NEWS ON 6/8 1. EXHIBITION OF 5,000-YEAR-OLD RELICS OPENS AT FENGXIAN MUSEUM 三星堆“在逃”文物惊现魔都!快来看啊~ 2. *ELEPHANT HERD ON THE MOVE AGAIN) 睡饱饱的象宝宝跟着爸爸妈妈又出发啦! 3.*AMAZON CEO ANNOUNCES HE WILL GO INTO ORBIT 贝索斯要上天,你怎么看? -----------------请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1. EXHIBITION OF 5,000-YEAR-OLD RELICS OPENS AT FENGXIAN MUSEUM An exhibition of state-level relics① from Sanxingdui Museum and Jinsha Site Museum in Sichuan Province opened at Fengxian Museum today in Shanghai. The exhibition offers a glimpse of what ancient life was like in Sichuan. “古蜀之光”三星堆·金沙遗址出土文物大展,今天在奉贤博物馆开幕,展品囊括了来自四川广汉三星堆博物馆及成都金沙遗址博物馆的众多国宝级文物。 A selection② of 137 artifacts③ including bronzeware, gold vessels④ and porcelain⑤ date back about 5,000 years. Bronze mask replicas⑥ with protruding eyes, plus a bronze statue of a man and golden sun bird are also displayed. Museum guides provide plenty of information about the major pieces. 本次展出的文物共有137件,囊括青铜器、金器、玉石器、陶器等,再现古蜀文明5000年的前世今生。纵目面具、铜立人像和太阳神鸟金饰这三件是复制品。现场还有讲解人员对重点展品进行详细介绍。 Interviewee: Li Mingbin, Curator*,Shanghai University Museum These artifacts may look weird⑦ to us, but they are also very charming. When looking at them, you may wonder how they were made and what messages they delivered⑧. 造型用我们的网络语言来说是奇奇怪怪的,但是它们也是非常可可爱爱的,(让观众思考)它本身是什么,它是怎么做成的,我们应该怎样去理解。 Two visitors said they were impressed with what they saw. 两位游客感叹古蜀文明太震撼。 Interviewee: Visitor Relics like Ding that were unearthed⑨ in the central plains⑩ of China are quite different compared to the exhibits at Shanghai Museum.和我们平时比如说在上海博物馆看到的,比较体现中原特色的(展品),比如说鼎是很不一样的。 Visitor It’s great to have these fantastic artifacts displayed in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta Region.重量级的文物能够来我们上海,来到长三角,我觉得这个很好。 The exhibition will run through the end of August. Visitors can book a free tour by searching “Fengxian Museum" on the Alipay app. 本次展览将一直持续至8月底,可以通过支付宝搜索“奉贤区博物馆”预约免费参观。 2. ELEPHANT HERD ON THE MOVE AGAIN A herd of 15 wild elephants started marching① west from Kunming City this morning after resting in a forest yesterday. 经历短暂休整之后,今晨,由15头野象组成的象群再次启程, 离开昆明向西行进。 The elephant herd left Xiyang Village in Jinning District of Kunming City this morning, and eventually reached Yimen County in Yuxi City. Local authorities were working to ensure the safety of both people and the elephants. Interviewee*: Chen Fei, National Forestry & Grassland Admin. 陈飞 国家林业和草原局亚洲象研究中心主任 “Once we notice the herd is moving quickly toward a village, we enact② an emergency plan and evacuate③ it quickly. We are also using food to guide the elephants away from urban areas. ”一旦它产生快速的移动,我们马上就采取相应的措施。如果说向村庄靠近,我们也会采取阻拦及食物引诱的方式。 Drone④ footage⑤ showed the pachyderms⑥ had stopped and rested in a suburban area of Kunming City yesterday. 无人机在监测过程中,还拍到了昨天野象群在昆明郊外,集体卧倒睡觉觉的温馨画面。 Interviewee: Chen Shengyao, Yunnan Forest Fire & Rescue Force 陈胜瑶 云南省森林消防总队野象监测团队 “At around 7am yesterday, the herd was seen sleeping. We have monitored⑦ them for 12 days and this is the first time we observed them sleeping as a group. Previously, only three or four would sleep at a time, while the others stood nearby. The drone is about 350 meters above ground to avoid disturbing⑧ them. ” 早上七点钟左右 发现象群陆续慢慢躺下睡觉 因为我们监测了12天了,第一次发现这个象群集体睡觉,因为之前监测它在睡觉的时候 基本都是三四头睡,然后有三四头在旁边站着,它每次睡觉的时候我们都是要把无人机调到最高的高度,就是距离它高度是350米左右,就是为了不打扰他们睡觉。 One male elephant left the herd and was found in a forest about 4 kilometers from the others. Experts said it will likely return to the group. 而前两天离群的一头公象也已经被发现,它在位于象群东偏北方向约四公里的山林中。专家表示,它应该不久就会与大部队会合。 ①march v.前进、进军 ②enact v. 制定、采取(措施) ③evacuate v. 疏散、撤退 ④drone n. 嗡嗡声、无人机 ⑤footage n. 连续镜头 ⑥pachyderm n. 厚皮动物、象 ⑦monitor v. 监视 ⑧disturb v. 打扰 3.*AMAZON CEO ANNOUNCES HE WILL GO INTO ORBIT Amazon founder Jeff Bezos announced yesterday that he and his brother will fly into space next month on the first crewed flight of Blue Origin's New Crew Shepard rocket.亚马逊公司创始人、美国亿万富豪贝索斯昨天宣布,他将乘坐旗下太空公司"蓝色起源"研发的飞船,于下月20号飞往太空。 Bezos' rocket company is targeting July 20 for its first suborbital sightseeing trip on its spacecraft, a landmark moment in a competition to usher in a new era of private commercial space travel. The trip will last a total of 10 minutes, four of which passengers will spend above the Karman line that marks the boundary between Earth's atmosphere and space. The company is auctioning off the third spot, the highest bid is currently 2.8 million dollars. Bezos is stepping down as Amazon's CEO to spend more time on his space company. He will leave Amazon on July 5th, just 15 days before the launch. 贝索斯的火箭公司计划于7月20日进行首次亚轨道观光旅行,这在开创私人商业太空旅行新时代的竞赛中是一个里程碑式的时刻。这次旅行总共将持续10分钟,其中有4分钟的时间,乘客们将置身于地球大气层和太空的边界(海拔100 km)——卡门线之外。该公司正在拍卖第三个席位,目前最高的出价是280万美元。贝佐斯即将辞去亚马逊首席执行官一职,进而将更多的时间投入他的太空公司。他将于火箭发射前15天,也就是7月5日离开亚马逊。 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~