NEWS ON 0**6/07** 1.EXIT-ENTRY BUREAU UPDATES SERVICES TO BENEFIT EXPATS & STUDENTS 上海推出入境管理便民措施,惠及外籍人士和学生 2.54,000 SHANGHAI STUDENTS TAKE COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAM 上海:2023高考开考5.4万考生进考场 3.CHINA'S TOTAL FOREIGN TRADE UP 4.7% IN JAN-MAY 外贸“韧实力”****!前5个月我国货物贸易进出口同比增长4.7% ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- EXIT-ENTRY BUREAU UPDATES SERVICES TO BENEFIT EXPATS & STUDENTS 上海推出入境管理便民措施,惠及外籍人士和学生 The Shanghai Exit-Entry Bureau has handled more than 2.28 million passport renewals and applications for Chinese citizens over the first five months of this year, and over 14% increase compared to the same time in 2019. The bureau said today that paper work will be streamlined【精简】for expat****s【旅居国外者】working and living in the city, and that one branch will remain open longer on three days to help Chinese families get passports for their kids. Zhang Yue tells us more. 今年前五个月,上海市公安局出入境管理局共受理护照换发与申请228万证次,较2019年同期增长超14%。该局今日(6月7日)表示,将简化在本市工作、生活的外籍人士办证材料,并将在一办证大厅开设三场办证夜间专场,便于一些家庭为孩子办理出入境证件。记者张乐带来详细报道。 In the past, expats holding a type B work permit were required to go to both the Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Exit-Entry Bureau to renew their residential and work permits. Now both can be done at five of its locations in Shanghai. 过去,持有B类工作许可的外籍人士需要分别前往上海市外国专家局和出入境管理局续签居留和工作许可。现在,在上海的五个办证大厅,这两项手续可单次完成办理。 Song Weiqi, Deputy Director of SH Exit-Entry Bureau 宋伟绮上海市公安局出入境管理局副局长 “即日起,在浦东新区、自贸区临港新片区、虹桥国际中央商务区、长三角一体化示范区等4个重点发展区域,试点将"外国人工作、居留单一窗口"的政务服务覆盖范围由原先的持A类工作许可证的外籍人才扩大至B类。” “Starting today, expats holding a type B work permit can go the bureau in Zhangjiang, Lingang, Waigaoqiao, Minhang and Qingpu to get two permits without visiting the Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. The two permits will be issued at the same time within seven work days.” Foreigners invited by Chinese companies for urgent business trips can apply for a business visa at whichever airport they land at in the city. 受中方企业邀请来华进行紧急商务出差的外国人可在抵达上海后于落地机场口岸申请商务签证。 Expat from Malaysia 来自马来西亚的外籍人士 “(I am here to) renew my visa, but today I come in to do the special quickly visa to go back to Malaysia because my father passed away last night. Now they are going to help me to get as soon as possible for my visa and my passport.” “(我来这里)续签我的签证,今天我来办理特快签证回马来西亚,因为我父亲昨晚去世了。现在他们将帮助我尽快拿到签证和护照。” Savas, Expat from Turkey 萨瓦斯,来自土耳其的外籍人士 “We need to extend our resident permit and for one year again. We will stay for two more years here for working. Shanghai is every time very nice to see and to live. We can visit a lot of places. So it's every time nice to be here.” “我们需要将我们的居留许可再延长一年。我们将在这里继续工作两年。上海的风景和生活环境都特别好。有许多景点,每次来上海都很开心。” The bureau said it had handled more than 30,000 visa applications every Saturday over the past four weeks. Among them, around 10,000 were for teenagers, ten times more than the average weekday number. 该局表示,过去的四个星期,每逢周六都会受理3万多份签证申请。其中,约1万份是为青少年申请的,是平日申请量的十倍。 As more parents plan overseas trips with their children this summer, the bureau on Minsheng Road in Pudong will remain open for extra three hours on June 9th, June 16th, and June 21st to serve families with children. 鉴于更多的父母计划于今夏带孩子出境游,民生路出入境管理局办证大厅将在6月9日、6月16日和6月21日将办公时间延长三小时,以便为有孩子的家庭提供服务。 The bureau is also working with the Shanghai Big Data Center and Shanghai Education Commission to share online information, so that it will be easier for officers to get access to the registration information of college students from other provinces on the mainland. 该局还与上海市大数据中心和上海市教委合作,信息共享,以方便工作人员查询在沪就读的外省市户籍大学生的学籍信息。 Shen Qiang, Director of Chinese Citizens' Documents Division, SH Exit-Entry Bureau 沈强上海市公安局出入境管理局一处处长 “办证时比对验证通过的,可免交加盖学校公章的纸质在读证明材料;因数据原因未能查询到学籍信息的,我们也会采取"容缺受理"的方式,先受理、后补交,避免学生多次往返跑。” “Once we've cross-checked a university student’s registration information, he or she won’t need to hand in student certificates with the school’s official seal【图章】. We will still get the service done even if we haven't found the online information of some students, as they can hand them in later to save some time.” The bureau added that from January to May, it had renewed more than 420,000 passports for Chinese citizens, up 6.8 times from the same period in 2019, and had issued 1.86 million passports. 该局补充说,从一月到五月,护照过期换发办理量逾42万证次,是2019年同期的6.8倍,护照签发量186万证次。 2.54,000 SHANGHAI STUDENTS TAKE COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAM 上海:2023高考开考5.4万考生进考场 Around 54,000 high school students in Shanghai sat the first day of the college entrance exam today at 110 test-sites around the city. Parents and teachers were cheering them on. Tang Xiaofan has more. 6月7日,上海约有54,000名高考考生在全市的110个考点完成了第一天考试。家长和老师为考生们油助威。记者唐晓帆带来详细报道。 Many students arrived with their parents over one hour before the exam started at the gate of Shanghai Nanyang High School. 许多考生与家长在考试开始前一个小时就来到了上海南洋中学的门口。 Exam Taker 考生 “(今天)是十二年来最重要的一天,希望能考出好成绩。” “Today is the most important day in 12 years. I hope I can do well on the exam.” Exam Taker 考生 “我们用三年的积累,我觉得足够了。我完全不用紧张。” “I think we have prepared well over the past three years. So I don't feel nervous.” At the test site of Dajing High School Affiliated to SISU, some mothers were dressed in red or wore a qipao to cheer on the students. Teachers also lined up at the gate to hug or shake hands with students. 在上外附属大境中学考点,一些考生的妈妈穿着红色服装或旗袍来为考生加油助威。老师们也在门口排队,与考生拥抱或握手表示祝福。 Parent of Exam Taker 考生家长 “两个星期前就开始准备(这身旗袍)了。这个颜色包括这个款式都是精心挑选的,想讨一个好的口彩,旗开得胜,然后颜色一路绿灯,顺顺利利。” “I began looking for a qipao two weeks ago. I carefully selected the color and style. The first character, qi, comes from a Chinese idiom meaning "winning from the very beginning", so I believe it brings good luck.” Ju Yan, Teacher of Shanghai Datong High School 鞠妍大同中学高三年级组组长 “我们衣服是由校长给我们特别定制的,前面写着‘全力以赴’,后面写着‘金榜题名’,也是给孩子们最好的祝愿。” “Our clothing was specially designed by the headmaster. It reads ‘Going all out’ on the front, and ‘Succeeding in the Exam’ on the back. These are our best wishes for the students.” This year's college entrance exam is the first after China adjusted its COVID-19 response measures. All test sites are equipped with both smart security gates and handheld metal detector. 今年的高考是中国调整防疫政策后的首次高考。所有考点都配备了智能安检门和手持式金属探测器。 The exam includes four tests and will run through Friday. More than 3,000 police were on duty to guide traffic. Temporary parking sites were made available around test sites and traffic police patrolling on motorcycles were also dispatched【派遣】 for potential emergencies. 高考共包括四门考试,将持续到星期五。三千多名警察在现场执勤,引导交通。考点周围设置了临时停车场,同时相关部门派出交通巡逻警察骑巡以应对可能出现的紧急情况。 3.CHINA'S TOTAL FOREIGN TRADE UP 4.7% IN JAN-MAY 外贸“韧实力”****!前5个月我国货物贸易进出口同比增长4.7% China’s total imports and exports expanded 4.7 percent year-on-year to 16.77 trillion yuan in the first five months of 2023, according to the latest official data. 据最新官方数据,今年前五个月,我国货物贸易进出口总值为16.77万亿元,同比增长4.7%。 The General Administration of Customs reported today that exports grew 8.1 percent to 9.62 trillion yuan in the first five months compared with the same period last year, while imports rose 0.5 percent to 7.15 trillion yuan. In U.S. dollar terms, total foreign trade for the period came-in at 2.44 trillion dollars, down 2.8 percent year-on-year. ASEAN remained China's largest trading partner during the five-month period, with total trade-value coming-in at 2.59 trillion yuan, accounting for 15.4 percent of China's total foreign trade. The data released today also showed that total imports and exports to countries participating in the Belt-and-Road Initiative amounted to 5.78 trillion yuan in the first five months, up 13.2 percent year-on-year. 据海关总署今日(6月7日)发布的数据显示,与去年同期相比,前5个月的出口额增长了8.1%,达9.62万亿元,进口额增长了0.5%,达7.15万亿元。以美元计,前5个月我国进出口2.44万亿美元,同比下降2.8%。前5个月,东盟仍为我国第一大贸易伙伴,总贸易额达2.59万亿元,占中国对外贸易总额的15.4%。数据还显示,前5个月我国对“一带一路”沿线国家进出口合计5.78万亿元,同比增长13.2%。 #热词加油站 *streamline/ˈstriːmlaɪn/【精简】* expats/eksˈpæt/【旅居国外者】 seal /siːl/****【图章】 dispatch/dɪˈspætʃ/【派遣】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~