cover of episode 06/16 TOP OF THE DAY 67名被困驴友获救/上海发数字人民币红包/外交部回应G7涉华公报

06/16 TOP OF THE DAY 67名被困驴友获救/上海发数字人民币红包/外交部回应G7涉华公报

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1.COLLEGE STUDENTS RESCUED FROM ZHEJIANG MOUNTAINS 遭遇暴雨被困山区,67名驴友获救! 2.SHANGHAI STARTS GETTING FRIENDLY WITH THE DIGITAL RENMINBI 上海发放35万份数字红包,你中签了吗? 3.CHINA REFUTES G7 STATEMENT ON HK & XINJIANG 外交部回应G7公报涉华内容:对中方蓄意污蔑,坚决反对  --------------请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------**** NEWS ON 6/15 A group of Shanghai college students was rescued① from a mountainous② area during a sudden downpour on Sunday at the border of Ninghai and Tiantai in Zhejiang Province. Zhang Hong tells us more. 一个由上海高校大学生组成的驴友团,上周日(13日)在浙江省宁海与天台交界的山区游玩时因暴雨被困,经全力搜救已全部脱险。 The group comprised③ 65 students and 2 drivers. Five students were missing when the rescue team arrived around 6pm. After using drones and thermal imagery to locate the missing people, the students were found yesterday morning. They were given first-aid, and food.  驴友团共有67人,除两名旅行社司机外,其余人均来自上海不同高校。周日晚上6点多,当地消防救援人员到达现场。此时,大部分驴友已经撤下山,还有5名驴友失联。救援人员动用无人机,通过热成像确定了被困人员位置后,携带救援装备、食物补给、保暖物品等,深入山上开展搜寻。最终在昨天(14日)凌晨找到了全部被困人员,并成功转移到安全区域。 Stranded Student There was a steep slope④. People ahead of us were able to make it up, but we weren’t because water was flowing down rapidly. So we were stranded⑤.有一个地方坡度很大,前面的人过去的时候水流还没上去。当我们过去的时候,水流非常大,过不去,就困在了小孤岛上。 In Jinyun County of Zhejiang, 81 tourists from Shanghai were also stranded by a downpour. There were on an off-road trip. 来自上海某越野车队的30多辆越野车,共计81名游客,在浙江省缙云县一处滩涂游玩时,也遭遇暴雨天气,导致人员被困。 Li Fuchun, Stranded Tourist The rain became very heavy at around 3pm. The water was rising quickly, so we decided to call the police.大概三点钟之后,这个雨下得非常大,瞬间涨得很大,水位至少比原来涨了一米多。到这时我们就决定赶紧报警。 The tourists were transferred to a safe place within several hours. The fire department⑥ reminded⑦ people to keep an eye on the weather during the plum rain season when traveling. 经过数小时救援后,81名上海游客被成功转移到安全地带。消防部门提醒,当前正值梅雨季节,广大游客要增强避险意识,密切注意天气变化引发的各类风险。 ①rescue v. 营救、救援 ②mountainous a. 多山的 ③comprise v. 包含、由...组成 ④slope n. 斜坡 ⑤strand v. 使搁浅、使陷于困境 ⑥department n. 部门、系 ⑦remind v. 使想起、提醒 SHANGHAI STARTS GETTING FRIENDLY WITH THE DIGITAL RENMINBI Shanghai is taking part in a new and more extensive① test of the central bank’s digital Renminbi in both online and offline settings. From restaurants to shopping malls and Metro stations, local residents are getting another chance to start getting used to the new payment method being put through its paces by the People’s Bank of China. Ying Junyi has more. 随着央行不断推进数字人民币试点,上海也结合线上线下展开了新一轮更加广泛的数字人民币试点工作。在上海各个角落,从餐馆到商场,再到地铁站,市民们正在不断尝试并适应这种新的支付方式。 Six commercial② banks in the city gave away some money last week - digital money. They issued 350 thousand digital red packets, each containing 55 yuan, to a random group chosen from two million Shanghai residents who had submitted an application. The lucky ones will be able to use their red packets until their validity③ runs out at the end of the week. Hu Xiaowei is one. 上周,上海六家商业银行在报名申领的两百万上海市民中,随机抽选出幸运儿发放了35万份数字人民币红包,每份红包价值55元,使用期限为本周五前。胡小伟(音译)就是其中之一。 INTERVIEWEE: Hu Xiaowei, Red Packet Winner My friends shared the application link on a social platform, so I tried my luck and I won. It’s something very new, and I think many people are curious④ about it. 我有看到大家朋友圈都在转发,所以也去试了一下,结果就抽到了。这还是比较新鲜的事情,大家都会想试一试,都会比较喜欢。 More than 700 stores in Shanghai now accept digital Renminbi. Online service company Meituan has launched a special zone on its app that allows the digital currency⑤ to be used to order groceries⑥ and pay for shared bikes. Convenience store chain Lawson is also supporting the new payment method, saying it’s easier to use digital Renminbi than consumers thought it might be. 目前,上海有超过700家门店接受数字人民币支付。比如在美团app的一个新板块上,消费者就可以在买食品杂货时,或租借共享单车时用数字人民币支付。罗森连锁便利店也表示,使用数字人民币支付其实比消费者想象中的要更加方便。 INTERVIEWEE: Cao Jiayi, SV// Lawson East Nanjing Road Branch We have been using the digital Renminbi payment system since April 27, and it’s quite easy. You just open the app and make your payment. 我们是4月27号开始上线的,只要打开app直接就可以支付,这样的话可能比较方便一点。 Plenty of the lucky ones are showing up to see what it’s like to spend the digital red packets. 很多中签的幸运市民都体验了一把数字人民币消费。 Red Packet Winner I had applied for the event, and the bank put the money directly into my phone. 我去报名了55购物节的抽红包,然后银行直接就把红包发到我手机上了。 Red Packet Winner I got the text message saying I had won the money, and I’m going to use it now. 我收到了发布红包的信息,说我抽中了,我准备用用看。 The experts say the digital Renminbi payments will work just like other wallets on mobile phones, but will have stronger security⑦ because of its use of blockchain⑧ technology. 专家表示,数字人民币支付和其他类型的手机支付方式用起来感觉差不多,但数字人民币使用了区块链技术,因此安全性更强。 INTERVIEWEE: Yan Haizhou, Professor, School of Finance// SH University of Int’l Business and Economics Using digital Renminbi is quite similar to using other online payments, while their payment frameworks are different. The digital Renminbi uses blockchain technology, so it’s traceable⑨. It’s much safer for customers and merchants. 可能从消费者角度来讲,感受不大太大的使用区别。但是和以往的线上支付比,它的机制不一样。我们现在的数字人民币会采取区块链的技术,所以是可追溯的,这对于交易双方都更加安全。 The People’s Bank of China told the Lujiazui Forum last week that it is working with banks to allow the digital currency to be used for a wider variety of purchases in the future. 在上周的陆家嘴论坛上,央行相关负责人表示未来将继续与商业银行合作, 在更领域多的支付领域推广数字人民币。 ①extensive a. 大规模的 ②commercial a. 商业的、商务的 ③validity n. 效力、合法性 ④curious a. 好奇的 ⑤currency n. 货币、通货 ⑥groceries n. 食品、杂货 ⑦security n. 安全、保证 ⑧blockchain 区块链 ⑨traceable a. 可追踪的 CHINA REFUTES G7 STATEMENT ON HK & XINJIANG The Chinese Foreign Ministry today urged the Group of Seven countries not to interfere① in China’s internal affairs after the bloc released a joint communique② mentioning China’s Hong Kong SAR and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Leaders of the G7 - Britain, the United States, Canada, Japan, Germany, France, and Italy plus the European Union issued the communique on Sunday after a three-day meeting. Zhang Yue has more. 为期三天的七国集团(G7)外长会议在英国首都伦敦举行。会后,英国、美国、加拿大、日本、德国、法国、意大利及欧盟等与会各方在周日发表了公报,对涉港、涉疆问题都有所提及。对此,外交部表示涉港、涉疆问题,都是中国的内部事务。七国集团峰会公报提及涉华问题,干涉中国内政,中方对此坚决反对。 Reiterating③ China’s determination to defend its national sovereignty④ and territorial integrity⑤, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian urged the G7 countries to stop interfering in China’s internal affairs. 外交部发言人赵立坚强调,中国维护国家主权和领土完整的决心坚定不移,中方敦促七国集团立即停止干涉中国内政。 Zhao Lijian, Spokesman of the Foreign Ministry 赵立坚 外交部发言人 It exposes⑥ the bad intention of the U.S. and a few other countries to artificially⑦ create confrontation and widen differences and contradictions. The days when global decisions were dictated by a small group of countries are long gone. Unity and cooperation among the entire international community are needed now more than ever, and all parties need to take concrete actions to defend multilateralism⑧ instead of shifting responsibilities and confusing⑨ the public. 七国集团峰会公报提及涉华议题,就涉港、涉疆、台湾、涉海等问题对中方蓄意污蔑,干涉中国内政,暴露出美国等少数国家人为制造对立隔阂、扩大分歧矛盾的不良用心。我想强调世界多极化、国际关系民主化是不可抗拒的时代潮流,一国或一个国家集团号令天下的时代已经过去了。当前形势下,国际社会比以往时候更需要加强团结合作,践行真正的多边主义,而不应基于"小圈子"搞"集团政治"。美国病了,病得不轻,七国集团还是给美国把把脉,开药方吧。 ①interfere v. 干预、调停 ②communique n. 公报、官报 ③reiterate v. 反复地说、重申 ④sovereignty n. 国家主权 ⑤integrity n. 完整、完全 ⑥expose v. 使曝光、显示 ⑦artificially adv. 人为地 ⑧multilateralism n. 多边主义 ⑨confuse v. 使混乱、困惑