NEWS ON 06/15 1.HEAVY RAINS CONTINUE TO FALL IN SOUTH CHINA 华南等地强降雨不断 2.SH HOLD ACTIVITY TO ATTRACT GLOBAL TALENTS 上海全球人才引进放大招 3.STRAWBERRY SUPERMOON LIGHTS UP NIGHT IN CHINA 超级月亮现身夜空 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.HEAVY RAINS CONTINUE TO FALL IN SOUTH CHINA 华南等地强降雨不断 Heavy downpours have been battering southern parts of Southern China since Sunday. A total of 80 rivers in 6 provincial-level regions have exceeded【超过】 their flood warning thresholds since noon today. The Ministry of Water Resources are continuing to enact a Level-three emergency response posture for floods. Zhang Hong has more. 自上周日以来,华南地区遭遇强降雨不断。从今天中午开始(6.15),全国有 6个省级区域的80 条河流发生超警戒水位洪水。水利部维持水旱灾害防御III级响应状态。记者张泓为您带来更多报道。 In Fengkai County, Guangdong Province, many roads were flooded due to heavy rains. Stores along the streets were closed. About 400 residents have been relocated. In Qingyuan City, the Beijiang River continued to rise, with 7 spots exceeding flood warning levels. All shipping has been suspended【暂时搁置】 in the Qingyuan section of the river. In Fu’ an City, Fujian, a truck slipped off a hillside due to a mudslide caused by the torrential rainfall. It took emergency responders over an hour to rescue the driver. Hekou County in Yunnan has also been hit with heavy rain fall in the past few days. Local authorities have sent working groups to launch a variety of rescue work, including saving a driver trapped in the car and sent a pregnant woman to hospital. In Fengshan County, Guangxi, a mudslide that damaged a warehouse and a car, residents near the warehouse were relocated before the incident and no casualties were reported. Some of the roads in the area were reopened after emergency repair work was completed. And in Jiangxi Province, heavy rains have affected a total of 548,000 people in 31 counties, forcing the relocation of 113,000 people. Local authorities said the downpour caused a direct economic loss of about 500 million yuan. The Central Meteorological Observatory continued a blue alert of heavy rain, and said more rain is expected in southern China next week. 由于暴雨,广东省封开县多条道路被淹。街道两旁的商铺紧急停业。当地已成功转移约400名群众。广东省清远市北江水位持续上涨,其中有7处点位超汛限水位,清远段河道已全部停航。在福建福安市,由于暴雨引发泥石流,导致一辆货车滑下山坡,急救人员花了一个多小时成功解救被困司机。在过去的几天里,云南河口县也遭受了暴雨袭击。当地政府已派出工作组展开各项救援工作,现已救出一名被困车内的司机,并将一名孕妇送往医院。广西省凤山县发生泥石流,一间仓库和一辆汽车毁损。由于仓库附近居民事前已转移安置,泥石流并没有造成人员伤亡。在紧急抢修工作完成后,该地区部分道路交通已经恢复。在江西省,强降雨已致31县,共54.8万人受灾,11.3万人紧急搬迁。当地有关部门表示,此轮强降雨造成直接经济损失约5亿元人民币。中央气象台继续发布暴雨蓝色预警,预计下周华南地区将迎来更多降雨。 2.SH HOLD ACTIVITY TO ATTRACT GLOBAL TALENTS 上海全球人才引进放大招 Shanghai today unveiled a series of events under its "Gathering Global Talents in Shanghai" campaign. It was created to attract high-level professionals to work in the metropolis【大都市】. 为了吸引人才落沪工作,上海今天(6/15)推出"潮涌浦江,再启征程——2022海聚英才"系列活动,并启动上海市高层次人才云选会。 At the opening ceremony, the city’s talent office announced various preferential【优先的】 policies to attract talents around the globe, as well as measures to help Shanghai graduates find jobs or start a business. The government has already organized a total of 87 online job fairs, and is expected to hold another 95 till October. More than 3,000 companies have applied to participate in the first event. 在启动仪式上,市人才办面向全球英才,发布了“大力吸引集聚人才、助推经济恢复重振”等政策和2022年上海高校毕业生就业创业促进九大行动。目前,各行业主管部门、各区已开展87场云选会招聘活动。到10月为止,还将开展95场云选会系列子活动。据初步估算,首批参加单位预计超过3000家,将提供招聘岗位20余万个。 Students at some vocational schools can now obtain Bachelor’s degrees. The first 37 graduates from Shanghai Zhongqiao Vocational and Technical University, obtained their Bachelor’s degree last week. Zhang Hong has the story. 选择职业教育,也可以拿到本科学位证书。就在上周,上海中侨职业技术大学迎来了首批毕业生,37名专升本的学生完成了学业,拿到了本科学士学位。记者张泓为您带来更多报道。 Digital media technology graduate Hang Wen is now working for an e-commerce enterprise as a designer after receiving her degree. Having learned practical skills like modeling and photography at school, Hang finds it easy to handle her work. 数字媒体技术专业的毕业生杭雯目前在一家电商企业做设计师,在校期间,杭雯学习了建模、摄影等专业课程,减少了与职场衔接的时间成本。 Lv Hanghang, Director of Design Department *吕杭杭 设计部主管 During the interview, we learned that she is proficient with many different types of software. She is very skilled, so we don’t need to spend much time training her. 当时面试的时候,我们感觉她很多软件都会,基础会非常好。这样进来的话,很多软件我们都不用再教了。 Shanghai Zhongqiao vocational and Technical University is a pilot school that began these programs two years ago. Hang is one of the first students to receive a bachelor’s degree. The first 37 graduates including Hang said they have advantages in job hunting due to the industry specific training, and clear career direction. 两年前,杭雯所在的中侨职业技术学院试点成为上海首个职业大学。包括杭雯在内的37名专升本学生表示,相较于普通本科,有明确的职业定位,快速融入企业,是职业本科的优势所在。 Hang Wen, Class of 2022 Shanghai Zhongqiao Vocational and Technical University 杭雯 22届职业本科毕业生* It’s something new for me, and I had some concerns at first. I finally chose to study here as I want to make something of myself and I believe in our school’s education system. There are more practical courses in vocational bachelor degree programs, which help us grow and gain a sense of achievement. 当时是挺新鲜的。一开始我也有一些担心。但是我信任学校,同时我也更喜欢自己动手去做一些东西,所以最终选择在这里学习。职业本科有更多实践的内容,我们学生不仅能得到成长上的帮助,还能获得成就感。 Wu Youzhi, Dean of Food Drug College, Shanghai Zhongqiao Vocational and Technical University **吴酉芝 **上海中侨职业技术大学食品药品学院院长 We will tell our students what job positions are suitable for in their field when they first enter the school. We will also clearly outline the skills and courses required for the job. 我们会在学生刚入校的时候,和学生说明,他们所在领域适合什么样的工作岗位。我们也会清晰的列出这份工作所需要的相关技能和课程。 The college set up the first 6 departments and enrolled 272 students after transforming into a university. Practical courses like microbiological analysis at the laboratory account for 55 percent of the curriculum. That’s twice the practical experience a student would get during a general college education. Graduate Yu Minghao was a member of the school’s coffeemaker RD team, and participated in many entrepreneurship【创业精神】competitions. He successfully obtained a job after graduation. 该校在转制为大学后,设立了最初的6个系,招收了272名学生。在实验室中进行微生物分析这样的实践课程占总课程数的 55 %。相较于普通大学,学生们可获得两倍的实践经验。毕业生余茗灏是学校咖啡机研发团队的一员,曾多次参加创业大赛,并在毕业后顺利获得工作。 Yu Minghao, Student 余茗灏 学生 My college entrance score could have gotten me into a general bachelor degree program. But I still chose the vocational degree program here because it contained more practical studies. 我高考的分数其实是可以双向选择的,包括普通本科和职业本科.为什么我会选择职业本科,就是因为职业本科实操比较多. The revised Vocational Education Law came into force on May 1, which clearly stipulates【明确要求】 that a vocational education in China is equal to a general college education in terms of the degree. Nearly 130,000 students are now studying at 32 vocational schools that issue Bachelor’s degrees across China. Enrollment is expected to account at least 10 percent of students in higher vocational education programs by 2025. 修订后的《职业教育法》于5月1日起实施,其中明确规定,我国职业教育在学位上等同于普通高校教育。当前有近13万学生在32所职业学校学习,这些学校可在学生毕业后颁发学士学位。预计到2025年,高等职业教育招生人数将至少占总招生人数的10%。 Huo Jiazhen, President, Shanghai Zhongqiao Vocational and Technical University **霍佳震 **上海中侨职业技术大学校长 China is a large manufacturing power, which requires a large number of technical personnel to ensure the quality of production. What we need to do now is combine our student cultivation programs with various industries in Shanghai. 我们国家实际上是一个制造大国,这就需要培养大批量的技术人员,来解决我们的产品质量问题。目前如何跟上海的产业结合起来,是我们目前要解决的课题。 So far, the employment rate of the city’s first vocational undergraduates is nearly 75 percent. 截至目前,首届职业本科毕业生的就业率接近75%,不低于全市应用技能型高校平均就业率。 3.IMAGES FROM GREECE OF THIS YEAR’S FIRST SUPER MOON 希腊超级月亮现身夜空 The first of three super moons expected this summer occurred last night. Sky watchers feasted【享受】their eyes on the spectacular view. 今年夏天预计将有三次超级月亮,第一次超级月亮出现在昨晚(6.14)。天文爱好者可借此机会尽享壮观美景。 Images of the super moon rising behind an ancient temple on the coast of Greece last night were circulating online. Other images show moonlight on the marble【大理石】 columns of the temple of Poseidon on the coast south of Athens. A June super moon is called a "Strawberry Moon" as it occurs during the strawberry harvesting season in the northeastern U.S. and Canada. A Super Moon occurs whenever the moon is at its perigee, which is the point in its orbit that brings it closest to the Earth making it appear larger and brighter than a typical Full moon. 昨晚(6.14),一组“超级月亮”从希腊雅典附近苏尼翁角的波塞冬神庙后方升起的照片在网上广为流传。在另一些照片中,月光照射在雅典南部海岸的波塞冬神庙的大理石柱上。六月的超级月亮被称为“草莓月亮”,因为它出现时,恰好是美国东北部和加拿大收获草莓的季节。超级月亮出现在月球的近地点,也就是月球轨道上最接近地球的点,因此超级月亮看起来要比平时的满月更大更亮。 #热词加油站 exceed /ɪk'sid/ 【超过】 suspended /sə'spendid/ 【暂时搁置的】 metropolis /mə'trɒpəlɪs/ 【大都市】 preferential /.prefə'renʃl/ 【优先的】 entrepreneurship /.ɒntrəprə'nɜ:ʃɪp/ 【创业精神】 stipulate /.stɪpjə'leɪt/ 【明确要求】 feast /fi:st/ 【享受】 marble /ˈma:b(ə)l/ 【大理石】ˈ 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~