始终站与阿富汗站在一起,将向阿富汗人民提供帮助。#热词加油站exceed/ɪkˈsiːd/ 【超出】hectic/ˈhektɪk/ 【忙碌的】pop over 【短暂到访】heat stroke 【中暑】renovation/ˌrenəˈveɪʃn/ 【翻新】scaffolding /ˈskæfəldɪŋ/ 【脚手架】diagnosis/ˌdaɪəɡˈnəʊsɪs/ 【诊断】casualty/ˈkæʒuəlti/ 【伤亡人员】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~