NEWS ON 0**6/*02 *1.RCEP NOW IN EFFECT FOR ALL 15 MEMBERS RCEP对15个成员国全面生效 2.TICKET SALES BEGIN FOR SHANGHAI FILM FESTIVAL 上海国际电影节今开票 3.YOUNG CHINESE DESIGNERS PUTTHEIR IMAGINATIONS ON DISPLAY* “2023设计上海@新天地设计节”揭幕 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- **1.RCEP NOW IN EFFECT FOR ALL 15 MEMBERS RCEP对15个成员国全面生效 The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement entered into force for the Philippines today, confirming that the world's biggest free trade agreement is now in effect for all 15 members. Ying Junyi has more. 今天(06/02),区域全面经济伙伴关系协定(RCEP)对菲律宾生效。这标志着RCEP对15个成员国全面生效。记者应骏一带来更多报道。 Signed on Nov 15, 2020 and in effect for signatories as from Jan 1st last year, the RCEP agreement groups together the ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, along with China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Covering roughly 30 percent of the world's gross domestic product and population, the agreement will gradually eliminate tariffs on at least 90 percent of traded goods among its members. The Ministry of Commerce said that the full implementation of the agreement will support Asia's regional economic integration and development. 2020年11月15日,东盟10国和中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰共同签署RCEP,协定于2022年1月1日正式生效。RCEP成员国总人口和GDP均占全球总量约30%,协定生效后区域内90%以上的产品将逐步实现零关税。商务部表示,RCEP的全面生效将助力亚洲区域经济一体化发展。 Chen Chao, Deputy Director International Department, Ministry of Commerce 陈超 商务部国际司副司长 “RCEP通过采用区域累积的原产地规则,深化了域内产业链、供应链的合作。利用新技术推动海关便利化,促进了新型跨境物流发展。采用负面清单来做投资方面的承诺,提升了投资政策透明度。这些都将使区域内已有的自贸规则得到优化、得到整合、得到提升。” “The RCEP has deepened the cooperation of the value chain and the industrial chain in the region by adopting regional cumulative rules of origin. It has also promoted the development of cross-border logistics by adopting new technologies to facilitate customs clearance, and improved the transparency of investment policies by adopting negative lists to govern commitments on investments. All these will promote the optimization, integration【***整合】and improvement of the economic and trade rules in the region.” Those sentiments were echoed by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which earlier said the agreement will encourage trade in the region. Combined with China's Belt and Road Initiative which supports infrastructure construction, Southeast Asian Nations are likely to see strong economic growth in the future. 上述观点也得到了东盟的响应。东盟此前曾表示,RCEP将促进东南亚地区的贸易发展。同时,在“一带一路”的支持下,区域基础实施建设进一步提升,东南亚国家未来可能出现强劲的经济增长。 Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General ASEAN 高金洪 东盟秘书长 “‘一带一路’为经济合作提供了一个非常重要的框架。其重点是铁路、公路、港口和其他基础设施的建设。我们需要这些基础设施来支持经济增长,尤其是贸易增长。” “B&R is a very important framework cooperation, which focuses on infrastructure development. It talks about construction of railway, highway, harbour port and other infrastructure【*基础设施】. We need those infrastructure to support the growth of economy, particularly in trade.” According to the General Administration of Customs, China's total trade with other RCEP members grew by 7.3 percent year-on-year in the first quarter of this year, accounting for nearly a third of the country's total trade during the period. 据海关总署数据,今年一季度,中国与其他RCEP成员国间的贸易总额同比增长7.3%,占中国同期贸易总额近三分之一。 2*.*TICKET SALES BEGIN FOR SHANGHAI FILM FESTIVAL 上海国际电影节今开票 Shanghai International Film Festival tickets went on sale at noon today with some popular movies selling out within minutes. Tang Xiaofan has the story. 今天(06/02)中午,第25届上海国际电影节正式开票,一些热门影片出票即“秒光”。记者唐晓帆带来详细报道。 Popular films including the 1987 historical epic "The Last Emperor" and the 1986 Hong Kong action-thriller "A Better Tomorrow" were sold out within a few minutes. In just an hour, 309,000 tickets for 425 screenings were sold on the ticketing website Taopiaopiao, accounting for almost one-third of the festival's 1,200 screenings. About 256,000 moviegoers purchased tickets online during the period. 包括1987年的历史史诗《末代皇帝》和1986年的香港动作惊悚片《英雄本色》在内的热门影片几分钟内就被抢购一空。开票仅1小时,票务网站“淘票票”的出票量就达到了30.9万张,售罄场次425场,占本届电影节总场次(1200场)近三分之一。超过25万人同时在线投入抢票大战。 Participating cinemas started selling tickets at 2pm today. Many film buffs lined up early in the afternoon at Shanghai Film Art Center to try their luck. 各展映影院从今天下午2点开始售票。许多影迷下午早早地在上海电影艺术中心排队碰运气。 Song Jiawen Movie Fan **宋嘉文 影迷 “抢票难度非常大,十几秒钟之内都没有了,一些比较小众的片子还是比较方便购买的,现在买到了6部。” “It's really difficult to get a ticket. Many were sold out in just a few seconds. But it's much easier to buy tickets for some niche films. I've bought six tickets.” 86-year-old Mr. Li bought two tickets for the Japanese drama "Winny". He said being part of the film festival is more important to him than which movie he sees. 86岁的李老伯买了两张日本影片《开发者有罪》的票。对他来说,参加电影节比看哪部电影更重要。 Mr. Li 李老伯 “感受一下新装修的影城,我以前都来看的,每次电影节都来看的。” “I want to experience the newly renovated【*翻新】 cinema. I used to see films here during each film festival.” Ms. Wei waited to buy tickets at the Grand Theater this afternoon although almost half were already sold. 尽管近一半的票已售出,今天下午,魏阿姨仍来到了大剧院等候买票。 Ms. Wei 魏阿姨 “我最想看的就是悲情城市,听说这个电影不错的。我们就很开心,很久没有坐在电影院里面了。” “The film I want to see most is "A City of Sadness", which others recommend. We are so excited as we haven't seen a film at the cinema for a long time.” A mix of classics and new movies will be screened at 41 cinemas in Shanghai including Shanghai Film Art Center, Paradise Warner Cinema City and Wanping Theater. Shanghai Film Art Center has just reopened after about 15 months of renovations and features Asia's first Dolby auditorium*【礼堂】 with more than 1,000 seats. 经典影片和新影片将在上海国际电影节的41家指定展映影院放映,包括上海电影艺术中心、上海永华电影城和宛平剧院。经过15个月左右的焕新升级,上海电影艺术中心重新开业,“千人大厅”升级为亚洲首个“千人杜比剧场”。 3**.YOUNG CHINESE DESIGNERS PUTTHEIR IMAGINATIONS ON DISPLAY “2023设计上海@新天地设计节”揭幕 'Fun in the woods' at the entrance of Xintiandi on Taicang Road allows passers-by to interact with the installation. The 'woods' are composed of plastic 'branches' and 'leaves' that can be disassembled and stuck back together. You can create some shade to get out of the sun, or make yourself a chair to sit on. 位于太仓路新天地入口处的“林趣”可以实现路人与装置互动。这片“树林”是由塑料“树枝”和“树叶”组成,路人可以将其拆卸并重新粘贴,可以粘成“树荫”遮挡阳光或制作一把椅子用于休息。 Zhao Baiqiao Designer 设计师 “游客到来这里的时候,我们把这个叶子拆下来,然后拆下来的时候,根据自己的需求,我可以放到跟座椅高度尺度一样的地方,在这里设置卡槽。我们希望我们的产品在功能和概念上贴近大家的生活,能给人们带来更多的使用,同时体现出本身的乐趣和意义。” “When visitors feel tired, they can easily take these pieces off and set them however they like. This is why this installation is never the same, its shape is constantly changing. We wanted to create something more practical, not just something pretty to take pictures with.” Many installations were made with sustainable materials, including recycled plastic bottles, and polycarbonate to show support for an eco-friendly future. 许多装置都是用可持续材料制成的,包括回收塑料瓶和聚碳酸酯,以示对生态友好型未来的支持。 Liu Hanning Designer 刘汉宁 设计师 “我们使用高透亚力克均光板来完成这件作品,它具有多功能性、耐用性和可回收性。如果你仔细观察,艺术实际上在我们的生活中无处不在,它在街头巷尾或购物中心。画廊和博物馆并不是观赏艺术的唯一场所。” “We used a type of acrylic to complete this piece, which is versatile, durable and recyclable. If you take a closer look, art is actually everywhere in our lives, it's on street corners or in shopping malls. Galleries or museums is not the only place to see art.” Tan Zhuo, Founder & Director Design Shanghai 谭卓设计上海策展人* “许多本地设计师很少有机会在公众面前展示才华,除非他们参与一个大型建筑项目。我们一直在做的就是为年轻设计师创造一个施展才华的舞台,希望新天地设计节后会有更多的机会。” “Many local designers rarely have the chance to showcase their talent in public, unless they participate in a major architecture project. What we have been doing is to create a stage for young designers to shine. Hopefully, more opportunities will come to them after the festival.” Some of the installations have been set up at a subway entrance, or narrow Shikumen alley, creating a surprise for passers-by. Xintiandi management hopes that the place can become more than just a tourism hot spot or shopping zone, they'd like to see it become a place for cultural enrichment. 一些装置设置在地铁口或狭窄的石库门小巷,为路人创造惊喜。新天地管理层希望这里不仅是一个热门景点或购物区,还能成为一个充满文化气息的地带。 Clarence Lee, Senior Commercial Director Shui On Xintiandi *Clarence Lee 瑞安新天地高级商务总监* “我们有一些论坛和展览,这样人们就可以真正地交流,了解创作者的理念。同时,新天地二期有一个非常大的市场,总共有70个摊位出售来自中国不同地区的创意艺术品。” “We do have some forum and exhibition so that people can actuallymingle**【**交流】 and understand the philosophy from the creators. At the same time we got a very big market in Xintiandi Style II, and this time altogether we've got 70 booths selling some interesting stuff and creative artwork from different part of China.” Since the Xintiandi Design Festival was launched in 2017, over 100 installations by artists from home and abroad have been displayed across the trendy downtown area. There have also been several seminars and forums for designers to communicate with each other. This year's Xintiandi Design Festival runs until June 25th. 自2017年新天地设计节启动以来,已有来自国内外艺术家的100多件装置作品在这个时尚高地展出。此外,还举办了一些研讨会和论坛供设计师们相互交流。今年的新天地设计节将持续到6月25日。 #热词加油站 integration/ˌɪntɪˈɡreɪʃ(ə)n/【整合】 infrastructure/ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃər/【基础设施】 renovate/ˈrenəveɪt/【翻新】 auditorium/ˌɔːdɪˈtɔːriəm/【礼堂】 mingle/ˈmɪŋɡ(ə)l/【交流】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~