cover of episode 06/19 TOP NEWS | 梅西刷新职业生涯纪录/沪苏地铁直通/我国经济向好趋势依然稳固

06/19 TOP NEWS | 梅西刷新职业生涯纪录/沪苏地铁直通/我国经济向好趋势依然稳固

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NEWS ON 0**6/16 *1.MESSI SCORES FASTEST CAREER GOALIN BEIJING FRIENDLY* 81秒!梅西在北京创职业生涯最快进球纪录 *2.SHANGHAI-SUZHOU SUBWAY LINK OPENS ON TRIAL BASIS 沪苏地铁11号线“牵手”试乘 3.CHINA WILL FURTHER PROMOTE CONSUMPTION AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY 国家发改委:将抓紧制定出台恢复和扩大消费政策 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- *1.MESSI SCORES FASTEST CAREER GOALIN BEIJING FRIENDLY* 81秒!梅西在北京*创职业生涯最快进球纪录** Lionel Messi delighted Argentina fans in Beijing when he scored the fastest goal of his international career, netting after 81 seconds as the world champions beat Australia 2-0 in a friendly at a raucous Workers' Stadium yesterday. During the match, a young fan wearing a Messi jersey ran onto the pitch and briefly hugged the bemused star, and eluded security personnel for a short time before being taken away. The video quickly went viral. Sun Siqi has more. 一场足球友谊赛昨晚(06/15)在北京工人体育场上演。梅西开场81秒就闪电破门,创下其职业生涯最快进球纪录,并最终率领阿根廷队以2比0战胜澳大利亚队。在比赛中,一位身穿梅西球衣的年轻球迷冲进球场,避开保安并拥抱梅西,最后被保安“请”出球场。这一小插曲让本就火爆的比赛“霸屏”热搜。记者孙思琪带来更多报道。 Fans immediately got their money's worth when Argentina won the ball in Australia's half in the second minute and Enzo Fernandez found Messi, who beat the keeper with a curling shot from outside the box. 当阿根廷在第二分钟赢得澳大利亚半场的球权时,恩佐·费尔南德斯分球梅西,梅西从禁区外弧线射门,击败门将。那一瞬间,球迷们顿时觉得门票钱花得值! In the 68th minute, just before a corner was taken, a fan in a Messi jersey ran onto the pitch, quickly hugged the Argentine legend, dodged several security personnel, ran to the centre circle and high-fived goalkeeper Emiliano Martinez. 比赛进行到68分钟,阿根廷队正准备罚角球时,一名身穿梅西球衣的狂热球迷跑进球场拥抱梅西。他躲过了几名安保人员,跑到中圈与阿根廷门将埃米利亚诺·马丁内斯击掌。 He was removed from the stadium, but was allowed to return because he was under 18. Such acts are not allowed, but most viewers of the video seemed amused by the act. 这名球迷被带离了球场,但最终因为年龄不满18岁被当场放回到看台。这种行为是明令禁止的,但大多数观看视频的人似乎都被他这一行为逗乐了。 After the game resumed, Argentina doubled their lead when Rodrigo De Paul floated in an enticing有吸引力的 cross into the box and substitute Germán Pezzella found space between two defenders to nod home a free header. 比赛重新开始后,罗德里戈·德保罗将球传入禁区,替补出场的赫尔曼·佩泽拉在两名后卫之间头球破门,阿根廷队扩大了领先优势。 Lionel Scaloni,Argentina Head Coach 斯卡洛尼 阿根廷队主教练 “I only have words of gratitude and affection for how we were received today in the stadium. It almost seemed like we were playing in Argentina and that's lovely that our players were shown so much support.” “对于今天在这个体育场收到的欢迎,我感到由衷的感激。这场球简直就像是在阿根廷主场踢的。球迷们太可爱了,他们给予了我们的球员非常热情的支持。” Emiliano Martinez,Argentina Goalkeeper 马丁内斯 阿根廷队门将 “We felt right at home in Beijing, we thank the support from Chinese fans and their support for the match. We hope we have a chance to come back.” “我们在北京感受到了宾至如归,感谢中国球迷对我们、对这场比赛的支持,希望以后还有机会来中国。” Lionel Messi has been welcomed like a rock star ever since landing in Beijing last week. The areas around the stadium and the team's hotel have been awash with raucous fans. Messi yesterday thanked all fans in China for their incredible support in a post on social media. 自上周抵达北京以来,梅西就受到了巨星般的欢迎。球场周围和球队下榻的酒店挤满了喧闹的球迷。赛后,梅西也在社交媒体发文称,感谢所有中国球迷一直以来的热情支持。 Beijing police said today the fan has been placed in administrative detention. He was also banned from entering any stadium for sports matches for 12 months. 北京公安今天(06/16)发布通报:已依法对该球迷行政拘留,同时责令其十二个月内不得进入体育场馆观看同类比赛。 2.SHANGHAI-SUZHOU SUBWAY LINK OPENS ON TRIAL BASIS 沪苏地铁11号线“牵手”试乘 Metro Line 11 in Suzhou opened today on a trial basis for five days. It connects to Shanghai's Metro network at Line 11's Huaqiao Station and will officially open at the end of the month. Sun Siqi takes a look at the city's first subway line to connect directly with another city. 苏州地铁11号线今天(06/16)开始为期5天的试运行。它在11号线花桥站与上海地铁网络相连,将于本月底正式开通。记者孙思琪带领大家一起参观这条首次实现与其他城市直接相连的地铁线路。 Get ready to take the subway to Suzhou for a day trip. How about to Yangcheng Lake for a hairy crab feast? Just take a Line 11 subway train to Huaqiao Station, hop off, take a quick walk, and then jump on Suzhou's Line 11.   准备好乘坐地铁去苏州一日游吧!想去阳澄湖吃大闸蟹?只需乘坐上海地铁11号线到花桥站,之后换乘苏州地铁11号线即可实现。 Zhong Huilin, Station Manager ofSuzhou Line 11 Huaqiao Station** 钟慧琳 苏州地铁11号线运营事业部花桥区域站长 “苏州花桥和上海花桥是通过中部三座天桥连接的。我们东西两端的天桥是作为免安检通道的,对于一些使用大都会和苏易行的乘客来说,可以实现一码连乘。” “There're 3 hallways. 2 of them are for people transferring. Users of Shanghai or Suzhou's Metro apps canjustre-scan the same code when they exit inthe othercity.” Users of any ticket, including Metro card, will still need to exit the turnstile**【旋转栅门 and re-purchase or re-scan. 需要注意的是,其他各类交通卡、纸质票,都需要出站后,重新刷卡或购票。 Citizens of Kunshan, Jiangsu 江苏昆山市民 “我是昆山人,像我们到上海看病乘地铁就方便多了。” “I'm from Kunshan. If I go see a doctor in Shanghai, I can just take the Metro.” Citizens of****Shanghai 上海市民 “我准备到金鸡湖去玩。我觉得这比去火车站坐火车再坐公共汽车方便多了。” “I'm heading for Jinjihu Lake. I find this more convenient than going to a train station, taking a train, and then taking a bus.” The test run lasts 5 days, but only 9 stops are open. Trains stop at 4 pm during the trial run, so be sure to catch one on time. A full one-way ride is close to 1 hour. Facilities in the stations are being fine-tuned before the line officially opens at the end of June. 此次为期5天的试乘活动,目前只开放了其中9个站点。试乘期间,每天下午4点前就会结束运营,乘客们需要掌握好出行时间。全线单程耗时近1小时。在6月底线路正式开通之前,车站设施将进行微调。 3.*CHINA WILL FURTHER PROMOTE CONSUMPTION AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY 国家发改委:将抓紧制定出台恢复和扩大消费政策 China will be quickly*formulating制定 policies to reinvigorate and enhance consumer spending, the National Development and Reform Commission told a news briefing today. 国家发展和改革委员会在今天(06/16)举行的新闻发布会上表示,中国将抓紧制定政策来重振和提高消费支出。 The country's top economic planner's briefing emphasized China's continued economic recovery and the importance of the service sector. Official data showed that the country's service industry production index saw 9.1 percent growth in the first five months of the year. The NDRC said more efforts will be given to promoting the new energy vehicle industry, in which production and sales both saw year-on-year growth of 40 percent during the first five months. Also at the briefing, the NDRC reported that China's major power plants generated 3.4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity in the first five months of the year, up 3.9 percent year-on-year. The country's total electricity consumption saw a growth of 5.2 percent during the period. 这一中国最高经济规划机构的简报强调了中国经济的持续复苏和服务业的重要性。官方数据显示,今年前5个月,全国服务业生产指数同比增长9.1%。发改委表示,将加大力度促进新能源汽车产业的发展,今年前5个月,新能源汽车的产、销量均同比增长40%。此外,中国主要发电厂发电3.4万亿千瓦时,同比增长3.9%。在此期间,全国总用电量增长了5.2%。 #热词加油站 enticing/ɪnˈtaɪsɪŋ/【有吸引力的】 turnstile/ˈtɜːrnstaɪl/【旋转栅门】 kiosk/ˈkiːɑːsk/【售货亭】 metro/ˈmetroʊ/【地铁】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~