NEWS ON 05/29 1.SHENZHOU-16 SCHEDULED TO BLAST OFF TOMORROW *明日出征!神舟十六号乘组集体亮相* 2.CHINA'S FIRST QUADRIVALENT CORONAVIRUSVACCINE NOW AVAILALBE IN BEIJING** 针对四种变异株!北京等地开始接种国内首款四价新冠疫苗 3.GIANT PANDA YA YA RETURNS TO BEIJING ZOO 大熊猫“丫丫”平安回到“老家”北京动物园 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.SHENZHOU-16 SCHEDULED TO BLAST OFF TOMORROW *明日出征!神舟十六号乘组集体亮相* The Shenzhou-16 spaceship is expected to launch at 9:31am tomorrow from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China. Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao willsoonbe on board and begin a 5-month mission on the country's space station. Now Bei brings us the details. 神舟十六号飞船预计将于明天(05/30)上午9点31分在位于中国西北部的酒泉卫星发射中心发射。景海鹏、朱杨柱、桂海潮三名航天员将搭载飞船前往中国空间站并开展为期5个月的任务。主播爱新觉罗·贝带来详细报道。 Compared to previous crews, the Shenzhou-16 comprises a diverse trio【三人组】 of male astronauts with different career paths. One started as an air-craft pilot, another as a flight engineer and the other as a pay-load specialist. 与以往相比,神舟十六号飞船由3种类别航天员构成全新乘组。三人职责各不相同:一个是航天驾驶员,一个是航天飞行工程师,另一个是载荷专家。 Former air-craft pilot Jing Haipeng is commander of the Shenzhou-16 mission. He's 57 years old and will be the country's first astronaut to go into space a Fourth time. 前航天驾驶员景海鹏是神舟十六号任务的指令长。现年57岁的他将成为中国首位四次出征太空的宇航员。 Jing Haipeng Astronaut 景海鹏 航天员 “我十分渴望再上太空,要跑好空间站属于我的那一棒。每天600个俯卧撑、600个仰卧起坐、上千次跳绳,已经成了我的标配了,就是为了四次圆梦。” “I'm very much looking forward to going into space again and contributing to the development of our space station. 600 push-ups, 600 sit-ups, and jumping rope have become part of my daily routine to be eligible【合格的】for this mission.” Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao, both born in 1986, are set to embark on their first trip to space. Zhu will serve as space-flight engineer on the mission. 朱杨柱和桂海潮都出生于1986年,即将开始他们的首次太空之旅。朱杨柱将担任此次任务的航天飞行工程师。 Zhu Yangzhu Astronaut 朱杨柱 航天员 “如果出现一些小故障,工程师需要与地面协同。我主要负责恢复我们的运行状态,更多的是平台产品的维护维修。” “An engineer is required to work with staff on Earth if there are some minor malfunctions. I'm mainly responsible for maintenance【维护】 and system repairs.” And Gui is a civilian astronaut and a professor at Beijing-based Beihang University. He will work as pay-load expert. 桂海潮是一名民用宇航员,也是北京航空航天大学的教授。他将担任载荷专家。 Gui Haichao Astronaut 桂海潮 航天员 “载荷专家这个角色,主要是负责空间站有效载荷的操作、管理、维修、维护以及各项科学实验试验的开展。之后是实验数据和实验结果的收集、整理、分析。” “I'm mainly responsible for the operation, management, repair and maintenance of payloads and doing various experiments on the space station. I'll be collecting, organizing and even analyzing our findings.” Shenzhou-16 is the space program's second manned flight this year. The crew will stay in orbit for about five months. 神舟十六号载人飞行任务是载人航天工程今年的第二次飞行任务。3名航天员将在轨驻留近五个月。 The China Manned Space Agency also announced today that they plan a manned lunar landing by 2030. 中国载人航天工程办公室今天(05/29)宣布,计划在2030年前实现中国人首次登陆月球。 Lin Xiqiang, Deputy Director China Manned Space Agency 林西强 中国载人航天工程办公室副主任 “总的目标是2030年前实现中国人首次登陆月球。开展月球科学考察及相关技术试验,突破、掌握载人地月往返、月面短期驻留、人机联合探测等关键技术,完成登、巡、采、研、回等多重任务,形成独立自主的载人月球探测能力。” “The overall goal is to achieve China's first manned landing on the moon by 2030 and carry out lunar explorations and technological experiments. Other goals include mastering key technologies to make a Earth-moon manned roundtrip, and remain on the moon's surface for a short stay. This will involve human-robot collaboration and forming an independent capability of manned lunar exploration.” The Agency released an announcement to solicit【征求】public proposals for the country's first manned lunar rover. 与此同时,中国载人航天工程办公室发布公告向全社会征集首辆载人月球车的研制方案。 2.CHINA'S FIRST QUADRIVALENT CORONAVIRUSVACCINE NOW AVAILALBE IN BEIJING** 针对四种变异株!北京等地开始接种国内首款四价新冠疫苗 China's first quadrivalent recombinant coronavirus vaccine is now available in Beijing and some other cities. The vaccine was developed by Sinocelltechwhich isbased in Beijing. 近日,全国首款四价新冠疫苗开始在北京等地接种。这款疫苗由北京神州细胞公司研发。 The vaccine offers better protection against four corona-virus variants including Omicron and Delta. It has been proved safe as a booster after clinical trials reported no serious adverse reactions. Vaccine efficacy exceeds 82 percent 14 days to 4 months after the booster shot. The vaccine is an updated version of the company's previous** bivalent【二价的】 vaccine, that was made available at the end of last year. 该疫苗针对奥密克戎、德尔塔等四种新冠病毒变异株具有更广谱的保护作用。1针加强免疫的安全性良好,临床试验中未发生相关的严重不良事件。1针加强免疫后14天至4个月,预防所有新冠病毒感染的保护效力超过82%。去年年底,该公司的二价新冠疫苗已率先接种,四价疫苗是在此基础上的升级版。 3.GIANT PANDA YA YA RETURNS TO BEIJING ZOO 大熊猫“丫丫”平安回到“老家”**北京动物园 Panda Ya Ya returned to her birthplace of Beijing early this morning after spending 20 years in the United States. She was just released from a month-long quarantine period in Shanghai and is now back at Beijing Zoo. 旅居美国20年的大熊猫“丫丫”,今天(05/29)凌晨平安抵达出生地北京。“丫丫”刚刚结束在上海长达一个月的隔离检疫期,现回到了北京动物园。 Ya Ya's health is stable and zookeepers have prepared a special feeding place for her as well as a tailor-made diet, care, and medical support. She will not be viewable by the public just yet as zookeepers say she needs time to adjust to her new environment given her advanced age. Pandas generally live 15 to 20 years in the wild, but can live up to 30 in captivity. Beijing Zoo says it will periodically release updates on Ya Ya through its official Weibo account. “丫丫”健康状况很稳定。动物园管理员已为“丫丫”准备了专门的饲养场馆,制定了有针对性的饲养护理、医疗保障及营养健康等方案。管理员表示,由于“丫丫”已进入老年,回京后需要一段时间适应新的环境,现在不对外展出。大熊猫在野外通常能活15到20年,但在人工饲养的情况下可以活到30年。北京动物园将通过官方微博定期发布“丫丫”的相关信息。 #热词加油站 trio/ˈtriːoʊ/【三人组】 eligible/ˈelɪdʒəb(ə)l/【合格的】 maintenance /ˈmeɪntənəns/【维护】 solicit/səˈlɪsɪt/【征求】 bivalent/ˈbɪvələnt/【二价的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~