cover of episode 06/13 TOP NEWS | 上影节超感试验场/多家银行新一轮存款利率下调/大满贯23冠创造历史

06/13 TOP NEWS | 上影节超感试验场/多家银行新一轮存款利率下调/大满贯23冠创造历史

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NEWS ON 0**6/12 *1.NEW TECHNOLOGIES THAT RESHAPE MOVIE MAKING 上影节首推观影“超感试验场”亮相普陀 2.MAJOR COMMERCIAL BANKS DROP THEIR RENMINBI DEPOSIT RATES 近期主要商业银行均完成新一轮存款利率下调 3.NOVAK DJOKOVIC MAKES HISTORYWITH 23RD GRAND SLAM TITLE* 法网:德约科维奇击败鲁德获个人第23个大满贯冠军 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.NEW TECHNOLOGIES THAT RESHAPE MOVIE MAKING 上影节首推观影“超感试验场”亮相普陀 People in Shanghai have the chance to experience how technologies are being integrated with film-making during the Shanghai International Film Festival. This 'vision lab' was set up for people to see how Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Extended Reality are shaping the movie industry and our future as well. Reporter Zhang Yue was there and tried out some of them. 上海国际电影节期间,市民有机会体验到了科技如何与电影制作相结合。“视觉实验室”的设立是为了让人们看到了虚拟现实、增强现实和扩展现实正在如何塑造电影行业以及我们的未来。记者张乐在现场进行了体验。 At the Push Art Center in Putuo district, a twist on 'the Journey to the West' was created. This Virtual Reality version of the 170-year-old story was designed to be more futuristic未来主义的】****. The motion capture system monitors the movements and gestures of the actor in real time and sends the data into the computer. Once in the system, the actor's appearance and voice can be changed and modified with just a few keystrokes and mouse clicks. 普陀区Push艺术中心现场展示了一部灵感源自《西游记》的VR戏剧《浮生一刻》。这一流传了170年的历史故事在虚拟现实技术的加持下充满了未来感。动作捕捉系统实时监控演员的动作和手势,并将数据传送至计算机。演员一旦进入系统,只需敲击几下键盘和点击几下鼠标就可以改变其外形和声音。 Lou Yanxin, Founder Sandman Studio 楼彦昕 Sandman工作室创始人 “我认为最新的技术必将为电影业和娱乐业带来新的可能性。虽然我相信AR、VR或混合现实将与电影行业并行发展,并存在不同的形式,但最具挑战性的事情之一是人们必须跟上技术的发展。因为我们不能像机器那样快速学习,所以必须学习应对现有技术,以了解它们能够为我们提供什么。” “I do think the latest technology will enable new possibilities for film industries and entertainment industry. Although I do believe that AR, VR, or mixed reality will be working and moving forward in parallel with the film industry because I do think there are different formats. I think one of the most challenging thing is that people have to cope up with how technology moving forward, we have to kind of learn and cope with the technology right now in order to see what they will be able to you know provide us with, because we cannot learn as quickly as machines.” People can feel like they are diving deep into the ocean and dance with jelly fish, or climb the Alps or even blast off into outer space. 现场观众感到自己好像真的潜入到了海洋深处,与水母共舞,或正在攀登阿尔卑斯山,甚至感觉自己被发射到了外太空。 Ou Haofei Visitor 欧浩飞 游客 “我从来没有躺着体验过VR技术,因为大多数VR游戏和电影都没有完整的360度空间。我真的觉得我在这个空间里,希望能在家里使用它。” “I have never experience VR technology lying down, because most VR games and movies don't have a full 360-degree space. I really feel like I am in the space. I wish I could use it at home.” 30 movies are available during the film festival, including six national debuts. One of the most popular attractions is the four-player, mixed reality game 'Eggscape'. The game is a collaboration between Sandman Studio and 3dar from Argentina, and won the Gold Lion Award at the 2022 Venice Film Festival. 电影节期间将放映30部电影,其中6部为全国首映。本次展览中最受欢迎的景点之一是四人混合现实游戏“超级捣蛋”。这款游戏由桑德曼工作室和阿根廷3dar公司合作开发,并在2022年威尼斯电影节上获得金狮奖。 Zhang Yue, Reporter 张乐 记者 These VR headsets provide a 360-degree view of the movie, so you can be fully immersed in the experience, and be part of the action instead of just watching. Interactivity might be the top reason why more and more people are getting into VR, as viewer can make choices that impact the storyline故事情节 and outcome of the movie. VR头显为观众提供了一个360度观影视角,观众可以完全沉浸其中进行互动,而不仅仅是观看。互动性可能是越来越多的人选择VR的首要原因,因为观众可以做出选择,左右电影的情节和结局。 Che Lin, Curator Vision Lab 车琳 超感试验场数字影视体验展策展人 “我们还展示了十多种VR设备,这样人们就可以更沉浸在电影和游戏中。这里还可以观看球幕电影、互动舞蹈等等。我们希望人们真正走进电影,成为其中的一部分。” “We are also showcasing more than ten VR devices, so that people can be more immersed in movies and games. Dome-screen movies are also available here, as well as interactive dancing. We want people to really walk into movie and be part of it.” Research institute Omdia estimates that total consumer spending on VR devices and content is expected to reach 7.5 billion US dollars by 2026, and more than 70 million VR headsets will be used globally. The institute added that VR hardware and software value will increase to 16 billion US dollars in 2026 from 6.4 in 2021. 据研究机构Omdia估计,到2026年,消费者在VR设备和内容上的总支出预计将达到75亿美元,全球VR头显使用量将达到7000万个。此外,VR硬件和软件市值将从2021年的64亿美元增加到160亿美元。 2.MAJOR COMMERCIAL BANKS DROP THEIR RENMINBI DEPOSIT RATES 近期主要商业银行均完成新一轮存款利率下调 Twelve Chinese commercial banks announced interest rates cut on a range of yuan deposits today, following a similar move by the country's 6 state-owned lenders last week. 继上周六大国有银行宣布下调部分存款利率之后,今天,中国12家商业银行也陆续宣布下调人民币存款利率。 The banks including China Merchants Bank, China Citic Bank and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank cut rates on demand deposits to 0.2 percent, the same size reductions that were announced by the state banks on Thursday. Rates of fixed deposits were cut by from 5 to 15 basis points. The highest interest rate offered by the commercial banks after the cut will be 2.8 percent for five-year time deposits.The deposit rate cuts are the second within a year, with previous action taken in September 2022. Analysts expect the cuts will ease pressure on bank profit margins, and so provide room for further reserve requirement rate cuts by the country's central bank to release more funding into the economy.   包括招商银行、中信银行和浦发银行在内的各商业银行将活期存款利率下调至0.2%,与周四国有银行宣布的下调幅度相同。其中活期存款利率下调幅度为5-15个基点不等。降息后,商业银行五年期定期存款的最高利率为2.8%。这是一年内第二次下调存款利率,上一次是在2022年9月。分析师预计,此次降息将缓解银行利润率的压力,从而为央行进一步降低存款准备金率以向经济释放更多资金提供了空间。 3.NOVAK DJOKOVIC MAKES HISTORYWITH 23RD GRAND SLAM TITLE** 法网:德约科维奇击败鲁德**,获个人第23个大满贯冠军 Novak Djokovic created tennis history yesterday when he clinched a record 23rd Grand Slam大满贯 men's singles title after beating Casper Ruud of Norway to win the French Open. He is now the only male player to have won each of the 4 Slams at least three times. Sun Siqi has more. 在昨天进行的2023年法国网球公开赛中,德约科维奇以3-0战胜挪威名选手鲁德,获得个人第23座大满贯奖杯,创造了网坛历史,写就四大满贯至少各捧杯三次的传奇。记者孙思琪带来更多报道。 The Serbian withstood Norway's Casper Ruud 7-6, 6-3, 7-5. And it wasn't easy. Djokovic was broken the first time he served. 塞尔维亚队的德约科维奇以7-6、6-3、7-5的比分战胜了挪威选手卡斯珀·鲁德。战况十分激烈,首盘比赛,鲁德率先完成破发。 He withstood a brutal onslaught as Ruud led 4-1, but the Norwegian couldn't finish what he started. Djokovic broke back trailing 2-4 and finally ran away with the tie-break 7/1. 当鲁德以4-1领先时,德约科维奇顶住进攻。但挪威队未能稳住优势。第七局比赛德约科维奇完成回破,并在2-4落后的情况下,最终以7-1抢七获胜。 He then stepped up his game taking the second set 6-3 and the third 7-5. 随后,他以6-3和7-5拿下了第二局和第三局。 With his victory secured he lay flat on his back on the clay, soaking in the glory荣耀】**. 确定胜利后,德约科维奇直接躺倒在红土上,尽情享受属于自己的荣耀时刻。 Novak Djokovic Serbian Tennis Player **德约科维奇 **塞尔维亚网球名将 “I'm beyond grateful and blessed to be standing here with so many incredible achievements.” “我非常感激也十分幸运能够站在这里,取得如此之多难以置信的成就。” The 36-year-old is now the first man to win each Slam three times and overtaking Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer to have won the most men's singles Grand Slam titles. 36岁的德约科维奇成为了首位男子网球“三圈全满贯”得主,超过了纳达尔和费德勒,成为男子网坛大满贯夺冠次数最多的选手。 Novak Djokovic Serbian Tennis Player **德约科维奇 **塞尔维亚网球名将 “Those two guys were occupying my mind for the last 15 years quite a lot. But of course having the three of us, with Andy Murray of course, as well, that we cannot forget, in the last 20 years, it's kind of reached the golden era of the men's tennis.” “在过去的15年里,这两个人(纳达尔和费德勒)一直占据着我的脑海。但不要忘了,正是因为我们三个人以及安迪·穆雷的存在,过去的20年才能被称为男子网球的黄金时代” On the same day, Wang Xinyu of China and Hsieh Su-Wei of Chinese Taipei defeated 10th seeds Taylor Townsend of the United States and Leylah Fernandez of Canada to win the women's doubles title at the French Open. This is Wang's first and Hsieh's 5th Grand Slam title. 同日,中国选手王欣瑜和中华台北选手谢淑薇击败了第十对种子选手美国的泰勒·汤森德和加拿大的莱拉·费尔南德斯,获得女双冠军。这是王欣瑜首次品尝到大满贯冠军的滋味,而对于谢淑薇来说,这是她第五次在大满贯女双比赛中登顶。 #热词加油站 futuristic/ˌfjuːtʃəˈrɪstɪk/【未来主义的】 storyline/ˈstɔːrilaɪn/【故事情节】 slam/slæm/【大满贯】 glory/ˈɡlɔːri/【荣耀】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~