cover of episode 06/07 TOP NEWS | 神舟十四号交会对接/高二高三复学/日本东电道歉

06/07 TOP NEWS | 神舟十四号交会对接/高二高三复学/日本东电道歉

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NEWS ON 06/06 1.ASTRONAUTS ENTER CHINA’S SPACE STATION 神舟十四号交会对接 顺利进驻天和核心舱 2.LOCAL GRADE 11, 12 STUDENTS BEGINRETURNING TO SCHOOL 高二、高三年级学生复学 学校防疫工作有条不紊 3.TEPCO APOLOGIZES TO PLAINTIFF INFUKUSHIMA ACCIDENT CLAIM LAWSUIT 败诉!日本东电首次以社长名义道歉 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.ASTRONAUTS ENTER CHINA’S SPACE STATION 神舟十四号交会对接 顺利进驻天和核心舱 Three astronauts entered China’s spacestation last night after Shenzhou 14 docked with it. Today, the crew alsoentered the station’s Tianzhou-4 cargo module. Song Wenjing has more. 6月5日晚,神舟十四号载人飞船与空间站组合体完成自主快速交会对接后,三名航天员依次进入天和核心舱。6月6日,航天员乘组顺利进入天舟四号货运飞船。记者宋雯婧带来更多详细报道。 Shenzhou-14 completed docking with thespace station’s core module Tianhe, after autonomously【自主地】 changing orbit six times. The docking process lasted about 7 hours.Astronauts Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe entered the space station at8:50pm yesterday. 神舟十四号载人飞船经过6次自主变轨,历时7个多小时,成功对接天和核心舱镜像端口。6月5日20时50分,航天员陈冬、刘洋、蔡旭哲依次进入天和核心舱。 Chen Dong 陈冬 神舟十四号航天员 The Shenzhou-14 crew hereby report: We haveentered the Tianhe-1 core module. We will perform our duties, and work hardduring the third leg of assembling the country’s space station. 神舟十四号报告,乘组已顺利进入天和一号核心舱。中国太空家园现在由我们值守,空间站第三棒我们全力开跑。 Liu Yang 刘洋 神舟十四号航天员 We have now entered the core module. TheWentian and Mengtian lab modules will arrive soon. Then we can complete theassembly of own space station, our home in space. 现在我们已经进入了核心舱,很快就会迎来问天(实验舱)和梦天(实验舱),到时我们将建成中国人自己的空间站,那是我们的太空家园。 Cai Xuzhe 蔡旭哲 神舟十四号航天员 We will operate with great care and fulfillour mission. I hope the Communist Party of China and the people can restassured that our mission will be a success.我们一定不辱使命,精心操作,完满完成任务,请党和人民放心。 Beijing copy. Congratulations on enteringthe space station by the Shenzhou-14 crew! Thanks for your hard work, and goodluck with your six months in** orbit****【轨道】. 北京明白!祝贺神舟十四号顺利进驻空间站,你们辛苦了,预祝在轨六个月工作顺利! The crew opened the hatch of the Tianzhou-4cargo craft at 11:09 am today and entered it at 12:19pm after completingenvironmental tests. The crew will also enter the Tianzhou-3 cargo craft【运货飞船】** to transfer supplies and complete other tasks. 6月6日上午11时9分,已进驻空间站核心舱的航天员乘组,成功开启天舟四号货物舱舱门,在完成环境检测等准备工作后,于12时19分顺利进入天舟四号货运飞船;接下来,航天员乘组还将进入天舟三号货运飞船。后续,航天员乘组将按计划开展货物转运等相关工作。 2.LOCAL GRADE 11, 12 STUDENTS BEGINRETURNING TO SCHOOL 高二、高三年级学生复学 学校防疫工作有条不紊 11th and 12th grade high school studentsreturned to schools in Shanghai today after more than two months at home. Thereopened schools have strict pandemic control measures in place, and studentsare required to be scanned by a digital sentry and show a green health code toenter the campus. Song Wenjing has the story. 两个多月的居家线上学习之后,6月6日,沪上高三、高二年级学生率先复学。学校实施严格的防疫措施,学生们需持24小时核酸报告和当日抗原阴性结果进学校。记者宋雯婧带来更多详细报道。 At 7 o’clock in the morning, students werewaiting in line at the entrance of Cao Yang No.2 High School, to have theirtemperatures checked and to be scanned by a digital sentry. 早上七点,曹杨二中校门口陆续迎来返校复学的学生。同学们有序排队测温,扫描"数字哨兵"核查核酸报告。 学生 I could only contact my classmates by phoneduring the past two months. I miss them so much, and want to give them hugs.两个月只能通过手机联系,非常想念。回到学校第一件想做的是什么,给互相一个拥抱吧。 A student was stopped at the entrance, ashis health code expired【到期】. 一个学生因为随申码过期,被拦在了门口。 学生 I forgot to log onto the health codesystem, it slipped my mind. I have told my mother to send a new code to me,then I’ll be able to enter the campus. "随申码"忘记登录了,我已经让我妈妈发给我一个新的二维码了,没想到过会有这样的情况,不过应该等下发过来就没事了。 Students were advised not to use publictransportation, to avoid possible infection, so many students walked or rodebicycles to school, while others were driven by their parents. 为了避免路上的聚集风险,今天(6/6)不少学生都选择了步行或骑车出行的方式,还有一些家长开车送学生上学。 学生 I walked here, it took less than 20minutes.徒步过来,20分钟不到。 学生 It was the first time I rode bicycle toschool. The traffic was fine, mostly green lights.今天是上高中第一次自己骑车上学,还挺顺风的,绿灯比较多。 家长 I haven’t sent my son to school for aboutthree months. I hope he does well on the upcoming college entrance exam.我想记录一下,因为已经有三个月没有来学校了。希望他可以考出优异的成绩,发挥正常。 More than 1.5 million kindergarten,elementary and secondary school students had been taking online classes sinceMarch 12th. Grade 11 and 12 students are the first to return to school. Nextweek, grade 9 students will return to their campuses【校园】. The remaining students will continue taking online classes untilthe end of the semester. 超过150万名幼儿园、中小学学生自3月12日开始一直在上网课。高二和高三是第一批返校的年级。下周,初三学生也将返校上课。其余年级的学生本学期将继续进行线上课程。 3.TEPCO APOLOGIZES TO PLAINTIFF INFUKUSHIMA ACCIDENT CLAIM LAWSUIT 败诉!日本东电首次以社长名义道歉 A Tokyo Electric Power Companyrepresentative read a letter of apology yesterday to a plaintiff representing aclass action law suit against the company for its responsibility in theFukushima nuclear accident. In the letter TEPCO said it is very sorry for the damageand injury caused by the accident. The head of the plaintiff group【原告团】 said they hope to learn the cause and responsibility for thefailure to prevent the accident based on objective facts. On June 2, a Japanesecourt ordered the operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powerplant to pay a total of approximately 566,000 US dollars in compensation【赔偿】 to current and former residents of Tamura City, located west of thecomplex hit by the March 2011 disaster, for emotional distress. At least tensof thousands of victims have launched more than 30 class action** lawsuits****【诉讼】** against TEPCO since 2011. 东电福岛总部代表昨日(6月5日)代读了道歉书,就其在福岛核事故中应承担的责任向原告方道歉,道歉称“福岛核事故给(当地民众)不可替代的生活和家乡造成了巨大损害,打乱了大家的人生,令(当地民众)身心受到了无法弥补的伤害。非常抱歉。”接下道歉书的原告团团长表示:“希望(东电)基于客观事实,查明未能防止事故的原因和责任。”6月2日,福岛地方法院作出判决,责令东电向在2011年3月的灾难中受灾的田村市西部的现任和前任居民进行赔偿,赔偿总额约56.6万美元。自2011年以来,至少有数万名受害者对东京电力公司提起了超过30起集体诉讼。 #热词加油站 autonomously [ɔːˈtɒnəməsli]【自主地】 orbit [ˈɔːbɪt]【轨道】 cargo craft【运货飞船】 expire [ɪkˈspaɪə(r)]【到期】 campus [ˈkæmpəs]【校园】 plaintiff group【原告团】 compensation [ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn]【赔偿】 lawsuit [ˈlɔːsuːt]【诉讼】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~