NEWS ON 06/21 1.SHANGHAI INTRODUCES MORE MEASURES TO SUPPORT BUSINESS RECOVERY 上海:促进经济恢复助力市场纾困 今年再推十大优化营商环境事项 2.SUMMER SOLSTICE HAS ARRIVED 周五雨势明显 雨带飘忽今年梅雨“不典型” 3.RUSSIA CALLS ON LITHUANIA TO LIFT TRANSIT BAN TO KALININGRAD 俄罗斯:抗议立陶宛"封锁"*加里宁格勒 *誓言将作出回击 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SHANGHAI INTRODUCES MORE MEASURES TO SUPPORT BUSINESS RECOVERY 上海:促进经济恢复助力市场纾困 今年再推十大优化营商环境事项 Shanghai today issued a new series of policies designed to solve problems and ease difficulties which have been encountered by companies in the city after recent pandemic outbreaks and COVID precautionary【预防的】 measures. Lei Shuran has more. 今天(6/21),上海出台了一系列新政策,旨在解决和缓解疫情后上海企业遇到的问题和困难。记者雷舒然带来更多详细报道。 The new policies apply to ten key regulatory sectors and focus on three key words: convenience, efficiency, and financial relief. They are to include aspects of business regulation, tax payment, financing services, and cross-border trade. 政策新增了十大重点事项,集中聚焦三大关键词:“便捷、高效、纾困”,包括了商业监管、税费缴纳、融资服务和跨境贸易等方面。 孙小薇 上海市发改委营商处副处长 For example, the single-process online registration service handled by the Administration of Market Regulation previously only involved the establishment of a company, but now it has been extended to include changes to scope of business and cancellation of business registration, which means that it covers the entire life cycle of a firm. And this service has also been extended from domestic companies to foreign ones. 比如说市场监管局的全程网办登记服务,之前只涉及到一个企业的开办,现在范围拓展到业务范围的变更和工商登记的注销,涵盖了企业的全生命周期。并且这项服务也已经从内资企业拓展到外资企业了。 In terms of financing service upgrades, various account management fees will be reduced or exempted for small and micro enterprises as well as for individual industrial and commercial households. The regulatory authorities will also provide ‘seamless’ loan renewal【续订】 and simultaneous recognition of credit restoration across all departments, so as to create a flexible regulatory environment. 在融资服务升级方面,对小微企业和个体工商户减免各类账户管理费用,"无缝续贷"应续尽续,跨部门同步办理信用修复,以创造灵活的监管环境。 孙小薇 上海市发改委营商处副处长 These tasks are to be carried out as city level projects, and are scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. We have already started to follow up and supervise their implementation. 这些项目是参照了全市的实事项目来开展的,计划在今年年底前完成。我们目前已经开始跟进和督办这些措施的实施情况。 Both new and modified services are intended to be available to companies on a daily basis, but also be able to respond to company emergency conditions as necessary. 新服务以及修改后的服务将每天向企业开放,也将在必要时帮助企业应对紧急状况。 2.SUMMER SOLSTICE HAS ARRIVED 周五雨势明显 雨带飘忽今年梅雨“不典型” Today marks this year’s 10th solar term, Xiazhi, or Summer Solstice. Although today’s high was just under 30 degrees in Shanghai, it was very muggy【闷热的】. Fore-casters say this year’s plum rain season*【梅雨季节】 is not shaping up to be a typical one. Zhang Hong has the story. 今天(6/21)是今年的第10个节气,夏至。申城最高气温虽然不到30度,但体感闷热。气象部门表示,今年申城的“黄梅天”并不典型。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 Today’s daytime high only hit 29.9 degrees. However, as the skies were mostly overcast, the lack of direct sunlight made for some very muggy conditions. 今天(6/21)白天最高气温只有29.9度。然而,由于以多云为主,缺乏阳光直射导致体感非常闷热。 市民 We’ve just entered the plum rain season, and we haven’t seen many rainy days yet. 刚刚入梅,还没有到雨季。 Ice-cream always sells well on hot summer days. At this wholesale store*【批发店】 in Yangpu District, residents were buying in quantity, and had to carry the frozen treats away in boxes. 冰淇淋在炎热的夏天总是很畅销。在杨浦区的这家批发店里,居民们大量购买,并且需要把冰品装在盒子里运走。 顾客 I want the salt and mung bean popsicle. It’s hot, and I want them to quench my thirst. 我想要盐水和绿豆棒冰。天热了,买点来解渴。 Forecasters say showers may return to the city in the next few days. 气象专家分析,阵雨将再次回归申城。 邬锐 上海市气象局首席服务官 Showers and thunderstorms may arrive from tomorrow to the weekend, especially on Friday. Since 2000, the rainfall during the plum rain season has become more intermittent【间歇的】****. 明天(6/22)开始到周末可能会有阵雨或雷雨的天气,特别是周五。2000年以来,梅雨都变得断断续续的。 At parks and gardens around Shanghai, the lotus【荷花】 and waterlilies are in bloom. At Liuyunhu Garden in Jiading District, visitors were attracted by the lotuses in the pond. The open concept park has been fenced in and is only allowing access through gates to ensure that people scan the venue code before entering. Usually, about 2,000 residents visit the garden a day during the lotus season. And at Nianfeng Park in Fengxian District, residents are enjoying the waterlilies, which will last until the end of September. 在上海的公园和花园里,荷花和睡莲正在盛开。在嘉定区留云湖花园,游客们被池塘里的荷花所吸引。这个概念公园被围了起来,只允许通过大门进入,以确保人们在入园前扫描场所码。通常,在莲花季节,每天约有2000名市民来参观花园。在奉贤区年丰公园,市民们正在观赏睡莲,观赏时间将持续到9月底。 3.RUSSIA CALLS ON LITHUANIA TO LIFT TRANSIT BAN TO KALININGRAD 俄罗斯:抗议立陶宛**"封锁"**加里宁格勒 誓言将作出回击 The Russian foreign ministry said on Monday, that they are calling on Lithu-ania to immediately lift a ban on the rail-transit of goods to the province of Kalin-in-grad. Stephen Rancourt has more. 俄罗斯外交部周一(6/20)发表声明,要求立陶宛立即解除对加里宁格勒州铁路运输货物的禁令。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。 Lithuanian authorities banned the transit of certain goods along the only rail route between mainland Russia and the province of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea【波罗的海】. The goods includes coal, metals, construction materials and advanced technology. Kaliningrad is bordered by NATO countries, Poland to the south and Lithuania to the north and west, some of the people who live there are concerned over the transit ban. 立陶宛当局限制在俄罗斯本土和波罗的海沿岸加里宁格勒州之间的唯一铁路沿线运输部分货物,包括煤炭、金属、建筑材料、先进技术等。加里宁格勒州与北约国家接壤,南部是波兰,北部和西部是立陶宛,一些居住在那里的人对禁运政策感到担忧。 加里宁格勒州居民 KALININGRAD RESIDENT, NO NAME GIVEN Maybe prices will grow, or there will be no goods that we used to at all. (建材)价格可能会上涨,或者商品会供应不足。 Urging citizens not to resort to panic buying, a representative of the Kaliningrad Government said that two vessels were already ferrying goods between Kaliningrad and Saint Petersburg, and seven more would be in service by the end of the year. 加里宁格勒州政府的一名代表敦促市民不要抢购,他说已经有两艘船在加里宁格勒州和圣彼得堡之间运送货物,另外七艘船将在今年年底投入使用。 **利索科夫 **加里宁格勒地区政策信息部门负责人 If they insist on continuing the transit ban, we can reroute the cargo and ship it by sea. 如果立陶宛继续执行禁运政策,那么过境货物将被重新分配走海运路线。 Moscow demanded the imposed restrictions be immediately lifted, calling them "provocative" and "openly hostile." 莫斯科要求立即解除相关限制,称这些限制是“挑衅”和“公开敌对行为”。 **佩斯科夫 **俄总统新闻秘书 The decision is indeed unprecedented. It violates everything possible. The situation is more than serious and it requires consideration before we announce measures and decisions. This deep analysis will be done within a few days. 这一(禁运)决定前所未有,违反了一切法律和准则。现在的局势非常严重,俄方将深入研究这一情况,预计在未来几天出台回应措施。 Lithuania announced last week that it would ban the rail transit of goods that are subject to European Union sanctions through its territory to the Russian province of Kaliningrad. 立陶宛上周宣称,将禁止通过其领土向俄罗斯加里宁格勒州运送欧盟制裁货物的铁路运输。 #热词加油站 precautionary /prɪˈkɔːʃənəri/【预防的】 renewal /rɪˈnjuːəl/【续订】 muggy /ˈmʌɡi/【闷热的】 plum rain season【梅雨季节】 wholesale store【批发店】 intermittent /ˌɪntəˈmɪtənt/【间歇的】 lotus /ˈləʊtəs/【荷花】 Baltic Sea【波罗的海】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~