NEWS ON 06/031.MOFCOM: CHINA TO HELP FOREIGN-FUNDED FIRMS商务部:推动解决外资企业在华投资经营中遇到的困难2.SHANGHAI HITS THE SHOPS, JUST IN TIME FOR DRAGON BOAT DAY沪上老字号加紧复工,加入“外卖套餐”,粽子上新了!3.QUEEN TO MISS EVENTS AT PLATINUM JUBILEE SERVICE英国女王暂停参加登基70周年的白金禧年庆典****-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.MOFCOM: CHINA TO HELP FOREIGN-FUNDED FIRMS商务部:推动解决外资企业在华投资经营中遇到的困难The Ministry of Commerce【商务部】 said at yesterday's regular news briefing that, China will work to help solve the problems and difficulties facing foreign-funded firms in the country. This includes holding regular events with foreign business associations and firms to enhance communication. 6月2日,商务部召开例行新闻发布会。会上,新闻发言人表示,商务部将继续举办与各类外资企业的常态化交流活动,加强与外国商协会和外资企业的联系和沟通,推动解决外资企业在华投资经营中遇到的困难和问题。Ministry spokesperson Gao Feng said the ministry had recently brought together foreign-funded enterprises in the mechanical and electrical equipment industry for a symposium【研讨会】. And many expressed a desire to continue their investments in China. The ministry also stated that it will support foreign trade enterprises to improve their capabilities in exchange rate risk management. Efforts will be made to improve products and services to meet enterprises' diversified needs, and facilitating to use RMB for cross-border trade and investment.新闻发言人高峰表示,商务部最近召开了机电装备行业外资企业座谈会。许多与会外资企业表示希望继续在中国投资。商务部还表示,将支持外贸企业提高汇率风险管理的能力,将努力改善服务以满足企业的多样化需求,并推动使用人民币进行跨境贸易和投资。*2.SHANGHAI HITS THE SHOPS, JUST IN TIME FOR DRAGON BOAT DAY**沪上老字号加紧复工,加入“外卖套餐”,粽子上新了!**Happy Dragon Boat Festival! Yes, it's the fifth day of the fifth lunar month on the traditional Chinese calendar, and like every good festival, the arrival of the Dragon Boat brings with it some special festival foods. Zhang Shixuan finds out how sales are going this year. 端午安康!是的,今天(6月5日)是农历五月初五。和其他节日一样,端午节也有许多特色美食。“补货”到底补了些什么?记者张诗璇带你一探究竟。 Picking out their ideal zongzi dumplings, some with sweet bean paste【豆沙】 fillings, or salty ones with pork... After two months of intense Covid precautions Shanghai residents welcomed the chance to get out and shop for the traditional festival. And they've been more than just excited to come across some of Shanghai's good old-fashioned brands. 大家纷纷挑选喜欢的粽子,有的喜欢甜的豆沙馅,有的喜欢咸的猪肉馅…… 今年的端午小长假,是上海进入全面恢复正常生产生活秩序阶段的首个假期。上海市民纷纷走出家门“补货”。一些上海老字号品牌销售颇为火爆。It's a traditional festival. Since we'd been stuck at home for so long, we just wanted to get out. I also got my hair cut. The children like zongzi with sweet bean paste but also pork... the traditional flavors.端午节是传统节日嘛,前一段时间封了这么长时间,碰到这个节日,那肯定要出来咯,我还出来剪了个头发。小孩喜欢豆沙、肉粽这些传统的口味。I'm buying three packages. One for myself, one for my son, and one for my neighbor. The outbreak has made relations with our neighbors much closer, and I'm also close to my son. 我买了3份,我一份,儿子一份,邻居一份。疫情过后邻居关系也处好了,我和儿子的关系也更好了。My compound lifted the lockdown on June 1st, so this Dragon Boat Festival【端午节】, Shanghai people are delighted. Though I bought some zongzi through group purchases, I still wanted to buy more from this brand. 我们小区6月1号解封。要端午节了,心情比较舒畅。疫情期间也有团购,但是我还是想买品牌的。Zhang Shixuan, Reporter****张诗璇 记者As the Dragon Boat Festival is the first festival since Shanghai has brought its Covid resurgence pretty much under control, traditional time-honored food brands are looking to the occasion to boost their business.由于端午节是上海进入全面恢复正常生产生活秩序阶段的首个节日,传统的老字号食品品牌都希望借此机会撬动今夏生意复苏。Zhi Jing, Deputy General ManagerXing Hua Lou智静 杏花楼相关负责人On April 26th, our main branch on Fuzhou Road was the first to launch online services with and Meituan. And since the second half of May, we've been offering contactless【无接触的】 offline services. We had a lot of consumption from the group purchasing in April and May. And now that since June 1st, people can get into our stores to shop, there are even higher sales from offline. Residents tend to prefer the traditional sales model. 4月26日,我们位于福州路的总店率先推出了饿了么和美团的线上服务。5月下旬,我们就已经开始提供无接触的线下服务。在4月和5月,我们有很多团购订单。而现在,从6月1日起,人们可以进店购物,线下的销售额超过了线上。居民往往更倾向于传统的销售模式。Xing Hua Lou's offering of group purchasing services for Zongzi as early as the beginning of last month, means they went on sale at just about the same time as they normally would. So Zhi says the Zongzi sales this year are already up to their usual level for the season. Fresh food vendors have also been busy resuming their offline business, welcoming Zongzi buyers.杏花楼早在上个月初就提供了粽子的团购服务,因此粽子开始销售的时间与往年差不多。智静表示,今年的粽子销售已与往年持平。生鲜食品供应商也加紧恢复线下服务,迎接顾客前来购买粽子。Gu Ming, ManagerFreshippo, Changning Raffles City顾明 盒马鲜生长宁来福士店店长Since we just resumed offline services, most of our sales are still online. But this is the first holiday since we resumed the offline service, so we're expecting more people to come. 现在刚刚恢复线下服务,但是大部分的销售订单依然来自于线上。这是我们恢复线下服务以来的第一个节假日,所以我们也希望能有更多顾客光顾。Grocery provider Freshippo has even started offering its own brand of Zongzi with new flavors【风味】 this year, for those customers who feel like something a little different … in their very traditional foods. 盒马今年还推出了新口味的粽子,以满足那些追求新奇口味美食的顾客。3.QUEEN TO MISS EVENTS AT PLATINUM JUBILEE SERVICE*英国女王暂停参加登基70周年的白金禧年庆典**Buckingham Palace announced that Queen Elizabeth II will miss part of her Platinum Jubilee celebration today, after experiencing "some discomfort" while attending events on Thursday. 白金汉宫发表声明称,因周四出席活动时身体不适,女王今天将暂停参加部分白金禧年庆典活动。The queen did not join other royal family members in the traditional carriage rides to the Horse Guards Parade on Thursday, and instead took the Royal salute on the balcony【阳台】 at Buckingham Palace. Prince Charles stood in her place on the parade ground. The Jubilee celebration is a 4-day affair, at this point it is not known how Jubilee events on Saturday and Sunday will be effected by the Queen's absence【缺席】. 周四(6月2日),女王没有与其他王室成员一起按惯例乘坐马车出席皇家阅兵仪式,而是在白金汉宫的阳台上接受军队敬礼。查尔斯王子在阅兵仪式上代表女王行皇家礼,并检阅军队。庆典活动为期4天,接下来的周末,英国还将举办多项庆祝活动,目前尚不确定女王能否出席。#热词加油站 The Ministry of Commerce【商务部】symposium【研讨会】bean paste【豆沙】Dragon Boat Festival【端午节】contactless/ˈkɒntæktləs/【无接触的】flavor/ˈfleɪvər/【风味】balcony/ˈbælkəni/【阳台】 absence /ˈæbsəns/【缺席】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~