NEWS ON 05/25 1.FACIAL RECOGNITION DEVELOPER EARNS TOP SCIENCE AWARD 上海科技奖揭晓,各界大佬SHOW TIME! 2.PRIMARY SCHOOLS LEND HLEMETS TO FORGETFUL PARENTS 共享头盔进校园,“每个人的头上都戴头盔”! 3.WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY REJECTS TAIWAN PROPOSAL 世卫大会再拒涉台提案,一个中国原则不容挑战 -----------------喜欢我们的小伙伴请记得点亮右下角的爱心哦----------------- 1.FACIAL RECOGNITION DEVELOPER EARNS TOP SCIENCE AWARD PRIMARY SCHOOLS LEND The 2020 Shanghai Science and Technology Award was handed out to 281 scientists and projects today. Two standout projects took home the special prize, Yangshan Port’s automated【自动化】 container loading system and a facial recognition technology【人脸识别技术】 that can determine a person from a video or photo. 2020年度上海市科学技术奖共授奖281项(人)。两项突出成果获科技进步奖特等奖:洋山港集装箱自动化装载系统;面向人物的图像视频的人脸识别技术。 You can thank professor Ma Lizhuang at Jiao Tong University for your health QR code【二维码】. In February 2020, the first QR code came online after he developed photo-realistic facial recognition technology that identifies a real face from a mask, video or photo. 上海交通大学的马利庄教授所开发的健康码在疫情防控中起到了非常重要的作用。2020年2月,第一版健康码上线后,他又开发了超精确人脸识别技术,即在戴口罩、视频或照片等情况下进行精准人脸识别。 INTERVIEW: Ma Lizhuang, Special-term Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 马利庄,上海交通大学特聘教授 Photo-realistic technology discerns【识别】 whether it is a real person by analyzing the reflection of light from a face. In traditional methods, the app asks you to shake your head or read some numbers. It is still susceptible【易受影响的】 to avatar attacks. With our technology, there’s no need for any such interaction. 光线活体就是通过三色光打到脸上,根据人脸上的自然反光来判别这个人是不是真人。我们这个技术先进在无接触、无交互,传统技术通常是让你摇摇头、数数字,容易受到模型攻击。 Ma says his technology is secure enough to guarantee the safety of bank accounts. His team also constructed a live facial recognition system for police. It can identify a person by analyzing images and video taken at different times and places. Through that, more than 1,700 missing persons or human trafficking【贩卖人口】 victims have been reunited with their family. 马利庄教授表示,这项技术能够确保银行账户的安全。他和他的团队还为警方建立了一个实时人脸识别系统,通过分析不同时间和地点拍摄的图像和视频来识别人脸。这一系统已帮助1700余名失踪人员及被拐卖者与家人团聚。 INTERVIEW: Ma Lizhuang, Special-term Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 马利庄,上海交通大学特聘教授 The accuracy started off at less than 80 percent, it later increased to 80, 90 something. Then it went to 98, 99.6 and eventually to 99.8 percent. (从一开始)精度从不到80% 到八十几、九十几,后来用深度学习技术,(精度)从98点几到最后99.6、99.8,这样一步步向(科技)高峰攀登。 The other top prize winner is Yangshan Port’s autonomous container loading system now in use at Phase Four project. It’s faster and more automated than similar systems overseas. The dock handled more than 4.2 million containers a year. 此外,洋山港集装箱自动化装载系统也获得了上海市科学技术奖的最高奖项。目前,该系统已在洋山港四期工程投入使用。这一系统与国外同类系统相比,速度更快、自动化程度更高。洋山港码头每年能处理超过420万个集装箱。 INTERVIEW: Huang Xiusong, Director, SIPG Technological Center **黄秀松, **上港集团技术中心主任 Our cranes are able to load and unload containers at the same time. Our autonomous system is able to create a loading plan while loading. 我们尽可能做到桥吊边装边卸,卸一个箱子,马上去装一个箱子。计划和控制我们合在一块,都自己完成,一个大脑去控制整个手脚。我们说自动化程度最高。 The port group is now upgrading the system to boost capacity a further 50 percent. By 2022, the dock will be able to handle up to 6 million containers a year. 181 projects won this year’s Science and Technology Progress Award. In other categories, Dr. Ge Junbo from Zhongshan Hospital’s cardiology department won the highest prize for a breakthrough in treating coronary heart disease【冠心病】. US environmental scientist Bruce E. Rittmann, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, took home the International Science and Technological Cooperation Award. 目前,洋山港正在进行系统升级,将容量继续扩大50%。到2022年,码头每年能处理的集装箱数量将达600万个。今年的上海市科学技术奖共授奖281项(人)。此外,由于在冠心病治疗方面获得重大突破,复旦大学附属中山医院心内科主任葛均波博士也被授予最高奖项。美国国家工程院院士、美国环境科学家布鲁斯E·瑞特曼获国际科技合作奖。 2.PRIMARY SCHOOLS LEND HLEMETS TO FORGETFUL PARENTS About 100 primary schools in Baoshan District are providing shared e-bike helmets to improve student safety after observing that many parents or guardians【监护人】 forget to bring an extra one when picking up their child from school. Everyone riding an e-bike is required to wear a helmet under regulations that came into force this month. 许多家长或监护人接孩子放学时,往往会忘记要多带一个头盔。为保障学生安全,上海宝山区现约有100所小学提供电动自行车头盔共享服务。根据上海市本月起施行的规定,驾驶电动自行车时,驾驶人和乘坐人员必须佩戴安全头盔。 At about 3 o’clock this afternoon, most of the parents waiting at the gate of Baoshan Foreign Languages School were riding e-bikes. Some forgot a helmet for their child. School employees allowed these students to borrow a helmet, which needs to be returned tomorrow. 下午3点左右,已有不少家长等候在宝山外国语学校门口。大多数家长骑着电动车,部分家长却忘了给孩子带头盔。因此,学校为学生提供了共享头盔服务,且学生需在第二天将其归还。 INTERVIEW: **PARENTS **家长 Sometimes I may forget to bring a helmet when I’m in a hurry. It’s nice that I can borrow one from the school. 学生家长有时候可能一下子出门急了,忘记了,可能就到学校里面应一下急。 I forget to take a helmet, I have to borrow one to ensure safety. 学生家长有的借肯定要借一下的,总归要确保安全。 Traffic police said they found most of the parents were just forgetful, rather than deliberately violating the regulation. 交警表示,大部分家长只是容易遗忘,并非故意违反规定。 INTERVIEW: Gu Wei, Baoshan Traffic Police 顾伟,宝山交警支队副支队长 Shared helmets will help improve traffic safety awareness among students and their parents. And that will spread awareness to the whole society. 通过小小头盔的租借,提醒我们的小朋友和家长,他们交通安全的意识。从而以点带面,提升整个社会面的交通安全意识。 The school said helmets will be disinfected【消毒】after each use. 学校表示,头盔每次使用后,都会对其进行消毒。 3.WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY REJECTS TAIWAN PROPOSAL The World Health Assembly, the highest decision-making body of the World Health Organization, yesterday refused to include a proposal on Taiwan’s participation in its agenda. China’s permanent representative to the UN Office at Geneva said the Chinese delegation firmly supported the WHA’s decision. 昨日,世界卫生大会(世卫组织的最高权力机构)再拒将涉台提案纳入议程。中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表表示,中国代表团坚决支持世界卫生组织的决定。 Noting that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China, Chen Xu the country’s permanent representative to the UN Office at Geneva, said UNGA Resolution 2758 and WHA Resolution 25.1 provided the legal basis for the WHO to abide by the one-China principle【一个中国原则】, and recognized Taiwan as part of China. Chen said, the Taiwan proposal is in violation of the principles of the UN Charter, runs against the WHO’s Constitution and the WHA’s Rules of Procedure, and is illegal. 中国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表陈旭大使在发言中表示,台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分。涉台提案违反《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则,违反联合国大会第2758号决议和世卫大会25.1号决议所确认的一个中国原则,违反世卫组织《组织法》和世卫大会《议事规则》,是非法、无效的。 According to Chen, the central government has made appropriate arrangements for Taiwan region’s participation in global health affairs under the one-China principle. Since the coronavirus pandemic began, health experts in the Taiwan region have participated in 16 WHO technical activities, Chen noted. The WHO secretariat briefed health experts in the Taiwan region several times on the pandemic. He said the so-called "international epidemic prevention gap" does not exist, nor do experts from the Taiwan region lack channels to share medical information and experiences with others. 陈旭表示,在一个中国原则的前提下,中国中央政府对台湾地区参与全球卫生事务作出了妥善安排。疫情发生以来,中国中央政府批准台湾地区卫生专家参加世卫组织技术活动16次,数次接受世卫组织秘书处疫情信息通报。陈旭表示,根本不存在所谓“国际防疫体系缺口”,也不缺少台卫生专家对外介绍岛内疫情防控做法的渠道和平台。 Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said yesterday by the time the WHA opened, more than 150 countries had voiced their support for its decision. More than 80 WHO members had sent letters to the WHO to express their commitment to the one-China principle and opposition to Taiwan’s participation in the WHA. China also urged countries to stop politicizing health issues and refrain from interfering in China’s internal affairs through the Taiwan issue. Zhao said this will only hurt their own interests, adding that these acts are doomed to fail. 中国外交部发言人赵立坚表示,本届大会开幕前,已有150多个国家通过外交渠道,表示支持中方决定。80多个国家专门致函世卫组织,表明坚持一个中国原则,反对台湾参加世卫大会。中方敦促个别国家,停止将卫生问题政治化,停止借台湾问题干涉中国内政,否则只会搬起石头砸自己的脚,注定以失败告终。 #*热词加油站 automate【自动化】 facial recognition technology【人脸识别技术】 QR code【二维码】 discern【识别】 susceptible【易受影响的】 human trafficking【贩卖人口】 coronary heart disease【冠心病】 guardian【监护人】 disinfect【消毒】 one-China principle【一个中国原则】 订阅我们,打卡*每日精选英语新闻! 不定期投放“精品大咖访谈” 喜欢生肉贴的小伙伴,可以常来逛逛哟~