NEWS ON 06/011.SHANGHAI'S 2 MONTH CITYWIDE LOCKDOWN COMES TO AN END上海6月1日起进入全面恢复全市正常生产生活秩序阶段2.STORES & RESTAURANTS REOPEN IN SHANGHAI商圈恢复线下营业3.DANCERS AT THE SHANGHAI BALLET ARE BACK ON THEIR TOES上海芭蕾舞团:练功创排不停 期待重返舞台**-----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦-----------------1.SHANGHAI'S 2 MONTH CITYWIDE LOCKDOWN COMES TO AN END上海6月1日起进入全面恢复全市正常生产生活秩序阶段*As of 12 am today, Shanghai is back in business. People are allowed to enter and exit their residential compounds and go to their workplaces. The roads are open to traffic, and public transportation is up and running. Lei Shuran has more.6月1日0点,上海进入全面恢复正常生产生活秩序阶段。民众可正常出入居住社区和工作场所。道路交通已恢复正常运行。记者雷舒然为您带来更多报道。途经车主I'm very excited. Everyone has been waiting for this moment for the past two months. Traffic between Puxi and Pudong has now resumed. We made it, everyone persevered【坚持】 until this moment of victory.我非常激动。在过去的两个月里,大家一直在等待这一刻。现在浦西和浦东都正常通行了。大家都坚持住了,坚持到了胜利的这一刻。At around 12.30 am, less than half an hour after the streets reopened, there was already congestion【拥堵】 on Yan'an Elevated Road towards the Bund. The slow-moving traffic stretched for nearly 3 kilometers, some parts were even more congested than typical morning and evening rush-hour. The Bund was almost immediately crowded with people wanting to see the *landmark【地标】 waterfront【海滨】 that have not been able to see for so long.凌晨0点30分不到,就在恢复交通后的半小时不到的时间里,延安路高架前往外滩方向上的车流,已经出现了拥堵。从高空俯瞰,从通往外滩的下匝道起,车流缓行一直蔓延到了与南北高架相汇的立交上,长度近3公里,局部拥堵程度甚至超过了以往的早晚高峰。6月1号凌晨的外滩,人流量不减反增。大家都想在这个时刻在这里,看看久违的地标建筑。市民I feel our Bund is really quite beautiful. Feels like reunion after a long absence.我觉得外滩真的还是蛮漂亮的。我对这一切有种久别重逢的感觉。幼儿园小班小朋友I'm going to school in the morning, and I'm also going to play outside. I will open the door, I can go outside now.我明天(6月1日)还要上学,而且我还要出去玩。我要把门打开,我可以出门了。The city's public transportation network also fully restored its services today. Shanghai's metro network carried 913,000 people as of 11 am, approximately half the number before the lockdown.今天(6月1日),全市公共交通网络已恢复正常运行。截至上午 11 时,上海轨交就运送乘客超91.3万人次,载客量大约是封控前的一半。2.STORES & RESTAURANTS REOPEN IN SHANGHAI商圈恢复线下营业*Life returned to normal today for Shanghai residents. As many shopping centers reopened, reporter Zhang Hong went to a mall in downtown Jing'an earlier today, and shares with us what she saw.今天(6月1日),上海进入全面恢复正常生产生活秩序阶段。上海各大商圈的商业网点全面恢复线下营业,记者张泓赶早来到了位于静安区的一家商场,并与我们分享了她的所见所闻。Zhang Hong, Reporter记者张泓*This is my first shopping day in an actual mall in over two months. I'm going to the nearby HKRI Taikoo Hui for some perfume and sneakers. As the mall just reopens today, I'm hoping for some discounts...Oh hello, digital sentry. I've seen it on news so many times. I just need to show my health QR code to this all-in-one machine and it'll pull out my PCR test result, check my temperature, and register me at the venue.Perfume, here I come.这是我两个多月来,第一次能去商场购物。我准备去附近的兴业太古汇买香水和运动鞋。商场今天重新开张,希望能有打折活动…你好,数字哨兵。我在新闻上见过很多次了。我只要把我的健康码给这个机器,它就能核查我的核酸结果,检查我的体温,并且在这个商场登记我有来过。香水,我来了。记者张泓和店员Welcome. Please scan the venue code first.欢迎光临,我们先扫一下场所码吧。Do I need to scan the venue code every time before I enter a store?进每个店都要先扫码吗?Yes. Each store has their own venue code.是的。每家店都有场所码。Ok. Come in.好的。进来吧。You can try our perfume here.这边我们都可以试香。The store manager said she's excited to reopen the store as most customers prefer buying perfume in person rather than online.商店经理说,很多顾客都喜欢亲自到店购买香水,而不是网购。因此她很高兴可以重新开张。*Huang Lanzhen, Store Manager**Atelier Cologne, HKRI Taikoo Hui Store黄兰珍***兴业太古汇 欧珑香水 店长We have many returning customers. They want to see new products that have come in, and they want to try a sample. In the past, we usually saw 300 to 400 customers per day and 500 to 600 on good days. I don't think we will being that many customers right away, but I believe it will gradually recover.我们有很多老顾客,他们希望我们不断有新品推出,可以第一时间闻得到。平日的话店里一天会有300、400左右的客人,高峰期可以达到500、600人,我觉得客流量可能不会一下恢复到之前的水平,但客人陆续会越来越多。Have you been following Will Liu's livestreams【直播】** recently? Well, I know it sounds like an excuse but I really need a proper pair of sneakers before I can start working out along with everyone else watching his livestream. 你最近有关注刘畊宏的直播吗?我知道这听起来像是借口,但是我真的需要一双合适的运动鞋,这样才能和其他看直播的人一起锻炼。The store manager told me that they've actually seen more customers this morning compared to a regular weekday.而另一位商店经理告诉我,与以往的工作日相比,今天上午的顾客其实更多。Sandy Li, Store ManagerOn, HKRI Taikoo Hui Store李筱****兴业太古汇 On昂跑 店长Some customers contacted us on WeChat, asking about new styles and some said they needed some sportswear for summer. We couldn't deliver online orders before. Today is the first day that peoples' lives are back to normal, I suppose everyone is thrilled and more people will come to visit the mall.我们之前也有加了一些顾客的微信,顾客也有问我们新款,或者说自己缺了一些夏天的装备。因为我们的大仓在上海,所以之前也没法发货。今天是恢复营业的第一天,大家心情好像都挺激动的,应该都会出来购物。For the reopening, the mall is offering coupons for stores and restaurants, to encourage more people to come in to do some shopping.商场还提供商店和餐馆的优惠券,以鼓励更多的人前来购物。Zhang Hong, Reporter****记者张泓I got perfume and sneakers. My bank account has taken a hit, but I really enjoyed myself... And as I'm on my way back, I also see many shops and diners reopening on Wujiang Road. I'm looking forward to the day I can sit down and get something to eat here again. 我买了香水和运动鞋。虽然我的银行卡大出血,但我真的很开心…而我在回家路上,也看到吴江路有很多店铺恢复营业。希望某天我可以再次坐下来吃点东西。As restaurants are only permitted to offer take-out, some people had the same expectations as I do. 由于餐馆不能堂食,只能提供外卖,所以有些人跟我的想法是一样的。市民袁先生****Mr. Yuan, ResidentI'm expecting to have a meal with friends once we can go into a restaurant and sit down to eat. 我还是想等恢复堂食后,和大家一起出来吃饭。Ms, Li, Resident****市民李小姐I want to make up for lost time. I'm more interested in finding nice food, like famous local diners and Xiaoyang Shengjian. 以吃的为主,我想把之前失去的全都弥补回来。比如说一些老字号啊,还有小杨生煎。While other people are feeling a little more cautious. 然而一些人认为要更谨慎一点。Ms, Jiang, Resident****市民江小姐I'll need to adjust to the new situation first, before hanging out with friends.我觉得在跟朋友聚会之前,要先适应一下新的情况比较好。Mr, Shen, Resident****市民沈先生There are many places that I want to visit. I want to take my child to some parks and to popular restaurants. But I'll refrain from going to a lot of places for a while. 有很多事情想做啊。比如带小孩子去公园,还有逛一些喜欢的网红店。但我觉得这两天还是少外出一点吧。Shopping centers, parks and scenic spots are now reopening with maximum capacity set at 75 percent. Indoor venues like cinemas and gyms will remain closed for the time being.购物中心、公园和风景区正在陆续开放,最大客流量控制在75%左右。像电影院和健身房这样的密闭场所将暂时处于关闭状态。3.DANCERS AT THE SHANGHAI BALLET ARE BACK ON THEIR TOES****上海芭蕾舞团:练功创排不停 期待重返舞台As the city lifted most epidemic control measures in low-risk communities and allowed many businesses to resume operations, nearly 20 dancers from the Shanghai Ballet returned to their rehearsal studio today and enthusiastically resumed rehearsing【排练】 and training at the Shanghai International Dance Center. Lei Shuran has more. 随着上海全面进入恢复生产生活阶段,上海芭蕾舞团的近 20 名舞者也在今天重回排练室,恢复了在上海国际舞蹈中心的排练和训练。记者雷舒然为您带来更多报道。Bends, jumps, twists and turns....As one of the earliest dancers arrived in the studio, principal dancer Wu Husheng said he's thrilled to be back with the company. Although Wu practiced every day at home, he feels a lot better working alongside his fellow dancers. 屈膝,跳跃,转身和旋转…作为最早抵达工作室的舞者之一,首席舞者吴虎生说,他很高兴能回到舞团。虽然每天都在家练习,但他觉得和大家一起跳舞更好。*Wu Husheng, Principal Dancer***Shanghai Ballet *上海芭蕾舞团首席演员 吴虎生I'm so excited to see everybody today. We'll make every effort to practice, and hope to be on stage soon to show our very best side to the audiences. 因为好久没见到大家了,第一天我的感觉还是很激动,能看到每张熟悉的面孔。我很期待大家快速地恢复状态,能在大幕拉开的那一刻,呈现出我们最完美的演出。 Dancer Qi Bingxue also spent at least three hours a day rehearsing at home during the lockdown, but Qi said she is ecstatic to be back, and is very much looking forward to performances scheduled for later this year. 封控期间,舞者戚冰雪每天至少花 3 个小时在家排练。但她说,她非常开心能重回舞团,并且非常期待今年后续的演出。Qi Bingxue, Principal Dancer*Shanghai Ballet *上海芭蕾舞团首席演员 戚冰雪I just want to perform as much as I can at the second half of the year, to make up for what I've missed during the first half of the year. 我只想着下半年要拼尽全力,多演出多跳,把上半年的都补回来。 Apart from the basic training, Shanghai Ballet has also created an original production called "Da Di Zhi Guang", or "The Light of the Earth". Choreographed by dancer Wu Husheng, the 40-minute production combines contemporary and classical ballet elements, paying tribute to what the city has experienced and witnessed during the past two months. 除了基本的日常训练,上海芭蕾舞团还编排了一部名为《大地之光》的剧目。由舞者吴虎生编舞,长达 40 分钟的演出融合了现代舞与古典芭蕾元素,致敬这座城市在过去两个月里所经历和见证的一切。Wu Husheng, Principal Dancer*Shanghai Ballet *上海芭蕾舞团首席演员 吴虎生Through this production, I hope people will have a bit of more faith and confidence when facing adversity. We eventually see the light at the end of the tunnel. This is why "light" is the core element in this creation. 我希望通过《大地之光》这个作品,运用芭蕾的艺术手法来表达一种精神,就是如何在面对困难时,遭遇逆境时,仍然去迎着那束光。我们需要有信念、有信心,来战胜这一切。我觉得对于"光"的理解、对于"光"的追寻,是这个作品的一个核心表达点。Qi Bingxue, Principal Dancer*Shanghai Ballet *上海芭蕾舞团首席演员 戚冰雪Although we had started rehearsing before the lockdown, we all developed a different perspective on "The light of the Earth" during the past two months. So I will add some of my feelings and reflections into the creation. The choreographer is doing the same, he also had some new inspiration, so he adjusted some of the moves in the ballet. 其实我们在封控前,就已经开始排练过这个作品。但我觉得这段时间和那段时间排练的状态会不一样。可能在之前,我们就只是想着要创排一部作品;但经过这两个月,我就能把这段时间里的所思所感,一些转变的想法,全部带到这个作品当中,或许这样体现出来的东西,和封控前编导给我们的感觉完全不一样。编导也在我们这次的创排中,在一些想法和动作上有了更多、更新的改变。Since May 3, seven dancers led by director Xin Lili have been rehearsing in closed loop management at the Shanghai International Dance Center, other dancers have been training with coaches online since May 9. 自5月3日起,由辛丽丽团长带领七名舞者,在上海国际舞蹈中心进行驻团闭环训练,其他舞者则从 5月9日开始,在网上跟随教练进行训练。Xi Lili, Director*Shanghai Ballet **上海芭蕾舞团团长 辛丽丽Self-training cannot compared with the online training instructed by our seven coaches. For example, how high should the foot be lifted up and how many times should each move be practiced, the dancers won't be able to meet a higher standard without the coach. So I believe as a professional ballet company, it's our responsibility to practice as perfectly as we can to present much greater pieces to the spectators【观众】. 家里可以自己练,自娱自乐,哪里舒服哪里来;但是开了网课后,有7个老师同时上课,特别我在总部给我们几个演员上课,他们就觉得很不一样。比如脚离地多少量,多少次,还有要练他们的精气神,而不是自己对着镜子想怎么样就怎么样。这样练还是很有效果的。我们需要有担当,我们干的活和别人还是不太一样的。作为国有院团,我们需要有顶尖水平的,我们是靠人的肢体语言给观众带来美感,靠肢体语言完成作品。所以我们第一个要恢复肢体的能量,恢复心肺功能,然后我们才能创作出更好的作品。Xin noted that the Shanghai Ballet will show a live rehearsal for free of “The light of the Earth" on its Douyin account, Shanghai ballet, on June 5th at 3pm.舞团团长辛丽丽指出,上海芭蕾舞团将于 6月5日下午3点在抖音账户@上海芭蕾舞团,为观众免费演绎作品《大地之光》。#热词加油站 persevere /ˌpɜ:sɪˈvɪə(r)/ 【坚持】congestion /kənˈdʒestʃən/ 【拥堵】landmark /ˈlændˌmɑrk/ 【地标】waterfront /ˈwɔ:təfrʌnt/ 【海滨】livestreams /ˈlaɪvstriːm/【直播】rehearse /rɪ'hɜ:s/【排练】spectators /spek'teɪtəs/【观众】订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻!不定期投放“精品大咖访谈”喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~