NEWS ON 06/101.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT REOPENS SOME AREAS, MAIN PARK REMAINS CLOSED上海迪士尼度假区部分区域今起恢复运营1.SMALL, MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES STRUGGLE WITH INTER-PROVICIAL HEADCHES复工复产进行时:中小微企业的“急难愁”2.SHANGRI-LA DIALOGUE BEGINS IN SINGAPORE第19届香格里拉对话:多国防长将“密集”会谈****-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SHANGHAI DISNEY RESORT REOPENS SOME AREAS, MAIN PARK REMAINS CLOSED上海迪士尼度假区部分区域今起恢复运营Wishing Star Park, the World of Disney Store and Blue Sky Boulevard at Shanghai Disney Resort reopened today. Many visitors turned up despite strict pandemic control protocols【协议】. Song Wenjing has more details.今天(6/10),上海迪士尼度假区的星愿公园、迪士尼世界商店以及蓝天大道恢复运营。在做好疫情防控的前提下,不少市民游客赶在第一时间前来打卡。记者宋雯婧带来更多报道。At 8 o’clock in the morning, Blue Sky Boulevard reopened. Visitors were required to show their health code, negative PCR test result within 72 hours and pass a temperature check to enter. They also needed to scan the venue code of each place they entered. The World of Disney Store opened one hour later. Some people were spotted with large shopping bags, but they were required to keep 1-meter apart from others while waiting to pay for their souvenirs.上午8点,迪士尼度假区的蓝天大道正式开放。在度假区入口处,陆续抵达的游客经过测温、查验“随申码”及72小时内核酸检测阴性证明后,方可入场。游客若要再进入区域内的不同区域时,还需要再次扫描各个区域的场所码。9点,迪士尼世界商店开门营业。不少游客背着超大购物袋,打算一次买个够。在纪念品结账区域,大家按照地上标识的一米线有序排队。游客I’m quite happy, as I haven’t been here for a very long time. I bought souvenirs of StellaLou and Lotso, as well as some zodiac pendants. 我挺开心的,好久都没过来逛一逛了。我买了一些星黛露周边,还买了草莓熊,还买了生肖挂件Although it rained in the morning, some people strolled【闲逛】 around Wishing Star Park, and posed for photographs with the huge Donald Duck. 星愿公园内,一些游客在细雨中漫步,湖畔的“巨萌”唐老鸭,吸引着不少迪士尼粉丝在这里拍照留念。游客The familiar feelings have come back. I’m looking forward to the end of the pandemic, and then I can meet with Disney friends. I might cry from happiness when Disneyland reopens. 那种熟悉的感觉又回来了。就希望快点恢复到疫情之前,让我们可以早点和迪士尼伙伴们见面。我觉得等到正式开园了我会激动到哭吧。Visitors must wear a mask at all times in the resort. Shanghai Disneyland, Disneytown and its two hotels remain closed until further notice.游客在度假区内游玩期间,必须全程佩戴口罩。此外上海迪士尼乐园、迪士尼小镇及度假区的两座主题酒店继续保持暂时关闭,重新开放时间待定。2.SMALL, MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES STRUGGLE WITH INTER-PROVICIAL HEADCHES****复工复产进行时:中小微企业的“急难愁”Small and medium-sized enterprises that rely on business in other provinces are still struggling to overcome regional blockades【封锁】 due to coronavirus protocols. Where’s the solution? Sun Siqi has the story.中小型企业的跨省业务仍然受到地区疫情封锁的影响。堵点该如何打通?记者孙思齐为我们带来详细报道。12 people at this small firm that manufactures internet of things sensors returned to work this month, but business is progressing slowly. 园区内这家研发生产电力物联传感设备的小微企业,12名员工返岗。采访Are there quarantine【隔离】 requirements for Shanghai travelers? - Yes. 14 days. ——现在从上海去那边是不是要隔离?——是的,得隔离14天In a regular year, engineer Ge Yue spent more than 200 days on business trips. His job is to oversee projects where the company’s products are applied in Shandong, Xinjiang and Ningxia. Current quarantine requirements make that difficult. 往年,工程师葛跃有200多天,在山东、新疆、宁夏等地,负责项目的实施。但目前,如果要离沪去往其他省市,大都需要进行"7+7"的防疫措施,跨省出行成了最大的难题。葛跃 上海远观物联网科技有限公司现场实施工程师Project managers are pushing us to go over, but all we can do right now is give them remote guidance online. 一些项目的经理会催我们过去,但是现在只能给他们远程指导。This environmental tech company has run into the same problem. More than 70 percent of its operations are out of town. Now, its employees can’t even go to Suzhou, which is just a couple hours away. 遇到相同难题的还有这家环保科技公司,企业超过7成的业务在外地。现在它的员工甚至无法去苏州,仅仅几个小时的行程,现在却遥不可及。徐世辰 上海开鸿环保科技有限公司设计部经理If I could go to the client and see what’s going on, it’d really help us improve our designs. 如果我能到客户那里去了解具体的需求,看到实际的情况,对我们设计是非常有帮助的。And then there’re logistics【物流】 problems. Most of this smart industrial equipment maker’s clients are in Southeast Asia and South America. Now, their goods are backed up at the port along with many other firms. An increase in summer shipping prices soaring demand has only made things worse. 除了跨省人流不畅,跨境物流也存在不小的堵点。这家智能设备公司的客户大都在东南亚或者南美。现在,他们的货物和许多其他公司的货物一起积压在港口。夏季是海运出口的旺季,激增的需求使运价飞涨。康伟 圆韧智能设备上海有限公司负责人We’re waiting for cabin space from the shipping company. We’ve already paid 70 percent in advance. 我们就在等待船运公司什么时候有舱位。我们公司前期已经垫付了70%的费用。Two days ago, Zhejiang became the first province to relax its quarantine policy on travelers from Shanghai. Now, travelers only have to self-monitor if they reside in a sub-district with zero community infections in the past 7 days. If your sub-district did have a community infection in the past week, Shanghai residents going to Zhejiang need to quarantine for 7 days and self-monitor of an additional week.就在两天前,浙江省率先放宽离沪入浙健康管理措施。现在,过去7天内无阳性病例社区的入浙人员只需要进行自我健康监测。7天内有本土社会面阳性病例的乡镇(街道)的上海入浙人员需要进行“7天集中隔离医学观察+7天居家健康观察”。3.SHANGRI-LA DIALOGUE BEGINS IN SINGAPORE****第19届香格里拉对话:多国防长将“密集”会谈The 19th Shangri-La Dialogue opened today in Singapore after a two-year suspension【暂停】 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting is mainly focused on security in the Asia-Pacific region. Lei Shuran has more.因新冠肺炎疫情停办两年后,第19届香格里拉对话会于今天(6月10日)在新加坡开幕。会议主要关注亚太地区的安全问题。记者雷舒然为我们带来详细报道。The three-day summit will hold seven plenary sessions【全体大会】, two ministerial roundtable meetings and three simultaneous special sessions for delegates from more than 40 countries or regions to exchange views on regional and global security issues. Senior defense ministers from Southeast Asia and the wider Asia region, Europe, North America and the Middle East are also expected to attend and speak at the Dialogue. Chinese Defense Minister【国防部长】 Wei Fenghe and U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met in person for the first time today. According to the agenda, Minister Wei will address a plenary session and is expected to introduce China’s policy, principles and actions on safeguarding true** multilateralism【多边主义】, regional peace, and building a shared future for humanity. The Chinese and Japanese defense ministers will also hold talks during the meeting. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will deliver a keynote speech. According to Japanese media, Kishida will stress the significance of bolstering【支持】 **cooperation on maritime security. In addition, South Korea, the U.S. and Japan will hold a trilateral defense ministers’ meeting to exchange views on the recent situation on the Korean Peninsula.本次为期三天的会议共有七场全体大会,此外还会举行两个部长级圆桌会议和三个同时进行的分论坛。来自40多个国家和地区的代表聚焦区域和全球安全问题进行交流。来自东南亚和亚洲其他地区、欧洲、北美和中东的高级国防部长也将出席对话会并发言。中国国防部长魏凤和与美国国防部部长劳埃德·奥斯今天首次“线下”会面。按照仪式日程,魏部长将“中国对地区秩序的愿景”议题作大会发言,全面介绍中方坚定践行真正的多边主义、维护地区和平稳定、推动构建人类命运共同体的政策理念和实际行动。会议期间,中日两国防长也将举行会谈。日本首相岸田文雄将发表主旨演讲。据日媒披露,讲话内容将涉及多国海上合作。此外,韩、美、日还将举行三方防长会晤,就近期朝鲜半岛局势等问题进行交流。#热词加油站 protocol /ˈprəʊtəkɒl/【协议】stroll/strəʊl/【闲逛】blockade/blɒˈkeɪd/【封锁】quarantine/ˈkwɒrəntiːn/【隔离】logistics/ləˈdʒɪstɪks/【物流】suspension/səˈspenʃ(ə)n/【暂停】plenary session【全体大会】Defense Minister【国防部长】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~