cover of episode 06/20 TOP NEWS | 我国第三艘航母下水/外资企业加速恢复生产/美国出台海运改革法案

06/20 TOP NEWS | 我国第三艘航母下水/外资企业加速恢复生产/美国出台海运改革法案

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NEWS ON 06/171.CHINA LAUNCHES 3RD AIRCRAFT CARRIER我国第三艘航母福建舰下水 2.FOREIGN ENTERPRISES CONFIDENT IN CHINESE MARKET外资企业加速恢复生产经营3.BIDEN SIGNS BIPARTISAN OCEAN SHIPPING BILL INTO LAW通胀又创纪录!美国出台海运改革法案缓解压力****-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.CHINA LAUNCHES 3RD AIRCRAFT CARRIER我国第三艘航母福建舰下水China launched its third aircraft carrier【航空母舰】, the Fujian, in Shanghai today. The carrier named after the province was designed and built by China. The new carrier was put into the water at a launch ceremony this morning. Approved by the Central Military Commission【中央军事委员会】, the Fujian was given the hull number 18. It’s the country’s first domestically made carrier that uses catapults. With a full-load displacement【满载排水量】 of more than 80,000 tons, the carrier is equipped with electromagnetic catapults【电磁弹射装置】 and arresting devices. The new carrier will now complete mooring tests and sea trials.今天(6月17日)上午,中国第三艘航空母舰福建舰下水命名仪式在上海举行。这艘以省命名的航母是由中国完全自主设计建造的。新航母在今天上午的下水仪式中缓缓下水。经中央军委批准,我国第三艘航空母舰命名为中国人民解放军海军"福建舰",舷号为18(读yao 一声 )。福建舰是我国完全自主设计建造的首艘弹射型航空母舰,配置电磁弹射和阻拦装置,满载排水量8万余吨。该舰下水后,将按计划开展系泊试验和航行试验。 2.FOREIGN ENTERPRISES CONFIDENT IN CHINESE MARKET****外资企业加速恢复生产经营As the situation in the city continues to improve, foreign enterprises are also busy getting back to work. Many say they are looking forward to potential business opportunities in Shanghai. Zhang Yue tells us more.当前,上海正处在经济恢复发展的关键时期,外资企业也在快马加鞭,加快恢复生产经营。许多企业表示,他们非常期待在上海看到潜在商机。记者张乐为我们带来详细报道。All the production lines are back up and running at Shiseido’s manufacturing facility in Pudong, one Japan’s largest cosmetics firms【化妆品公司】. The factory was fully opened on June 1st when the city lifted the lockdown. Nearly 80 of Shiseido stores and booths in Shanghai have fully reopened.日本最大的化妆品公司之一资生堂位于浦东的化妆品制造车间的生产线全部开动。在6月1日,该工厂全面复工。目前,近80家资生堂线下门店和专柜,也已经全面恢复线上线下销售。资生堂中国对外事务副总裁 中原杏里The overall business environment in Shanghai is still quite good, even after the resurgence. This is why we decided to stay here to keep developing our business. During the recent resurgence, we were continued with RD and some new products have already been put into the market.通过疫情,依然觉得上海的营商环境是非常好的,我们也还是会立足于中国,扎根上海。即便在疫情期间,我们依然研发,创新这方面没有停止和企划,已经有新的产品上市了。Ford Motor’s newly built design center in Yangpu District is also open. The company says the center is mainly used to create future products that cater to the demands of Chinese consumers, possibly leading to some new global trends.福特汽车位于上海杨浦区的这个全球最新的设计中心也复工了。企业表示,该设计中心主要负责设计面向中国市场的产品,可能会引领新的全球潮流。福特中国设计中心首席设计师 西蒙·布鲁克We have a lot of projects ongoing. We got many models that the team is busy getting prepared for. Our commitment to China is exactly the same. We had a lot of very talented team members here who are able to learn digital tools and keep everything on track. 我们有很多项目在同时进行,有很多新车型我们的团队正要忙着去设计,我们对中国的承诺没有改变。在这里,我们有非常优秀的设计团队,他们能够学习数字工具的使用,保证一切工作正常运行。市商务委副主任 诸旖Shanghai’s economy has a high degree of outward orientation. Our main focus now is to help more enterprises pick up production, and solve the difficulties that they meet during the resumption, such as logistics, transpiration, personnel, funding, and customs clearance, so that the production can speed up. 上海经济外向度很高。当下我们要尽快地帮助企业恢复生产经营,特别是要协调解决他们在用工,用能,在人员的出入境,在融资,在通关的便利,在物流运输等等反映比较集中的问题,加快生产经营的速度。Data showed that the nearly 60,000 foreign-funded enterprises in Shanghai contribute more than a quarter of the city’s gross domestic product【国内生产总值】, over a third of its tax revenue, and about two-thirds of its foreign trade volume.上海聚集了超过6万家外商投资企业,他们为这座城市贡献了超四分之一的GDP、三分之一的税收和约三分之二的进出口额。3.BIDEN SIGNS BIPARTISAN OCEAN SHIPPING BILL INTO LAW****通胀又创纪录!美国出台海运改革法案缓解压力US President Joe Biden yesterday signed legislation to improve oversight of ocean shipping, which lawmakers say will help curb inflation and ease export back-logs. Sun Siqi has more.昨天(6月16日),美国总统拜登签署了一项《海洋运输改革法案》,旨在加强对国际航运公司的监管,从而压低海运成本、抑制通胀。记者孙思奇为我们带来详细报道。The Ocean Shipping Reform Act passed unanimously【全体一致地】 by the Senate via voice vote in March after winning bipartisan House support. It empowers the Federal Maritime Commission to investigate late fees charged by carriers while prohibiting ocean carriers and marine terminals from refusing to fill available cargo space. Biden also has stressed that a concentration of corporate shipping power in the hands of a few large companies has led to higher shipping costs that hurt businesses and exacerbate problems with inflation. 今年3月,在赢得众议院两党支持后,《海洋运输改革法案》在参议院以口头表决的方式一致通过。该法案授权联邦海事委员会调查远洋承运商收取的滞纳金,同时禁止承运商和海运码头拒绝填满货舱可用空间的行为。记者会上,拜登还强调,目前远洋航运业务集中在少数几家大公司手中,导致物流成本激增,损害了美国企业的利益、加剧了通胀问题。拜登 美国总统During the pandemic, these carriers increased their prices by as much as 1,000%. And they raked in the profits and the costs got passed on, as you might guess, directly to consumers, sticking it to American families and businesses because they could. 新冠疫情期间,这些公司将价格翻了10倍。它们只知道攫取利润,把成本直接转嫁给了消费者,转嫁给美国的普通家庭和企业,因为它们有能力控制市场。The Federal Reserve【美国联邦储备委员会】 this week raised its key interest rate by three-quarters of a point, the largest bump since 1994, after data released last week showed U.S. inflation rose in May to a four-decade high of 8.6%. The three major stock market indexes in New York fell sharply yesterday. The Nasdaq Composite Index fell by more than 4%, the SP500 dropped 3.3% and the Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped below 30,000 points for the first time since January of last year. Markets were down in Asia as well today, South Korea’s Composite Stock Price Index dipped slightly, while the Nikkei 225 today fell by 1.77%.上周美国劳工部公布的数据显示,5月美国通胀率升至8.6%,同比涨幅创40年来新高。美联储本周将基准利率上调75个基点,这也是美联储自1994年以来最大加息幅度。纽约股市三大股指16日大幅下跌。纳斯达克综合指数下跌超过4%,标准普尔500指数下跌3.3%,道琼斯指数自去年1月以来首次跌破30,000点。今天(6月17日)亚洲股市也全线下跌,韩国综合股价指数小幅下跌,日经225指数下跌1.77%。#热词加油站 aircraft carrier【航空母舰】Central Military Commission【中央军事委员会】full-load displacement【满载排水量】electromagnetic catapults【电磁弹射装置】cosmetics firms【化妆品公司】gross domestic product【国内生产总值】unanimously【全体一致地】The Federal Reserve【美国联邦储备委员会】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~