NEWS ON 05/31 1.CHINA REVEALS POLICY PACKAGE TO STABILIZE ECONOMY 国务院印发扎实稳住经济一揽子政策措施 2.SHANGHAI GETS BACK TO WORK TOMORROW 上海6月1日起进入全面恢复全市正常生产生活秩序阶段 3.CHINA INTERNET MOVES FROM CONSUMER INTO INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS 中国互联网从消费领域进入工业领域 -----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.CHINA REVEALS POLICY PACKAGE TO STABILIZE ECONOMY 国务院印发扎实稳住经济一揽子政策措施 China's State Council issued a statement today, urging the implementation of a package of detailed policy measures to further stabilize the economy. 国务院今日印发通知,决定实施一揽子政策措施,扎实稳住经济。 The package, which was first announced at a State Council executive meeting last week, includes 33 measures covering fiscal【财政的】 and financial policies as well as policies on investment, consumption, food and energy security, supply chains, and people's livelihoods. According to the statement, the policies will enhance value-added tax credit refunds as well as accelerate fiscal spending and the issuance of local government special bonds. It is estimated that an additional 142 billion yuan of VAT credits will be refunded, raising the total amount of newly-added tax rebates【退还】 this year to 1.64 trillion yuan. In addition, the country will reduce real borrowing costs, boost financing efficiency via capital markets, and strengthen financial support for infrastructure and major projects. A total of 3.45 trillion yuan worth of special bonds will be issued by the end of June, infrastructure and new energy projects will be prioritized. The policies also include subsidies for companies employing new college graduates, and deferred debt payments for individual and small-scale businesses. 在上周的国务院常务会议上首次提出的一揽子政策措施,涉及财政和金融政策,以及投资、消费、粮食和能源安全、供应链和人民生活共33项。政策提出,要进一步加大增值税留抵退税政策力度,加快财政支出和地方政府专项债券的发行。预计新增留抵退税1420亿元,今年的新增退税总额将达到1.64万亿元。此外,国家将降低实际借贷成本,通过资本市场提高融资效率,并加强对基础设施和重大项目的资金支持。今年已下达的3.45万亿元专项债券将在6月底前发行完毕,优先考虑将基础设施、新能源项目纳入支持范围。政策还包括对招用毕业年度高校毕业生的企业提供补助,以及对个体工商户和中小微企业实施延期还本付息。 2.SHANGHAI GETS BACK TO WORK TOMORROW 上海6月1日起进入全面恢复全市正常生产生活秩序阶段 The Shanghai government announced that daily life will return to normal starting tomorrow. Zhang Hong tells us more. 上海市政府宣布,从明天(6/1)开始,上海就将进入全面恢复全市正常生产生活秩序阶段。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 At today's news briefing【新闻发布会】, Shanghai Vice Mayor Zong Ming said residents in low-risk areas will be allowed to enter and leave their residential compounds. 在今天的新闻发布会上,上海市副市长宗明表示,低风险地区的居民可以自由出入住宅小区。 Zong Ming Shanghai Vice Mayor 宗明 上海市副市长 Except for those living in medium and high-risk areas as well as closed and controlled areas, people will be allowed to enter and leave their compounds. There's no excuse for a local government, neighborhood committee or property manager to prevent residents from entering and leaving. 除中高风险地区和封控区、管控区外,居民可以自由出入住宅小区。各区、各街镇及各居村委、业委会、物业公司等,不得以任何理由限制居住本社区的居村民出入。 Couriers【快递员】 and delivery personnel are still being asked not to give packages to residents face-to-face. 快递员和外卖员在派件时要采用无接触服务。 Shopping centers, parks and scenic spots will reopen with a maximum capacity of 75 percent. Indoor venues like cinemas and gyms will remain closed for now. Residents living and working in low risk areas will be allowed to commute to their workplace. 购物中心、公园和景区将重新开放,客流总量都不超过最大承载量的75%。电影院、健身房等密闭场所暂缓开放。无疫情风险区域内的企业与小区,居民可以通勤上班。 Shanghai will switch to the "low, medium and high risk area" management protocol【协议】. An area will be listed as high-risk if 10 or more cases are reported in 14 days, or if 2 or more cluster infections occur. A medium-risk area is one with less than 10 cases reported in 14 days or 1 cluster infection. Medium and high risk areas will only upgraded to low-risk if no positive cases are reported for 14 days. People in medium and high risk areas are required to stay at home. 上海将全面实施疫情风险地区划分。如果区域内14天内累计报告10例及以上阳性感染者,或发生2起及以上聚集性疫情,该区域划定为疫情高风险地区。如果区域内14天内累计报告不超过10例阳性感染者,或发生1起聚集性疫情,该区域划定为疫情中风险地区。如果中高风险地区14天内无阳性感染者报告,该区域转为疫情低风险地区。对疫情中高风险地区实施14天封闭管理,人员足不出户。 Starting tomorrow, the price of individual PCR testing at public medical institutions will drop from 25 to 16 yuan. The price of mixed PCR testing will drop from 15 to 6 yuan. PCR testing at testing kiosks around the city will be free until June 30th. 明天(6/1)起,上海公立医疗机构开展的核酸单样本检测价格由25元下调至16元,多样本混合检测价格由每人份15元下调至6元,全市常态化核酸检测点的检测服务免费至6月30日。 Buses and metro lines will be back up and running. All but 7 metro line stations will reopen. The time of the first and last train will be restored to normal but there won't be extended running time on weekends. Private cars will once again be allowed to drive within in the city. 地面公交、轨道交通明天起全网恢复基本运行。轨道交通除7座车站外,都恢复基本运行。首末班车时间恢复至常态水平,暂不恢复周末延时运营。私家车可以在市内正常出行。 Xing Peiyi, Head Shanghai Traffic Police 邢培毅 上海市公安局交警总队总队长 Checkpoints and barriers set up for pandemic control at cross-river bridges, tunnels and district borders will be removed from 12am tomorrow. Private cars can drive within the city, including crossing the Huangpu River and moving between districts. 6月1号零时以后,将取消原来设置在越江桥隧、区区交界地方的防疫的查控岗位,移除相关的路障设施。私家车可以在全市范围内通行,包括跨黄浦江和跨区通行。 Police said people leaving Shanghai in their private car need to provide a 48-hour negative PCR test result and a 24-hour negative antigen test result. People returning to the city only require a 48-hour negative PCR test result. Drivers are reminded to check their car's condition before hitting the road. 警方表示,驾驶私家车离沪的人员需提供48小时内核酸阴性证明和24小时内抗原阴性证明。来沪返沪人员需提供48小时核酸阴性证明。驾驶员在上路前要对汽车的状况做好检查。 3.CHINA INTERNET MOVES FROM CONSUMER INTO INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS 中国互联网从消费领域进入工业领域 As a combination of key infrastructure【基础设施】, a new industrial ecology and a new application model, the industrial internet marks the internet's extension from consumption and entertainment into the production sector. It's playing an increasingly important role by injecting the internet into the industrial economy and fostering new growth drivers. Zhang Shixuan has more. 工业互联网是关键基础设施、工业新生态和应用新模式的融合,标志着互联网从消费、娱乐向生产领域的延伸。工业互联网正发挥着越来越重要的作用,将互联网融入工业经济,培育新的增长动能。记者张泓带来更多详细报道。 Thanks to the development of new technologies like 5G, big data and cloud computing, the digital transformation in the industrial manufacturing world is moving ever faster. New industrial internet services have proved to be very effective during the outbreak. 随着5G、大数据、云计算等新技术的发展,工业制造业数字化转型步伐加快。新型工业互联网服务在疫情期间发挥了重要作用。 Ling Dai, Vice General Manager China United Network Communications Corp. Shanghai Branch 戴苓 中国联通上海公司副总经理 For example, our AR remote instruction product utilized the low latency of 5G networks, and helped many professionals solve equipment problems without being on-site. The AR glasses help with the remote work instruction. And during the outbreak this year, we've also launched an all-in-one service, or "digital sentry". Based on our all-round factory smart solutions, we upgraded some staff management functions for factories. By checking the staff whitelist with the health information on the digital sentry, we've helped promote work and business resumption. 例如我们的AR远程专家指导产品,利用5G网络低时延特性,解决了很多专家无法到达现场解决工厂设备问题的难题。AR眼镜帮助实现了远程工作指导。在今年疫情期间,我们也推出了数字哨兵这样一个一体化服务产品。基于我们的全连接工厂解决方案,我们紧急升级了厂区人员管理模块功能。通过工作人员白名单和"数字哨兵"健康信息的比对,助力复工复产顺利开展。 Just yesterday, the company announced that it will further leverage【充分利用】 its technology advantages in nine key areas. One of them, is the equipment manufacturing sector. And all these, requires a stable supply of 5G services. As of yesterday, China Unicom reported it had already rolled out 760,000 5G base stations nationwide. 就在昨天,该公司宣布将进一步发挥其在九个关键领域的技术优势。其中之一就是装备制造业。所有这些都需要稳定的5G服务供应。截至昨日(5/30),中国联通报告,已在全国部署了76万个5G基站。 Zhang Shixuan Reporter 张诗璇 记者 The development of China's industrial internet sector is entering the fast lane, with a slew of【大量的】 new breakthroughs, new models and new applications. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has just unveiled its annual list of national-level cross-sector and cross-field industrial internet platforms for the year 2022, adding another 14 to join the national program, which is expected to support enterprises' digital, internet and smart production. 中国工业互联网发展正在进入快车道,新突破、新模式、新应用层出不穷。工业部和信息技术部刚刚公布了2022年国家级跨部门、跨领域工业互联网平台年度名单,新增14个国家项目,支持企业数字化、互联网和智能生产。 Having been working on industrial internet applications for around 5 years, AI tech giant iFLYTEK has had one of its platforms selected by the central government. Its technologies have wide applications in sectors like coal, automobiles and medicines to help manufacturers save costs on equipment upgrades and energy. The new solutions have proved to be very helpful especially during the outbreak, when many medium and small sized firms have been facing great challenges. 人工智能科技巨头科大讯飞在工业互联网应用领域已经运营了5年左右,其中一个平台入选了国家项目。其技术在煤炭、汽车和医药等行业有广泛应用,帮助制造商节省设备升级和能源的成本。事实证明,新的解决方案非常有用,尤其是在疫情期间,当许多中小企业面临巨大挑战之时。 Fei Hongfei, Director Industrial Internet, iFLYTEK There are some auto parts manufacturers in Anhui Province, with lots of equipment. Usually in a workshop, newly added equipment is highly automated. Those added earlier were of a lower level of automation, and there is also equipment from the 1980s. But they are all key components in the whole production chain. With the help of our system, it only costs some 1,000 or 2,000 yuan to renovate an older piece of equipment, which saves money for the factory. 安徽省有一些汽车零配件的厂商,里面有很多的机床设备。往往在一个车间,新添置的设备都是自动化程度比较高的。之前添置的设备,自动化程度比较低,还有一些设备是上个世纪80年代的。但他们都是整个生产链的关键零部件。在我们的系统的帮助下,一台旧设备的改造成本只需要一两千元,为工厂节省了资金。 And now that the central government has initiated the national East-Data-West-Computing project, the tech giant has been thinking even bigger. 现在,国家启动了“东数西算”工程,这家科技巨头正在考虑做得更大。 Fei Hongfei, Director Industrial Internet, iFLYTEK The middle and western areas now have a lot of industrial chains, which are closely connected with those in the eastern region. Through the industrial internet platforms, for example, some of our projects in the eastern area with large database, can quickly analyze and summarize the data or do some calculations. And we can send that data to some computing centers in the western region. 中西部地区现在承接了很多的产业链,和东部地区的产业链是紧密相关的。通过工业互联网平台,比如我们在东部地区的一些项目,有很大的数据库,可以快速地分析,总结,归纳数据,或者是进行一些运算。我们可以把数据送到西部地区的一些算力中心。 Fei points out that the data the system helps collect will also help local governments better allocate resources, including human resources and focus better on future industrial development. It is also now working with universities to better protect data safety. 他指出,该系统帮助收集的数据也将帮助地方政府更好地进行资源配置,包括人力资源,并更好地关注未来的工业发展。该公司目前还在与大学合作,以更好地保护数据安全。 #热词加油站 fiscal /ˈfɪskl/【财政的】 rebate /ˈriːbeɪt/【退还】 news briefing【新闻发布会】 courier /ˈkʊriə(r)/【快递员】 protocol /ˈprəʊtəkɒl/【协议】 infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/【基础设施】 leverage /ˈliːvərɪdʒ/【充分利用】 a slew of【大量的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~