cover of episode 06/15 TOP OF THE DAY 在沪歪果仁的端午这样过/世界献血者日/上影节如火如荼

06/15 TOP OF THE DAY 在沪歪果仁的端午这样过/世界献血者日/上影节如火如荼

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NEWS ON 6/14 1. EXPATS TRAVERSE HISTORY & CULTURE ON A BIKE TOUR 骑上心爱的自行车,在沪歪果仁的端午与“粽”不同 2. HEALTHCARE WORKERS GIVE GIFT OF LIFE ON WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY 世界献血者日 张文宏医生与医务工作者端午献血呼吁大家****“为爱举手” 3.FILM FANS FLOCK TO CINEMAS OVER HOLIDAY WEEKEND 上影节 共享光影盛宴 影迷:因为热爱,所以值得 --------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------ 1. EXPATS TRAVERSE HISTORY & CULTURE ON A BIKE TOUR A group of 17 expats【在海外旅居的人】 took a bike tour today, traversing【穿过】some of Shanghai’s history and experiencing the local culture and customs during the Dragon Boat Festival. Zhang Hong follows them on the tour. 今天(14日),17位在沪工作、生活的外籍人士,一起骑行上海街头,阅读城市建筑,同时体验端午民俗。 The tour started at the Shanghai Jewish Refugee Museum in Hongkou District, where expats learned about the life of Jewish Refugees who fled to Shanghai to escape the Nazi Persecution【迫害】 during World War II. They were impressed by the exhibits detailing the lives of the Jews in Shanghai at the time. 参加活动的外国友人首站来到位于虹口的上海犹太难民纪念馆,了解“上海方舟”的来历和上海文化“海纳百川”的国际主义传统。馆内展陈详细描述了犹太难民在上海的生活图景,让他们深受感动。 INTERVIEWEE: Michael Wunderlich, Vice Director Germany Hamburg Liaison Office China “I think there’s a very special fact here that even the entire world has refused to take these poor people, Shanghai still opens its door and welcomes them to come here and have a new life here.” “我认为这里有一个非常特别的事实,即使整个世界都拒绝接纳犹太难民,上海仍然敞开大门,欢迎他们来这里,在这里开始新的生活。” INTERVIEWEE: Ann Sophie de Meester, Director Acclime China “One thing that really struck me was that when Shanghai opened up to the Jews, Shanghai did not have an easy time. The Chinese were also suffering. But they still found their way to help other people.” “真正打动我的是,上海向犹太人敞开大门时,处境也很艰难。中国人也在受苦,但他们仍然设法帮助别人。” The group then took a30-minute ride, passing through the North Bund before finally reaching Si’hang Warehouse, site of a four-day battle between the Chinese soldiers and invading Japanese forces back in 1937. The battle-damaged wall of the warehouse is a testament【实际的证明】 to the bravery of the soldiers who died of defending【防守、保卫】the city. 经过半小时的骑行,骑行队伍途径北外滩行至“四行仓库”抗战纪念馆。1937年,中国“八百壮士”在这里与侵华日军激战了四天。“四行仓库”布满炮弹孔的西墙见证了誓死保卫上海的英雄壮举。 INTERVIEWEE: Ludvig Nilsson,Co-founder Jade Invest Shanghai “I think it’s a very exciting and inspiring story. These guys faced such fierce opposition and kept fighting in such brave way. It’s really inspiring to everyone. I have heard of it before, but I haven’t seen this wall for a long time. It’s really good to come here and have a look.” “非常激动,非常激励。这些战士面对如此激烈的炮火,勇敢地坚守和战斗,对每个人都是一种激励。我以前听说过,但一直都没见过。来这里看看真是太好了。” After the visit, the group rode to Sinan Mansions near Xintiandi, which features a complex of early 20th century western-style garden residences. In the mansion【公馆】, they were taught how to make rice dumplings. 随后,骑行队伍来到新天地附近的思南公馆,这里有成片建于20世纪初的花园洋房。在思南公馆里,外国友人学习了包粽子。 INTERVIEWEE: Stephen Yas,Director BKL Architecture Shanghai “I was able to create a Zongzi that would like a triangle. It’s more functional than aesthetic. But I’m sure it will taste good.” “我能够包出三角形的粽子了,虽然样子不够好看。但我敢肯定,味道会很好。” INTERVIEWEE: Michael Luevano, Executive Director Shanghai JussEvent Operation & Management Co. “It’s always interesting to learn new things and learn how to make Zongzi. It’s very humbling. Although it looks simple, it’s actually very difficult to do. So that was the first thing. Also, the bike tour was really amazing. It’s something I wouldn’t normally do. So it’s really a learning experience for me.” “学习新事物总是很有趣,比如说学习如何包粽子。虽然会有点受挫,因为尽管看起来很简单,但实际挺难的。这是第一点。还有,骑行之旅真的很棒,这是我通常不会做的事。所以这次对我来说有很多新的体验。” The tour ended at the Memorial of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, where the group learned how the party was founded by viewing historical relics,photographs and diagrams. 骑行之旅最后一站是中共一大纪念馆, 通过文物实物、图片图表等了解中国共产党的诞生历程 The city is home to about 215,000 expats, accounting for nearly a quarter of China’s total. That makes Shanghai’s expat community the largest on the mainland. 目前在沪工作的外籍人士数量为21.5万,占全国的1/4左右。上海是中国大陆外籍人士最多的城市。 2.HEALTHCARE WORKERS GIVE GIFT OF LIFE ON WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY Thirty-two Huashan Hospital employees donated blood today at the Shanghai Blood Center to mark World Blood Donor Day. Sun Siqi has more. 6月14日是端午节,也是世界献血者日,上海市血液中心迎来了32名医务工作者。 Dr. Zhang Wenhong,leader of the Shanghai COVID-19 treatment team and director of Huashan Hospital’s infectious disease department, also rolled up his sleeve to donate blood. He encouraged more people to do the same, especially young people. 华山医院感染科主任、上海市新冠肺炎医疗救治专家组组长张文宏也来到血液中心,撸袖献血。张文宏表示,希望更多人能参与献血,特别是年轻人。 25 volunteers donated28 units of blood, and 7 donated 8 units of blood platelets. Nearly one-thirdof them are under the age of 30. 今天华山医院的献血志愿者中,25个人献了28人份全血,7人献了8人份单采血小板。有三分之一的献血志愿者,年龄在30岁以下。 INTERVIEWEE: Ma Ensi, Doctorof Huashan Hospital of Fudan University 马恩斯复旦大学附属华山医院外科医生 “The donated amount only accounts for a small part of the blood in my body. It doesn’t harm us.” “献的血量只是我们人体很少的一部分,人体完全能够代偿恢复过来。” INTERVIEWEE: Mao Ying,Director of Huashan Hospital of Fudan University 毛颖 复旦大学附属华山医院 院长 “Whenever we are using donated blood, we think about the donor and how it saves lives. We want to help as many people as we can.” “我们每次用到血的时候,就知道这点血是拯救了一个人的生命的。我们希望能够为这样的事业也作出我们自己应有的贡献。” Last year, 473,900 units of blood were collected in Shanghai from 330,600 donations. There are13.6 blood donors per 1,000 people in the city, higher than the national average. 2020年,上海共募集47.39万人份血液,33.06万人次参加无偿献血,每一千人中就有13.6名献血者,高于全国平均水平。 Young people are the driving force behind blood donations in the city. About 75% of last year’s donors were between the ages of 18 and 30, according to the Shanghai Blood Center. 年轻人是申城无偿献血的“主力军”。在去年的献血志愿者中,有四分之三年龄在18至30周岁之间。 3.FILM FANS FLOCK TO CINEMAS OVER HOLIDAY WEEKEND As the 24th Shanghai InternationalFilm Festival is currently taking place, hundreds of films are hitting screens across the city. Many movie fans took advantage of the Dragon Boat holiday weekend to see some shows. Lei Shuran has more. 第二十四届上海国际电影节正在火热进行中,共有百余部电影排片,不少影迷也趁着端午假期参与电影节。 The Shanghai Film ArtCenter in Changning district, which is the main venue of the annual event, was full of movie fans today. Some audience were even wearing customized【定制】 T-shirts for the festival. 位于长宁区的上海影城是上影节主会场,今日迎来了一大批观众,一些影迷还穿着为电影节特别订制的T恤。 INTERVIEWEE: **Movie Fan **影迷 “Some films at the festival are so popular and tickets are too hard to get, so I’m wearing this T-shirt with the characters "Ticket Wanted". This year I am going to watch 21 movies.” “上影节热门场的票很难买,所以穿了印着‘求票’的衣服。今年我打算看21部。” “I bought tickets from cinemas in different parts of Shanghai, including Changning and Xuhui. Sometimes I needto rush to another cinema after finishing a movie. It doesn’t bother me because I love movies.” “我买了不同影院的票,长宁的、徐汇的场次都有。有时候一场看完我得赶到另一家影院去,但是也不麻烦,因为热爱嘛。” Some out of town movie fans arrived at the cinema still carrying their suitcases. 有不少外地影迷还带着旅行箱前来观影。 INTERVIEWEE: **Movie Fan **影迷 “I came from Wuhan. It’san annual movie feast【盛会】, and I would feel bad if I missed it.” “我是从武汉来的。这是一年一度的电影盛会嘛,不来会很可惜。” “I made lots of friends through the event. Starting from buying tickets, we joined many online groups and knew each others.” “通过电影节我认识了很多朋友,从抢票开始我们就建了小群,也就慢慢了解了大家。” Most of the tickets have been sold out since the opening of the festival. But many movie fans were still searching for available seats. 大多数影片在电影节开幕时就已经售罄,但仍有不少影迷在寻找仍未满座的场次。 The main venue, the Shanghai Film Art Center, will have a total of 149 shows. About 20,000 people went to the center during the 3-day Dragon Boat Festival holiday. 此次上海影城有多达149场电影排片,端午小长假吸引了近2万观影人次。 INTERVIEWEE: Gu Yan,Shanghai Film Co So far, 90 of the 149shows are sold out. From 9am until closing time at night, nearly all of the screenings in Hall No.1 today were full. 到目前为止,149场排片中有90场已经售罄。从上午九点到晚上结束营业,第一放映厅的每场排片几乎都是满座。” This year’s film festival features more than 400 movies showing at 40 cinemas around the city. 今年,上海国际电影节将在全市40家影院展映400多部影片。 #*热词加油站 expat【在海外旅居的人】 traverse【穿过】 persecution【迫害】 testament【实际的证明】 defend【防守、保卫】 mansion【公馆】 customize【定制】 feast【盛会】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~