NEWS ON 0**6/19 *1.XI MEETS US SECRETARY OF STATE 习近平会见美国国务卿 *2.DRAGON BOAT RACES RETURN TO SUZHOU CREEK 上海苏州河重启龙舟赛 3.THE 5TH PEACE ARTS & CULTURE WEEKOPENS AT FAIRMONT PEACE HOTEL* *第五届“和平文化艺术周”在费尔蒙和平饭店盛大开幕* ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.XI MEETS US SECRETARY OF STATE 习近平会见美国国务卿 President Xi Jinping met visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Beijing this afternoon. This follows Blinken's earlier meeting with Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee. Sun Siqi gives the details. 中国国家主席习近平今天(06/19)下午在北京会见了来访的美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯。此前,布林肯还会见了中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅。记者孙思琪带来详细报道。 Xi said state-to-state interactions should always be based on mutual respect and sincerity. He said he hopes Blinken's visit will lead to more positive contributions to stabilizing China-US relations. 习近平强调,相互尊重和信任是国与国应有的相处之道,希望布林肯通过这次访问,能为稳定中美关系做出积极贡献。 Earlier today, Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, also spoke with Blinken. 此前,中央外事工作委员会办公室主任王毅也同布林肯举行了会晤。 Wang said Blinken's trip comes at a critical juncture of China-US relations and a choice needs to be made between dialogue and confrontation【对抗】**. Wang called on the two sides to work together to reverse the downward spiral of bilateral relations. 王毅表示,布林肯访华正值中美关系紧张的关键节点,现在必须就友好合作还是冲突、对话还是继续对抗作出选择。并呼吁双方共同努力,扭转双边关系的螺旋式下滑。 He reiterated that China will never follow the beaten track of big powers in seeking hegemony, urging the United States not to misjudge China with a trajectory taken by the traditional Western powers. He said this is the key to whether the US government's policy towards China can truly return to a rational approach. Wang also asked the United States to stop hyping up China's threat, lift illegal unilateral sanctions against China, stop its* suppression**【打压】** of its scientific and technological development, and refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs. 王毅强调,中国不会走国强必霸的道路,敦促美方不要用西方传统大国走过的轨迹来误判中国。他表示,这是美方对华政策能否真正回归理性的关键。王毅还要求美方停止炒作“中国威胁论”,取消对华非法单边制裁,放弃对中国科技发展的打压,不得肆意干涉中国的内政。 Blinken said the United States is committed to returning to the agenda set by the two heads of state at their meeting in Bali last year, and looks forward to strengthening communication with China, managing differences responsibly and cooperating in areas of mutual interest. 布林肯介绍了美方看法,表示美方致力于重回两国元首巴厘岛会晤确定的议程,期待同中方加强沟通,负责任管控分歧,在双方有共同利益的领域开展合作。 Yesterday, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with Blinken. Both sides agreed to maintain lines of communication. Blinken invited Qin to visit the United States, who expressed willingness to make the visit at a mutually convenient time. 昨天(06/19),中国国务委员兼外长秦刚与布林肯举行了会谈,双方同意保持沟通渠道。布林肯表示,他已邀请国务委员兼外长秦刚访问美国,秦刚同意在双方都合适的时间进行访问。 *2.DRAGON BOAT RACES RETURN TO SUZHOU CREEK 上海苏州河重启龙舟赛 Suzhou Creek was transformed from its usual calm into a blur of oars as the China Dragon Boat Open Tournament returned over the weekend. The competition was held in Putuo District prior to Thursday's Dragon Boat Festival. Reporter Zhang Yue was there and spoke to some of the competitors. 随着周末中国龙舟公开赛的回归,苏州河从往常的平静变得桨声阵阵。比赛于周四(06/22)端午节前在普陀区举行。记者张乐在现场采访了一些参赛选手。 Despite the pouring rain, rowers pushed themselves to the limits, creating an uplifting symphony on Suzhou Creek. Among the 52 teams, some of the domestic teams like one from Foshan and another from Wenzhou have previously represented China in international dragon boat competitions. One rower from the Philippines said dragon boat racing has becoming increasingly popular in his country. 尽管下着倾盆大雨,桨手们还是把自己推向了极限,在苏州河上谱写了一首振奋人心的交响乐。在52支队伍中,一些来自佛山和温州的国内队伍曾代表中国参加过国际龙舟比赛。一位来自菲律宾的划手说,龙舟比赛在他的国家越来越受欢迎。 Joseph Philippines' Rower 约瑟夫 *菲律宾桨手 “We usually train at least 4 times a week, and that also includes our land training. It has really got the attention of everybody, especially children and young kids and those in the university and even in the other communities. It has really got the attention of the people and it's really exciting to watch and see.” “我们通常每周至少训练4次,包括陆地训练。龙舟赛吸引了很多人,特别是儿童和青少年以及大学甚至是其他社区的人。人们真的很关注龙舟赛,看了之后确实心潮澎湃。” The 100-meter straight-line race event was added to the traditional 200-meter and 500-meter straight-line races to make the competition more intense. 本届龙舟赛在传统的200米和500米直线比赛的基础上,又增加了100米直线比赛项目,使赛况更加激烈。 Paddler from Shenyang 沈阳队 “雨不大,还行,龙舟就是一种精神吧,耐力比较重要。” “It's a bit rainy, but it it won't stop us from performing our best. Stamina is the most important thing to win.” Competitor from Shanghai 浦东三林队 “团队合作第一,因为龙舟是一个团体活动,它不是个人的,你一个人划的再好也没有用。我们每周都训练三次,配合大家的默契度。” “One of the greatest factors is the team's ability to act as one. We practice three times a week to so we cooperate well with each other.” The two-day event is the Shanghai leg of the 2023 China Dragon Boat Open Tournament, and the 19th Shanghai International Suzhou Creek Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament, which was won by the team from the Philippines. Spectators had an improved experience this year as*renovations**【翻新】were completed along the banks of a 21-kilometer stretch of the creek in Putuo. 为期两天的比赛既是2023年中国龙舟公开赛上海赛,也是第19届上海国际苏州河龙舟邀请赛,菲律宾队赢得了本次比赛的冠军。今年,随着普陀区21公里长的小河两岸翻新工作完成,观众观赛体验比往年更佳。 3.THE 5TH PEACE ARTS & CULTURE WEEKOPENS AT FAIRMONT PEACE HOTEL *第五届“和平文化艺术周”在费尔蒙和平饭店盛大开幕* The fifth Peace Arts and Culture Week opened at the Fairmont Peace Hotel on East Nanjing Road, one of the city's most recognized landmarks. This year's event features a fusion of artificial intelligence and virtual reality into different art forms, including Shanghai-style paintings, an art film about the Old Jazz Band and a whole lot more. Sun Siqi tells us more. 第五届“和平文化艺术周”在南京东路的费尔蒙和平饭店开幕。南京东路是上海最著名的地标之一。今年的活动将人工智能和虚拟现实融合到不同的艺术形式中,包括上海风格的绘画,关于老爵士乐队的艺术电影等等。记者孙思琪带来更多报道。 "The Old Jazz Band" played music from the 1940s in the Atrium of the Peace Hotel. The average age of these veteran musicians is 82, making them the world's oldest working Jazz Band. They featured in a documentary film titled "As Time Goes By In Shanghai" by German director Uli Gaulke. During this year's Peace Arts and Culture Week, a new version of the documentary, created with the help of an artificial intelligence will make its premiere. “老爵士乐队”在和平饭店的中庭演奏着20世纪40年代的音乐。这些资深音乐家的平均年龄为82岁,是世界上最年长的在职爵士乐队。他们在德国导演乌利·高尔克的纪录片《上海老爵士》中亮相。今年“和平文化艺术周”期间,在人工智能帮助下制作的新版纪录片将进行首映。 George Wee, General Manager Fairmont Peace Hotel 和平饭店总经理 “Absolutely, music and art, it can form a bridge. so If you then invite technology and artificial Intelligence into it, I think the younger generation will be comfortable and they will embrace it. The older generation would say oh that's cool. I didn't know. It can be done like this. So this year is really special and for us we thought we should jump on this opportunity to make this famous hotel, the peace hotel which is almost 100 years old, to make it relevant to to new younger audiences as well.” “当然,音乐和艺术可以形成一座桥梁。如果把技术和人工智能引入其中,我想年轻一代会很喜欢并乐于接受它们。老一辈可能会认为,‘这太酷了’‘我不知道’‘还可以这样做’等等。今年真的很特别,我们应该抓住这个机会,让这家有着近百年历史的著名和平酒店与新的年轻观众联系起来。” One of the paintings by Chinese artist Bei Jiaxiang was also regenerated by an artificial intelligence. After decades of experience in Australia, Bei Jiaxiang's art is still deeply rooted in the regional culture of Shanghai. Over 20 pieces are also on display during this year's event. 中国艺术家贝家骧的一幅画作也是由人工智能再生的。在澳大利亚生活了几十年后,贝家骧的艺术仍深深扎根于上海的地域文化。活动共展出了20多件作品。 Bei Jiaxiang Artist 贝家骧 中国印象派绘画大师 “很新颖。现在一些科技很进步,那些AI技术我也是不懂,我一直在工作、在画,力求上海本身特有的灵魂能够碰撞起来。我现在一直在画80年代甚至到80年代末(的上海),正好是在我出国以前感受最深的,现在回来看到的上海,我觉得还是在沿着这样一个风貌往前走,只不过它更加包容了。” “Even though I don't know much about artificial intelligence, I still found it novel and saw that technology is advancing at a rapid rate. I hope the unique soul of the city of Shanghai can collide*【碰撞】** in my paintings. I think Shanghai kept some of its style and features from the 1980s while growing.” Built in 1929, the Fairmont Peace Hotel was acclaimed as the "Number One Mansion in the Far East". The hotel plans to provide more activities related to arts and AI during the festival, in cooperation with the Tongji University College of Design and Innovation. 费尔蒙和平饭店建于1929年,被誉为“远东第一楼”。酒店计划在艺术节期间与同济大学设计与创新学院合作,推出更多与艺术和人工智能有关的活动。 #热词加油站 confrontation/ˌkɑːnfrənˈteɪʃn/【对抗】 suppression/səˈpreʃ(ə)n/【打压】 renovation/ˌrenəˈveɪʃ(ə)n/【翻新】 collide/kəˈlaɪd/【碰撞】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~