NEWSON 6/7 1. PARENTS, TEACHERS CHEER ON GAOKAO TEST TAKERS 高考首日,“红红火火”赴考场!祝心想事成,金榜题名! 2.SHANGHAI TV FESTIVAL AIMS TO SHOW A REAL CHINA TO THE WORLD 家门口也能参加电视节啦!惠民露天放映等你来 *3. AMBASSADORS IN AWE OVER PACE OF GROWTH IN SHANGHAI 31国驻华使节到访上海 纷纷点赞中国发展 1. PARENTS, TEACHERS CHEER ON GAOKAO TEST TAKERS Around 50,000 students in Shanghai sat the firstday of the national college entrance exam【入学考试】at 104 test sites around the city. Parents and teachers were there cheering on【加油】 the students. Zhang Hong has the story. 6月7日,2021年秋季高考正式开考。上海全市共设104个常规考点,共有近5万名考生参加考试。家长老师齐上阵为考生加油打气。 At Datong High School, many students arrived with their parents over one hour before the exam started. Some were accompanied by several relatives【亲戚】. 早上八点不到,大同中学考点已经有许多考生提前到达,送考的队伍里,不少都是全家出动。 INTERVIEWEE: *Mother of a Test Taker 考生家长 Four of us came. My son is taking the test. This is his grandma, aunt, and sister. I wish every student a good score. “我们四个人一起来。我是考生的妈妈,这是奶奶、姑妈和姐姐。希望每一位考生都能取得好成绩。” One mother of a student taking the exam was dressed in red and standing outside the site. She believes red clothing brings good luck. 一位考生的妈妈身着红衣送考,寓意“开门红”。 Although Shanghai has no locally transmitted COVID-19cases, test takers were still required to show their ID card, admission card forGaokao, and a form with their daily temperature taken in the past 14 days. 上海无新增本地病例,但是防疫要求同样严格。考生除了携带身份证、准考证外,还要交一张承诺书,记录过去14天的体温。 Teachers also lined up along the gate, hugging or shaking hands with their students. 教师助力团也在进场处一字排开,与考生们一一握手、拥抱。 INTERVIEWEE: Xiong Meiling, Chinese Teacher, Nanyang ModelHigh School 熊梅玲南洋模范中学语文教师* The gaokao is an important event in a student’slife. But I want students to see it as nothing more than a life experience. "在漫长的人生路上,高考是重要的一站,但我希望孩子们能放轻松,把这只是当作一次人生经历。" At 9am, the Chinese test started. This year’s essay prompt for test takers in Shanghai is the relationship between time and the value of things. 上午九点,语文科目开考。今年的上海高考语文作文让考生思考“时间的沉淀与事物的价值”。 INTERVIEWEE: Test Taker 考生 It requires critical thinking【批判思维】. I wrote that time isn’t the only factor in determining the value ofthings, otherwise we wouldn’t know the value of contemporary【当代的】 things. “作文考的是思辨能力。我认为时间的沉淀不是决定价值的唯一条件,因为我觉得如果什么事情都要经过时间沉淀的话,我们就无法挖掘当代有价值的东西。” INTERVIEWEE: Yang Junlei, Professor, Fudan University 复旦大学教授 The prompt【提示;提词】gives test takers enough space to tap into【挖掘】their capabilities. They also need to think critically and write down their thoughts by using knowledge they learned in class and from daily life. “这个题目留给学生们的空间很大,融会了同学们的各方面的能力,同时也需要他们进行思辨,运用课堂和生活中的知识来表达自己的看法。” The college entrance exam in Shanghai will lastuntil Wednesday. 上海高考为期三天,将于本周三结束。 2.SHANGHAI TV FESTIVAL AIMS TO SHOW A REAL CHINA TO THE WORLD The 27th Shanghai TV Festival began yesterday. With the CPC centenary【百年纪念】 as this year’s majortheme, the five-day festival also aims to show the real China to the world. 第二十七届上海电视节昨日开幕。本届电视节为期五天,以“建党百年”为主题,希望向世界展示真实、立体、全面的中国。 This year’s Shanghai TV Festival will be held both at the site and online, with various events including the Magnolia Awards TV Program Selection, forums, TV market and public screenings, all dedicated to the CPC centenary. It is noticeable that the 10 Chinese TV series nominated for this year’s Magnolia Awards are all based on historical and contemporary events. 本届上海电视节将采取线上线下双平台进行的方式,开展多项活动,包括白玉兰奖评选、电视节论坛、电影云市场开启、放映活动等,献礼建党百年。值得注意的是,本届入围白玉兰奖“最佳中国电视剧”提名的十部作品均以历史和时代故事为背景。 INTERVIEWEE: Fu Wenxia,Director, Shanghai International Film & TV Festival Center 傅文霞上海国际影视节中心主任* We aim to increase the professional expertise and diversity of the Magnolia Awards as it reflects the latest trends in the TV industry. So this year, we have 7 jury members for the Chinese TV drama unit and two more members were added to cover the technical and academic aspects. “白玉兰奖是电视行业的风向标,我们希望能提升奖项的专业度及多样性。今年,中国电视剧评委成员从5位增加到7位,加入学术评论和技术类评委,更能体现白玉兰奖的专业性。” As people wait for the final awards ceremony on June 10th, public screenings are being offered to residents. 万众期待的白玉兰奖颁奖典礼将于6月10日举行。此外,惠民放映活动也将向市民开放。 During the festival, 14 TV series from home and abroad will be screened at 6 venues in the city for free. And for the first time, public screenings will be available in Fengxian and Jiading. 电视节期间,国内外14部影视剧将在上海6个放映点进行免费放映,这也是惠民放映活动首次来到奉贤区和嘉定区。 The TV shows include the Chinese anti-poaching【反盗猎】 TV series Hunter, the British detective TV series Honor and the Netflix original documentary【纪录片】 My Octopus Teacher. People can make a reservation on Wenhuayun official WeChat account. 参与放映的影片包括国产反盗猎题材剧《猎狼者》、英国悬疑剧《荣誉》以及网飞自制纪录片《我的章鱼老师》,市民可在“文化云”官方微信公众号上预约。 Officials also announced the launch of a global broadcasting project that includes 50 ChineseTV series. The project aims to showcase multiple** facets**【方面】 of China to the world. Producer of the television drama Minning Town,one of the shows that will be screened overseas, said he wanted more people to see China’s effort to alleviate poverty. “百年风华·视听共享”全球播映活动同时启动,精选50部优秀剧集,向全球观众讲述更多面的中国。电视剧《山海情》也在全球播映排片之列,制片人表示,希望更多人能够看到中国的扶贫成果。 INTERVIEWEE: Hou Hongliang,Producer, Minning Town **侯鸿亮 **电视剧《山海情》制片人 I hope more peoplecan watch Minning Town and get to know China’s huge changes over the years.Many other Chinese TV series were very popular when broadcast overseas, such as Ode to Joy and Romance of Our Parents. I want my TV shows to be part of the historical record, and also be a source of encouragement to people around the world. “我希望有更多人能看到《山海情》,通过《山海情》了解中国这么多年的变化。之前《欢乐颂》、《父母爱情》在海外播出,都取得了非常好的成绩。我希望电视剧能够记录这个时代,并鼓舞人们向前走。” The global broadcasting project will last until October. People from over 100 countries and regions including Germany, Brazil and Malaysia will be able to watch them on television and online. 本次全球播映活动持续至今年十月,将在德国、巴西、马来西亚等100多个国家的电视台及新媒体平台展播。 3. AMBASSADORS IN AWE OVER PACE OF GROWTH IN SHANGHAI Ambassadors from 31 countries visited public infrastructure and industrial zones in Shanghai over the weekend with many hailing【赞颂】 the city’s rapid growth in the past few decades. I'm reporter Sun Siqi and here's a look at the details. 上周末,31国驻华使节来到上海,实地考察了上海经济社会巨大成就。各国大使们纷纷为上海近几十年来的快速发展“点赞”。 The trip began in Pudong, the poster child【典范】 of China’s development, where the area known for its muddy swamps was transformed into the country’s financial center.In Zhangjiang Science City, the ambassadors were impressed with robots and prosthetic implants. 参观之旅的首站是浦东,从阡陌农田到金融中心,浦东开发开放是中国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设最生动的实践写照。在张江科学城,各种机器人以及假肢技术也给大使们留下了深刻的印象。 INTERVIEWEE: **Milia Jabbour,Ambassador of Lebanon ****(黎巴嫩共和国驻华大使)** “Whatever we see in China is impressive -- what we saw from slums, how Pudong was before and howit was transformed, it is really impressive. We cannot see this elsewhere in the world.” “我们在中国看到的一切都是令人惊叹的,就比如浦东发展的巨大变化。我在世界任何一个地方都不曾看过这样的发展。” INTERVIEWEE: **Antonio SerifoEmbalo, Ambassador of Guinea-Bissau ****(几内亚比绍共和国驻华大使)** “I’ve never beento Shanghai. It is my first time, really. I’m so impressed with its development over the years, especially the international financial center. Shanghai is acity that is so beautiful.” “我没来过上海。这是我第一次上海。我对上海这些年的发展感到惊叹,特别是上海在建设国际金融中心的过程中取得的成绩。这是一座美丽的城市。” The envoys【使者】 then went to an old residential compound in Changning District, onewith no elevators and deteriorating infrastructure. Here, 40 percent of its residents are aged 60 and above. They agreed to pay to install elevators. The compound also has a community service center offering medical services like blood pressure tests, massages and other TCM treatments. Machines help residents pay their utilities bills. The ambassadors were impressed with how tech breakthroughs make life better for the public. 接着,大使们来到了长宁区的一处老居民区。这里之前没有电梯,基础设施也非常老化。百分之四十的居民都在六十岁以上。居民们一致决定出资加装电梯。此外,社区服务中心还为居民提供医疗卫生服务,包括量血压、按摩以及中医诊疗。居民还能在机器上自助办理物业费缴纳等。大使们对此赞叹不已。 INTERVIEWEE: **Luis SchmidtMontes, Ambassador of Chile ****(智利共和国驻华大使)** “Not only the elevator, you know the Communist Party during the last 40 years, eradicated poverty, more than 100 millions of person -- all these demonstrations reflect the preoccupation【思虑;全神贯注】 about the government for the people.” “其实不仅仅是电梯,中国共产党在过去四十年里致力于消除贫困,帮助上亿人脱贫——这一切都表明了中国共产党始终将人民群众利益放在首位。 The tour ended at Yangpu District’s riverside promenade【滨海大道】, an area once known as Shanghai’s rust belt due to all the factories. Ambassadors were impressed with the idea and its beauty. 行程的最后,大使们来到了杨浦滨江,曾经工厂密布的老工业区一度被称为上海的“铁锈地带”。而今,滨江的建设理念与美丽的风景令大使们印象深刻。 INTERVIEWEE: **Felix PlasenciaGonzalez, Ambassador of Venezuela ****(委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国驻华大使)** “Fantastic, it’s good for the people living here, it’s amazing for those coming to visit. Congratulations again! I can’t stress enough how much effort you’ve put in making it beautiful,enjoyable for the best of the people.” “太棒了,对于这里的居民来说特别好,对于游客来说也是眼前一亮。太棒了!要把这里建设得这么美丽舒适一定付出了极大的努力。” The diplomats hailed the city’s commitment to both economic growth and convenient and comfortable living environments. 对于上海的经济发展以及便捷、舒适的生活环境,大使们赞不绝口。 #*热词加油站 entrance exam【入学考试】 cheer on【加油】 relatives【亲戚】 critical thinking【批判思维】 contemporary【当代的】 prompt【提示;提词】 tap into【挖掘】 centenary【百年纪念】 anti-poaching【反盗猎】 documentary【纪录片】 facet【方面】 hail【赞颂】 poster child【典范】 envoy【使者】 preoccupation【思虑;全神贯注】 promenade【滨海大道】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~