NEWS ON 06/13 1.OFFICE BUILDING STRENGTHENS PANDEMICPROTOCOLS 静安楼宇“复工复产” 加强防疫管理 2.TANGSHAN ASSAULT CASE SUSPECTS HAVECRIMINAL RECORDS 唐山案后续 3. MACRON’SCENTRISTS EDGE AHEAD OF LEFT IN FIRST ROUND VOTE 法国:议会选举首轮投票结束 马克龙阵营优势不足0.1% -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.OFFICE BUILDING STRENGTHENS PANDEMICPROTOCOLS 静安楼宇“复工复产” 加强防疫管理 Measures have been taken to reduce the riskof COVID-19 transmission with people returning to work in downtown Shanghai.Zhang Hong tells us more about what one office building is doing in Jing’anDistrict. 随着复工复产推进,楼宇企业如何在保证正常工作的前提下,加强上海中心城区的防疫管理?记者张泓在静安区的一栋办公楼里,带来更多详细报道。 People were lining up to enter the officebuilding at Park Place on West Nanjing Road this morning. Two lines werecreated to avoid long queues during peak hours. 今天(6/13)上午,上海南京西路上的越洋广场里,员工陆续通过拦起的一米线进入楼宇。高峰时期,入口处加开两条通道进行分流。 Employee 写字楼员工 The entire process is very smooth.我感觉整个过程都很流畅。 Employee 写字楼员工 There’s a PCR test site downstairs. It’sconvenient for us to get a PCR test result valid within 72 hours.我们楼很方便,有自己的核酸检测点,我们基本上下楼就能做 72小时(核酸报告)。 Each office has a separate code for contacttracing. While the upper floors of Park Place are offices, the building alsocontains a shopping mall. So, delivery personnel【外卖人员】 and couriers【信使】 were told toput and pick up packages at the gate to prevent large groups of people fromgathering. 楼宇内,每个企业办公室也张贴有各自的场所码。越洋广场内还有不少复工的餐饮企业,目前,为避免聚集,送入的外卖快递,采取统一存放在外的无接触配送;从商场送出的外卖,骑手也需在楼宇外等候取餐。 Deliveryman 骑手 Restaurant employees will bring the fooddown. We are not allowed to enter the mall.商家会送下来的,我们不能进。 3,500 people returned to work today in ParkPlace. The property management company’s general manager said they willstrengthen pandemic protocols with another 1,500 people expecting to come backto work in the building soon. 以越洋广场办公楼为例,近5000名员工今天(6/13)有7成回到岗位,而未来,其余1500名员工也将回到岗位,对此,物业方面将进一步加强防疫管理措施。 Huang Shaoming, General Manager,Property Management/Park Place 黄绍明 上海越洋广场物业总经理 With the headquarters of some largecompanies in the building, we have a large density of people here. We helpedeach tenant with pandemic controls, supplies, and tracking the health status oftheir employees.一些大的公司总部都在我们大楼里,所以我们人员密集度(高)。我们针对每一个写字楼租户,我们都辅助他们做针对他们单元的防疫措施,包括他们的物资,包括员工的管理、检测记录等。 Around 150,000 people have returned to workat major office buildings in Jing’an. 目前,静安区重点楼宇复工人数约15万。 2.TANGSHAN ASSAULT CASE SUSPECTS HAVECRIMINAL RECORDS 唐山案后续 Five of the 9 suspects arrested for assaultin Tangshan, Hebei Province, have criminal records involving provocation【挑衅】, intentional injury and illegal detention【非法拘禁】. In two separate incidents over the weekend, police arrested 6other people. A woman claimed in an online video that she and her colleaguewere assaulted and forcibly held at a bar by gangsters【匪徒】. A man posted a video and said gang members smashed up his bakeryin an effort to extort money. Tangshan police yesterday launched a two-weekcrackdown on organized crime. The campaign will also include investigatingpublic officials for dereliction of duty. 河北唐山烧烤店打人案中,经警方初步查明,涉案的9人中,5人有前科,涉及寻衅滋事、非法拘禁、故意伤害等。在另外两起实名举报涉黑案件中,警方已抓获6名犯罪嫌疑人。一位女士近日在网上发出实名举报,称朱某斌、杨某等人在某酒吧对其同事进行殴打并非法拘禁。此外,蛋糕店店主孟某在网上实名举报被人敲诈勒索、相关人员还多次到店内和家里打砸闹事。针对近期事件,唐山市委、市政府昨天决定,开展为期半个月的夏季社会治安整治行动,全面整治社会治安领域的突出问题,以及对违法犯罪进行包庇纵容,失职失责的违纪违法行为。 3. MACRON’SCENTRISTS EDGE AHEAD OF LEFT IN FIRST ROUND VOTE 法国:议会选举首轮投票结束 马克龙阵营优势不足0.1% French President Emmanuel Macron’scoalition finished neck and neck with the new left-green alliance【联盟】 led by Jean-Luc Melenchon in yesterday’s first round of legislativeelections, leaving the president at risk of losing his outright majority. Thedifference in votes between the two blocs is less than 0.1 percent with voterturnout at a historically low 47.5 percent. Yuan Chenyue has more. 法国内政部公布的初步统计结果显示,在国民议会选举首轮投票中,总统马克龙所在的中间派联盟,与梅朗雄领衔的左翼联盟,各获得约四分之一的有效选票。而且,两个阵营的票差不足0.1%,选民投票率仅47.5%,弃票率创下历史新高。更多详情请看记者袁辰玥报道。 According to the French Ministry of theInterior, Macron’s "Ensemble", or together received 25.75 percent ofthe votes, while his main opponent, the leftwing NUPES bloc, won 25.66 percent.Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party finished third with 18.68% ofthe vote, while Les Republicains picked up 10.42 percent. No other party earnedmore than 5%. Every candidate who wins at least 12.5% of votes advances to thesecond round. 初步计票结果显示,马克龙所在的中间派联盟获得25.75%的有效选票;其主要竞争对手 "不屈法兰西"的党首梅朗雄所在的左翼联盟赢得了25.66%的选票;玛丽娜·勒庞率领的极右翼政党“国民联盟”获得18.68%的有效选票,选票数排名第三;共和党阵营得票率为10.42%;其他政党得票数均不超过5%。得票率超过12.5%的候选人将进入第二轮投票。 Elisabeth Borne, French Prime Minster 博尔内 法国总理 Today, more than one in two French peopledid not go to the polls. Our first collective duty is to reduce abstention.超过一半的法国人放弃了投票,我们的第一要务就是要减少弃票。 Exit polls showed Macron is not guaranteedto win an absolute majority in parliament. Macron needs to win 289 seats innext week’s second round to keep his majority. Melenchon’s platform features650 polices that include raising the minimum wage【最低工资】 and lowering the** retirement age****【退休年龄】** to 60. 民调显示,马克龙能否赢得议会绝对多数议席仍有悬念。马克龙阵营需要在下周的第二轮投票中赢得289个国民议会席位。梅朗雄频频抛出"诱人"承诺:包括提高最低工资标准、将退休年龄降低到60岁、控制能源价格等。 Jean-Luc Melenchon, Leader of Left-WingCoalition 梅朗雄 "不屈法兰西"党首 In view of this result, and theextraordinary opportunity it offers for our personal lives and the destiny ofthe shared homeland, I call on our people to defeat them in the second round.目前的结果显示,我们有很大机会。我呼吁选民们在第二轮实现对马克龙阵营的"翻盘"。 With the two-round system, which applies to577 constituencies across the country, the popular vote in the first round isoften a poor indicator of who will eventually win a majority the followingweek. The second round of voting is scheduled for June 19th. 国民议会共有577个席位,对应全法577个选区,第一轮的投票结果对最终的结果并没有太强的指向性。第二轮投票将于6月19日进行。 #热词加油站 delivery personnel【外卖人员】 courier [ˈkʊriə(r)]【信使】 provocation [ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃn]【挑衅】 illegal detention【非法拘禁】 gangster [ˈɡæŋstə(r)]【匪徒】 alliance [əˈlaɪəns]【联盟】 minimum wage【最低工资】 retirement age【退休年龄】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~