cover of episode 06/03 TOP NEWS |四川雅安地震 / 上海快递恢复运营 / 前上海犹太难民

06/03 TOP NEWS |四川雅安地震 / 上海快递恢复运营 / 前上海犹太难民

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NEWS ON 06/02 1.4 DEAD, 41 INJURED FOLLOWING EARTHQUAKE IN SICHUAN 四川雅安地震已致4人遇难41人受伤 2.SHANGHAI COURIER SERVICE PROVIDERS COMING BACK ON STREAM 上海快递已恢复正常运营 3.FORMER JEWISH REFUGEE AWARDED SILK ROAD FRIENDSHIP AMBASSADOR 前上海滩犹太难民索尼娅获得“丝路友好使者”称号 **-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.4 DEAD, 41 INJURED FOLLOWING EARTHQUAKE IN SICHUAN 四川雅安地震已致4**人遇难41人受伤** As of 9 o'clock this morning, at least four people have been confirmed dead, and 41 injured, following the earthquake that hit the city of Ya'an in Sichuan Province yesterday. The injured have been sent to hospital for treatment. After the quake, and subsequent aftershocks余震, local emergency, fire and medical departments were immediately dispatched to search for the injured, begin repairs and relocate residents. Ying Junyi has more.  截至今天(6/2)上午9点,地震已造成4人遇难,41人受伤。受伤人员均已被送往医院救治。在地震和紧随其后的余震结束后,四川省应急救援、武警、消防等各种救援力量已赶赴灾区集结,对灾区群众实施疏散,就近安全避险。记者应骏一为您带来更多报道。 A 6.1-magnitude earthquake rattled Lushan County in Ya'an at 5 pm yesterday. The quake's epicenter, was at a depth of 17 kilometers, located** precisely**正好】** at 30.37 degrees north latitude and 102.94 degrees east longitude. 昨日(6/1)下午5时许,在雅安市芦山县太平镇附近(北纬30.37度,东经103.94度)发生6.1级地震,震源深度17公里。 More than 100 students and teachers of Taiping High School in Lushan County stayed in tents on the playground last night. The tents also accommodated another 100 people nearby. 芦山县太平镇太平中学全校一百多名师生,昨晚(6/1)全部在操场上搭建的救灾帐篷内休息,这个安置点还集中了附近没能投靠亲友的居民一百多人。 Resident of Taiping Town, Lushan County 雅安市芦山县太平镇居民 The shaking was too strong for me to stay standing, or even squat. I called my family immediately when I felt the quake. 地震太剧烈了,我没办法站稳,也没办法蹲下。所以我就赶紧给家里打电话。 There are currently 7 relocation sites in the earthquake-hit area, where many volunteers, military personnel and medical workers are providing help. The relocation sites were equipped with folding beds, blankets and food. Local authorities have also dispatched people to help with restoring power and communication networks. 目前,震中地区规模较小的集中型、分散型安置点已达到七处。许多志愿者、民兵队伍和医务工作者正在现场忙碌,为灾民们提供保障。安置点配备了折叠床、毯子和食物。从雅安等地调派的应急发电、通讯设备,也能满足安置点内所需。 Li Jianchuan Governor of Taiping Town, Lushan County 李建川 四川省雅安市芦山县太平镇镇长 We have relocated all the residents that were near the epicenter震中, as well as those affected by mudslides and floods to safer places. 我们现在是已经把震中周边所有的村组群众、以及所有地质灾害点的群众,还有山洪灾害点的群众进行了转移安置。 Another 61 relocation sites were set up around the city of Ya'an to shelter more than 12,700 people. The provincial forest brigade has dispatched more than 300 people to help with setting up tents. 昨晚,雅安全市连夜设立61个安置点,紧急转移安置12722人。四川省森林消防总队集结300多人驰援震区,为受灾群众搭建帐篷。 Xia Jie Tianquan County Public Security Bureau, Ya'an City 夏杰 四川省雅安市天全县公安局交警大队副大队长 We are asking people not to head into Baoxing and Lushan Counties, to avoid getting in the way of rescue vehicles. 希望大家不要前往宝兴和芦山,避免和救灾救援的车辆发生冲突。因为车流量比较大,如果有个别车辆确实需要到芦山、宝兴,请选择好相应的路线绕行。 According to the Sichuan Seismological Bureau, yesterday's 6.1-magnitude earthquake occurred in the same spot, and is a long term aftershock of the 7.0 Lushan earthquake in 2013. The bureau says the chances of another large quake in the area is unlikely in the near future. 据四川地震局所述,昨天(6/1)发生的6.1级地震,是2013年雅安芦山7.0级地震的余震。国家气象局表示,短期内芦山余震区再次发生更大地震的可能性不大。 2.SHANGHAI COURIER SERVICE PROVIDERS COMING BACK ON STREAM 上海快递已恢复正常运营 Postal and courier快递公司 services in Shanghai are springing back to life. 28 express delivery companies have reopened and are operating at about 70 percent of pre-lockdown capacity. Zhang Hong has more. 上海的主要品牌邮政快递企业正在有序复工。目前有28家快递公司已经恢复营业,运力已经达到平时日均水平的70%左右。记者张泓为您带来更多报道。 Delivery companies have made numerous arrangements to ensure adherence to pandemic protocols协议】. 快递公司已做出许多调整,以确保符合疫情防控标准。 Wu Qiang, Director East Fengxian Distribution Center, ZTO Express 吴强 中通奉贤东部网点负责人 The 140 employees here have to live in the distribution center. There is no other place to accommodate them, so they can only sleep in their cars. 这140人全部住在院子里,目前院子里没有住宿条件,所以小哥都是自己睡在自己的车上。 The distribution center says about 70 percent of its workers have returned, and they follow strict nucleic acid test requirements, which has lowered delivery volume to around 45 percent pre-lockdown. 快递配送中心说,复工率超过七成,但配送效率只有之前的45%左右。快递小哥需要持有48小时核酸阴性证明才能上路,他们每天都会前往园区指定的地点进行核酸检测。 Wu Qiang, Director East Fengxian Distribution Center, ZTO Express 吴强 中通奉贤东部网点负责人 We must take a PCR test and antigen self-test each morning, which means less time to work. 每天上午我们都要去做核酸检测还有自测抗原,这其实缩短了我们的工作时长。 Qin Jun, Delivery Worker East Fengxian Distribution Center, ZTO Express 秦军 中通奉贤东部网点快递员 To reduce the risk of infection, us deliverymen usually do the PCR test after other staff. 我们怕交叉感染,每次都等园区做的差不多了,我们再过来做。 Couriers encounter other difficulties when delivering parcels as not all compounds allow residents to come out to sign for them. 快递员在投递包裹时还会遇到其他困难,各个小区的最后一公里派送并未完全畅通。) Guo Huaicheng, Courier 郭怀成 快递员 Some people are not at home and ask me to drop their parcels at the gate. 各种情况都有。有些情况是属于人不在家,叫我放门口。 Mr. Liu, Courier 刘先生 快递员 I'm heading to the next compound. I will take this parcel until I can contact the consignee. 像这种联系不上的快件我就会带回去,等联系到客户了再送,然后我会去下一个小区。 Courier service compnaies say only 70 percent of parcels can be delivered for the time being. Since most delivery stations in the city have not reopened, many couriers have to bring parcels back to distribution centers. An industry inside says it will take time for those delivery stations to reopen. 快递公司表示,目前快递网点的配送成功率约七成,现如今,全市的菜鸟驿站都处于停业状态,许多快递员不得不把包裹带回网点。对此,业内人士表示,按照目前的防疫规定,"驿站"开门还需等待时日。 Xu Yong, Vice President China Communications & Transportation Association Express Service 徐勇 中国交通运输协会快运分会副会长 Many delivery stations don't meet pandemic requirements. It's quite difficult for them to manage the flow of parcels and do disinfection work. They also are not able to offer food and accommodation to employees. 很多配送情况主要是达不到防疫要求。驿站的话要进行消杀。如果要进行这些人员去管理的话,难度是非常大的,而且不便于管理。一个是快递员吃饭住宿问题解决不了,一个是网点消杀问题解决不了。 The Shanghai Postal Bureau says all courier businesses are expected to be back at full strength by the middle of this month, adding EMS is already available.        上海邮政局表示,所有的快递业务预计将于本月中旬全面恢复。目前上海邮政已有序恢复个人寄递EMS特快专递服务。 3.FORMER JEWISH REFUGEE AWARDED SILK ROAD FRIENDSHIP AMBASSADOR 前上海滩犹太难民索尼娅获得“丝路友好使者”称号 The Silk Road Friendship Award Ceremony 2022 was held online Tuesday. Sonja Muehlberger of Germany was awarded the title of Silk Road Friendship Ambassador for her research on the history of Jewish refugees难民 in Shanghai. 2022年“丝路友好使者”盛典在线上举行。来自德国的索尼娅·穆尔伯格女士因对上海犹太难民历史作出了研究贡献,被授予“丝路友好使者”称号。 Born in Shanghai in 1939, Muehlberger was one of more than 400 "Shanghai Kids" born in the city's Jewish refugee community. She researches and documents the history of "Shanghai Jews". Based on her work, Shanghai Jewish Refugees Museum built a wall in 2014 that features the names of Jewish refugees. She also helped the museum compile a database of more than 18,000 former Jewish refugees in Shanghai. 索尼娅·穆尔伯格女士于1939 年出生在上海,是出生在上海犹太难民区的400多名犹太人中的一位。她致力于研究和记录犹太难民避难上海的历史。根据她的研究成果,上海犹太难民纪念馆在2014年建了一面名单墙,上面有很多当年上海犹太难民的名字。她还帮助纪念馆建立了一个数据库,收录了当年18000多名在上海的犹太难民的名字。 Sonja Muehlberger Silk Road Friendship Ambassador 索尼娅·穆尔伯格 丝路友好使者 The Silk Road Friendship Award given to me is an indication that I, as a former European Jewish refugee and friend of Chinese people, would say that together to maintain peace is the purpose of this award and the genuine wish of us history witnesses. 作为一名前欧洲犹太难民和中国人民的朋友,对于“丝路友好使者”这个奖项我想说:共同维护和平是这个奖项的目的,也是我们历史见证者的共同期望。 #热词加油站 aftershock /ˈɑːftə(r)ˌʃɒk/ 【余震】 precisely /prɪ'saɪsli/ 【正好】 epicenter /ˈepɪˌsentə(r)/ 【震中】 courier /ˈkʊriə(r)/【快递公司】 protocols /ˈprəʊtəkɒls/【协议】 refugees /ˌrefjʊˈdʒiː/【难民】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~