cover of episode 05/29 TOP NEWS | 2022年度上海科技奖公布/卢森堡证交所到访上技所/上海地铁站歌剧院

05/29 TOP NEWS | 2022年度上海科技奖公布/卢森堡证交所到访上技所/上海地铁站歌剧院

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NEWS ON 05/26 *1.FOUR OUTSTANDING PRIZES ISSUED AT 2022 SHANGHAI SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AWARDS 316项(人)获奖!2022年度上海市科学技术奖公布 2.LUXEMBOURG EXCHANGE VISITS SHANGHAI TECH MARKET, TALKS NEW DEALS 卢森堡证券交易所及金融代表团到访上海技术交易所 3.ROSSINI OPERAS RESONATE AT METRO STATION IN SHANGHAI 上海地铁站变身歌剧院!在7号线站内,聆听19世纪意大利歌剧 ----------------记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.FOUR OUTSTANDING PRIZES ISSUED AT 2022 SHANGHAI SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AWARDS 316项(人)获奖!2022年度上海市科学技术奖公布 316 individuals and projects wonthe2022 ShanghaiScience andTechnology awards today. Awards were handed out in various categories including top individual prize, natural science prize,andtechnical inventions.Four outstanding awardswere givento projectsincluding medical consumables and teaching the public about the corona virus. Zhang Yue has more. 今天(05/26),2022年度上海市科学技术奖授奖316项(人),包括青年科技杰出贡献奖、自然科学奖、技术发明奖等。医疗耗材、新冠肺炎知识普及等4个项目获得优秀奖。记者张乐带来更多报道。 The team of Academician Liu Changsheng from the Chinese Academy of Sciences won an outstanding award in the category of technical inventions. The team has invented artificial bone material that reduces the cost of surgery.In the past, some patients withaslipped disc could only use their own bones for surgery. The team’s invention has been usedin more than 800 hospitals around the country, helping more than 300,000patients. The treatment efficiency rate was more than 90 percent is highly effective in treating pain. 中科院院士刘昌胜的团队获得技术发明类特等奖。该团队发明了人工骨材料技术,降低手术成本。以前,腰间盘突出患者只能用自己的骨头做手术。该发明已经应用于全国800多家医院,帮助了30多万名病患。治疗有效率达90%以上,在止痛方面极为有效。 Liu Changsheng, Academician of theChinese Academy of Sciences* 刘昌胜 中科院院士 “我们发明了一个促进骨生长因子的生物合成方法,并构建了骨修复体。骨修复体用于股骨头坏死的治疗上,在促进骨骼生长方面发挥着重要作用。” “We invented a method to synthesize【合成】 the bone growth factor and made a bone prosthesis to use during the treatment of femoral necrosis. The technology will playanimportant role in promoting the growth of bone.” Doctor Zhang Wenhong from Huashan Hospital and his team, was given an outstanding award in the category of popularizing science and technology for his contribution in teaching the public about COVID-19. 来自华山医院的张文宏医生和他的团队在向公众普及新冠肺炎知识方面做出了贡献,被授予科技普及类特等奖。 Zhang Wenhong**,Head of theNational Medical Center**for Infectious Disease, Huashan Hospital** 张文宏 国家传染病医学中心主任、华山医院感染科主任 “我们不仅仅是对个体进行治疗,更多的是在生活方式和防疫策略上对大众有更多沟通,这些工作其实也是我们一线的医务工作者的责任所在。” “We should treat every individual who was infected with coronavirus.But, we should also help people improve their lifestyle and learn pandemic control methods. This work is alsotheresponsibilityof us frontline【一线】 medical workers.” Other outstanding awards covered areas in aviation【航空】 and siliconewafertechnology. 其他特等奖项涉及航空和硅片技术领域。 2.LUXEMBOURG EXCHANGE VISITS SHANGHAI TECH MARKET, TALKS NEW DEALS 卢森堡证券交易所及金融代表团到访上海技术交易所 Delegations from the Luxembourg Stock Exchange paid a visit to the Shanghai Technology Exchange today, both sides looking for more opportunities to create another bridge for Chinese companies to expand their business in Europe.Thereporter Zhang Shixuan was at the meeting and finds out more. 卢森堡证券交易所及金融代表团今天(05/26)赴上海技术交易所进行参观访问。双方寻求更多机会,为中国企业在欧洲拓展业务搭建桥梁。记者张诗旋在会议现场带来更多信息。 The delegations led by Julie Becker, CEO of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, arrived at the Shanghai Technology Exchange at noon. In an introductory speech, Becker introduced the exchange's business, particularly its listings of Chinese bonds. In 2011 the LuxembourgExchange became the first in Europe to list a dim sum bond, and as of now, it lists more than 40 issuers.   由卢森堡证券交易所首席执行官Julie Becker率领的代表团于中午抵达上海科技交易所。在介绍讲话中,Becker介绍了卢森堡交易所的业务,特别是中国债券在该交易所的上市情况。2011年,卢森堡证交所成为第一个发行“点心债券”的欧洲证交所。目前卢森堡证交所有超过40个债券发行方。 Xie Zhujun, PresidentofChina-LuxembourgChamber of Commerce** 谢竹君 中卢商会主席 “这次是卢森堡交易所3年新冠以后第一次来到中国,也是首次访问上技所。我相信会与更多中国企业在绿色能源方面有一些交流。中国在许多领域领先,比如汽车电池板,应该说处于全球领先地位。我们了解到,中国的汽车电池一次充电可以续航700或800公里。” “This is the first visit of Luxembourg delegation to China in three years, and also the first visit to the Shanghai Technology Exchange. We will engage in exchanges related to green energy with more Chinese companies. China has been ahead in many fields. For example,we learned that China's automobile battery can power a drive of 700 or 800 kilometers on a single charge.” Xie added that this small but financially important Western European country has become one of the most popular destinations for Chinese financial asset investors. 谢竹君补充道,这个小而重要的西欧国家已经成为最受中国金融资产投资者欢迎的目的地之一。 And since the Shanghai Technology Exchange listsalmost 100 green tech developers, there could be many new possibilities for cooperation with the LuxembourgExchange. 由于上海技术交易所列出了100多家绿色技术开发商,因此与卢森堡交易所的合作会有许多新的可能性。 Yan Mingfeng, CEOof theShanghai Technology Exchange 颜明峰 上海技术交易所总裁 “中国的企业如果要走出国门,怎样依托海外资本市场,能够通过在海外发行一定绿债、资本,反过来投资海外的市场开拓,会更容易发展。现在已经有一批企业通过交易所平台,在欧洲、美国、一带一路相关国家布局,我们有一家企业专门通过交易所平台走出国门,海外的销量占到国内全球产值的90%以上。” “For a Chinese company desiring to go abroad, it's easier to develop if they can rely on an overseas capital market, issuing green bonds overseas and using the capital to carry out overseas  market exploration. Now we already have a batch of companies expanding to Europe, and the US and Belt and Road countries through our exchange. At one of them overseas sales now account for more than 90% of its production value.” The Shanghai Technology Exchange is the first permanent national technology market in China.  Since October 28th, 2020, more than 17 billion yuan worth of transactions have been completed there.   上海技术交易所是中国第一个常设国家技术交易市场。自2020年10月28日以来,已经完成了超过170亿元的交易。     3**.ROSSINI OPERAS RESONATE AT METRO STATION IN SHANGHAI 上海地铁站变身歌剧院!在7号线站内,聆听19世纪意大利歌剧 A new free musical exhibition has opened at Middle Longhua Road Metro Station. The show is an introduction to the Rossini Opera Festival, the only international festival dedicated to Gioachino Rossini, a famous 19th-century Italian composer noted for his operas. Reporter Zhang Hong takes a look. 一场全新的免费音乐展览在龙华中路地铁站开幕。该展览是对罗西尼歌剧节的介绍。罗西尼歌剧节是唯一一个专门为焦阿基诺·罗西尼举办的国际音乐节。罗西尼是19世纪意大利著名的作曲家,以其所作歌剧而闻名。记者张宏报道。 Select pieces from Rossini's operas were performed at the opening ceremony this morning in a public area near Exit 1 of Middle Longhua Road Station of Metro lines 7 and 12. The area now features pictures and videos that introduce Italian composer Gioachino Rossini and the Rossini Opera Festival. 今天(05/26)上午,地铁7号线和12号线龙华中路站1号出口附近的公共区域举行罗西尼歌剧选段的开幕式,展示了介绍意大利作曲家焦阿基诺·罗西尼和罗西尼歌剧节的图片和视频。 Rossini was born in 1792. He composed his first opera when he was 14 and at the age of 37, he had composed over 30. 罗西尼出生于1792年。14岁创作了他的第一部歌剧,37岁时已经创作了30多部歌剧。 This piece from "William Tell", was staged for the first time in 1829. It tells the story of the Swiss fight for independence led by William Tell against the Austrians. It is Rossini's last work for the operatic stage. The auteur retired at the height of his fame. 这部出自《威廉·退尔》的作品于1829年首次上演。它讲述了由威廉·退尔领导的瑞士人反抗奥地利人争取独立的故事。随后,导演罗西尼在他最负盛名时退休,因此这是他在歌剧舞台上的最后一部作品。 Daniele Vimini, President of****Rossini Opera Festival 丹尼尔·维米尼 罗西尼歌剧节主席 “RossiniOperaFestival is a festival born in 1980, so it is now the 44th edition. It is the festival that plays only musical of Rossini. Because Rossini was born in Pesaro, Rossini left all his heritage, all his legacy to the city of Pesaro to teach music to the younger generation. And we decided to dedicate him a great festival with the best artist of the world since 1980 so it is a great opportunity for everybody in the world that loves the musical of Rossini. You can listen to all the 37 operas that he wrote in his life.” “罗西尼歌剧节诞生于1980年,今年是第44届。这是一个只演奏罗西尼音乐的节日。因为罗西尼出生在佩萨罗,所以罗西尼把他所有的遗产都留给了佩萨罗市,用来教授年轻一代音乐。自1980年以来,我们决定与世界上最好的艺术家一起为他举办一个伟大的节日,这对世界上所有热爱罗西尼音乐剧的人来说是一个绝佳机会。你可以听到他一生所写的全部37部歌剧。” Students and staff from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music were also at the metro station. The institution is looking forward to more cooperation with the Rossini Opera Festival. 上海音乐学院的学生和工作人员也在地铁站。上海音乐学院期待着与罗西尼歌剧节的更多合作。 Feng Lei, Vice President** of****Shanghai Conservatory of Music 冯磊 上海音乐学院副院长 “罗西尼歌剧节在世界上具有非常高的影响力,很多专业学者都以能进入罗西尼歌剧节演出,以及能接受他们的短期培训而感到自豪。我们正在讨论关于人才培养、歌剧研究和创作方面的合作细节。” “The Rossini Opera Festival is very influential worldwide. Many opera scholars take pride in being able to perform at the Festival and receiving short-term training at their academy. We are discussing details to cooperate with them in terms of talent cultivation【培养】, collaboration on opera studies and creation.” An official from Shanghai People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries said there have been more events in Shanghai introducing Italian culture to the public. Including the newly opened "Botticelli and the Renaissance" exhibition at Bund One Art Museum, and "Design for Fun - Italian Contemporary Design" that just concluded at Museum of Art Pudong. The association believes a metro station is also a good place to introduce Italian operas to more people. Middle Longhua Road Station became a gallery with replicas of 29 paintings from Spain's Prado Museum in 2021 and replicas of paintings by Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dali last November. 上海市人民对外友好协会的一位负责人表示,在上海,向公众介绍意大利文化的活动越来越多。包括刚刚在上海东一美术馆开幕的“波提切利与文艺复兴”展,以及刚刚在上海浦东美术馆闭幕的“ 乐趣与智慧——意大利当代设计”展。协会认为,地铁站也是向更多人介绍意大利歌剧的好地方。龙华中路站于2021年成为西班牙普拉多博物馆29幅画作的复制品画廊,去年11月成为西班牙超现实主义艺术家萨尔瓦多·达利画作的复制品画廊。 #热词加油站 synthesize/ˈsɪnθəsaɪz/【合成】 frontline/ˈfrʌntˌlaɪn/【一线】 aviation /ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn/【航空】 cultivation/ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n/【培养】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~