NEWS ON 0**6/20 *1.SMPC STANDING COMMITTEE PASSESWILDLIFE PROTECTION REGULATIONS* 上海市人大常委会会议表决通过野生动物保护条例 *2.CENTRAL BANK CUTS KEY LOAN RATESIN DRIVE TO SUPPORT ECONOMY* 央行年内首次下调LPR利率 进一步提振实体经济资金需求 3.SUBMARINE EXPLORING TITANIC WRECK MISSING, RESCUE EFFORT UNDER WAY 一艘泰坦尼克号旅游潜艇失踪,救援行动正在进行中 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.SMPC STANDING COMMITTEE PASSESWILDLIFE PROTECTION REGULATIONS* 上海市人大常委会会议表决通过野生动物保护条例 The Standing Committee of Shanghai Municipal People's Congress adopted regulations on wildlife protection in Shanghai. The document stipulates that a patrol【巡逻】 mechanism be established and includes detailed rules for the restoration and management of natural habitats. Zhang Hong tells us more. 上海市人大常委会表决通过《上海市野生动物保护条例》。该文件规定建立巡逻机制,并包括恢复和管理自然栖息地的详细规则。记者张泓带来更多报道。 Strengthening patrols of natural habitats during migration peaks is one of the highlights of the newly passed regulations. Earlier this year, a black-throated loon was found dead in Century Park, Pudong. It had an oil stain from its neck to its stomach. The bird usually lives in Siberia and only passes through Shanghai in winter. The news triggered discussions on how to protect migratory birds. 在迁徙高峰期间加强对自然栖息地的巡逻是此次立法的一大亮点。此前,在上海市浦东新区世纪公园内,一只颈部到腹部沾染大片油污的黑喉潜鸟被发现死亡。这种鸟通常生活在西伯利亚,只在冬季经过上海。这一消息引发了关于如何保护候鸟的讨论。 Yan Rui, Legislative Affairs Commission,SMPC Standing Committee 阎锐 上海市人大常委会法工委主任 “本市处于候鸟迁徙通道的重要中转点。经研究,我们决定在条例草案第29条增加相关内容,规定野生动物保护主管部门和其它有关部门应当在候鸟迁徙高峰期,加强对候鸟迁徙停歇地和越冬地等重要区域的巡护。” “Shanghai is an important stop for migratory birds. After completing some research, we decided to add content to Article 29 of the draft regulations. The new wording stipulates【规定】that wildlife protection departments should strengthen patrols at stopover sites and wintering grounds during migration peaks.” Another highlight is that a special chapter has been included for the protection of wildlife and their habitats. Shanghai has 22 habitats for wildlife. The new regulations detailed the restoration, preservation and management of these habitats. The document also set up rules for the rescue and care of wildlife. 此次立法的另一个亮点是专门设立了保护野生动物及其栖息地的章节。上海有22个野生动物栖息地。新条例详细规定了这些栖息地的恢复、保护和管理。该文件还制定了救助和保护野生动物的规则。 Gu Xiaojun, Deputy Director ofShanghai Landscaping & City Appearance Administrative Bureau** 顾晓君 市绿化和市容管理局副局长 “比如说松江区叶谢镇一直在努力保护中华水鹿。条例出台以后,从法治层面上进行了很好的保障。” “For example, Yexie Town in Songjiang District has been making efforts to protect Chinese water deer. The new regulations provide a better legislative**【立法的】** basis for the protection.” The regulations will come into effect in October. 该条例将于10月起实施。 *2.CENTRAL BANK CUTS KEY LOAN RATESIN DRIVE TO SUPPORT ECONOMY* 央行年内首次下调LPR利率 进一步提振实体经济资金需求 Benchmark lending rates were lowered today with both the one-year and five-year rates moving down 10 basis points, marking their first decrease in 10 months. The lower Loan Prime Rates together with new equity financing policies that have taken effect recently are expected to provide improved stimulus to the real estate market. Lei Shuran has more. 基准贷款利率今日(06/20)下调,一年期和五年期贷利率均下调10个基点,这是10个月来的首次下调。贷款市场报价利率(LPR)的降低,加上最近生效的股权融资新政策,预计将为房地产市场提供刺激。记者雷淑然带来报道。 The People's Bank of China today cut the one-year LPR to 3.55 percent and the over five-year LPR down to 4.2 percent. The 10 basis-point reductions means mortgage borrowers will be able to apply for a loan with lower costs. For example, someone applying for a 3 million yuan loan for a second-hand home in Shanghai will see the interest rate dropping to 5.25%, meaning a reduction of over 40,000 yuan in overall interest payments. To ensure that customers can take advantage of the mortgage rate reductions, many banks temporarily suspended loan releases today, and will resume them tomorrow at the new rates. Industry analysts say the cuts were needed. 中国人民银行今天(06/20)将一年期LPR降至3.55%,五年期以上LPR降至4.2%。下调10个基点意味着抵押贷款借款人将能够以更低的成本申请贷款。例如,在上海申请300万元贷款购买二手房,利率将降至5.25%,这意味着总利息将减少4万多元。为了确保客户能够享受到抵押贷款利率下调的利好,许多银行今天(06/20)暂停发放贷款,并将在明天(06/21)以新的利率恢复发放。业内分析人士表示,这些削减措施是必要的。 Du Haomin, Sinolink Securities Company, Real Estate Industry Analyst *杜浩民 国金证券房地产行业分析师* “我们看到其实1到5月份以来,数据并不是那么理想,稳住销售实际上也是稳住企业的发展。” “Performance was not ideal beginning in January and extending into May, especially on the sales side. Stabilizing sales is the key to stabilizing the development of the industry.” At the end of last year, China's top securities regulator began allowing property companies to resume refinancing and mergers and acquisitions after a 12-year suspension. As of mid-June the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges have approved six real estate companies' refinancing plans, aiming to raise a total of more than 40 billion yuan. Market analysts say together with today's LPR cut, these measures should help ensure stable development of the real estate market. 去年年底,中国最高证券监管机构允许房地产公司在暂停12年后恢复再融资和并购。截至6月中旬,上海和深圳证券交易所已经批准了六家房地产公司的再融资计划,旨在筹集总额超过400亿元的资金。市场分析人员表示,加上今天(06/20)的降准,这些措施将有助于确保房地产市场的稳定发展。 Du Haomin, Sinolink Securities Company, Real Estate Industry Analyst *杜浩民 国金证券房地产行业分析师* “一个是供给端,一个是需求端。供给端是为了帮助企业去获得一个更好的资金发展支持,企业发展最终需要通过的是销售端,所以两端共同助力才能助力房地产业的发展。” “Supportive measures from both the supply and the demand sides can help companies ensure better financial support for their development. If there is a significant growth on the sales end, that then will be the ultimate solution for the growth of the companies.” After seeing a rebound in the first quarter, the property market slowed further in May. The latest government figures showed a fall in sales by floor area of 0.9 percent year-on-year in the first five months, more than double the 0.4 percent figure for the first four months. That was the first time this year that the pace of decline had increased. 在经历第一季度的反弹后,房地产市场在5月份进一步放缓。最新的政府数据显示,前五个月房屋销售面积同比下降0.9%,比前四个月的0.4%高出一倍多。这是今年以来首次出现下降速度加快的情况。 3**.SUBMARINE EXPLORING TITANIC WRECK MISSING, RESCUE EFFORT UNDER WAY 一艘泰坦尼克号旅游潜艇失踪,救援行动正在进行中 A small sub-marine operated by a private company that runs tour to the wreckage of the Titanic has gone missing off the coast of eastern Canada. The US Coast Guard and Canadian defense ministry are searching for the small craft. Stephen Rancourt has more. 一艘由私营公司运营的参观"泰坦尼克号”水下残骸的小型潜水艇在加拿大东部海岸失踪。美国海岸警卫队和加拿大国防部正在全力搜寻。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。 OceanGate Expeditions said in a statement on Monday that it was "mobilizing all options" to rescue those aboard the underwater vessel, which typically has five people on board. 海洋之门勘探公司周一在一份声明中表示,它正在“动用一切手段”营救船上人员。这艘船可容纳5人。 British billionaire Hamish Harding is among the passengers, according to a social media post from a relative. 英国亿万富翁哈米什·哈丁的一位亲属在社交媒体上发帖称,哈米什·哈丁是这艘潜水器乘客之一。 The US Coast Guard said on Twitter that a boat on the surface, the Polar Prince, lost contact with the submersible about an hour and 45 minutes after it began diving toward the wreckage site on Sunday morning. 美国海岸警卫队在推特上表示,这艘潜艇在周日早上开始向泰坦尼克号残骸地点潜水大约一小时四十五分钟后,与水面上的船“极地王子号”失去了联系。 US and Canadian authorities have launched a search-and-rescue operation, including aerial and surface searches, according to statements from the US Coast Guard and Canada's defense ministry. 根据美国海岸警卫队和加拿大国防部的声明,美国和加拿大当局已经展开搜救行动,包括空中和水面搜索。 Rear Admiral John Mauger,United States Coast Guard *约翰·毛格 美国海岸警卫队海军少*将** “It is a remote area and it is a challenge to conduct a search in that remote area. But we are deploying all available assets to make sure that we can locate the craft and rescue the people on board.” “这是一处偏远海域,在这个区域搜救是个挑战。我们正在部署一切可用资源,确保找到潜水器、营救乘客。” The expeditions, which cost 250,000 U.S. dollars per person, start in St. John's, Newfoundland, before heading out approximately 640 kilometers into the Atlantic to the wreckage site. In order to visit the wreck, passengers climb inside Titan, a five-person submarine【潜水艇】, which takes two hours to descend the approximately 3,800 meters to the Titanic. 该探险活动向每名乘客收取25万美元,从纽芬兰的圣约翰斯出发,前往大约640公里外的大西洋泰坦尼克号残骸现场。为了参观沉船,乘客们爬进这艘名为“泰坦”的五人潜水艇,需要两个小时才能下降到约3800米深的海底观赏泰坦尼克号残骸。 The British passenger ship famously sank in 1912 on its maiden voyage after hitting an iceberg, killing more than 1,500 people. 泰坦尼克号是一艘英国豪华客轮,在1912年的首航中撞上冰山沉没,造成1500多人死亡。 #热词加油站 patrol/pəˈtroʊl/【巡逻】 stipulate/ˈstɪpjuleɪt/【规定】 legislative/ˈledʒɪsleɪtɪv/【立法的】 submarine/ˌsʌbməˈriːn/【潜水艇】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~