NEWSON 05/27 1.RUIJIN HOSPITAL RECEIVES CRITICAL PATIENTS BYHELICOPTER 空中救护车已就位,与时间赛跑,我们又快了一步! 2.BABY ANIMALS READY TO MEET VISITORS AT SHANGHAIZOO 上海动物园喜迎婴儿潮,动物宝宝扎堆出生啦! 3.SUMMER DAYSCALLS FOR A BEER, BUT WHEN AND WHERE 夏天夏天悄悄来临,这是属于烧烤炸鸡啤酒的季节! 1.RUIJIN HOSPITAL RECEIVES CRITICAL PATIENTS BYHELICOPTER Two patients in a critical condition【病危】today were flown by helicopter from a hospital inJiaxing, Zhejiang Province to Ruijin Hospital in Shanghai. It came after newprotocols were established for medical emergencies in the Yangtze River Delta. 今天,来自浙江嘉兴的两名重症患者经直升机转运至上海瑞金医院。此前,长三角医疗应急救援体系已逐步建立起来。 At around 10:30 am, a helicopter carrying apatient with lymphomatosis landed at Ruijin Hospital. The patient also had aprostate tumor and severe infection. Still feverish upon arrival, he was givena nucleic acid test before being transferred to the emergency ward【急诊室】. 上午10时30分许,一架直升机降落在瑞金医院,该直升机载有一名淋巴瘤患者,同时伴有前列腺肿瘤、重症感染等合并症。抵达瑞金医院时,患者仍高烧不退。在进行核酸检测后,患者被转移至急诊室。 INTERVIEW: Xu Pengpeng, Deputy Director, Hematology Dept. ofRuijin Hospital *许彭鹏,血液内科副主任医师,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 ** “We first treat the infection. Then our doctorsdetermine the best therapeutic scheme for the patient. “ 我们会首先给予病人抗感染的治疗,之后我们会通过我们全院的整合资源给患者提供最优的诊治选择。 In the afternoon, a helicopter dropped offanother patient from Jiaxing. The individual had suffered a stroke. 下午,直升机再次飞抵瑞金医院停机坪,此次转运的第二位患者被诊断为急性脑梗死。 INTERVIEW: Chen Erzhen, Vice-president, Ruijin Hospital 陈尔真,副院长,上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 “We will be able to save more lives if the rescuehelicopters in the Yangtze River Delta can get these critically ill patients toour hospital, or others in Shanghai.” 把长三角那些需要到我们瑞金医院来救治,甚至包括到上海其他医院救治的一些患者,通过空中救援的路线建立起来,这样能够提高危重病人救治的成功率。 The hospital said a standardized scheme includingapplication, evaluation and transfer of patients will be established to form anmedical cooperation network within the Yangtze Delta【长三角地区】. If weather permits, it will take only one dayto evaluate a patient and transfer him to a better hospital. Ruijin Hospitalsaid it is already cooperating with four hospitals in the delta. 瑞金医院表示,将牵头建立标准化的患者“申请-评估-转运”机制,成立长三角航空医疗救护协作网。在天气允许的情况下,只需一天就可以完成对患者的评估,并转移至医疗水平更高的医院。瑞金医院表示,目前为止已与长三角地区的四家医院开展了合作。 2.BABY ANIMALS READY TO MEET VISITORS AT SHANGHAIZOO The Shanghai Zoo has seen a recent baby boom,with several newborn animals coming into the world. Some of these adorable【可爱的】little creatures will be ready to meet the publicon Children’s Day. 最近,上海动物园迎来了婴儿潮,可爱的动物宝宝们扎堆出生,将在儿童节和游客见面。 On May 10th, the Hippo family at Shanghai Zooadded a new member, as mother Xiao Dong Xi gave birth to her fifth calf. 5月10日,上海动物园的河马一家又添了一个新成员,河马妈妈”小东西”生下了她的第五个宝宝。 INTERVIEW: Wang Haixiong, Keeper of Hippo House, ShanghaiZoo *王海雄,上海动物园河马馆饲养员 ** “As the mother hippo has experienced givingbirth, we’ve gradually loosened restrictions and let the baby meet visitors.” 随着它一胎一胎生产以后有经验了,我们会采取逐步放开措施 让它的宝宝从小就和游客见面。 In late March, the 20-year-old giraffe "SiEr" gave birth to a healthy male baby giraffe after 15 months ofpregnancy. Now the baby, which is only 2 months old, is over 2 meters tall. Inaddition to weaning【使断奶】, it has started to learnto eat grass and gnaw leaves under the guidance of its mother. In the past twodays, visitors can already see the baby in the giraffe outdoor exhibition area. 今年3月下旬,20岁的长颈鹿妈妈“四二”在怀孕15个月后产下了一只健康的雄性长颈鹿宝宝。如今只有2个月大的长颈鹿宝宝身高已超过2米。断奶之后,它还在妈妈的引导下学会了吃草和啃树叶。这两天,游客们已经可以在长颈鹿户外展区看到他了。 INTERVIEW: Tan Tao, Keeper of Giraffe House, Shanghai Zoo 上海动物园长颈鹿馆饲养员 谈涛 “It’s actually very timid. We suggest that when visiting our giraffehouse, visitors should not make any loud noises when visits the baby giraffe,so as not to disturb it.” 其实它胆子还是很小的。建议各位游客在游览我们长颈鹿馆的时候,看到小长颈鹿不要大声喧哗,不要惊扰到它。 Since the beginning of this year, Shanghai Zoohas successfully bred nearly a hundred baby animals such as chimpanzees,gibbons, roe deer, foxes, porcupines and penguins. On the eve of June 1st,these babies will meet with visitors one after another. 今年年初以来,上海动物园已成功繁育出黑猩猩、长臂猿、狍子、狐狸、豪猪、企鹅等近百只动物宝宝。六一前夕,这些动物宝宝将陆续与游客见面。 3.SUMMER DAYSCALLS FOR A BEER, BUT WHEN AND WHERE Reporter 记者 Like everywhere else in the world, when going outwith friends, many Chinese like a beer. China has always been a huge consumerof beer, but preferences are shifting away from traditional industrial beers tomore premium【优质的】and craft brews. As aresult, sales growth of cheaper beers has been on a decline in recent years,while demand for high-end【高端的】beers is rising. 和朋友外出时,许多中国人喜欢喝啤酒。这一点,世界各地都一样。中国一直是啤酒消费大国,但人们对啤酒的偏好正从传统工业啤酒转向更高端的精酿啤酒。因此,近年来,廉价啤酒的销量增长逐渐减缓,而高端啤酒的需求却在上升。 INTERVIEW: *CITIZENS 市民 “In summer, I go out much more often and watchthe games with friends, sometimes have barbecues. For example, in June I’m watching the Euro Cup with my friends and drinkingbeer.” 夏天在外面看比赛,吃个烧烤,在户外吃饭频率高,今年6月有欧洲杯,会找几个朋友在外面喝喝酒。 Ms. Wu吴女士* “I go out drinking once or twice a week, mostlyafter work somewhere nearby. We usually order food with the beer, so we’ll spend 200 or 300 yuan each. In the summer, we willdefinitely drink outside more, adding another 2 or 3 gatherings a month.” 一星期1-2次,大部分下班在附近喝一杯。消费看情况,大部分时候会点食物,人均200-300元 。夏天会增加频率,吃烧烤、点宵夜,都会点啤酒,一个月会多2-3次。 Ms. Dai*戴女士* “I’ve beendrinking with friends at music festivals, when the temperature has gotten hot.It’s nice to have fresh beers in summer. Last year, we were mostly drinking athome. So for this summer, I would like to travel outside, like Chengdu, formore craft beer bars, maybe attend some beer festivals.” 之前天气热过了,已经约过去音乐节上喝过酒了,夏天和清爽啤酒很舒服。去年比较多在家里喝,外面不方便,今年很想出去打卡,包括上海周边,成都也有很多好的精酿酒馆。我们听说最近上海有啤酒节,有各种精酿啤酒,想尝试。 According to a report by consulting firm Zhiyan,China’s premium beers sales will have an annual compound growth rate of almost5% as of 2023. That trend has already been felt at this convenience store chainin Shanghai. Beers priced over 10 yuan each are enjoying fast sales growth now,and this year’s early summer has been bringingin the beer buyers. 智研咨询公司的一份报告显示,到2023年,中国高端啤酒的年复合增长率将接近5%,这一趋势已经在上海的连锁便利店有所显现。现阶段,单价高于10元的啤酒销售增长很快,在今年夏初吸引了大批消费者。 INTERVIEW: Sun Qi, Comprehensive ServicesDirector, Bianlifeng 孙女士,综合服务经理,便利蜂 “Beer sales in May have had a 10 to 20% increasefrom March and April. As the weather gets warm, people will be going out forcrayfish and midnight snacks, and also, some sports matches. We’re sure to seeanother uptick in beer consumption.” 五月份整个啤酒销量比3-4月环比分别有10-20%增长,现在随着天气转暖,加上小龙虾、夜宵的刺激,和接下来还有一些欧洲杯赛事的刺激,对我们接下来啤酒的销量和夜间啤酒经济的上升很乐观。 Beer manufacturers are responding by looking atnew consumer groups and new sales opportunities. 对此,啤酒制造商纷纷寻找新的消费群体和销售机会。 INTERVIEW: Matt Che, Chief Marketing Officer, BudweiserBrewing Company APAC “Drinking occasions have been changingsignificantly. In the past, when we talking about the consumer drinkinglocations, you drinking at restaurant, bars, clubs and KTVs, and maybe at home.But nowadays people going out for campaigns, for picnic. So when we look at thebeer category, looking at some of the brand trend, we see a very positivemomentum. “ 现如今,喝酒的场合发生了巨大变化。过去,消费者的饮酒地点可能是餐厅、酒吧、俱乐部、KTV或者家里。但现在,人们会选择外出参加活动,包括野餐等我们观察啤酒这一大类,以及一些品牌趋势,能够看到非常积极的势头。。 During the first quarter of the year, thecompany’s sales in the Asia Pacific Region jumped significantly, thanks to its robust【强健的】sales growth in China. Sales here grew by almost85% from a year earlier. And as more people can go out this year, there will beplenty of gatherings over the crayfish, the barbecues and the fried chicken ...and that means more beer to go along with dinner. Cheers! 由于今年第一季度中国区销售额增长强劲,该公司在亚太地区的销售额大幅攀升。中国区销售额较去年同期增长近85%。今年人们终于可以外出了,三五好友聚在一起吃小龙虾、烧烤和炸鸡…这也就意味着晚餐时间,啤酒更加不可或缺。干杯! **#**热词加油站 in a critical condition【病危】 emergency ward【急诊室】 the Yangtze Delta【长三角地区】 adorable【可爱的】 wean【使断奶】 premium【优质的】 high-end【高端的】 robust【强健的】 订阅我们,打卡每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~