cover of episode 06/15 TOP NEWS丨金山堂吃防疫/中央气象台双预警齐发/英国单方面修改"北爱尔兰议定书"

06/15 TOP NEWS丨金山堂吃防疫/中央气象台双预警齐发/英国单方面修改"北爱尔兰议定书"

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NEWS ON 06/14 1.JINSHAN RESTAURANTS FOLLOW STRICT VIRUS CONTROL PROTOCOLS 金山堂吃防疫 2.EXTREME RAINFALL CONTINUES IN SOUTHERN CHINA 中央气象台继续双预警齐发多地将有暴雨、雷暴大风或冰雹天气** 3.U.K. REVEALS PLAN TO CHANGE NORTHERN IRELAND PROTOCOL 英国:正式公布议案**单方面修改"北爱尔兰议定书" -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.JINSHAN RESTAURANTS FOLLOW STRICT VIRUS CONTROL PROTOCOLS 金山堂吃防疫 According to current virus control measures in Shanghai, restaurants have only been allowed to open for dine-in【堂食】 services in Jinshan, Fengxian and Chongming. But are these establishments following the rules? Song Wenjing has more. 根据目前上海的疫情防控要求,只有位于金山、奉贤和崇明三个区的餐饮企业可以恢复堂食。那么,这些餐饮企业的防疫措施落实情况如何?记者宋雯婧带来更多详细报道。 During lunchtime in Bailian Shopping Mall, many customers were waiting outside a barbecue restaurant. Its capacity has been restricted to 50 percent and the restaurant has put signs on half of its tables to show they cannot be used. 中午时分,在百联购物中心,许多顾客在一家烧烤店外等位。为了将入座率控制在50%以内,店内一半的座位还贴上了"此桌不用"的标识。 顾客 I feel safer as customers will be further apart and it should avoid droplet transmission飞沫传播. 我觉得挺放心的,因为顾客之间有一定的间隔距离,应该可以避免飞沫传播。 Inside the shopping mall, 40 restaurants and eateries have resumed dine-in service. Even though some are small, they still strictly follow pandemic control measures to limit customer numbers below 50 percent of capacity. 商场内有40家餐饮企业正在试点恢复堂食。即便是一些规模较小的铺位,也一样严格执行防疫要求,将顾客入座率控制在50%以下。 餐饮店值班店长 We have a total of 14 seats, but currently only 7 are available. Sometimes we encourage customers to choose take away. 我们总共有14个座位,但目前只设7个。有时我们鼓励顾客打包带走。 The shopping mall says all restaurant owners were required to sign a pandemic control commitment and disinfect their venues【场所】 regularly. All restaurant employees in the shopping mall must show a negative PCR test result within 24 hours to start their shift. They are also required to wear an N95 mask and gloves. 商场负责人介绍,所有店家都要签署防疫承诺书,并定时进行场所消毒。商场内所有餐厅工作人员必须持24小时的核酸检测阴性证明才能上岗。他们还需要佩戴N95口罩和一次性手套。 2.EXTREME RAINFALL CONTINUES IN SOUTHERN CHINA 中央气象台继续双预警齐发多地将有暴雨、雷暴大风或冰雹天气** The National Meteorological Center renewed a blue warning for heavy rainfall and a yellow warning for strong convective**【对流的】 weather in various parts of the country this morning, as more heavy downpours are expected to lash【猛击】 parts of southern China. Some areas may be getting up to 400 millimeters of rain. Local governments have been advised to make appropriate preparations for flood prevention. Zhang Yue brings us more. 中央气象台今天(6/14)上午继续发布暴雨蓝色预警和强对流天气黄色预警,预计南部部分地区将出现大暴雨。局部地区降雨量可能会达到400毫米。当地政府要做好洪水防御准备。记者张乐带来更多详细报道。 Swollen by continuous heavy rainfall, the waters of the Yongjiang River in Guanxi exceeded the flood warning level yesterday. 受持续强降雨影响,昨日(6/13)广西邕江迎来了超设防水位洪水。 黄福培 南宁水文中心站站长 The water level was measured at 70.28 meters at our station, 88 centimeters above the flood threshold【阈】. The water rose 2.8 meters yesterday, its flowing at 6,270 cubic meters per second. 我们南宁水文中心站监测到的水位是70.28米,超设防水位0.88米。昨天(6/13),洪水涨幅2.8米,实测流量6270立方米每秒。 A level-4 emergency response for floods has been activated in Nanning. 26 drainage pump stations along the river have started operation. Heavy rainfall is forecast to continue in Guangxi for the next three days. In the city of Longyan, Fujian Province the Jiulong River reached was at 1.74 meters above the warning level as of 2pm yesterday. 366 villagers were rescued after being trapped in a flood in Qingliu county. Fujian is maintaining a level-3 emergency response posture as the rain continues to fall. In southern Jiangxi, Quan’nan county in Ganzhou was hit with nearly 200 millimeters of rain in a single day. A red warning for floods was issued at 7am today after the Ganjiang overflowed at 4:30am. Heavy rain is also expected to continue in Jiangxi for the next few days. 目前南宁已启动IV级防汛应急响应,市区沿江26座排涝泵站已全部投入运行。根据预报,未来3天,广西仍有强降雨。在福建龙岩,至昨天(6/13)下午2点,九龙江水位超警戒水位1.74米。清流县366名被困群众已全部转移到安全地带。由于降雨持续时间长,福建省目前维持防暴雨Ⅲ级应急响应。在江西南部,赣州市全南县单日降雨量近200毫米。今天(6/14)早上4点30分,赣江2022年第1号洪水在上游形成,7点发布洪水红色预警。未来几天,江西雨水仍将持续。 3.U.K. REVEALS PLAN TO CHANGE NORTHERN IRELAND PROTOCOL 英国:正式公布议案**单方面修改"北爱尔兰议定书"** The United Kingdom yesterday introduced a bill to change parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol, a post-Brexit trade deal, while the European Union said unilateral【单方的】 action is damaging to mutual trust and threatened legal action. Stephen Rancourt has more. 英国昨日(6/13)提交了一项议案,正式公布单方面修改"北爱尔兰议定书"部分内容的具体计划,"北爱尔兰议定书"是英国"脱欧"协议的一部分。然而,欧盟表示,英方的单边行动正在损害双边互信,并声称会重启司法程序。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多详细报道。 The UK government said in a statement that the bill will allow it to address the practical problems the Protocol has created in Northern Ireland in areas such as customs, tax and spend discrepancies. The legislation would let the government bypass the Northern Ireland Protocol, which requires the inspection of certain goods shipped there from other parts of the UK. 英国政府在一份声明中表示,这项议案能够解决"议定书"在北爱尔兰造成的实际问题,如海关、税收和支出差异等。根据公布的这份议案,英国将开辟一条"绿色通道",取消运往北爱尔兰部分货物的海关和边境安全检查。 特拉斯 英国外交大臣 We’re completely serious about this legislation. It does fix the problems in the Northern Ireland protocol. It also protects the EU single market so the EU are no worse off as a result of this legislation. 我们对这项立法是认真的。这不仅能解决北爱尔兰协议中的问题,还保护了欧盟单一市场,欧盟不会因此而变得更糟。 Truss said Britain remained open to negotiations with the European Union. In response, the European Commission Vice President said yesterday that the UK’s unilateral action is damaging to mutual trust. The E.C. added it would consider resuming the infringement**【违反】**procedure which was launched against the UK government in March 2021, but subsequently put on hold. 特拉斯表示,英方非常愿意与欧盟谈判。欧盟委员会副主席昨天(6/13)回应称,英方的单边行动正在损害双边互信。欧盟委员会补充道,欧盟将考虑重启2021年3月针对英国政府发起的违约司法程序。 **谢夫乔维奇 **欧盟委员会副主席 Renegotiating of the protocol is unrealistic. No workable alternative solution has been found to this delicate, long-negotiated balance. Any renegotiations would simply bring further legal uncertainty for the people and businesses in Northern Ireland. 重新谈判议定书是不现实的。对于这种微妙的、经过长期谈判的平衡,还没有可行的替代解决方案。任何重新谈判都只会给北爱人民和企业带来更多的法律不确定性。 UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the plans to bypass the Northern Ireland protocol are not a big deal, called the legislation a relatively trivial set of adjustments. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊表示,这一立法产生的变化"相对简单",欧盟没有必要过度反应。 #热词加油站 dine-in【堂食】 droplet transmission【飞沫传播】 venue /ˈvenjuː/【场所】 convective /kənˈvektɪv/【对流的】 lash /læʃ/【猛击】 threshold /ˈθreʃhəʊld/【阈】 unilateral /ˌjuːnɪˈlætrəl/【单方的】 infringement /ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt/【违反】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~