cover of episode 06/09 TOP NEWS |沪科12条助力复工 / 电车车企增投上海 /美众议院召开枪支听证会

06/09 TOP NEWS |沪科12条助力复工 / 电车车企增投上海 /美众议院召开枪支听证会

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NEWS ON 06/08 1.SHANGHAI LAUNCHES POLICIES TO HELP TECH SMEs** 沪科12条助力科技企业复工复产 2.NEW ENERGY VEHICLES ATTRACT POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS 新能源****汽车消费活力超预期 头部车企纷纷增投上海市场 3**.U.S. HOUSE CONVENES HEARINGS ON GUN CONTROL MEASURES 美国众议院就枪支管制措施召开听证会 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SHANGHAI LAUNCHES POLICIES TO HELP TECH SMEs** 沪科12条助力科技企业复工复产 The Shanghai Science and Technology Commission has introduced policies to help medium and small-sized tech companies stay in business, including rent reductions. Zhang Yue has the story. 上海市科委在疫情期间出台了"助企纾困12条"。内容包括房租减免等措施,以帮助不少科技型中小企业在疫情期间维持经营、渡过难关。记者张乐为您带来更多报道。 Jiang Yu, a research engineer at Jaka Robotics, returned to work in early May. He has been living at the company due to pandemic rules.  在交大科技园的节卡机器人公司里,研发工程师蒋雨早在5月上旬就已重回工作岗位。出于防疫规定,他一直住在公司。 J**iang Y****u 蒋雨 上海节卡机器人科技有限公司研发工程师 Research and development of visual products is critical. Despite difficulties due to the lockdown, our progress is steady.  视觉产品的研发情况比较紧急。虽然身处疫情,但我们的研发进度仍然处于稳步向前推进的状态。 The company said the local government and the industrial park where the company is located have been offering various support policies.  节卡机器人公司表示,上海政府和公司所在的工业园区一直在提供各种政策支持。 C**hang Li 常莉 上海节卡机器人科技有限公司副总裁 The logistics物流的 problem has been solved, so our products can be delivered on time. Our rent was reduced for six months, which also helps us a lot in terms of capital flow. 园区在第一时间帮我们解决了物流的问题,所以我们的产品可以按时交付。同时在政策下我们的租金减免了六个月,这对我们来说也是及时雨,我们整体流动的资金方面因此缓解很多。 Lonlink is in the logistics industry. A company employee said the Science and Technology Commission has arranged for a bonding company and a bank to provide an unsecured loan. Other measures include simplifying government administrative procedures, and giving companies money. "隆链智能科技有限公司"专注于智能工厂解决方案。该公司一名员工表示,上海市科委帮助协调了担保公司和银行,为该公司做成了一笔无抵押续贷款。其他帮扶措施包括简化办理流程,给予公司紧急流动资金等。 2.NEW ENERGY VEHICLES ATTRACT POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS 新能源汽车消费活力超预期 头部车企纷纷增投上海市场** New energy vehicles are attracting potential customers in Shanghai after the lockdown was lifted. Zhang Hong tells us more. 上海复工复产以来,头部新能源车企纷纷增投上海市场。记者张泓为您带来更多报道。 At a new energy vehicle dealership in Minhang, a few customers were checking out cars today.  在闵行区的这家新能源汽车销售网点,工作日依旧有市民前来看车选车。 购车市民 I’m interested in NEV. I already have one, but I think it’s time to replace it with a new one. Overall, I think an electric car is more cost-effective. 我对新能源汽车很感兴趣。而且我家里正好有一台新能源车。但我感觉也该换了。综合考虑还是电车的性价比更高一点。 Most new energy vehicles cost more than 300,000 yuan. Some are worried about a slump in car sales. 值得一提的是,这个品牌定位中高端,价格在30万以上。因此有市场人士担忧,随着经济下行压力加大,以及可能发生的消费降级,会对这一类品牌有所影响。 Xu B****in 徐斌 蔚来上海多家门店销售负责人 Compared to March, we have more people in our showroom展厅. We had over 700 come in on June 3rd for the Dragon Boat Festival.  其实这几天的客流量和3月份相比已增加特别多。端午节当天也有700多的客流量。 A domestic国内的 NEV brand expanded its Putuo dealership经销商 at Global Harbor shopping mall. The automaker produces luxury cars. 而“高合”这个瞄准纯高端豪华车市场的国产新能源车品牌位于普陀的门店,更是逆势做大做强,趁着疫情把隔壁的铺位也拿下了。 Luo H****ao 罗浩 高合汽车环球港店负责人 We have sold 4 cars after reopening on June 1st. 从6月1日复工复产到现在,8天时间我们已经卖出了四辆车 NEV companies including NIO and HiPhi expressed confidence in Shanghai’s market. 包括蔚来、高合在内的新能源汽车企业均表示对上海市场充满信心。 Kang K****ai 康凯 蔚来上海区域公司副总经理 We have recruited more employees, expanded our stores, made plans to improve after-sales service, as well as charging facilities because we have confidence in the market. 我们通过实际行动,包括招聘环节、门店拓展环节、服务售后,以及充换电网络设施的布局的环节来表达我们对市场的信心。 Other automakers in Shanghai have also resumed production, including Tesla, and SAIC. 上海的其他汽车制造商也已恢复生产,包括特斯拉和上汽集团。 3.U.S. HOUSE CONVENES HEARINGS ON GUN CONTROL MEASURES 美国众议院就枪支管制措施召开听证会 The U.S. House Rules Committee recently convene召开 hearings in order to promptly enact gun control measures. The House is moving quickly to pass legislation立法 in response to recent mass shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas. Lei Shuran has more. 为了迅速颁布枪支管制措施,美国众议院司法委员会最近召开了相关听证会。针对最近在纽约水牛城和德克萨斯州的乌瓦尔德发生的大规模枪击案,众议院正在尽快准备立法。记者雷舒然为您带来更多报道。 The son of Ruth Whitfield, an 86-year old woman killed when a gunman opened fire in a racist attack on Black shoppers in Buffalo, New York, challenged Congress Tuesday to act against the "cancer of white supremacy霸权" and the nation’s epidemic of gun violence. Ten days after the death of his mother and 9 others in New York, another 18-year-old gunman with a semi-automatic rifle opened fire in Uvalde, Texas, killing 19 school children and two teachers.  一名86岁的老妇人(Ruth Whitfield)在纽约水牛城一场针对黑人顾客的种族主义袭击中遭枪击而亡。她的儿子在周二的听证会上质问国会,要求采取行动阻止“白人至上主义”和全国范围内泛滥的枪支暴力。在他的母亲和其他9人死亡10天后,另一名18岁持半自动步枪的枪手在德克萨斯州的乌瓦尔德开枪,杀死了19名学生和两名教师。 怀特菲尔德 布法罗枪击案遇难者家属 Is there nothing that you personally are willing to do to stop the cancer of white supremacy and the domestic terrorism, terrorism it inspires? "My mother’s life mattered, my mother’s life mattered. Your actions here today would tell us how much it matters to you. 你们就不想做点什么吗,去解决"白人至上主义"这颗"毒瘤",以及由此引发的国内恐怖主义?我母亲的生命很重要。你们的实际行动会告诉美国民众,逝者的生命对你们来说意味着什么。 Academy Award winning actor actor Matthew McConaughey offered an emotional eulogy悼词 for the victims of last month’s rampage暴乱 in Texas. and called on Congress to reach a higher ground and pass gun control legislation in honor of the children and teachers killed in last month’s mass shooting at an elementary school in his home town of Uvalde. 奥斯卡金像奖获得者演员马修·麦康纳为上个月德克萨斯州大屠杀的受害者发表了一段感人至深的悼词,并呼吁国会采取更高的立场,通过枪支管制立法,以纪念上个月在他的家乡,乌瓦尔德一所小学里发生的大规模枪击事件中遇难的儿童和教师。 马修·麦康纳 美国演员  To make the loss of these lives matter.Maite wore green, high, top converse with a heart she had hand drawn on the right toe because they represented her love of nature. These are the same green converse on her feet that turned out to be the only clear evidence that could identify her after the shooting. 不要让这些生命白白逝去。这双绿色帆布鞋的右脚上有颗心,这代表了受害者对大自然的热爱。她脚上的这双绿色匡威鞋是枪击案发生后,唯一能确认她身份的证据。 Also, New Yorkers under age 21 will be prohibited from buying semiautomatic**【半自动的】**rifles under a new law signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul. The Democrat signed 10 gun-related bills on Monday as the state becomes one of the first to enact legislation following a wave of deadly mass shootings. 此外,根据州长凯西·霍彻尔(Kathy Hochul)签署的一项新法律,21岁以下的纽约州市民禁止购买半自动步枪。这位民主党人周一签署了10项枪支相关法案,让该州成为多起致命的大规模枪击案后首批立法的州之一。 #热词加油站  logistics /lə'dʒɪstɪks/ 【物流的】 showroom/'ʃәuru:m/ 【展厅】 domestic/dəˈmestɪk/ 【国内的】 dealership/'di:lәʃip/ 【经销商】 convene/kәn'vi:n/ 【召开】 legislation/.ledʒɪ'sleɪʃ(ə)n/ 【立法】 supremacy/su:ˈpreməsɪ/ 【霸权】 eulogy/ˈju:lədʒi/ 【悼词】 rampage/'ræmpeidʒ/ 【暴乱】 semiautomatic/'semi,ɒ:tә'mætik/ 【半自动的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~