cover of episode 06/11 TOP OF THE DAY 疫苗接种进行时/华为鸿蒙OS2/拜登”解禁“抖音海外版与微信等

06/11 TOP OF THE DAY 疫苗接种进行时/华为鸿蒙OS2/拜登”解禁“抖音海外版与微信等

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NEWS ON 6/10 1. FIRST VACCINEDOSES WILL NOT BE HALTED FROM TODAY 网传“第一针疫苗停打”?假消息!社区预约接种仍在进行中 2. HARMONYOS 2INSTALLED ON 10 MLN HUAWEI DEVICES 7天突破千万用户华为鸿蒙****OS2 你升级了吗? 3. BIDENREVOKES TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS TARGETING TIKTOK, WECHAT 拜登签署行政令“解禁”抖音海外版、微信等八款应用软件 --------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦------------ 1. FIRSTVACCINE DOSES WILL NOT BE HALTED FROM TODAY The city’s Health Commission has refuted【驳斥】 the rumor thatfirst doses of coronavirus vaccines would be suspended【暂停】 from today.Authorities said most people who are interested in getting vaccinated havealready received their first dose, and future inoculation procedures will bemore flexible. Sun Siqi has more. 对于近期网传“6月10日起上海不再打新冠疫苗第一针”的消息,市卫健委和市疾控部门今天明确回应,为不实信息。同时也指出,由于大多数适龄接种者已完成第一针灭活疫苗接种,目前,各区接种模式已从大规模集中接种,逐步转变为灵活机动的社区嵌入式接种。 Medical workers and volunteers were super busyyesterday, putting shots in arms from 8am to 8pm at West Nanjing Rd CommunityHealth Center in Jing’an District. Despite the rumor the first doses were nolonger available, people were still able to make an appointment for their firstdose online today. 昨晚7点,在上海南京西路街道社区卫生服务中心,疫苗接种工作仍在进行中,为满足更多市民的需求,医护人员及志愿者从早晨8点开始,将一直忙到晚上8点。接种新冠疫苗预约途径和接种流程依然没有变化,只要在 “随申办” 或 “健康云”APP的预约系统内完成预约。 This morning in Xinzhuang Town, an old couple gottheir first dose right at the scene without making a reservation【预约】. 今天上午,莘庄镇文化活动中心的接种点里,接种工作有序进行。这对老夫妇没有提前预约,现场只用了几分钟,就打好了第一针疫苗。 INTERVIEWEE: Vaccine Recipient “I didn’t make an appointment and just came righthere. It didn’t take long to get the shot.” “不需要预约,直接过来,一会儿就打到了。” Minhang District says storage for both the firstand second shots of vaccine is secured. Starting from today, some communitiesin the city will require a community certificate to get a first dose. In sometowns in Jiading District, residents need to apply from the communities inwhich they live and bring their appointment code to get inoculation. 闵行区表示,目前无论是第一针还是第二针,疫苗储备都很充足。今起,部分地区接种新冠疫苗第一剂需社区证明。在嘉定,今天部分街镇、社区发布通知,市民接种新冠疫苗第一针需要在居住地社区预约报名,然后再凭健康云上的预约码进行接种。  More than 30.24 million doses of coronavirusvaccines have been administered across the city as of yesterday, among which,over 12.56 million people have received both doses. A total of 59,892 doseshave been administered to expats【旅居海外的人】 living in Shanghai. 至昨晚八点,全市已累计接种新冠疫苗3024.92万剂次,其中1256.39万人完成全程接种。在沪外籍人士累计接种59892剂。 Authorities said as most of the willing to bevaccinated have received the first shot of the inactivated vaccine, theinoculation method in the city will be gradually transferred from a massinoculation to a more flexible community method. And more medical staff will beadded to continue serving at temporary inoculation sites including residentialareas, commercial areas and metro stations. 相关部门表示,随着大多数适龄接种者已完成第一针灭活疫苗接种,上海各区的接种模式,从大规模集中接种,逐步转变为灵活机动的社区嵌入式接种。更多医务人员转战居民小区、商业中心、地铁站等临时接种点继续服务。 **2. *HARMONYOS2 INSTALLED ON 10 MLN HUAWEI DEVICES The *rollout **【首次展示】 ofHuawei’s self-developed Harmony OS 2 operating system is being hailed as asuccess, with the company claiming 10 million users have upgraded to the new systemin just the seven days since its official launch. 华为自主研发的鸿蒙操作系统首发后获赞无数。在正式发布后的短短7天内,已有一千万名用户升级到了新系统。 As of yesterday morethan 10 thousand companies including Bank of China, CITIC Bank and ChinaGuangfa Bank have announced that they will work with Huawei, the company says,offering services related to the new operating system. 华为表示,截止至6月9日,包括中国银行、中信银行和广发银行在内的1万多家企业已经宣布与华为合作,并提供新操作系统的相关服务。 Earlier this month,Huawei said that by the end of the year at least 300 million devices will be runningon Harmony OS, of which 200 million will have been manufactured by Huaweiitself. 本月初,华为表示至少有3亿台设备将于今年年底前使用华为鸿蒙操作系统,其中2亿台将由华为自主生产。 3. BIDEN REVOKES TRUMP EXECUTIVE ORDERS TARGETINGTIKTOK, WECHAT U.S. President Joe Biden yesterday revoked【撤销】 and replaced executiveorders targeting TikTok, WeChat and eight other software applications signed byformer President Donald Trump. Zhang Hong has more. 昨日,美国总统乔·拜登撤销并替换了针对抖音海外版、微信和前总统唐纳德·特朗普签署的其他八款应用软件的行政命令。 The White House said Biden revoked and replacedthree executive orders that aimed to prohibit transactions【交易】 with TikTok,WeChat and eight other communications and financial technology softwareapplications; two of them are subject to litigation【诉讼】. The new ordersigned by Biden yesterday, directs the U.S. Commerce Department to insteadevaluate software applications connected with "foreign adversaries【对手】" underrecent U.S. supply-chain security rules "and take action, asappropriate". 白宫表示,拜登撤销并替换了三项行政命令,这些命令旨在禁止与海外版抖音、微信和其他八款通信和金融技术软件应用进行交易;其中,两家公司正面临诉讼。拜登昨日签署新命令,指示美国商务部根据最近的美国供应链安全规则,评估与“外国竞争对手”有关的软件应用程序,并“酌情采取行动”。 The order also directed the Commerce Departmentto develop further options to protect sensitive personal data and address the"potential threat" from certain connected software applications.China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin today warned the UnitedStates again not to politicize economic and trade issues. 该命令还指示商务部进一步制定方案,以保护个人敏感数据,并解决来自某些联网软件应用的“潜在威胁”。今日,中国外交部发言人王文斌再次警告美方不要将经贸问题政治化。 SPEAKER: Wang Wenbin, Spokesperson of China’s ForeignMinistry *汪文斌***中国外交部发言人* “China has always urged the United States totruly respect market economy principles and international economic and traderules, to stop abusing national power and unreasonably suppressing Chinesetechnology companies, and to treat Chinese companies in a fair, just, andnon-discriminatory manner. The Chinese government will continue to safeguardthe legitimate rights and interests of domestic companies.” “中方始终敦促美方切实尊重市场经济原则和国际经贸规则,停止滥用国家力量,停止无理打压中国科技企业的行径,公平、公正、非歧视性地对待中国企业,中国政府将继续坚定维护本国企业的正当合法权益。” Citing national security concerns, Trump hadsought to block new users from downloading TikTok and WeChat in the UnitedStates, but his orders were blocked【阻碍】 in U.S. federal district courts and never tookeffect. 特朗普曾以国家安全隐患为由,试图阻止美国的新用户下载海外版抖音和微信,然而由于受到美国联邦地区法院屏蔽,这一命令从未生效。 #热词加油站 refute【驳斥】 suspend【暂停】 reservation【预约】 expat【旅居海外的人】 rollout 【首次展示】 revoke【撤销】 transaction【交易】 litigation【诉讼】 adversary【对手】 block【阻碍】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选**英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~