cover of episode 06/10 TOP OF THE DAY 大雨将至!魔都入梅/ 东航真实版生死时速/马克龙遭掌掴

06/10 TOP OF THE DAY 大雨将至!魔都入梅/ 东航真实版生死时速/马克龙遭掌掴

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NEWS ON 06/09 **1. **PLUM RAIN SEASON BEGINS       雨雨雨雨雨,上海正式入梅 **2. **FLIGHT DELAYED SO DONATED ORGAN COULD BE DELIVERED       关乎生死的11分钟!保障特殊“乘客”,东航火力全开! **3. **FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON SLAPPED IN FACE DURING SMALL TOWN VISIT       法国总统马克龙遭民众掌掴,连任道路不易? -----------------请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- PLUM RAIN SEASON BEGINS Shanghai will officially enter its plum rain season tomorrow(6/10) -- and the first rain will be a heavy downpour, with thunder and strong winds. The city has already started reinforcing 12 kilometers of flood levees that line the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek. 据上海中心气象台预报,明天上海就要入梅了,而首场梅雨就将达到大到暴雨程度,并伴有电闪雷鸣和大风。为确保梅雨季防汛安全,目前上海正在加快推进12公里黄浦江、苏州河防汛墙薄弱岸段维修加固工程。 Though cool, the humid weather today is prelude to this year’s plum rain season. -- Get your galoshes, umbrellas and raincoats ready for the next few weeks. 今天申城虽然气温并不算高,但湿度较高,体感闷热,已是入梅的前奏。准备好你的雨鞋、雨伞和雨衣,迎接未来几周的梅雨。 Wang Ping, Chief Forecaster Shanghai Meteorological Service We’ll see the heaviest precipitation on Thursday and Sunday, with temperatures hovering between 26 and 30 degrees. 本周内降水较强的时段是在周四和星期天,周内最高气温26-30度。 Meteorologists are calling for slightly more rain than usual. The reinforcement of the flood levees along Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek is progressing. At a small creek in Baoshan District that feeds into the Huangpu River, workers are wrapping up 4 kilometers of fortified levees – the new two-tier levee is 6.8 meters high. 气象专家表示,今年梅雨量与常年相当或略多。为加强防汛安全,黄浦江、苏州河防汛墙薄弱岸段正在加紧维修加固。在黄浦江支流蕰藻浜庙行段和顾村段,4公里多的防汛墙修缮工程已进入收尾阶段。新建防汛墙高达6.8米,并特意建设两级防汛墙。 Cai Yi, Director Baoshan Levee and Sluice Gate Administration There’re many ships traveling in Yunzaobang Creek – with the two-tier structure, the vessels won’t collide with the main levee and damage it. 主要是蕰藻浜船比较多,两级防汛墙比较安全,主防汛墙在后面,船只碰不到。 Sha Zhiyin, Inspector Shanghai Flood Prevention Headquarters Some sections of the city’s levees have fallen into disrepair, some having aging structure. We’re reinforcing them based on optimized priority levels. 有些堤防还有些薄弱段,有些结构相对比较老化,年代比较久远。我们根据轻重缓急,逐步逐步把我们防汛墙建得更加牢固、更加安全、更加稳定。 Work on the levee at Zhangjiabang Creek in Pudong also wrapped up today. Shanghai has been handling close to 40 kilometers of levee projects between 2019 and this year. 13 projects are already complete, four are ongoing, and another eight about to commence. 浦东浦明路桥下,黄浦江支流张家浜的一段危旧防汛墙也进行了重建,今天全部竣工。为切实提高防汛安全,2019至2021年度,上海堤防专项维修工程列有25项,总计39.6公里,其中13项已全部完成,4项正在建设过程中,8项将于今年汛后开工。 FLIGHT DELAYED SO DONATED ORGAN COULD BE DELIVERED) A flight from Kunming to Shanghai was delayed on Monday to wait for a doctor carrying a donated liver. The organ was donated to a 2-year-old in Shanghai. Zhang Hong has the story.  为了让携带者捐献肝脏的医生能够顺利登机,在本周一,一架从昆明飞往上海的东方航空航班延迟起飞。而这份捐献器官关乎着远在上海的,一位年仅两岁小病患的生命健康。 NAT WITH SUBTITLES Hello. This is the check-in counter. - Transporting an organ. Roger. 【实况 4228 你好,两舱值机,好的,人体器官保障,收到】 At around 2pm, a China Eastern Airlines employee in Kunming received a phone call and was told that a doctor was taking Flight 5220 to deliver a donated liver. But the flight was just about to depart. 下午两点多,东航在昆明机场的工作人员接到电话,一位携带人体捐献肝脏的医生要搭乘5220航班前往上海。此时已经临近航班起飞时间。 NAT WITH SUBTITLES Mr. Zhu, have you arrived at the airport?

  • When you get out of the car, I’ll be waiting for you at gate H10. 【打电话实况 3404 哎,朱先生,你们到了吗?那您下车,我在H10这里等着您】 Dr. Zhu was late because the operation to harvest the liver took longer than expected. The next flight was 3 to 4 hours later, which could have potentially caused damage to the organ. The airline delayed the flight for him. 由于获取捐献肝脏的手术时间延长,导致朱医生无法按照预定时间赶到机场。如果换乘后续航班,需要再等上三四个小时,器官保存的潜在风险更大。本着"生命至上"的原则,航空公司决定尽全力保障。 NAT WITH SUBTITLES Are you taking Flight 5220? Let’s go. 【实况 3500 是不是5220?走走走,给我】 Dr. Zhu and his companion were led to the boarding gate after checking-in quickly. 以最快的速度办好登机手续后,工作人员带着两位乘客在出发大厅一路飞奔。 NAT WITH SUBTITLES We’ve just got on the cart.
  • Excuse me. 【实况 3753 刚刚上电瓶车,请让一下】 At the same time, cabin crew had prepared their boarding. 与此同时,机舱里,机组和乘务组也做好了准备。 PHONE INTERVIEW MU5220乘务长 毛袁珍 “他一上来,我们就和地面做好交接,就保障这个航班运行的关门了。”As soon as the doctor boarded the plane, we contacted ground staff and closed the cabin door.   NAT WITH SUBTITLES We’ll close the door now. 【实况 4146 好,关门了】 Although the cabin door was closed 11 minutes later, the flight arrived at Pudong International Airport before its scheduled arrival time. The National Health Commission said that it takes about one hour less on average to deliver a donated organ since a fast-track channel was established in 2016. 虽然航班最终延迟了11分钟起飞,但是到达浦东国际机场的时间却比原计划更早。国家卫健委表示,中国自2016年开通人体捐献器官转运绿色通道以来,器官转运时间平均缩短约1小时左右。 FRENCH PRESIDENT MACRON SLAPPED IN FACE DURING SMALL TOWN VISIT French President Emmanuel Macron was slapped in the face by a man yesterday during his visit to a small town in southeast France. Two men involved have been arrested following the incident. Sun Siqi has the details. 昨天,法国总统马克龙前往法国东南部视察期间,遭一名男子掌掴。安保人员很快控制了现场的局势,两名涉事者被逮捕。 The video footage showed Macron walking up to the barriers to greet the public. The man, while gripping Macron’s arm, slapped the president right across the face. Security guards quickly intervened, tackling the man and pulling the president away. The man who slapped Macron and another man who filmed the video were detained. Both of them live in the region. Macron described the incident as an "isolated act". 视频画面显示,当时马克龙正走到围栏边,想与民众互动。一名长发男子左手拉住马克龙右手猛抽他的脸颊。现场安保人员一拥而上,将男子摁倒在地,并将马克龙带离。警方随后 将掌掴 马克龙的男子,和现场另一名进行拍摄的男子逮捕,初步调查显示,两人都是德龙省本地人。 马克龙表示,这是一起“孤立事件”。 Emmanuel Macron,French President 马克龙 法国总统 “Some people express anger, sometimes disarray ... that’s legitimate anger, and we will continue to respond. But stupidity and violence, no, not in democracy.”对于合理的愤怒,我们会做出回应, 但是愚蠢和暴力,那是不可接受的。 Macron later continued his visit, saying the incident won’t stop him from greeting the public. Speaking at the National Assembly, French Prime Minister Jean Castex said the incident was an affront to democracy. 马克龙当天继续行程,并表示,此次意外并不能阻止他在访问期间继续和民众会面。事件发生后,法国总理卡斯泰在国会发表讲话,表示这一事件是对民主的侮辱。 Jean Castex, French Prime Minister 卡斯泰 法国总理 There can be expressions of legitimate disagreements, but never violence, verbal or even physical aggression. I call for everyone to keep a clear mind.我们可以合法地表达反对意见, 但不允许使用暴力、辱骂,或者人身伤害。我呼吁所有人保持清醒。 French politicians including former President Francois Hollande were quick to condemn the attack. Macron’s approval rating in public has been plummeting, especially after the Yellow Vests movement in 2018 and his failure on pension reform in 2019. Macron’s six-week political tour aims to meet with the public as France’s presidential election less than a year away.  法国前总统奥朗德、议员梅朗雄、玛丽娜·勒庞等政坛名人当天也纷纷发声,谴责暴力行为。马克龙的支持率步步走低,特别是在2018年的"黄背心"运动,以及2019年强推养老金改革失败之后。有分析认为,马克龙此次为期6周的全国视察正是为明年4月的大选“探路”。 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~