cover of episode 06/04 TOP OF THE DAY 一大纪念馆揭幕/华为鸿蒙系统线下体验/韩国抗议日本排污入海

06/04 TOP OF THE DAY 一大纪念馆揭幕/华为鸿蒙系统线下体验/韩国抗议日本排污入海

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NEWSON 06/03 1.GRAND OPENING FOR CPC CONGRESSMEMORIAL 重磅!中共一大纪念馆开馆,12万件展品再现党的历程 2.HUAWEI LAUNCHES HARMONYOS2 华为鸿蒙系统正式发布,“超级终端”是怎样的存在? 3.S.KOREANS PROTEST JAPAN’S PLAN TO DUMP PADIOACTIVE WATER 世界海洋日临近,韩国多地民众抗议日本核废水入海! -----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.GRAND OPENING FOR CPC CONGRESSMEMORIAL The Memorial of the First National Congressof the Communist Party of China officially opened in Shanghai today to mark the 100th anniversary of the Party’s founding. Shanghai Party Secretary Li Qiang announced the memorial’s opening. 为庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,中国共产党第一次全国代表大会纪念馆今天在上海正式开馆。上海市委书记李强出席并宣布中共一大纪念馆开馆。 The new exhibition hall in Xintiandi isacross the street from where the congress was held in 1921. Close to 80 percentof the exhibition area is underground to take up as little  ground spaceas possible. Exterior plaques name the 12 shikumen lanes that hosted important meetings in the Party’s early years. 位于新天地的新建展馆与中共一大会址仅一街之隔。为减少地面空间占用,新建展馆近80%的展厅位于地下。展馆外壁上的牌匾记录了早年举办过党的重要会议的12处场所。 INTERVIEW: Xue Feng, Curator, Memorial of the 1stNational Congress of CPC 薛峰 中共一大纪念馆党委书记 馆长 “Before you reach the entrance, you beginby reading the plaques. And you quickly understand Shanghai has other placeswith a glorious history.” “大家可以通过阅读这些墙上的艺术装置来进一步了解上海这座英雄的城市。” Inside, a series of paintings cover theParty’s history from Shikumen to Tian’anmen. A major exhibition about theorigins of the Party was launched today. The "Epoch-making Beginnings:Founding of the Communist Party of China" exhibition documents the original aspirations of the Party in seven sections. It features more than1,000 exhibits, including 600 relics along with photos, videos, oil paintings,sculptures and multimedia works. Overall, the memorial has more than 120,000exhibits. Placards explain how they were essential to the Party’s history. 新建展馆内,一系列画作对中国共产党从石库门到天安门的历史进行了回顾。以“伟大的开端——中国共产党创建历史陈列”为主题的展览也于今天开幕。展览设有7个板块,共展出1000多件展品,其中包括600件文物以及照片、视频、油画、雕塑和多媒体声像作品等。纪念馆共有超过12万件展品,展品旁的解说牌则阐明了这些文物在党的历史进程中的重要性。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Yuhan, Director of Research &Display, Memorial of the 1st National Congress ofCPC 张玉菡 中共一大纪念馆研究馆员 “The exhibits are arranged by time periods with particular themes. In this section, we have 100 documents that showed socialism spreading around the time of the May 4th Movement in 1919.” 我们注意根据要挖掘展示的主题进行专题式的展示。比如"主义的抉择"这个展项,我们就展示了100件"五四"前后宣传传播社会主义的各种各样的珍贵文献。 The site of the CPC’s First NationalCongress, an old shikumen building on Xingye Road, was first opened as amemorial site in 1952, and was renovated【翻新】in1999. However, the house was too small for large-scale exhibitions. There are copies of "The Communist Manifesto" in 72 languages, along with anecdotes about Chen Wangdao, who translated the Manifesto into Chinese, and about Party members spreading Marxism【马克思主义】.The tour takes about an hour. 中共一大会址坐落在兴业路上,是一幢旧式石库门建筑。1952年首次作为纪念馆开放;1999年纪念馆进行了翻修,但由于面积较小,仍无法举办大型展览。纪念馆中藏有72种语言的《共产党宣言》副本,还收录了有关《共产党宣言》中文版译者陈望道的故事,以及党员传播马克思主义的故事。参观整个纪念馆约需一个小时。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Yuhan, Director of Research &Display, Memorial of the 1st National Congress ofCPC 张玉菡 中共一大纪念馆研究馆员 “You will not just see relics, but also videos that explain that part of the history, so you’ll leave with a better picture ofwhat happened.” 这次不仅仅是展示文物、也不仅仅是展示视频,而是把视频和文物结合起来,共同来讲述生动鲜活的文物的故事。 There’s also a sculpture and hologram that recreates the scene when the country’s first communists discussed founding aparty. 纪念馆中还陈列有雕塑和全息图,生动再现了第一批中国共产党员建党时的情形。 2.HUAWEI LAUNCHES HARMONYOS2 Huawei yesterday officially released its operating system HarmonyOS 2, which will be available on mobile phones and tablets【平板电脑】. 昨天,华为正式发布了HarmonyOS 2操作系统,该系统将支持在手机和平板电脑上使用。 Huawei’s global flagship store on EastNanjing Road welcomed the first curious customers interested in tryingHarmonyOS. Some software developers were among them. 位于南京东路上的华为全球旗舰店迎来了第一批HarmonyOS(鸿蒙)系统的尝鲜者,其中也包括一些软件开发人员。 INTERVIEW: App Developer 应用程序开发人员 “We can download the apps that wepreviously put on the Android market from the app market in HarmonyOS, and itcan also run smoothly on the system. So for us, the initial development cost isrelatively small. In the future we will design personalized interfaces for the Harmony system, so that the Harmony user experience will be better.” 互联网应用开发者因为本身它其实从应用商场里面,是能够把我们以前在安卓市场上架的应用程序下载下来,同时也能很顺畅地在鸿蒙系统上进行运行。所以对我们来说,前期的开发成本就比较少了,后续就是针对鸿蒙系统做一些个性化的交互操作,让鸿蒙的用户体验会更好一些。 In addition to being applied to a single device, the HarmonyOS can also build a "super terminal" through cross-device interaction, allowing consumers to control multiple devices assimply as operating just one. 除了应用于单个设备之外,HarmonyOS(鸿蒙)系统还可以通过跨设备交互构建一个“超级终端”。消费者操控多个设备像操作一台设备一样简单。 SPEAKER: Yu Chengdong, Huawei Executive Director 余承东 华为常务董事、消费者业务首席执行官 “There is a lot of variation in terms ofhow much memory and how much processing power is required by different hardware【硬件】. But HarmonyOS adapts to different hardware and devices.” 不同硬件,有的内存非常小,有的内存非常大,有的处理能力要求很高,有的处理能力弱,但是需要长续航等等。用一套HarmonyOS(鸿蒙)系统来解决了不同硬件不同设备的能力。 Android and Apple together account for morethan 99 percent of the operating system market. Experts said the emergence ofHarmonyOS is likely to break their dominance【支配】.Huawei said that it has cooperated with thousands of hardware and app developers,along with service providers to build HarmonyOS. 安卓和苹果系统在操作系统市场中所占份额超过99%。专家表示,HarmonyOS(鸿蒙)系统的出现可能会打破安卓和苹果系统的支配地位。为打造鸿蒙系统,华为与数千家硬件、应用开发公司以及服务商进行了合作。 3.S.KOREANS PROTEST JAPAN’S PLAN TO DUMPPADIOACTIVE WATER As World Oceans Day approaches, South Koreans yesterday protested against Japan’s decision to dump radioactive wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. Demonstrations took place outside the Japanese embassy and many other places across the country. 随着世界海洋日的临近,昨日,韩国人针对日本将福岛第一核电站放射性废水倾倒太平洋的决定进行了抗议。日本大使馆外以及全国多地都发生了示威游行。 In Seoul, several civic groups held a rallyprotesting Japan’s decision, calling on Tokyo to scrap the plan. South Korea hasopposed to the release of what it calls "contaminated water" as thetreatment doesn’t remove tritium, a relative of hydrogen that emits weak radiation. Japan has said the treated water poses no safety concerns. 首尔民间团体举行示威,抗议日本排放核废水的决定,并呼吁取消这一计划。由于日本的核废水处理方法无法去除氚(氢的一种同位素),氚仍能发出微弱的辐射,因此韩国对排放核废水表示反对。日本政府则表示,处理后的水不会存在安全问题。 The protesters also wrote to the Japanese ambassador to South Korea to ask him offer a better solution to protect the Pacific Ocean. Apart from Seoul, there are more than 60 environmental protection organizations and civic groups across South Korea have taken part in rallies against Japan’s decision. Fishery workers and people inthe Gyeongsangnam-do Province held a rally yesterday using over 100 fishingboats to display a large banner【横幅】with thewords "Protect the Pacific" in large letters. 抗议者还写信至日本驻韩国大使,要求提供更好的解决方案,以保护太平洋的生态环境。除首尔外,韩国各地还有60多个环保组织和民间团体参加了反对日本核废水排放的示威活动。昨天,庆尚南道的渔民及民众也举行了集会,共出动100多艘渔船,在海面上排列成“保护海洋”的字样。 Japan announced its plan in April to discharge the tritium-laced water from the Fukushima nuclear plant. The plan calls for more than 1.25 million tons stored in tanks, to be released into the ocean inabout two years. 日本政府在4月份宣布了福岛核电站含氚废水入海计划。日本将超过125万吨核废水储存在水箱中,在约两年时间内陆续将其排放至海洋中。 #热词加油站 renovate【翻新】 Marxism【马克思主义】 tablet【平板电脑】 hardware【硬件】 dominance【支配】 banner【横幅】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~