cover of episode 06/01 TOP OF THE DAY “三孩”政策发布/全球技术转移大会开幕/美国阵亡将士纪念日

06/01 TOP OF THE DAY “三孩”政策发布/全球技术转移大会开幕/美国阵亡将士纪念日

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NEWS ON 05/31 1.CHINA TO SUPPORT COUPLES HAVING 3RD CHILD 三孩政策来了!积极应对人口老龄化 2.COMPANIES SEEK TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS AT FAIR “万‘象’需求全球揭榜” 全球技术转移大会开幕 3.MASS GATHERINGS AND TRAVEL RUSH IN US OVERMEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND 美国阵亡将士纪念日民众聚集庆祝 引发疫情反弹担忧 1.CHINA TO SUPPORT COUPLES HAVING 3RD CHILD The Political Bureauof the Communist Party of China Central Committee said today it will supportcouples who wish to have a third child. It said** implementing**【实施】 the policy andsupporting measures will help improve the country’s demographics【人口统计】, overcome challenges brought by an aging population, and preservelabor advantages. The bureau said a third-child policy needs to be drafted【起草】in accordance with【按照】 the law, and thatbirth policies need to take economic and social policies into consideration. 中共中央政治局5月31日召开会议,提出进一步优化生育政策,实施一对夫妻可以生育三个子女政策及配套支持措施,有利于改善我国人口结构、落实积极应对人口老龄化国家战略、保持我国人力资源禀赋优势。会议强调,各级党委和政府要加强统筹规划、政策协调和工作落实,依法组织实施三孩生育政策,促进生育政策和相关经济社会政策配套衔接,健全重大经济社会政策人口影响评估机制。 2.COMPANIES SEEK TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS AT FAIR The Inno-Match Expo,a part of the Pujiang Innovation Forum, opened today at Shanghai ExhibitionCenter and was created to deepen international cooperation in science andtechnology. Zhang Yue has more. 5月31日,2021全球技术转移大会在上海展览中心开幕,此次大会是浦江创新论坛的重要组成部分,旨在促进国内外科技创新合作。 China Baowu brought15 technology needs last year, and 12 were achieved during the event. 去年,中国宝武在会上发布了15项技术需求,大会期间达成了其中12项需求合作。 INTERVIEWEE: Hu Yi,China Baowu 胡翊 中国宝武吴淞口创业园总经理 “This year we brought25 technology requirements, and hope the event will help us find more partners.” “我们今年又带来了25项创新需求,希望在这个平台上能对接更多的合作伙伴。” Biopharmaceutical【生物制药】 companyAstraZeneca also released its needs today, and some companies came up with intended【为…设计的】 solutions. 生物制药公司阿斯利康也发布了技术需求,一些公司也提出了需求解决方案。 INTERVIEWEE: “We are working ondigital therapy and surgical planning, and seeking cooperation on products andresources.” “我们正好是做数字疗法和手术医疗规划,想看看在产品、资源各个方面能不能有些合作。” It was the first timethat Beijing-based high-tech company Terminus attended the event. It will send152 robots for logistics【物流】, disinfection【消毒】 andinspection control work during Dubai’s World Expo in October. 北京的科技公司特斯联是本次大会首次参展的企业之一。在十月份即将举办的迪拜世博会上,特斯联将会展示其物流款、消毒款、巡控款等152台机器人。 INTERVIEWEE: Chen Guanyang,Terminus 陈观养 特斯联机器人事业部销售总经理 “We want to showcase【展示】 our cutting-edge【先进的】 technology tothe world, and cooperate with partners from home and abroad to findapplications for these technologies.” “我们希望向世界展示中国的高科技企业的先进技术,与来自世界,包括中国的合作伙伴交流,把技术更多融合落地。” Many visitors wereinterested in the quantum computer【量子计算机】 at the Yangtze River DeltaRegion scientific and innovation community pavilion. 此外,长三角科技创新共同体馆的量子计算机也备受关注。 INTERVIEWEE: Li Jin, OriginQuantum 李进 合肥本源量子计算科技有限责任公司品牌经理 “Our device can beused at universities and science exhibition halls. We hope to find partners inthis field.” “目前我们的设备和国内多家高校还有科普展馆建立了合作关系。我们想借助这个展会来对接更多的客户群体和行业合作伙伴。” The fair runs untilWednesday. During the event, 10 big companies release their tech needs andabout 100 smaller companies plan to offer solutions. 全球技术转移大会持续至本周三,集中展示10家重点企业的技术需求与100余家小型企业带来的需求解决方案。 3.MASS GATHERINGS AND TRAVEL RUSH IN US OVERMEMORIAL DAY WEEKEN Today is Memorial Dayin the United States, and last weekend saw a travel rush and large-scale gatheringsboth at home in the US and abroad. Lei Shuran has the story. 5月31日是美国阵亡将士纪念日。周末期间,美国国内外出现了旅游热潮,并举办了多场大规模聚会。 In Washington DC,motorcycles rolledthrough the city yesterday. Many of the people watchingweren’t wearing masks. The country’s center for disease control and preventionsays that those who received two doses of vaccine are allowed to go mask-free,but in large gatherings they must continue to maintain a safe social distance. 华盛顿举办了摩托车大游行活动,而许多围观群众并没有戴口罩。美国疾控中心表示,已经接种了两针疫苗的人群无需佩戴口罩,但是在大型集会中仍需要保持安全社交距离。 Airports across thecountry saw surge【暴涨】 in traffic with an estimated 2 million people perday traveling by air over the holiday, the highest since March last year. AtDulles International Airport in Virginia, some passengers had mixed reactionson the sudden surge in travel. 此外,全国各大机场旅客人数暴涨。据估计,节日期间可能有200万名乘客乘坐飞机出行,创去年3月以来美国航空旅客人数新高。在弗吉尼亚州的杜勒斯机场,一些旅客对于出行人数暴涨表达了自己的看法。 INTERVIEWEE: "Well I think I feela little more comfortable that we’ve vaccinated. My, I’m hoping that theairlines are taking the precautions, which they say they have." “我们都接种了疫苗,所以稍稍安心一点。我希望航空公司像他们说的那样采取了防护措施。” “I’m a littlehesitant honestly. It’s a little nervous, you know. I’m a little nervous, don’twant to get sick. I don’t want to get COVID, bring it back. I don’t know ifthere’s a new variant【变体】. “ “说实话我有点犹豫、有点紧张。我不想得病,不想感染新冠病毒,不想把它带回家,也不知道有没有变异新冠病毒。” South Korean YonhapNews Agency has reported that to celebrate the Memorial Day, around 2,000foreigners including US soldiers held parties and set off fireworks andfirecrackers without wearing masks at a beach in Busan. The parties lasted fromSaturday afternoon through early Sunday. Six police cars and dozens of policeofficers were dispatched【派遣】 to the scene after they received nearly 40complaints from local residents. They failed to completely stop the gathering.The US army in South Korea said it is working with local authorities on aninvestigation. 据韩国联合通讯社报道,为庆祝美国阵亡将士纪念日,包括驻韩美军在内的2000余名外国人,在釜山一海滩不戴口罩举行派对并燃放烟花爆竹。派对从周六下午持续到周日早晨。接到附近居民近40次投诉后,警方派出六辆警车与大量警员,却无法完全叫停这场聚会。驻韩美军方面表示,正在与当地政府合作,就此事进行调查。 #*热词加油站 implement【实施】 demographics【人口统计】 draft【起草】 in accordance with【按照】 biopharmaceutical【生物制药】 intended【为…设计的】 logistics【物流】 disinfection【消毒】 showcase【展示】 cutting-edge【先进的】 quantum computer【量子计算机】 surge【暴涨】 variant【变体】 dispatched【派遣】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~