NEWS ON 0**6/06 *1.CHINA-BUILT CRUISE SHIP RELEASED FROM DRY DOCK FOR FINAL CHECKS 首艘国产大型邮轮“爱达·魔都号”出坞 2.NATIONAL NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM UNVEILED IN BEIJING 国家自然博物馆在北京正式*揭牌****,现馆藏藏品37万多件 3.APPLE UNVEILS ITS FIRST SPATIALCOMPUTER, APPLE VISION PRO** 苹果公司发布首款混合现实头显设备Apple Vision Pro ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA-BUILT CRUISE SHIP RELEASED FROM DRY DOCK FOR FINAL CHECKS 首艘国产大型邮轮“爱达·魔都号”出坞 Adora Magic City, China's first domestically built large cruise ship, left its construction dock today, symbol and product of a breakthrough in domestic ship construction. Our reporter Zhang Shixuan was at the ceremony. 首艘中国国产大型邮轮“爱达·魔都号”今日(06/06)离开建造码头,标志着中国船舶建造取得重大突破。本台记者张诗旋带来现场报道。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter 张诗旋 记者** Today, China's first domestically-made large cruise ship left its dock**【码头】 in Shanghai, which means more than 93% of its construction has been completed.Then, it will begin another round of preparations for its first trial voyage scheduled for mid July. 中国首艘自主建造的大型邮轮今日(06/06)在上海顺利出坞,这意味着其建造工作已完成93%以上。接下来,它将为计划于7月中旬进行的首次试航开始新一轮的准备工作。 Gu Pengcheng, Board Secretary ofCSSC Cruise Technology Development 顾鹏程 中船科技董事会秘书 “我们跟国内先进的供应商进行了密切合作,打造了首艘海上5G邮轮。这其实就是中国制造和中国技术的先进性体验,在我们这艘船上就得到了应用和验证。” “We have been working closely with advanced suppliers in China to build this first 5G cruise liner. This is testimony【验证】 to China's advanced manufacturing and technology capabilities.” The first sea trial will focus on tests of the vessel's propulsion and steering systems, primarily those ensuring safety. The second, which is scheduled for late August will focus on tests of passenger systems and facilities. 第一次海试将重点测试船舶的推进和转向系统,确保系统安全。第二次定于8月下旬进行,侧重于对乘客系统和设施的测试。 Zhang Shixuan, Reporter *张***诗旋 记者 You canreallytell from the excitement of the ceremony that the ship's a new milestoneforChina's shipbuilding industry, andalsofor the thousands of workersthat have built the ship as well as thesuppliers. 从仪式的兴奋气氛可以看出,这艘船标志着中国造船业的一个新的里程碑,对这里成千上万参与建造的工人和供应商来说也是如此。 Matteo Benci, Digital Network Commissioning Manager** of****Cruise Ship H1508 马休·本奇 大型邮轮H1508船数字化网络调试经理 “This ship is designed for a Chinese market. So to think about inside, there are a lot of restaurants for very international food and Chinese food. The entertainment is inside a lot of shopping malls. As an Italian, I'm very happy to be here as a partner. And I hope to see you in November for the last stage.” “这艘船是为中国市场设计的,里面有很多国际美食和中国美食的餐厅,许多购物中心都有娱乐设施。作为一名意大利人,我很高兴成为这里的合作伙伴,希望能在11月的最后阶段见到你们。” New entertainment and activities on the large cruise liner are also well-arranged. 这艘大型邮轮上的娱乐活动也安排得当。 Gu Pengcheng, Board Secretary of****CSSC Cruise Technology Development 顾鹏程 中船科技董事会秘书 “我们船上有从海水提取,然后酿造纯正德式啤酒的风味餐厅。我们也提供中式餐饮,比如火锅。我们跟开心麻花进行了深度合作,希望提供适合中国消费者的娱乐。” “We have a restaurant offering German-style beer brewed with elements of sea water. We also offer Chinese-style dining, like hot pot. We are cooperating very closely with Mahua FunAge, to provide entertainment that caters to Chinese consumers.” The state-owned conglomerate and the world's largest shipbuilder CSSC signed an agreement on the design and construction of two 135,500-metric ton Vista-class cruise ships with Carnival Corp and Fincantieri in November 2018. Construction of the ship started in 2019 at the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, and a series of technological innovations have been made during the construction process. 中国船舶集团有限公司是一家国企,也是世界上最大的造船集团。2018年11月,中国船舶集团与嘉年华集团、芬坎蒂尼集团正式签订2+4艘吨位13.5万“Vista”级大型邮轮建造合同。2019年,我国首艘国产大型邮轮在上海外高桥造船有限公司正式开建,并在建造过程中进行了一系列技术革新。 Chen Hong, Technology ManagerofLarge Cruise Ship Project, Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding 陈虹 上海****外高桥造船大型邮轮项目技术经理 “这个项目我是从2015年开始参与的,到现在也有七八年的时间了。我剩下的职业生涯应该都会和邮轮扯不断关系,但对我来讲可能是退休前的最后一个大工程项目。” “I have been on this project since 2015, so it has been seven or eight years now. I think my remaining career will continue to be closely related to the cruise industry, but for me this might be my last big project before retirement.” Fabrizio Ferri, Head of APAC Region,Fincantieri SPA *费里 芬坎蒂尼集团亚太区负责人 “Before COVID-19,there was saying thatChina could became the first market overtaking US in, let's say around 2030. If that happens, we need a lot of ships to be built in China for the domestic market.” “在新冠肺炎疫情爆发之前,有人认为在2030年左右,中国可能超过美国,成为第一大市场。如果是这样,我们需要为中国的国内市场建造大量船舶。” Measuring 323.6 meters in length, the ship willbe able toaccommodatemore than5,200 passengers. Final delivery is set for the end of this year. “爱达·魔都号”总长323.6米,可容纳乘客超过5200人。预计将于今年底完工交付。 2.NATIONAL NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM UNVEILED IN BEIJING 国家自然博物馆在北京正式*揭牌****,现馆藏藏品37万多件 The new site of the National Natural History Museum was unveiled in Beijing yesterday. Lei Shuran has the story. 国家自然博物馆昨天(06/05)在北京正式揭牌。记者雷舒然带来详细报道。 Formerly known as the Beijing Museum of Natural History, the museum is next to the Temple of Heaven in central Beijing. 国家自然博物馆,由北京自然博物馆更名而来,毗邻天坛。 The country's only state-level comprehensive natural museum covers a floor space of 23,000 square meters. The museum now contains more than 370,000 specimens including the most rare ones in the country. The museum's director says they will continue to collect more specimens, play an important role in scientific research, create learning programs, and strengthen international communication. 这座中国唯一的国家级、综合性自然博物馆,现有建筑面积2万3千多平方米,馆藏藏品37万多件,包括全国珍稀标本。博物馆馆长表示,他们将继续收集更多的标本,在科学研究中发挥重要作用,创建学习项目,加强国际交流。 Meng Qingjin, Director of theNational Natural History Museum of China 孟庆金 国家自然博物馆馆长 “(国家自然博物馆)除了原来的各种职能之外,更重要的是在功能定位上发生变化。要代表国家来进行收藏、保护、研究和展示来自全球的自然物,以及对人类社会历史发展过程中有重要科学价值、研究价值、历史和艺术价值的自然遗产。” “The museum's most important function is to collect, protect, study and display natural items from across the country and even the world on behalf of China. Our duties also include studying natural heritage and the historical stages of human society.” The museum opened with a special exhibition featuring more than 100 "treasures", including rare dinosaur specimens【标本】. 揭牌当天,国家自然博物馆馆藏精品展正式开幕,展出了100多件“珍品”,其中包括罕见的恐龙标本。 3**.APPLE UNVEILS ITS FIRST SPATIALCOMPUTER, APPLE VISION PRO 苹果公司发布首款混合现实头显设备Apple Vision Pro Apple unveiled**【发布】 an augmented-reality headset Monday called the Vision Pro, its riskiest and biggest bet since the introduction of the iPhone. Stephen Rancourt has more. 苹果周一(06/05)发布了一款名为Vision Pro的混合现实头显设备,这是苹果公司自推出iPhone以来最冒险、也是最大的赌注。记者Stephen Rancourt带来更多报道。 According to Apple, Vision Pro'S AR blends digital content with the physical world. That provides users with an experience that is beyond what can be done on a screen. 苹果公司称,Vision Pro的混合现实将数字内容与物理世界融为一体。这为用户提供了使用屏幕无法获得的独特体验。 The system's interface is controlled by a user's eyes, hands, and voice. 只要转动眼球、轻点手指或以声音下令,就能与之实现交互。 Tim Cook**,Apple CEO 库克苹果公司首席执行官 “So today I'm excited to announce an entirely new AR platform with a revolutionary new product. And here it is.” “今天,我很高兴地宣布(苹果将推出)一种搭载全新增强现实平台的革新性产品。它来了。” The company emphasized that it drew upon its past decades of product design for the Vision Pro, which Apple said involved more than 5,000 different patents. 苹果公司强调,Vision Pro这款产品借鉴了过去几十年的设计经验,涉及5000多项不同的专利。 Tim Cook**,Apple CEO 库克 苹果公司首席执行官 “So in the same way that Mac introduced us to personal computing【计算】 and iPhone introduced us to mobile computing, Apple Vision Pro will introduce us to spatial computing.” “就像Mac将我们带入个人计算时代,iPhone将我们带入移动计算时代一样,Apple Vision Pro将带我们进入空间计算时代。” Vision Pro will start 3,500 US dollars, more than three times the cost of the Meta's most expensive mixed and virtual reality devices that currently dominate the market. 这款混合现实头显设备的起售价为3500美元,是Meta旗下最贵的混合及虚拟现实产品价格的三倍多。后者目前占据市场主导地位。 Ben Bajarin, CEO ofCreative Strategies Co. **本·巴贾林 **创新战略咨询公司首席执行官 “But at this price point, with the technology that's still developing, I still think this category is a couple of years off.” “考虑到它的价位段,并且相关技术也仍在发展中,我仍然认为这类产品还要等几年(才能成熟)。” Apple said that users of the Vision Pro will be able to select content inside the goggles with their eyes, tap their fingers together to click and gently flick to scroll, while also using a three-dimensional camera and microphone system to capture video and pictures that can be viewed in 3D later. 苹果公司表示,Vision Pro的用户可以用眼睛选择眼镜内的内容,用手指轻敲点击或轻滑滚动,同时还可以使用三维摄像头和麦克风系统拍摄视频和图片,并进行3D观看。 #热词加油站 dock/dɑːk/【码头】 testimony/ˈtestɪmoʊni/【验证】 specimen/ˈspesəmən/【标本】 unveil/ˌʌnˈveɪl/【发布】 compute /kəmˈpjuːt/【计算】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~