cover of episode 06/02 TOP OF THE DAY 解答三孩政策/公安部“团圆行动”/变异新冠病毒新命名

06/02 TOP OF THE DAY 解答三孩政策/公安部“团圆行动”/变异新冠病毒新命名

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NEWSON 06/01 1.CHILDCARE,EDUCATION COSTS ON THE TABLE AS CHINA 3RD CHILD POLICY 想生不敢生?一起期待“三孩政策”配套支持措施的完善吧! 2.1680 MISSING CHILDREN FOUND IN MAJOR PUBLIC SECURITY OPERATION 1680个孩子回家了,这是1680****个家庭的“团圆”! 3.WHONOW LISTING COVID-19 VARIANTS WITH GREEK LETTERS 避免污名化,世卫组织改用希腊字母为变异病毒命名! -----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHILDCARE,EDUCATION COSTS ON THE TABLE AS CHINA 3RD CHILD POLICY After yesterday’s announcement that couples will be able to have three children, the NationalHealth Commission answered a slew of questions today. 今天,国家卫生健康委员会就昨天宣布的三孩政策答记者问。 Health authorities said after second-child policies were introduced in 2013, the proportion of the population under the age of 14 has increased. But across the board, the number of new-borns is declining and health authorities listed three factors. 国家卫生健康委员会有关负责人表示,自2013年出台二胎政策以来,0-14岁少儿人口占比有所提高。但总体而言,新生儿数量仍在下降。国家卫健委有关负责人提出了以下三个原因。 First, the number of women between the ages of 20 and 34 decreased by an annual average of 3.4 million between 2015 and2020. Second, the number of couples getting married has dropped for seven straight years -- down from 13 million couples in 2013 to 8 million last year, a 40 percent plunge. Third, couples are less willing to have children. Married couples born in the 1990s on average are willing to have 1.66 babies, 10percent lower than a couple born in the 1980s. The main reasons couples are less willing to have children are: the expenses, the difficulty of finding someone to care for the children, and women under pressure to balance work and family. Demographics【人口统计】experts say a third-child policy is essential for improving the population structure in the long run as it will increase the labor pool and reduce the effects of an aging population. 首先,2015-2020年,20-34岁生育旺盛期妇女规模年均减少340万人。此外,全国结婚登记人数连续7年下降,从2013年的约1300万对下降至2020年的约800万对,减少40%。第三,群众生育意愿降低。我国“90后”平均打算生育子女数仅为1.66个,比“80后”低10%。夫妻生育意愿较低的主要原因是:经济负担重、婴幼儿无人照料和女性难以平衡家庭与工作的关系。人口专家表示,从长远来看,三孩政策将增加劳动力供给,减少人口老龄化带来的影响,对于改善人口结构至关重要。 INTERVIEW: Zhai Zhenwu, Secretary General, China Population Association 翟振武,中国人口学会会长 The birthrate has decreased the past couple of years, and the number of newborns will continue to slide. I am confident the policy will contribute to bringing the birthrate to a moderate level. 在最近一两年,我们的生育率还在持续下降,出生人数也还会下降。我觉得处在这个背景下,一定会在实现适度生育水平这个方面,能够有所贡献。 A slew of questions also followed about how to minimize obstacles to have children. China announced it will take lowering child-care and education costs into consideration, and will try to provide fairer and more high-quality schools for everyone. 随之而来的一系列问题是,如何最大限度地进行全面配套支持。对此,国家表示将考虑降低幼儿保育和教育成本,并努力为每个孩子提供更加公平、优质的学校教育。 INTERVIEW: Zhang Benbo, Director of Social Policy, National Development & Reform Commission 张本波,国家发展改革委,社会发展所社会政策室主任 In the 14th Five-Year Plan, we plan to build integrated community centers in 150 cities that offer up to 500,000openings for affordable nursery care. 在十四五规划也提出一个建设项目,就是在150个城市,通过发展普惠的综合中心和社区中心,提供50万个普惠托位。 Policymakers also say they will improve maternity leave【产假】, increase financial support on housing and taxation, and protect women in the workplace who have children. 国家将完善产假制度,增加住房和税收方面的财政支持,并保护有孩子的职业女性的权益。 2.1680 MISSING CHILDREN FOUND IN MAJOR PUBLIC SECURITY OPERATION The Ministry of Public Security said public security forces had found 1,680 missing children since the launch of a special operation to track and find missing and abducted【被诱拐的】children in January. Among the cases, the longest unsolved case was 54 years. 公安部表示,自今年1月开展查找被拐失踪儿童的专项行动以来,全国公安机关共找回失踪儿童1680名。其中,案件时间跨度最长达54年。 Police across the country also cracked 85long-pending cases, arrested 223 suspects【嫌疑犯】in abduction and human trafficking【贩卖人口】, and organized more than 400 family reunions. The operation, dubbed"Reunion", started in January. The goal was to solve the backlog of child abduction and trafficking cases, arrest suspects and find the missing children. The ministry directly supervised major cases, deployed a number of criminal technology and intelligence research experts, pooled all resources and used the country’s DNA system to identify the children. 全国公安机关共侦破拐卖儿童积案85起,抓获拐卖犯罪嫌疑人223名,组织认亲400余场。“团圆”行动始于今年1月,以侦破拐卖儿童积案、抓捕犯罪嫌疑人、查找失踪被拐儿童为主要目标。此次,公安部督办一批重大拐卖儿童积案,依托“全国打拐DNA系统”,并从全国抽调一批刑事技术、情报研判专家,集中力量和各种资源手段查找失踪被拐儿童。 3.WHONOW LISTING COVID-19 VARIANTS WITH GREEK LETTERS The World Health Organization announced yesterday that COVID-19 variants【变种】previously labeled with their scientific names have been given new names using the Greek alphabet. 世界卫生组织昨天宣布,将改用希腊字母命名变异新冠病毒。 The WHO said the new system will make it easier for people to refer to these strains in public discussions, and also prevent stigmatization and discrimination. The B.1.1.7 strain that was first detected in the UK will now be called the "Alpha variant". 世卫组织表示,改用希腊字母命名不仅为了去污名化,也为了简化变种病毒名称。例如,英国首先发现的B.1.1.7变异毒株,被命名为Alpha(阿尔法)。 The WHO said the new labels will be used to refer to the strains and will not completely replace the scientific names. 世卫组织强调,新命名体系将用于指代菌株,不会取代病毒原有的科学名称。 **#**热词加油站 Demographics【人口统计】 maternity leave【产假】 abduct【诱拐】 suspect【嫌疑犯】 human trafficking【贩卖人口】 variant【变种】   订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~