NEWS ON 6/18 1. BLAST OFF! SHENZHOU-12DOCKS WITH TIANHE 稳稳握手!神舟十二号与天和核心舱成功对接 2. SHANGHAISCIENTISTS CONTRIBUTE TO SHENZHOU-12 MISSION *神舟十二号背后的“上海力量”为发射任务保驾护航 3. SHANGHAI POLICECONTINUE THE CRACK DOWN ON CYBER FRAUD 不听!不信!不扫码!不下载!公安提醒谨防网络诈骗 --------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------ *1.BLAST OFF! SHENZHOU-12DOCKS WITH TIANHE Shenzhou-12 waslaunched into space with three astronauts aboard at 9:22am from the JiuquanSatellite Launch Center in northwestern China. Song Wenjing has more. 北京时间2021年6月17日9时22分,神舟十二号载人飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心成功发射。 About 573 seconds after liftoff【发射;升空】, Shenzhou-12 separated from the Long March-2Fcarrier rocket and entered its planned orbit. The ship’s solar panels unfoldedand started functioning normally. Astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and TangHongbo are fine. 北京时间2021年6月17日9时22分,搭载神舟十二号载人飞船的长征二号F遥十二运载火箭,在酒泉卫星发射中心点火发射。此后,神舟十二号载人飞船与火箭成功分离,进入预定轨道,顺利将聂海胜、刘伯明、汤洪波3名航天员送入太空,飞行乘组状态良好,发射取得圆满成功。 SPEAKER: Zhang Zhifen,Director of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center 张志芬中国酒泉卫星发射中心主任* The Shenzhou-12 mannedspacecraft launch mission is a success. 我宣布,神舟十二号发射任务取得圆满成功。 At 3:54 pm, Shenzhou-12docked with Tianhe, the core module of the country’s space station. The cargospacecraft Tianzhou-2 had docked with Tianhe on a previous mission. The launchand docking process took approximately 6.5 hours. Scientists installed alocking device on Shenzhou-12 so that it would remain docked with Tianhe. 北京时间2021年6月17日15时54分,神舟十二号与中国空间站天和核心舱成功对接,与此前已对接的天舟二号货运飞船一起构成三舱(船)组合体,整个交会对接过程历时约6.5小时。神舟十二号配置了捕获锁系统,确保与天和核心舱保持对接。 INTERVIEWEE: Yao Jian,Director of Designers, Docking System of Shenzhou-12 姚建航天科技集团八院载人飞船对接机构分系统主任设计师* The spacecraft has anactive docking device. The docking ring has three locks that will stretch out.There are three matching devices on the passive docking structure. They willwork like door locks. When the two spacecraft meet, the locks will be activatedon the docking ring. Then the two parts are locked together. 装在载人飞船上的叫主动对接机构,对接环主动伸出去,然后在主动对接机构上配套的有三把捕获锁,在被动对接机构上配套有三个卡板器。这个就像咱们的门栓和门锁一样,两个飞行器对接环接触上之后,捕获锁就把两套对接机构锁住了。 The three astronautsentered the Tianhe core module at 6:48 pm and will stay in space for aboutthree months. They will begin assembling the space station, go on spacewalksand perform maintenance tasks on the space station. 组合体飞行期间,3名航天员将进驻天和核心舱,完成为期3个月的在轨驻留,开展机械臂操作、太空出舱等活动,验证航天员长期在轨驻留、再生生保等一系列关键技术。 2**.SHANGHAI SCIENTISTS CONTRIBUTE TOSHENZHOU-12 MISSION Scientists from theShanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology have worked for more than threemonths, contributing to the launch of Shenzhou-12. They helped develop thedocking system, as well as power and communications subsystems. Song Wenjinghas more. 上海航天技术研究院的科研工作者们奋战三个多月,为飞船的成功发射保驾护航。本次飞行任务中,从对接机构、飞船电源分系统,到测控通信子系统等,上海航天科研团队都进行了一系列的设计优化。 Since the Shenzhouseries of missions began, spacecraft have docked to Tianhe a total of 10 times,including 5 times with astronauts aboard. The Shenzhou-12 spacecraft weighs 8tons and is docking with the 30-ton Tianhe. Shanghai scientists installed controllabledampers to ensure the two connect without damaging one another. 神舟载人飞船自执行任务以来,已顺利开展10次对接动作,其中包括5次载人对接。而此次神舟十二号载人飞行任务中,八吨的神舟载人飞船要与三十多吨的天和核心舱组合体进行对接。上海航天对接机构研制团队提出首次在载人飞船对接机构上安装可控阻尼器,确保对接不对舱体造成损伤。 INTERVIEWEE: Yang Huaxing,Designer of Manned Spacecraft System 杨华星中国航天科技集团八院载人航天工程载人飞船分总体主任设计师 With the controllabledamper, the Shenzhou-12 will dock smoothly with Tianhe, it won’t be likecrashing into a wall. 有了可控阻尼之后,我们对接机构在小吨位对大吨位的时候,它就不会出现比如说撞上去很硬的一种感觉,而是一个会有缓冲的过程。 According to themission, the three astronauts will stay in space for three months. Scientistssay the space station will have an adequate supply of power. 按照任务计划,此次航天员将在太空之家驻留三个月。科研人员表示,空间站能够提供可靠的能源供给。 INTERVIEWEE: Zhong Danhua,Designer Designer of Manned Spacecraft System 钟丹华中国航天科技集团八院载人航天工程神舟飞船电源分系统主任设计师 The space station will generate 950 to 1,400 wattsof electricity. 目前是两种对接方式。镜像对接可以提供1400瓦的对接工况的发电能力,轴向工况可以提供950瓦的发电能力,电源分系统通过接收外面的供电,可以保证在全遮挡工况下能够持续地、正常地、安全地工作。 For space-to-earthcommunications, the Shenzhou-12 has a new voice link channel. Previously,communications between spacecraft and the station had to be relayed【转发;转播】 through the control center on earth. Now astronauts will be tocommunicate with one another directly while in different parts of thespacecraft or on the space station. 天地通讯方面,神舟十二号飞船增加了全新的空空话音链路通道,可以实现载人飞船与空间站之间的高质量双向通话。之前,通话需要通过地面的控制中心进行中转,而现在宇航员无需在各个舱之间穿梭,能够直接进行信息传递。 *3.SH POLICECONTINUE THE CRACK DOWN ON CYBER FRAUD Never downloaduncertified payment APPs! The Shanghai police are reminding residents to abide by【坚持;遵守】 this principle under any circumstances, as they have cracked down twogroups of suspects who defrauded【诈骗】people by conning them into downloading and usingpayment APPs. Lei Shuran has more. “不要下载来路不明的APP!”警方提示,在任何情况下,都必须谨记这条原则,小心诈骗。近日,上海警方连续破获了两个利用“暗雷”手段(诱骗被害人下载使用含有木马病毒的支付APP)实施诈骗的团伙。 In March, cybersecurity officers in Shanghai located a group of suspects who posted escortservices on their social media accounts, mostly on WeChat moments. It turnedout that they were actually committing cyber fraud. Anyone who requests theservice has to set up an APP for payment. Victims were told they needed to setup the APP and check into a hotel room before services would be rendered. Theywere also instructed to pay first on the APP which would hold the funds behindpassword encryption【加密】 until after the service is delivered. 今年三月,上海网安总队民警发现了一个在社交媒体平台(大多为微信朋友圈)中发布“三陪”信息的嫌疑人团伙。通过侦察,民警发现这个团伙正在进行网络诈骗,一旦有人前来咨询服务,就会要求他们安装APP进行支付。犯罪分子要求受害人安装好软件后先去旅馆开房,然后让他们准备好支付口令红包,并告诉他们只要不透露密码,红包就不会被领取,等到服务完成后,再当面进行交出口令。 INTERVIEWEE: Zhang Lin,Cyber Security Officer, Shanghai Public Security Bereau 张琳上海市公安局网安总队三支队中队长* Most victims let theirguard down after learning the payment is made after the service is provided,even though they had already wired【给…电汇】 the money. 这种犯罪是以表诚意付定金的形式,所以往往被害人这时候是放松警惕的。 As a matter of fact,the APP intercepts【拦截】 the passcode once the payment is made, victimsended up waiting in hotels room without knowing their money had already beentransferred. In addition, the APP also hacks into a victim’s phone contacts.Suspects pressured victims into not calling the police, by threatening tonotify their contacts about their attempt to hire escorts. 实际上,由于已经安装了这个来路不明的APP,受害者在发好口令红包的同时,口令就会被截取,犯罪团伙直接领走了红包内的钱款,开了房的受害者就此人财两空,而且由于通讯录泄露,往往还会被要挟而不敢报警。 INTERVIEWEE: Su, Suspect 苏某犯罪嫌疑人** There was never such anescort service for any of those victims. We just tricked them into paying. 领掉红包之后其实是没有这个服务的,他们就被骗了。 Also in April, anothergroup of 9 suspects were caught in Shanghai, Heilongjiang and Guangdong. Theywere found to have committed cyber fraud with similar means involving over 400thousand yuan. This group published download information of an on demandpornographic video APP. On the APP page, it reads, one yuan for one clip only.When victims make the payment, the APP changes the amount without prompting theuser. Victims only learned of this well after the payment is complete, when itis impossible to get the money back. 4月15日,专案组在上海奉贤、黑龙江、广东等地同步收网,抓获9名以相似手法实施诈骗的犯罪嫌疑人,初步查证,涉案金额40多万元。这套暗雷代码被制作成一款色情视频点播APP。被害人安装后,页面显示,仅需1-2元就能点播视频。然而这个支付界面也是伪造的,实际发送给支付平台的支付金额往往在几百至千元不等,被害人只有在支付成功之后才能看见真实的支付信息,但此时钱款已经无法追回。 INTERVIEWEE: Zhang Lin,Cyber Security Officer, Shanghai Public Security Bereau 张琳****上海市公安局网安总队三支队中队长 Victims see a fakepage. The APP intercepts users’ payment password. Then the system changes theamount into 999 or 1,000 yuan. Before the payment is complete, victims have noidea how much they paid. 这个页面是虚假的,等于他获得了你的密码,你的支付请求也在他的代码里,1块他改成了999元或者1000块,无法察觉到你是损失了多少钱的。 Some fraudsters arealso taking advantage of the user payment interception function to create otherAPPs to commit fraud on other much larger target groups, such as onlineshoppers. Police are reminding residents not to download APPs via weblinks, QRcodes or text messages that they do not recognize. 基于暗雷代码,犯罪分子还开发出各类变种APP,目标诈骗范围有所扩大,如使用在线购物的消费者群体。警方提示,切记不能通过网页链接、二维码或短信下载来路不明的应用软件。 #*热词加油站 liftoff【发射;升空】 relay【转发;转播】 abide by【坚持;遵守】 defraud【诈骗】 encryption【加密】 wire【给…电汇】 intercept【拦截】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~